espionage 发音
英:[ˈespiənɑːʒ] 美:[ˈespiənɑːʒ]
英: 美:
espionage 中文意思翻译
espionage 词性/词形变化,espionage变形
动词现在分词: espying |动词过去式: espied |动词过去分词: espied |动词第三人称单数: espies |
espionage 常用词组
industrial espionage ─── 工业间谍;工业谍报活动
espionage 短语词组
1、espionage act ─── [法] 间谍法
2、counter-espionage ─── 反间谍活动
3、industrial espionage ─── [经] 工业间谍活动
4、espionage activities ─── [法] 间谍活动
5、crime of espionage and sedition ─── [法] 危害国家安全罪
6、espionage agent ─── [法] 间谍
7、Rio Tinto espionage case ─── 力拓间谍案
8、espionage network ─── 间谍网
9、aerial espionage ─── [法] 空中间谍活动
10、electronic espionage equipment ─── 电子间谍设备
11、high-tech espionage ─── 高科技间谍活动
espionage 相似词语短语
1、peonage ─── n.[金融]当劳役偿债;当劳役偿债的制度
2、siphonage ─── n.虹吸作用;虹吸能力
3、esplanades ─── n.游憩场,散步路;平坦空地
4、signage ─── n.标记,标志(尤指路标和广告牌)
5、gabionage ─── 石笼
6、empennage ─── n.[航]尾翼,尾部
7、esplanade ─── n.游憩场,散步路;平坦空地
8、gabionages ─── 石笼
9、spillage ─── n.溢出;溢出量
espionage 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They were convicted of espionage. ─── 他们被判有间谍罪。
2、The Economic Espionage Act of. ─── 处理商业机密窃取问题。
3、a spy who works against enemy espionage. ─── 对付敌人间谍的间谍。
4、Pan's story epitomizes in many ways German military espionage during World War II. ─── 从许多方面来看,“潘”的故事是第二次世界大战期间德国军事间谍活动的缩影。
5、the schizophrenia of the double espionage agent. ─── 双重间谍的不一致
6、While the espionage allegations were not spelled out, they were apparently related to delicate commercial negotiations over the price of China's imports of iron ore for its steel mills. ─── 尽管对这一间谍指控并没有进行明确和详细的解释,但是这些指控显然与中国围绕其钢厂进口的铁矿石价格所进行的微妙的商业谈判有关。
7、Joining an espionage organization or accepting a mission assigned by it or its agent. ─── 参加间谍组织或者接受间谍组织及其代理人的任务的;
8、Completed three tests espionage credentials. ─── 完成三项测试取得间谍资格证书。
9、In a strange twist of events, this time Ferrari is at the losing end of some corporate espionage undertaken by rival manufacturer Aston Martin - although this time it wasn't in the F1 paddock. ─── 在一个陌生的捻度的事件,这一次法拉利是在结束了一些商业间谍所制造商阿斯顿马丁竞争对手-虽然这一次不是在F1的围场.
10、American public official. Accused of espionage at the height of the Communist scare, he was convicted of perjury(1950) in a controversial case. ─── 希斯,阿杰尔生于1904美国政府官员。在共产主义恐慌达到高峰时被指控为间谍,后来在一个有争议的案件中被认定犯有伪证罪(1950年)
11、It's not going to be so much a matter of bombs and missiles as deniable cyberwarfare, corporate espionage, economic struggles. ─── 未来的战争与其说围绕着炸弹和导弹,不如说围绕着秘密网络战、企业间谍和经济斗争。
12、The official Korean Central News Agency reports Wednesday that a foreign espionage agency coerced the North Koreans with money, sex and blackmail. ─── 官方的朝中社星期叁报导,一个外国间谍机构利用金钱、美色和勒索威逼利诱了这些北韩人。
13、Fast factoring algorithms, if they exist, would have untold applications for industrial and even military espionage. ─── 因此,如果真能找到快速做因数分解的演算法,在产业界甚至军事谍报上的应用都不可限量。
14、China's official state media offered limited coverage of the issue, with some reporters saying the topics of censorship and cyber espionage were too sensitive. ─── 中国官方媒体对此事的报道有限,一些记者说,审查和网络监控这类话题太敏感了。
15、A world where electronic and competitive espionage are the expected manner of conducting business. ─── 在这个世界里,电子和竞争性的间谍活动正是意料中的生意行为的方式。
16、Even in the foreign concessions, Nanking kept a well-paid espionage system at work. ─── 哪怕在外国租界,南京也有出高价雇佣的侦探网在那里活动。
17、Compared with conventional forms of computer espionage, side-channel attacks do have a couple of major limitations, Kuhn notes. ─── 但孔恩也表示,和传统的电脑资讯窃取方式相较,旁通道攻击确实有一些重大限制。
18、Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage. ─── 反间谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人间谍活动而进行的间谍活动
19、TV shows like, espionage is a dangerous occupation, you always have to be careful not to be found. ─── 就像电视节目一样,间谍是一个危险的职业,您必须时时小心不被发现。
20、He is accused of industrial espionage. ─── 他被指控从事工业间谍活动。
21、Sell oil, build pipelines and use all the nasty tricks to drive your rivals out of business- sabotage and espionage included. ─── 售油、立销售渠道,使用怠工、谍等一切手段使竞争对手破产。
22、When Mata Hari takes two former friends, who are now on opposite sides of the war, as lovers, she finds herself a pawn in the dangerous world of cat-and-mouse espionage... ─── 她的忠诚无棱两可,但是她的魅力足以改变一个民族的命运。
23、Bernie Ecclestone told the UK newspaper Express that the serious charge of lying to stewards and bringing the sport into disrepute is worsened by McLaren's recent trouble over espionage. ─── 伯尼告诉英国报纸快速的认真负责撒谎干事,使这项运动的声誉而恶化迈凯轮最近麻烦间谍.
24、You don't just have to conquer, a bit of espionage can see a friendlier government come to power in your neighbours. ─── 你不一定要采用征服的方式,间谍活动也可以让你的邻国换一个对你更加友好的政府上台(白熊:颠覆政权的升级版?)。
25、No matter is more secret than espionage ─── (没有比间谍更机密的事情了),还有
26、In the case of the Vietnam iPhone, Kahney said he believes this was an act of corporate espionage. ─── 鉴于在越南的Iphone事件,Kahney说他认为这是一个有预谋的集团间谍活动。
27、Counter Agency for Sabotage and Espionage ─── 反颠覆与反间谍局
28、It was created by Hermann Goring in 1933 from the political and espionage units of the Prussian police. ─── 1933年戈林将政治与情报单位自常备普鲁士警察中分出。
29、The Ministry of State Security shall conduct the identification of any specialized espionage equipments and devices. ─── 专用间谍器材的确认,由国家安全部负责。
30、A federal judge has ruled that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other senior US Intelligence officials would be subpoenaed to discuss their talks with pro-Israel lobbies in an espionage case. ─── 一名联邦法官日前向美国务卿赖斯和其他高级情报官发出了传票,要对他们就以色列间谍案所发表的言论进行质询。
31、Canceling Espionage in multiplayer no longer exits to map. ─── 多人游戏如果取消间谍,操作按钮也随之消失。
32、AI will use espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns. ─── AI会用间谍毁掉没有特殊资源地形上的建筑----比如城镇(噩梦来了!)
33、China is denying any involvement in an espionage case in which a U.S. defense analyst pleaded guilty to passing on classified information to an alleged Chinese government agent. ─── 中国否认涉嫌一起间谍案;美国国防部一名分析员对把机密情报转交给被指称的中国政府特工的指控认罪。
34、Nearly every society has very strict laws concerning espionage, and the penalty for being caught is often death. ─── 几乎每个社会都有着十分严格的关于间谍活动的法律,间谍被抓住的惩罚往往是死亡。
35、The revelations of the past few days confirm what I have been saying for months when I referred to industrial espionage. ─── “过去几天发生的这些事情肯定了当我几个月前提到工业间谍时所说的那些话。”
36、A spy working in opposition to enemy espionage. ─── 反间谍为反敌人间谍工作的间谍
37、We can say that the economic espionage has equal significance with the traditionary espionage. ─── 可以说,这种新型的间谍与传统型间谍在当今的间谍领域中具有同等重要的地位。
38、It is a tale of breathtaking espionage,brilliant scientific breaking espioage,brillant scientific breakthroughts and desperate gambles with the lives of astronauts and others. ─── 其中更涉及惊人的间谍活动和科学突破,甚至将航天员和队员的性命作赌注。
39、They have to make a clear distinction between industrial espionage, which is a crime and should be very heavily sanctioned obviously, and [legal] business practices," he says. ─── 工业间谍是一种犯罪行为,显然应该得到非常严厉的惩罚。但他们必须明确区分工业间谍与(合法)商业活动。"
40、Before they could carry out acts of sabotage or espionage they were apprehended. ─── 他们尚未从事破坏活动或间谍活动即被逮捕。
41、The Untold Stories of Women in Espionage. ─── 女谍报员未曾公开的故事。”
42、MAX seemed to have attained the pinnacle of German espionage in World War II. ─── “马克斯”似乎取得了德国在第二次世界大战间谍活动中登峰造极的成就。
43、IBuySpy, a fictitious producer of consumer espionage products, is showcased in the IBuySpy ASP.NET-based application. ─── IBuySpy是一家虚构的消费者侦探产品生产商,在基于ASP.NET的IBuySpy应用程序中得到了展示。
44、Even serious espionage is indeed full of mistakes and mishaps, hardly the efficient and flawless machine in most people's imagination. ─── 倒是发现为什么张奶奶晚些的文章读着那么枯寒了:完全不见“因此”“然而”“但是”“否则”之类的逻辑说明连词,思路显得特别跳跃。
45、Designed for commando and espionage operation, the main strength of a covert ops vessel is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and avoid unfavorable encounters. ─── 主要用于侦察行动,其主要长项是能够隐身穿越敌战区,避免不必要的遭遇战。
46、Counterintelligence seeks to nullify the enemy’s espionage efforts ─── 反间谍情报之目的是挫败敌人的间谍活动。
47、When Wesley asks him what he wants to talk about, Hoover replies, “Espionage. ─── 当韦斯利问胡佛,是什么原因造就了他的性格时,胡佛答道,“间谍。
48、Placed on trial for espionage, Amidala and Anakin were sentenced for execution. ─── 他俩因从事间谍活动而遭到审判,随后被判处死刑。
49、Suddenly thrust into a dangerous world of espionage, paired with a rookie partner (Jennifer Love Hewitt) as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting-if impeccably dressed-secret agent. ─── 占美就此突然被委任为美国政府进行秘密任务,,与跟他一样毫无经验的的美女拍档(珍妮花洛芙希域饰)开始了危机四伏而又充满趣味的间谍生涯。
50、New improved systems for Trade, Diplomacy,Missions and Espionage inthat Diplomats, Spies and Assassins will no longer berepresented on themap. ─── 为贸易、外交、任务和谍报而新改良的系统,因为外交官、间谍和刺客将不再表示在地图上。
51、Experts said China's sidelining, for now at least, of the graver espionage claims may signal an effort to reduce political friction with Australia over the matter. ─── 专家说,中国的靠边站,至少目前,在严重的间谍索赔可能的信号,以减少政治摩擦与澳大利亚对此事的。
52、She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage. ─── 她可以称之为研究,可我称它为产业情报刺探。
53、Last week, Mr. Pelata said Renault was no longer certain that it had been the target of corporate espionage. ─── 佩拉塔上个星期说,雷诺不再肯定它曾是商业间谍活动的目标。
54、Much of the activity is likely to emanate from groups of hackers, but the lines between private espionage and government-sponsored operations are blurred. ─── 大部分此类攻击活动都是由黑客组织发动的,但是个人活动和政府背景的入侵行动之间的界限却非常模糊。
55、Engrossing himself in the Theory and Practice of Intelligence, he crossed from the periphery into the real world of espionage. ─── 他全力倾注于对情报理论的研究和实践,从谍报世界的外部跨进到了它的内层。
56、Azam Azam, an Israeli citizen, was imprisoned in Egypt in 1996, accused of espionage. ─── 1996年,以色列公民阿扎姆·阿扎姆在埃及受到间谍罪指控,被判下狱。
57、This espionage is not only an enormous threat, but it also suggests that serious acts of cyber warfare would be easy to carry out. ─── 这种间谍行为不仅仅是一种巨大的威胁,而且还表明,真正的网络大战很容易爆发。
58、It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty. ─── 那是间谍罪,处了死刑。
59、In his first public speech last month, Mr Evans expressed irritation that his service, stretched by its anti-terrorism mission, had to devote resources to espionage by RussiaChina. ─── 在上月首次公开发表讲话时,面对军情五处在忙于反恐任务的,还要拿出资源应对俄罗斯和中国的间谍活动,埃文斯表达了自己的不满。
60、In his first public speech last month, Mr Evans expressed irritation that his service, stretched by its anti-terrorism mission, had to devote resources to espionage by Russia and China. ─── 在上月首次公开发表讲话时,面对军情五处在忙于反恐任务的同时,还要拿出资源应对俄罗斯和中国的间谍活动,埃文斯表达了自己的不满。
61、Research on Punitive Damages of Infringe upon Commercial Espionage ─── 侵犯商业秘密的惩罚性赔偿研究
62、The espionage flight of the enemy aircraft over our territory is not an accident, but a very serious incident. ─── 敌机在我国领空的侦察飞行不是一件偶然之事,而是一个极其严重的事件。
63、Foreign espionage would do its utmost to prize out these secrets. ─── 外国谍报机构竭尽全力获取这些机密。
64、By far the most celebrated case of actual and alleged Chinese-American nuclear espionage involved the case against Los Alamos nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee. ─── 到目前为止,最有名的案件实际,并指美国华裔核武涉及间谍案的美国洛斯阿拉莫斯核科学家李文和。
65、He thought the impression created by the report was that each of China's weaponry achievements was gained by espionage, instead of from scientific and technical journals or academic conferences. ─── 他认为《考克斯报告》给人的印象是中国在武器上的每一项发展都是通过间谍活动得到的,而不是从科技杂志或是学术会议中得到的。
66、reciprocity, openness, secrecy and espionage ─── 对等、公开性、保密和间谍问题
67、Within twelve hours following the declaration of war on the fourth of August nineteen fourteen, the German espionage system in Great Britain had been smashed. ─── 在1914年8月4日宣布战争开始的12个小时内,在英国的德国间谍系统就被捣毁。
68、Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations ─── 冷战时期谍报活动、特工人员与秘密行动百科全书
69、How to Determine Great Loss in Crime of Commercial Espionage ─── 如何认定侵犯商业秘密犯罪的重大损失
70、A treasonable act such as espionage. ─── 叛国行为,如间谍罪
71、He was caught in the very act of espionage . ─── 他正在干间谍活动时被抓住了。
72、Toga & Dagger: Espionage in Ancient Rome ─── 宽袍与匕首:古罗马帝国谍影寻踪
73、S. imperialist racketeers", that its forces will "shoot them down" if they engage in aerial espionage. ─── 他说,如果北韩真地发射,国际社会显然不可避免地会做出反应。
74、Now, in the new chapter of this espionage series, Bourne will hunt down his past in order to find a future. ─── 在这样一个新的环境下,伯恩将沿着线索追查历史,为自己的未来找到出路。
75、The Chinese government dropped explosive espionage charges against executives of a foreign mining giant, the Anglo-Australian Rio Tinto, after a global corporate outcry. ─── 对于备受争议的力拓间谍案,中国政府在全球一致的抗议声中减轻了对这家澳洲矿业巨头行政人员的指控。
76、The FBI and CIA knew exactly who Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames were, for example, but that didn't help stop their espionage. ─── 举例来说,美国联邦调查局和中央情报局都知道汉森和埃姆斯是谁,但却无法阻止他们的双重间谍活动。
77、Industrial espionage activity ─── 工业间谍活动
78、Counterintelligence seeks to nullify the enemy's espionage efforts ─── 反间谍活动目的是挫败敌人的间谍活动。
79、Look in Professor Meng Xiangqing, western overmeasure capability of network espionage warfare, "Network technology of China has not browbeaten the ability of his country. ─── 在孟祥青教授看来,西方高估了中国的网络谍战能力,“中国的网络技术还没有威胁他国的能力。
80、If you engage in espionage work for a foreign power, you are selling your country down the river. ─── 如果你为外国强权从事间谍活动,你就出卖了祖国。
81、Iraqi Vice President Ramadan accused the inspectors of conducting espionage, a veiled threat that anyone cooperating with U.N. inspectors was committing treason. ─── 伊拉克副总统拉马丹指控核查人员在从事间谍活动,暗指任何与联合国核查人员合作的人都是在犯叛国罪。
82、Everybody doubts that she is an espionage. ─── 大家都怀疑她是个间谍。
83、Espionage is a capital offence in this country. ─── 间谍活动在这个国家是死罪。
84、Judicatory Cognizance of Act of Commercial Espionage ─── 侵犯商业秘密行为的司法认定
85、A Study on the Object of Crime of Commercial Espionage ─── 侵犯商业秘密罪的对象研究
86、crime of commercial espionage ─── 侵犯商业秘密罪
87、Sell oil, build pipelines and use all the nasty tricks to drive your rivals out of business - sabotage and espionage included. ─── 售油、建立销售渠道,使用怠工、间谍等一切手段使竞争对手破产。
88、When they return, they must register with government authorities and declare that they will abide by all the laws and decrees promulgated by the government and will not engage in any sabotage or espionage for the Kuomintang. ─── 他们回来后,必须向政府登记,声明遵守政府一切法令,不作任何破坏和帮助国民党的特务行为。
神盾局(S.H.I.E.L.D. / Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division),全称为国土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局。是美国漫威漫画中的组织,首次登场于《奇异故事》第135期(1965年8月),由斯坦·李与杰克·科比联合创造。
神盾局是国际安全理事会专门用于处理各种奇异事件的特殊部队。漫画里前任局长为尼克·弗瑞(Nick Fury),前任指挥官为玛丽亚·希尔(Maria Hill);**中前局长为九头蛇卧底的亚历山大·皮尔斯(Alexandar Pierce),此后为尼克·弗瑞(Nick Fury)。
其前身战略科学军团(Strategic Scientific Reserve,简称S.S.R. ,二战时期的组织(详见美国队长和特工卡特))。
1991年改为战略危险干预与谍报后勤处(Strategic, Hazard Intervention, Espionage Logistics Directorate)
在2008年上映的《钢铁侠》电影里为国土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局(Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division),缩写为S.H.I.E.L.D.,由于Shield英文意为盾牌,故翻译为神盾局。
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