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09-12 投稿


barbituric 中文意思翻译



barbituric 短语词组

1、barbituric drugs ─── 巴比妥类药物

2、dipropyl barbituric acid ─── [化] 二丙基巴比土酸

3、diethyl barbituric acid ─── 佛罗那

4、barbituric acid 1864 ─── 巴比妥酸1864

5、isobutyl allyl barbituric acid ─── [化] 异丁基·烯丙基巴比土酸

6、diallyl barbituric acid ─── 二烯丙基巴比土酸

7、isobutylallyl barbituric acid ─── [医] 异丁基丙烯基巴比土酸

8、barbituric acid sds ─── 巴比妥酸sds

9、barbituric definition ─── 巴比妥定义

10、barbituric acid dea ─── 巴比妥酸

11、barbituric acid ─── [化] 巴比土酸 ─── [医] 巴比土酸

12、barbituric acid pka ─── 巴比妥酸

barbituric 相似词语短语

1、barbituric acid ─── 巴比妥酸

2、barbituism ─── 巴比妥中毒

3、barbiturates ─── n.[药]巴比妥类药物;[药]巴比妥酸盐(barbiturate的复数形式)

4、bariatric ─── adj.肥胖症治疗学

5、barbiturism ─── n.巴比妥中毒

6、barbiturate ─── n.[药]巴比土酸盐;[药]巴比妥酸盐

7、barbaric ─── adj.野蛮的,粗野的;原始的

8、barbitalism ─── 巴比妥主义

9、barbituric acids ─── 巴比妥酸

barbituric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、isoamyl ethyl barbituric acid ─── 异戊基乙基巴比土酸

2、Study of the Solid State Reactions of Barbituric Acid and Aromatic Aldehyde ─── 巴比妥酸与芳香醛的固相反应研究

3、any of a group of barbituric acid derivatives that act as central nervous system depressants and are used as sedatives or hypnotics ─── 任何一种巴比妥酸的衍生物,作为中枢神经系统抑制剂,用来镇静或催眠

4、Keywords cyanide;spectrophotometry comparision;isonicotinic acid and barbituric acid; ─── 总氰化物;异烟酸-巴比妥酸光度法;对比;

5、Barbituric acid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item ─── 巴比妥酸;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物

6、Keywords Molecular recognition;Molecular assembly;Lipid bearing barbituric acid;Tetraaminopyrimidine; ─── 分子识别;分子组装体;长脂链巴比妥酸;四氨基嘧啶;

7、Keywords HCN;Continuous flow analyzer;Isonicotinic acid;Barbituric acid;Cigarette;Mainstream smoke; ─── 连续流动法;异烟酸;巴比妥酸;卷烟;主流烟气;

8、Keywords barbituric acid;tautomer;density functional theory method;self-consistent reaction field method;activation energy; ─── 巴比妥酸;互变异构体;密度泛函理论方法;自洽反应场方法;活化能;

9、Ethyl-cyclopentenyl barbituric acid ─── 环庚烯巴比妥

10、phenylethyl barbituric acid ─── 苯巴比妥

11、Any of a group of barbituric acid derivatives that act as central nervous system depressants and are used as sedatives or hypnotics. ─── 巴比妥类药物任何一种巴比妥酸的衍生物,作为中枢神经系统抑制剂,用来镇静或催眠

12、Keywords condensation;barbituric acid;2-thiobarbituric acid;water; ─── 缩合;巴比妥酸;硫代巴比妥酸;水;

13、Keywords sweet potato leaf;stalk and stem;flavonoids;antioxidant effect;thio barbituric acid(TBA); ─── 甘薯叶柄藤;黄酮;抗氧化作用;硫代巴比妥酸;

14、Keywords ionic liquid;microwave;benzaldehyde;barbituric acid; ─── 离子液体;微波;苯甲醛;巴比妥酸;

15、barbituric acid ─── 巴比土酸巴比妥酸

16、Temperature-dependent FTIR study on a supramolecular nanotube from melamine and barbituric acid derivatives ─── 一种超分子纳米管的变温红外光谱研究

17、Effect of Surfactants upon Condensation Reaction of Cinnaldehyde with Barbituric Acid ─── 表面活性剂对肉桂醛和巴比妥酸缩合反应的影响

18、Theoretical Study on Molecular Nonlinear Optical Properties of Barbituric Acid Derivatives ─── 巴比妥酸衍生物分子非线性光学性质的理论研究

19、dipropyl barbituric acid ─── 二丙基巴比土酸

20、Keywords Barbituric acid derivative;Hydrogen bonds;Excimer;Electronic spectroscopy; ─── 巴比妥酸衍生物;氢键;激基缔合物;电子光谱;

21、A salt or ester of barbituric acid. ─── 巴比妥酸盐,巴比妥酸酯

22、Keywords tetrathiafulvalene;barbituric acid;base substance; ─── 四硫富瓦烯;巴比妥酸;底物;

23、Keywords rare earth elements;barbituric acid;complex compounds; ─── 稀土元素;巴比妥酸;络合物;

24、5-Ethyl-5-(1-piperidyl)barbituric Acid ─── 哌啶巴比妥

25、Density Functional Theory on Proton Transfer Reactions and the Aromaticity of Barbituric Acid ─── 巴比妥酸的质子迁移异构化反应及其芳香性的密度泛函研究

26、Theoretical Study on Molecular Nonlinear Optical Properties of Barbituric Acid Derivatives ─── 巴比妥酸衍生物分子非线性光学性质的理论研究

27、5 - arylidene barbituric acid ─── 5-亚苄基巴比妥酸

28、Keywords Primary-secondary wavelength;Isonicotinic acid;Barbituric acid;Water;Cyanide;Spectrophotometry; ─── 主次波长;异烟酸-巴比妥酸;水样;氰化物;光度法;

29、Keywords Barbituric acid;Electron spectrum;Charge transfer; ─── 巴比妥酸;电子能谱;电荷转移;

30、Effect of barbituric acid on the B-Z the oscillating chemical reaction and its analytical application ─── 巴比妥酸对B-Z振荡反应的影响及其分析应用

31、Barbituric acid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item ─── 巴比妥酸;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物

32、Estimation of octanol-water partition coefficients of barbituric acid derivatives using their molecular connectivity indexes and capacity factors ─── 用分子连接性指数法和高效液相色谱法预测巴比妥酸类衍生物的正辛醇-水分配系数

33、Density Functional Theory on Proton Transfer Reactions and the Aromaticity of Barbituric Acid ─── 巴比妥酸的质子迁移异构化反应及其芳香性的密度泛函研究

34、Cyclopentenylallyl Barbituric Acid ─── 烯丙环戊烯巴比妥

35、Ionie liquids used as microwave absorbent to promote the konoevenagel condensation reaction of benzaldehyde and barbituric acid ─── 离子液体作为微波吸收剂促进苯甲醛与巴比妥酸的缩合反应

36、Keywords barbituric acid;density functional theory;tautomerization;transition state;aromaticity; ─── 巴比妥酸;密度泛函理论;互变异构化;过渡态;芳香性;

37、The biruet can develop the color with the cupric sulfate in the alkaline solution, we call that the biruet reaction.Malonyl urea has acidity, so we call it barbituric acid. ─── 巴比妥酸本身无镇静催眠作用,当它的五位亚甲基上的两个氢被烃基取代后才呈现镇静催眠的生理活性,是一类对中枢神经系统起抑制作用的化合物。

38、5-ethyl-5-hexyl barbituric acid ─── 己巴比妥

39、Keywords Iron;Barbituric acid;Colour reaction; ─── 铁;巴比妥酸;显色反应;

40、The first hyperpolarizability and molecular frontier orbit properties of barbituric acid derivatives are studied at HF/6-31G level by coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock (CPHF) method. ─── 摘要采用耦合微扰(CPHF)方法在HF/6-31G水平上对巴比妥酸衍生物的第一超极化率和分子前线轨道性质进行了计算。

41、isobutyl allyl barbituric acid ─── 异丁基烯丙基巴比土酸

42、methyl barbituric acid ─── 甲基巴比妥酸

43、Effect of Surfactants upon Condensation Reaction of Cinnaldehyde with Barbituric Acid ─── 表面活性剂对肉桂醛和巴比妥酸缩合反应的影响

44、Keywords ionic liquid;barbituric acid;aromatic aldehyde;5-alkylene barbituric acid;(5-arylidene thiobarbituric acid); ─── 离子液体;巴比妥酸;芳香醛;5-亚烃基巴比妥酸;5-亚烃基硫代巴比妥酸;

45、isobutylallyl barbituric acid ─── [医] 异丁基丙烯基巴比土酸

46、Phenyl methyl barbituric acid ─── 苯基甲基巴比妥酸

47、Keywords barbituric acid;second-order nonlinear coefficient;electronic spectra;DFT;INDO/CI; ─── 巴比妥酸;二阶非线性光学系数;电子光谱;DFT;INDO/CI;

48、5-ethy1-5(1-piperidyl)barbituric acid ─── 5-乙-哌啶基巴比妥

49、first hyperpolarizability and molecular frontier orbit properties of barbituric acid derivatives are studied at HF/6-31G level by coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock(CPHF) method. ─── 耦合微扰(CPHF)方法在HF/6-31G水平上对巴比妥酸衍生物的第一超极化率和分子前线轨道性质进行了计算。

50、Study of the Solid State Reactions of Barbituric Acid and Aromatic Aldehyde ─── 巴比妥酸与芳香醛的固相反应研究

51、diethyl barbituric acid ─── 二乙基巴比土酸

52、All barbituric acid derivatives are acceptable IV euthanasia agents. ─── 静脉注射可以在不导致动物害怕或者是导致操作者风险的情况下顺利完成。

53、Effect of barbituric acid on the B-Z the oscillating chemical reaction and its analytical application ─── 巴比妥酸对B-Z振荡反应的影响及其分析应用

54、methyl isopropyl bromallyl barbituric acid ─── 甲异丙基溴丙烯巴比妥酸

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