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immunities 发音

英:[ɪˈmjuːnɪtiz]  美:[ɪmˈjunɪtiz]

英:  美:

immunities 中文意思翻译



immunities 词性/词形变化,immunities变形


immunities 短语词组

1、privileges and immunities ─── [法] 特权和豁免权

2、privileges and immunities clause ─── 特权与豁免条款

3、immunities mcoc ─── 豁免权

4、immunities clause ─── 豁免条款

5、immunities 5e ─── 豁免5e

6、diplomatic immunities ─── 外交豁免

7、enjoy diplomatic immunities ─── [法] 享有外交豁免权

8、immunities act ─── 豁免法

9、immunities def ─── 豁免定义

10、immunities from jurisdiction ─── 管辖豁免

11、carrier's immunities ─── [法] 运送人免责

12、consular immunities ─── 领事豁免

13、sovereign immunities ─── [法] 主权豁免, 政府豁免权, 政府机关豁免权

14、immunities means ─── 豁免意味着

15、immunities wow ─── 豁免权哇

16、immunities dnd ─── 豁免dnd

17、fiscal immunities ─── [法] 免除印花税

18、immunities law ─── 豁免法

19、immunities of the carrier ─── [经] 承运人责任的豁免

immunities 相似词语短语

1、immunizes ─── vt.使免疫;赋予免疫性

2、immensities ─── n.巨大;无限;广大

3、ammunition ─── n.弹药;军火;vt.装弹药于;vi.装弹药

4、amenities ─── n.令人愉快之事物(amenity的复数)

5、immunises ─── vt.使免疫(等于immunize)

6、tax immunities ─── 免税

7、impunities ─── n.不受惩罚;无患;[法]免罚

8、disunities ─── n.不统一,不团结

9、communities ─── n.社区;团体,群体;[生态]群落(community的复数形式)

immunities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations; ─── 尊重联合国和各专门机构以及有关组织工作人员的特权和豁免;

2、fiscal immunities ─── [法] 免除印花税

3、She's developing immunities that will help her fight mild infection and her eyes are now open when she's awake and closed when asleep. ─── 她已经有了免疫力可以帮她抵抗轻微的感染,她的眼睛在醒来时会睁开,睡着时会闭上。

4、enjoy diplomatic immunities ─── [法] 享有外交豁免权

5、The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes. ─── 一、本组织于每一会员国之领土内,应享受于达成其宗旨所必需之特权及豁兔。

6、How shall the criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities be investigated? ─── 享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任怎样追究?

7、The AI will not cast inappropriate spells against a target that is immune to them, including elemental immunities like fire. ─── AI不会向一些对某些法术免疫的对象释放不合适的魔法,包括元素免疫。

8、Studies on anti-inflammatory response and immun osupression in posttraumatic patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ─── 创伤后多器官功能不全综合征抗炎症反应和免疫抑制

9、'The [managing director's] immunities are limited and are not applicable to this case, ' spokesman William Murray said. ─── IMF发言人穆瑞(WilliamMurray)说,总裁的豁免权有限,且不适用于此案。

10、Zhou LY, Wang K, Huang LQ, et al.Effects of koumine on immune functions in mice[J]].Chin J Exp Clin Immun, 1992, 4: 14-5. ─── [1]周利元,王坤,黄兰青,等.钩吻对小鼠免疫功能的影响[J].中国实验临床免疫学杂志,1992,4:14-5.

11、2. From point of view of genetic cracks and materials immun... ─── 对此进行的研究有助于深入认识材料疲劳损伤的物理机理。

12、Rome Decision on Legal Capacity and Privileges and Immunities; ─── 关于法律资格和特权和豁免的罗马决定;

13、Diplomats posted to the UN enjoy the legal privileges and immunities allowed under international law for diplomats everywhere. ─── 驻联合国外交人员享有世界各地外交人员按照国际法所享有的法定特权和豁免权。

14、diplomatic immunities ─── 外交豁免

15、Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority ─── 国际海底管理局特权和豁免议定书

16、immunities of the carrier ─── [经] 承运人责任的豁免

17、She tells VOA mother's milk contains important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are found nowhere else.And these provide immunities against a host of infections and diseases. ─── 她说,母亲的乳汁里含有重要营养成分,含有其他喂养食品中都没有的维他命和矿物质,这些营养成分让婴儿获得抵御各种感染和疾病的免疫力。

18、Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges Exemption and Immunities ─── 国际通信卫星组织特权、免除和豁免议定书

19、draft Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority ─── 国际海底管理局特权和豁免议定书草案

20、Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; ─── 国际海洋法法庭特权和豁免协定;

21、The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly states that immunities cannot be used as a shield against criminal liability. ─── 刑事诉讼程序守则清楚指出,豁免权不可被用作逃避刑事责任的挡箭牌。

22、The second settles the equal status of all citizens: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; ─── 其中的第二个句子解决了全体公民的平等地位问题:任何州不得制定或执行任何剥夺合众国公民特权或豁免权的法律。

23、Protocol Regarding the Immunities of the Bank for International Settlement ─── 关于国际清算银行豁免的议定书

24、Keywords great epiploon;actin;peritonitis;immun ohistochemistry; ─── 大网膜;肌动蛋白;腹膜炎;免疫组织化学;

25、Status, privileges and immunities of the representations of states to international organizations; ─── 各国驻国际组织代表的地位、特权和豁免;

26、convention of the privileges and immunities of the united nation ─── [法] 关于联合国的特权及豁免权公约

27、Lu FL,Wang SJ,Xu HX,et al.Study on the treatment of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in mice by dexamethasone[J].Shanghai Mianyixue Zazhi(J Shanghai Immun), 1998,18(1):41-45. ─── [5]陆福履,王胜军,许化溪,等.地塞米松治疗小鼠实验性自身免疫性甲状腺炎的研究[J].上海免疫学杂志,1998,18(1):41-45.

28、Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the INMARSAT; ─── 国际海事卫星组织特权和豁免议定书;

29、She tells VOA mother's milk contains important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are found nowhere else.And these provide immunities against the a host of infections and diseases. ─── 她告诉VOA,母乳含有其它乳制品所没有的重要营养成分、维生素和矿物质,这些物质为婴儿提供了抵抗大多数感染和疾病的免疫力。

30、Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities ─── 《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》

31、foreign sovereign immunities ─── 国家豁免

32、Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities. ─── 各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。

33、Where there are other provisions in agreements on diplomatic privileges and immunities between China and other countries, the provisions of those agreements shall prevail. ─── 中国与外国签订的外交特权与豁免协议另有规定的,按照协议的规定执行。

34、jurisdictional immunities of states and their property ─── 国家及其财产豁免

35、diplomatic privileges and immunities ─── 外交特权与豁免

36、Keywords Gastric primary malignant lymphoma Biopsy Immun ohistochemistry; ─── 原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤;活组织检查;免疫组织化学检查;

37、Carrier's Immunities and Responsibilities in Pallet Transportation ─── 托盘承运人的免责和责任

38、Immun markers of hepatitis B virus ─── 乙肝病毒标志物

39、their blow was aimed at a hand holding out grace, favours and immunities. ─── 他们的攻击本来是希望伸出友好、尊严和豁免之手的。

40、She tells VOA mothers' milk contains important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are found nowhere else.And these provide immunities against the host of infections and diseases. ─── 她告诉VOA,母亲的奶水富含其他所没有的营养,维他命和矿物质,这些可以提供应对感染和疾病的抵抗力。

41、The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. ─── 每个州的公民享有各州公民的一切特权和豁免权。

42、Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America; ─── 拉丁美洲禁止核武器机构特权及豁免公约;

43、sovereign immunities ─── [法] 主权豁免, 政府豁免权, 政府机关豁免权

44、Keywords Cold injury;Ahylysantinfarctase;Erythrocyte immun e adherent function; ─── 冻伤;蝮蛇抗栓酶;红细胞免疫粘附功能;

45、carrier's immunities ─── [法] 运送人免责

46、The Panel discussed the paper on the proposed subsidiary legislation relating to privileges and immunities for the World Trade Organization. ─── 事务委员会讨论关于世界贸易组织特权及豁免权的拟议附属法例的文件。

47、Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, draft; ─── 国际海洋法法庭特权和豁免议定书草案;

48、Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies ─── 专门机构特权和豁免公约

49、Being persons, then, women are citizens, and no State has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, which shall abridge their privileges or immunities. ─── 既然是人们,那麽妇女就是公民,任何州都无权制定或执行任何剥夺她们的公民特权或豁免权的法律。

50、Immun ohistochemistry ─── 免疫组织化学

51、innate immunities ─── 先天性免疫

52、The WTO Agreement created the WTO as a new international organization with a legal personality, legal capacity, and sufficient privileges and immunities. ─── WTO协议创造了世界贸易组织作为一个新的国际组织具有法律人格,法律行为能力和足够的特权和豁免。

53、Immun tolerance ─── 免疫耐受

54、immun immunization ─── 免疫[接种]

55、Shin MH,Kita H,Park HY.Cysteine protease secreted by Paragonimus westermani:attenuates efector functions of human eosinophils stimulated with immunoglobulin G[J].Infect Immun,2001,69(3):1599. ─── 严涛,张惠群,董苌安.卫氏并殖吸虫在小鼠体内的检虫情况与感染次数和感染量的关系[J].中国血吸虫病防治杂志,1993,5(5)279.

56、If foreigners with diplomatic privileges and immunities commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated, those cases shall be resolved through diplomatic channels. ─── 对于享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人犯罪应当追究刑事责任的,通过外交途径解决。

57、She tells VOA mothers' milk contains important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are found nowhere else, and these provide immunities against the (a)host of infections and diseases. ─── 她说母乳包含有重要的在别的其他食物中找不到的营养物质,维他命和矿物质,这些物质提供了对感染和疾病的免疫机能。

58、(f) the same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to members of comparable rank of diplomatic missions. ─── 己、在个人行李方面给予与该成员相应级别外交使团同样的豁免权和便利。

59、No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; ─── 任何州不得制定或执行任何剥夺合众国公民特权或豁免权的法律。

60、Where the bilateral treaties or agreements concluded between China and other countries contain otherwise provisions in respect of consular privileges and immunities, such provisions shall prevail. ─── 中国与外国签订的双边条约或者协定对领事特权与豁免另有规定的,按照条约或者协定的规定执行。

61、No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; ─── 无论何州,不得制定或施行剥夺合众国公民之特权或特免的法律;

62、immunities label ─── 免疫标记

63、Keywords sympathetic ophthalmia;immun opathologic mechanism;immunotherapy; ─── 关键词交感性眼炎;免疫机制;免疫疗法;

64、Since the system of jurisdictional immunities of states came into being, most countries in the world have undergone the transfer from absolute immunity to limited immunity. ─── 摘要国家管辖豁免制度形成之后,世界上大多数国家都经历了从绝对豁免立场向限制豁免立场的转变。

65、Immunities (Ex): Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can willingly use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks. ─── 免疫(特殊):巫妖免疫寒冷,电击,变形(但是他们依然可以按照自己的意愿给自己使用变形效果)以及影响心灵的攻击.

66、Keywords Immun electrophoresis;Multiple myeloma;Kidney disease; ─── 免疫电泳;多发性骨髓瘤;肾病;

67、Olson L.Monoclonal antibodies to surface antigent of a pathogenic Mycoplasma hominis strain. Infect Immun,1991, 59(5): 1683. ─── 万长春,江弘,尚学军,等.解脲支原体感染对精子功能影响的研究.临床检验杂志,1999,17(4):215.

68、Rossi G,Rossi M,Vitali C G, et al.A conventional beagle dog model for acute and chronic infection with Heli-cobacter pylori[J].Infect Immun,1999,67(6):3112. ─── 周少春,郑振声,王怀阳,等.体外反搏搏动性血流在动、静脉系统中的传递[J].中国医学物理学杂志,1998,15(3):132.

69、theory and practice of jurisdictional immunities of States and their property. ─── 国家及其财产司法管辖豁免权的理论与实践。

70、Immunities -- things like Divine Shield.Chaos Bolt will not affect these. ─── 免疫 - 比如圣盾术,混乱箭不能穿透。

71、The criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities shall be solved through diplomatic channels. ─── 第十一条享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。

72、Overall Disadvantages:Low HP/armor, many monsters have spell type immunities. ─── 总体劣势:生命值、防御值低,很多怪物对特定的魔法系免疫。

73、Nearly all damage immunities on creatures have been removed. Many still remain highly resistant to certain types of damage and spells but immunities should be quite rare. ─── 几乎对所有生物的伤害免疫已经被取消了,但是对于某些类型伤害还保留着很高的抵抗性,但是免疫非常少了。

74、In order to get a new way for improving the immunity of patients in the long time, we detected some of the items which correlate with the immunities condition of people. ─── 基于此原因,将临床患者相关免疫功能指标进行检测,并且与中医辨证及证候进行相关性研究,了解两者之间是否存在关联。

75、Analysing the single factor effecting th e recurrent early spontaneous abortion in the above 7 factors, we found the immun ological factor was 86.2%. ─── 在引起反复自然流产的以上7个方面的因素中,分析由于单因素异常的流产患者,发现其中免疫因素引起的反复自然流产占86.2%,远高于其他6个方面的因素。

76、Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities. ─── 各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。

77、immun function ─── 免疫机能

78、and no State has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. ─── 无论哪一个州都无权制定新法律或重新执行旧法律来剥夺妇女的权利或特权。

79、The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly states that immunities cannot be used as a shield against criminal liability. ─── 刑事诉讼程序守则清楚指出,豁免权不可被用作逃避刑事责任的挡箭牌。

80、Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of INMARSAT ─── 国际海事卫星组织特权与豁免议定书


82、The Panel discussed the papers on the progress report and proposed subsidiary legislation relating to privileges and immunities for the World Trade Organization. ─── 事务委员会讨论有关工作进度报告及就世界贸易组织特权及豁免权所建议的附属法例的文件。

83、Immunities (Ex): The Chosen of Lathander is immune to disease, level draining, negative levels, aging penalties and blindness. ─── 免疫(特异):洛山达的选民免疫疾病、等级吸取、负向等级、老化效应带来的属性减值和目盲。

84、Therefore, further studies on C1q-domain-containing genes among different species will help us understand evolutionary mechanism of innate and acquired immunities. ─── 因此进一步研究此类基因将有助于我们了解先天性免疫和获得性免疫的进化机制。

85、foreign sovereign immunities act ─── 外国主权豁免法

86、The Statute For Privileges And Immunities For Foreign Institutions And Staff Members in Republic Of China contains 9 articles and was promulgated by the President on 9 July 1982. ─── 1982年7月9日总统公布制定驻华外国机构及其人员特权暨豁免条例。

87、The Privileges and Immunities Clauses ─── 优惠与豁免条款

88、Elemental creatures are no longer explicitly immune to poison and disease effects. Elementals with nature school immunities will still be immune to nature-based poisons, however. ─── 元素生物不再明确的免疫毒药和疾病效果.但自然法术免疫的元素生物仍然免疫自然系的毒药.

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