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09-12 投稿


apprised 发音

英:[əˈpraɪzd]  美:[əˈpraɪzd]

英:  美:

apprised 中文意思翻译



apprised 短语词组

1、apprised defined ─── 通知定义

2、apprised cost ─── 估计成本

3、apprised define ─── 通知定义

4、apprised syn ─── 通知syn

5、be apprised of ─── 熟悉…,被告知…

6、apprised definition ─── 估计的定义

apprised 词性/词形变化,apprised变形

动词第三人称单数: apprises |动词过去分词: apprised |动词现在分词: apprising |动词过去式: apprised |

apprised 相似词语短语

1、unapprised ─── 未经批准

2、aphorised ─── 格言

3、appraisee ─── n.受评人;接受评核人员

4、apprized ─── vt.通知;报告

5、apprises ─── vt.通知;报告

6、appraised ─── v.评估(appraise的过去式形式);估价

7、appriser ─── 学习

8、apprise ─── vt.通知;报告

9、appetised ─── 仪器

apprised 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、8226; Keeps management apprised of their progress through timely reporting to the Results Manager。 ─── 通过向集成经理做及时汇报,使管理层对进程进行评估。

2、When they've been apprised of your emergency action plan ahead of time, they're better prepared to help. ─── 当他们对你的紧急行动计划有了提前的了解,那么他们就可以为紧急救援做更充分的准备。

3、I will say, likewise, he had apprised the count, by a note, of your intention, and, the count being absent, I read the note and sat up to await you." ─── 我还要说,他写了一封信给伯爵,把你的企图通知他,伯爵不在,我读了那封信,于是坐在这儿等候你。”

4、They have highly apprised him. ─── 他们对他的评价很高.

5、Please review these terms from time to time so that you will be apprised of any changes. ─── 三维预测公司保留对上诉条款的解释权。)

6、They are also well apprised of the Chamber's regular and occasional functions or events, as well as of its tasks and duties in general. ─── 阿布扎比,是1971年以后发展起来的一座新型半岛城市,面积116平方公里,人口66.25万,是阿联酋的首都.

7、I was apprised of the committee's decision. ─── 我已获悉委员会的决定。

8、Once it became clear that the division could not perform at the inflated level required, it also became clear corporate management would have to be apprised. ─── 一旦人们清楚地看到,该部无法履行在膨胀所需的水平,它也成了清晰的公司治理,都必须了解。

9、The club members were immediately apprised of his change of plans. ─── 俱乐部成员们即刻被告知了其计划的变更。

10、Part of this commitment includes keeping our customers apprised of changes that may affect them. ─── 我们对此付诸的努力包括随时让客户了解那些影响到他们的变化。

11、I told him that we will keep him apprised of our progress and we agreed that we will talk again in the very near future. ─── 更重要的是我们将继续让他作为球队的奠基石的基础上来增强球队的实力。

12、The purpose of the newsletter is to keep all UNSW staff with international interests and responsibilities apprised of developments at the offices. ─── 这一通讯的目的是让所有对国际事务有兴趣和任务的新南威尔士大学的教职工及时了解海外办事处的发展情况。

13、Human intelligence made little impression on these twentieth-century warriors, who had signal intelligence to keep them apprised of the enemy's order of battle. ─── 出自人手情报引不起第20世纪武士们注意,只有敌军下达战役命令无线电信号才能让他们确信不疑。

14、He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands. ─── 他未意识到他求生的努力,但是他手腕上的剧烈痛楚却提醒他释放他的双手。

15、to be apprised of the death of an old friend ─── 被告知一位老朋友的死讯[亦作apprize]

16、By making a choice, you keep the meeting organizer apprised of your decision and you prevent the meetings that you want to attend from being accidentally deleted. ─── 通过做出选择,可以使会议组织者及时得知您的决定,您也可以防止误删需要出席的会议。

17、Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike ? ─── 通知学生增加学费的事了吗。

18、Whether things are going well or taking a turn for the worse, keep your employees apprised of their progress within the company. ─── 不管进展顺利或者不甚理想,都要告诉员工目前的进展。

19、apprised of ─── 获悉

20、The magazine has apprised its readers of an increase in rates beginning January 1. ─── 该杂志已告知其读者,从1月1日起增加订阅费。

21、We were fully apprised of the situation. ─── 我们完全获悉当时的情况。

22、I apprised him of my safe arrival ─── 我将我平安到达的消息告诉了他。

23、to be apprised of the situation by a friend ─── 由友人告诉局势的种种情况[亦作apprize]

24、He is fairly apprised of the situation. ─── 他对情况相当熟悉。

25、It serves as an additional channel for liaison and communication,and helps to ensure that the HKSARG and the CPG are apprised of the latest economic,social and other developments in the Mainland and HKSAR respectively. ─── 驻北京办事处不但提供另一个沟通和联系途径,也有助确保特区政府和中央人民政府知悉对方在经济、社会和其他方面的最新发展。

26、But the cries and noise, and a ball which whizzed through Phileas Fogg's hat, apprised them that the trick had been discovered. ─── 她在孟买受过道地英国式的教育。从她的风度和文化修养来看,简直是个欧洲人。她的名字叫艾娥达。

27、Applicants must be apprised of the conditions of employment before Being signed on ─── 在签约之前,必须把雇佣的条件告知申辩人。

28、he had been apprised by the groom of the last stage of the count's approach. ─── 清晨两点半钟,马尔塞夫被领进他的房间里,洗澡水和晚餐都已准备好了。

29、Be assured that we have apprised the situation and have concluded that we need to devise a better security system. ─── 可以确信的是,我们已经注意到了局势,并讨论出我们需要设计一套更好的安全的系统。

30、As the shooting script was coming together, Heads of Department were kept apprised of the storyline as it affected them. ─── 随着拍摄脚本一点一滴地拼凑出来,部门头头们被及时告知牵涉到他们工作的故事情节。

31、Getting to know others throughout your organization can help you stay apprised of new developments within the company. ─── 如果一名同事离开了,你被要求承担额外的任务怎么办?

32、apprised us of our rights. ─── 使我们注意到我们的权利。

33、France!-- Burgundy!Burgundy!"apprised him that a part of the besiegers were entering the fart her end of the street, which was a narrow one, and that his retreat was cut off. ─── 他在一条通往马埃斯河的街道转角处碰到巴拉弗雷正在悠然自得地往河边走去,就像猎人提着一只打死的禽鸟那样,若无其事地提着一个血淋淋的人头。

34、Be apprised that... ─── 已获悉。。。

35、DOGGETT: Keeping you apprised of the case. ─── 道根:告诉你案件的信息。

36、Keep administrative and operational management apprised of status of ordering, problems, resolutions, expected delivery times, etc. ─── 与行政及职能管理部门及时沟通订单情况,遇到的问题,解决方案及预计到货时间等信息。

37、My friend, apprised of the outcome and knowing that the hospital expenses are a severe drain on his family's limited financial resources, decides that death had better come at once. ─── 我的朋友得知自己的病情后,考虑到耗费在自己身上的医药费时并不富裕的家来说是个沉重的经济负担,决定尽快结束生命。

38、1. I was apprised of the committee's decision. ─── 我已获悉委员会的决定.

39、Also,be apprised by Quality Ensure Center as Chinese Famous Brand. ─── 同时,经质量保障中心审核评为:中国著名品牌。

40、Getting to know others throughout your organization can help you stay apprised of new developments within the company. ─── 认识各个部门的人能帮助你了解公司内部的新发展。

41、be apprised of sb.'s intention ─── 获悉某人的意图

42、The speaker seems to be fairly apprised of the situation in the Far East. ─── 报告人似乎对中东局势相当熟悉。

43、He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands. ─── 他未意识到他求生的努力,但是他手腕上的剧烈痛楚却提醒他释放他的双手。

44、Of all this the people are well apprised, and understand how far to carry their obstinacy, where their liberty or property is concerned. ─── 这样,它们运转周期的平方,就差不多相当于它们距火星中心的距离的立方;由此可见,它们显然也受着影响其他天体的万有引力的支配。

45、Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number. ─── 但这封信中既没要求更新无罪证明,也没要求提供语言证明。

46、It was only when she was eighteen that she became apprised of her true origin. ─── 她到18岁才获悉自己真正的身世。

47、The NCI TTC staff participates in meetings, discussions and conferences, as appropriate, to stay apprised of and monitor the scientists* needs. ─── 国立癌症研究所技术转移办公室员工参加各类会谈、讨论、会议,保持信息畅通掌握科学家的需求。

48、This information helps them to keep you apprised of product updates and other benefits to registered customers. ─── 此信息有助于他们在发布更新程序时通知您以及为您提供注册用户应享有的权益。

49、I have apprised him of your arrival. ─── 我已经告诉他你要来。

50、Many applications are quick to keep users apprised of the details of their progress even though a user has no idea what to make of this information. ─── 很多程序不停地通知用户其进程的细节,甚至用户根本不了解他们应该如何利用这些信息。

51、He was apprised of the decision by his lawyer. ─── 那个判决是他的律师通知他的。

52、A day he spotted something suspicious in the injection room, setting up wild shrieks and howls .He then was apprised that nurses were in practice, so he eluded in the next door for a short while. ─── 一天,他听到注射室里鬼哭狼嚎,动静不对劲,才知道是护士在实习,就在隔壁躲了一会儿。

53、be apprised of ─── 获悉了解被告知

54、Part of this commitment includes keeping our customers apprised of changes that may affect them. ─── 我们对此付诸的努力包括随时让客户了解那些影响到他们的变化。

55、We will keep you apprised of any new information. ─── 我们会通知你们任何新的消息。

56、Maryland politicians, apprised in January of the new initiative, were enthusiastic. ─── 在1月被通知了有关新计划的情况之后,马里兰的政客都很热情。

57、If you had not suggested our marriage, my servant would not have gone to the Reverend Samuel Wilson's, I should not have been apprised of my error, and--' ─── 如果您不跟我提出结婚的问题,我的仆人就不会去找萨缪尔?

58、The speaker seems to be fairly apprised of the situation in the Far East. ─── 报告人似乎对中东局势相当熟悉。

59、Traveling with other rebels, the pair relayed radio requests for weapons and supplies and kept the CIA apprised of the resistance inside Tibet. ─── 与当地抵抗组织会合后,二人不但通过无线电向中情局发出了补充武器和供给的请求,还不断向他们通报抵抗局势。

60、In 2005,"TaiYasi" and "BoFuni" ceramic sanitary are apprised as, Chinese Construction Commended Products. ─── “泰雅斯、柏孚尼”牌产品于2005年被评为:中国工程建设推荐产品;

61、"Thus, parents can be apprised of the presence and severity of ankyloglossia and made aware of potential feeding, speech, and dental problems. ─── 因此,医生应告知家长舌系带短缩的存在及其严重程度,让家长留意喂养、讲话及口腔方面的问题。

62、customers been fully apprised of the advantages? ─── 客户有没有被充分告知各项好处呢?

63、She was apprised of our arrival. ─── 她得到了关于我们抵达的通知。

64、The first thing he did was that he apprised all apprentices of an interview. ─── 他做的第一件事就是通知所有的学徒来面试。

65、Keeping you apprised of the case. ─── 告诉你案件的信息。

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