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09-12 投稿



embryologic 发音

英:[ˌembrɪəˈlɑːdʒɪk]  美:[ˌembriəˈlɒdʒɪk]

英:  美:

embryologic 中文意思翻译



embryologic 相似词语短语

1、embryologists ─── n.胚胎学家

2、embryologically ─── 在胚胎学上

3、embryotoxic ─── 胚胎毒性

4、embryonic ─── adj.[胚]胚胎的;似胚胎的

5、embryologist ─── n.胚胎学家

6、embryological ─── 胚胎学的

7、embryology ─── n.[胚]胚胎学

8、karyologic ─── 核仁学

9、embryogenic ─── adj.胚胎发生的

embryologic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In case 6, the heart looks "inverted" compared to normal (Figure 8). This phenomenon is called dextrocardia, and it results from a looping anomaly during embryologic development. ─── 病例6中的心脏与正常相比看上去就像“反转”了一样(图8),这称作右位心,是由于胚胎发育过程中的心脏成环异常导致。

2、Malrotation of the intestine results when the normal embryologic sequence of bowel deelopment and fixation is interrupted. ─── 肠管的正常胚胎发育和固定顺序紊乱就会发生肠道的旋转不良。

3、Malrotation of the intestine results when the normal embryologic sequence of bowel development and fixation is interrupted. ─── 肠管的正常胚胎发育和固定顺序紊乱就会发生肠道的旋转不良。

4、The embryologic pancreas arises from 2 buds in the foregut. ─── 胰腺胚胎学起源于前肠的2个芽。

5、During embryologic deelopment, intestinal rotation primarily occurs in the midgut, the segment of the bowel supplied by the SMA. ─── 在胚胎发育期间,肠管的旋转最初发生在中肠,部分节段的肠管是由SMA供养的。

6、Its etiology is assumed to be abnormal embryologic development of the inferior vena cava as a result of atrophy failure of the right subcardinal vein in the lumbar portion. ─── 导因为下腔静脉的异常胚胎发展结果导致在腰部的右侧心下静脉未萎缩。

7、The embryologic pathogenesis and clinical significance of this kind of variation are also discussed. ─── 结合文献对这一现象的胚胎成因及临床意义进行了讨论。

8、There are 2 embryologic hypotheses for annular pancreas.One indicates a process of fixation of the tip of the entral pancreatic bud to the duodenum before the axis rotation. ─── 关于环状胰腺的胚胎学说有2个,一种学说认为在胚胎发育过程中,在轴旋转前腹侧胰始基尖端已固定于十二指肠。

9、Due to abnormal embryologic development, there is an absence of fallopian tubes, uterus and upper one-third of the vagina. ─── 由于胚胎发育异常导致缺少输卵管、子宫和上三分之一阴道。

10、The hibernoma is a rare neoplasm derived from vestigial remnants of brown fat left from early embryologic development. ─── 越冬腺瘤是一种由早期胚胎中棕色脂肪退化的遗迹发展而成的罕见肿瘤。

11、We report a case of extracranial fenestration detected by cerebral angiography, and analyze the embryologic pathogenesis and clinical significance of this variation. ─── 本文报道1例经确诊为颅外型椎动脉窗式变异患者的全脑血管造影情况,并从胚胎学成因及临床意义方面进行分析和讨论。

12、Opioids and their receptors act as growth regulators during embryologic development, which may explain our findings, ” said Cheryl S. Broussard, the paper’s lead author. ─── 在胚胎发育过程中,阿片类镇痛药物及其受体会起到生长调节素的作用,这或许可以解释我们的研究发现”,该研究报告著者Cheryl S. Broussard说道。

13、Because HSG is associated with sinus tract, the embryologic origin of HSG in the lower neck may be from the branchial apparatus. ─── 因为下颈部异位性唾液腺常伴随管窦腔,所以其胚胎的来源可能是鳃弓器。

14、Keywords Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis;genetic diversity;embryologic study;programmed cell death;anther culture; ─── 中国水仙;遗传多样性;胚胎学研究;细胞程序死亡;花药培养;

15、In case 6, the heart looks "inverted" compared to normal (Figure 8). This phenomenon is called dextrocardia, and it results from a looping anomaly during embryologic development. ─── 病例6中的心脏与正常相比看上去就像“反转”了一样(图8),这称作右位心,是由于胚胎发育过程中的心脏成环异常导致。

16、The hibernoma is a rare neoplasm derived from vestigial remnants of brown fat left from early embryologic development. ─── 摘要越冬腺瘤是一种由早期胚胎中棕色脂肪退化的遗迹发展而成的罕见肿瘤。

17、Due to abnormal embryologic development, there is an absence of fallopian tubes, uterus and upper one-third of the vagina. ─── 由于胚胎发育异常导致缺少输卵管、子宫和上三分之一阴道。

18、Embryologic Research into Reciprocal Crosses Between Brassica juncea and B. Pekinesis ─── 芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交的胚胎学研究

19、"However, the difficulty with PITX2 is that it is essentially an embryologic gene.So it's a tough link to make, because this is an adult-onset disease.We're really still not sure about it. ─── 不过,PITX2 的困难点在于它基本上是个胚胎基因,而这是成人发作的疾病,所以它很难有所连结,我们对它依旧不确定。

20、Conotruncal defects(CTD) are related to abnormal division or rotation of the primitive truncus during embryologic development. ─── 圆锥动脉干畸形(CTD)是由于圆锥动脉干段胚胎发育异常所致。

21、embryologic method ─── 发生学方法

22、During embryologic development, intestinal rotation primarily occurs in the midgut, the segment of the bowel supplied by the SMA. ─── 在胚胎发育期间,肠管的旋转最初发生在中肠,部分节段的肠管是由SMA供养的。

23、Sex is determined when the bipotential embryologic tissues differentiate into testes or ovary. ─── 在胚胎的未分化性腺分化为睾丸或卵巢时,性别就决定了。这个过程是一个复杂而精细的过程。

24、The embryologic pancreas arises from 2 buds in the foregut. ─── 胰腺胚胎学起源于前肠的2个芽。

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