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09-12 投稿


sinuate 发音

英:[ˈsɪnjʊˌeɪt]  美:[ˈsɪnjʊeɪt]

英:  美:

sinuate 中文意思翻译




sinuate 网络释义

adj. 波状的;弯弯曲曲的vi. 弯曲;蜿蜒

sinuate 词性/词形变化,sinuate变形

动词过去分词: sinuated |动词现在分词: sinuating |动词过去式: sinuated |副词: sinuately |名词: sinuation |动词第三人称单数: sinuates |

sinuate 短语词组

1、sinuate meaning ─── 弯曲的意思

2、sinuate las cruces ─── 圣克鲁斯

3、sinuate bamboo ─── 波状竹

4、sinuate tree ─── 弓形树

5、sinuate definition ─── 正弦定义

6、sinuate define ─── 波状定义

7、sinuate leaf ─── 波状叶

8、sinuate media ─── 波状介质

sinuate 相似词语短语

1、insinuated ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

2、insinuates ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

3、sinuated ─── adj.波状的;弯弯曲曲的;vi.弯曲;蜿蜒

4、liquate ─── v.熔析

5、insinuate ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

6、sinuately ─── 弯弯曲曲的

7、sinuose ─── 西诺色

8、sinkage ─── n.下沉;低洼地;下沉度

9、situate ─── vt.使位于;使处于;把.......放在(特殊的环境中),把......跟(具体情境)联系;adj.位于…的

sinuate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaves alternate, narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic, margin sinuate, cartilaginous, glabrescent. ─── 叶互生,狭椭圆形倒披针形的或狭椭圆形,具深波状的边缘,软骨质,脱落无毛。

2、Cauline leaves sessile, attenuate and not auriculate at base, entire, dentate, sinuate, or rarely pinnatifid. ─── 无柄的茎生叶,衰减而并非耳形在基部,整个,有齿,具深波状,羽状半裂的或很少。

3、middle lobe obtuse, margin entire or slightly sinuate, apex acute or rarely acuminate; ─── 中间裂片钝,边缘全缘或稍具深波状,先端锐尖或很少的渐尖;

4、At least some leaves lobed or sinuate; plants armed, sometimes copiously so; inflorescences condensed. ─── 至少一些叶浅裂的或具深波状;有时丰富如此,植株武装;花序凝结。(18

5、Calyx small, membranous, truncate or sinuate dentate. ─── 小的花萼,膜,削去或具牙齿。

6、lobes elliptic, subequal, margin sinuate or dentate. ─── 裂片椭圆形,近等长,边缘具深波状的或具牙齿。

7、sinuate tickclover root ─── 粘人花根

8、filaments filiform, sinuate; ─── 花丝丝状,具深波状;

9、leaf blade ovate-orbicular, base asymmetrical, usually cordate, basal veins 5-7, margin entire, slightly sinuate, or minutely denticulate distally; ─── 叶片卵圆形,不对称的基部,通常心形,基部脉5-7,边缘全缘,稍具深波状的,或微小的具小齿;

10、Simulation results demonstrate that the total power of the A/D converter is 72mW;the SNDR is 58.5dB with 1 MHz sinuate input. ─── 实验结果表明:ADC的整体功耗为72mW,采样1Mhz的正弦输入信号时ADC的SNDR为58.

11、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, or runcinate, rarely sinuate or subentire. ─── 具叶柄的基生叶,莲座状,单,羽状半裂,,倒向羽裂的或,很少具深波状或近全缘。

12、angles rounded below middle, sharply acute above, sometimes sinuate-dentate along angles. ─── 有棱圆形的中间以下,在上面锐锐尖,有时具深波状的具牙齿的沿着棱。

13、Leaves petiolate; leaf blade membranous, entire and sinuate or with a few deltate teeth. ─── 叶具叶柄叶片膜质,全缘和具深波状的或具一些三角形齿。

14、Leaflet blades with somewhat sinuate or toothed margin; cross section of drupe rounded or rounded triangular. ─── 小叶叶片具有点具深波状的或齿边缘;核果的圆形的或圆形的横剖面三角形。

15、leaflet margin entire, sinuate, or undulate. ─── 小叶边缘全缘,具深波状,或波状。

16、history never if, the history has sinuate fact only. ─── 历史从来没有假如,历史只有弯弯曲曲的事实。

17、Disk epigynous or perigynous, sometimes absent, margin sinuate or lobed, sometimes distinct, glandular or scaly. ─── 雄蕊与花被裂片对生并同数,通常位于裂片的基部;

18、lobes 5, subrounded, sinuate or crenate. ─── 裂片5,近圆形,具深波状的或具圆齿。

19、The CDM Sinuate laminate can be heat sealed using normal sealing methods. ─── 清洁发展机制波状热板可以正常使用密封的密封方法。

20、Stem branching from base, densely furfuraceous hairy, sparsely sinuate pilose; ─── 茎分支自基部,密被软鳞片有毛的,疏生具深波状的具柔毛;

21、Leaves alternate, very long petiolate, abaxially densely hairy, adaxially sparsely strigose, margin sinuate, mucronate by excurrent veins. ─── 叶互生,具很长叶柄,背面密被有毛,正面疏生具糙伏毛,边缘具深波状,短尖具延伸的脉。

22、It is shown that the leaf epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular in shape.The patterns of anticlinal walls are straight, sinuous or sinuate. ─── 叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形与多边形,表皮细胞垂周壁有平直、浅波状、波状或深波状。

23、Stora's CDM Sinuate product is based on its controlled delamination material, an expoxy glue that holds together two pieces of packaging. ─── 拉恩索的清洁发展机制波状产品是基于其控制的分层材料,环氧胶的一个拥有共同两件包装。

24、Stylopodium margin sinuate. ─── 花柱基边具深波状。

25、The both surface cells had sinuate anticlinal walls in surface view. ─── 正面观上,上下表皮细胞的细胞壁均呈不同程度的波浪状。

26、sinuate tickclover herb ─── 粘人花

27、They from Zi plain east, western a mountainous area reach suburb village.Cross the 9 mountain that fold 8 abduct road, had dripped sinuate brook, to mouth of dress town gate " go into business " came. ─── 她们从淄川东、西部山区及城郊农村.翻越九折八拐的山路,淌过弯弯曲曲的小溪,到服装城大门口“下海”来了。

28、Wavy, but not so deeply or as pronounced as sinuate. ─── 波状的 Undulate 波浪状,但波曲程度不及深波状(sinuate)。

29、Leaves opposite, often unequal, petiolate, margin entire or sinuate. ─── 叶对生,通常不等长,边缘全缘或具深波状的。

30、The results show that the shape of leaf epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular, and the anticlinal walls are straight, sinuate or sinuolate. ─── 结果表明,该属植物叶表皮细胞形态(表面观)为多边形和不规则形,垂周壁式样为平直、浅波缘、深波缘;

31、the patterns of anticlinal walls are sinuolate or sinuate, and rarely straight; ─── 垂周壁式样多数为浅波形或深波形,少数为平直形。

32、Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to ovate or lanceolate, abaxially with stellate hairs along veins, margin entire, slightly sinuate, or serrulate, apex acuminate to caudate-acuminate. ─── 叶片长圆状披针形到卵形或披针形,背面具星状毛沿脉,边缘全缘,具深波状的稍,或有细锯齿,渐尖的先端渐尖到尾状。

33、Leaves petiolate;leaf blade membranous, entire and sinuate or with a few deltate teeth. ─── 叶具叶柄叶片膜质,全缘和具深波状的或具一些三角形齿。

34、Basal leaves long petiolate, rosulate, simple, crenate, dentate, or sinuate. ─── 基生叶具长叶柄,莲座状,单,具圆齿,具牙齿,或具深波状。

35、Basal leaves sessile, fleshy, rosulate, simple, entire or sinuate or dentate. ─── 基生叶无梗,肉质,,单,全缘或或具牙齿。

36、Epidermal cells of Thermopsis are polygonal or irregular;anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells are sinuate,sinuolate or straight. ─── 表皮细胞形状为多边型和不规则型,垂周壁式样为平直或具波纹。

37、Cauline leaf stipules pubescent, margin irregularly lobed or sinuate; ─── 茎生叶托叶短柔毛,有叶或者具深波状的边缘不规则;

38、Margin of leaf blade sinuate; styles 3-3.5 mm, slightly curved towards apex. ─── 叶片的边缘具深波状;花柱3 - 3.5毫米,对于先端的稍弯曲。

39、I looked mopishly at the sinuate black outline that you left behind, a tear dropped. ─── 我惘然对着你遗留下的黑曲线的轮廓掉下一滴泪来。

40、having a sinuate margin and rippled surface. ─── 有波动幅度的,表面起涟漪的。

41、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, lyrate, sinuate, dentate, or entire. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状的基生叶与否,大头羽裂,具深波状,具牙齿,或全缘。

42、Sinuate anguine road, turned expanse into straightforward comparatively well-off way! ─── 弯弯曲曲的蛇路,变成了宽广笔直的小康之路!

43、Stems usually distinct; inflorescences not densely capitate, usually distinctly pedunculate; rays not reduced, lax; fruit ribs prominent or irregularly dentate or sinuate winged. ─── 茎通常离生;花序并非密集头状,通常清楚有花序梗;伞辐不退化,疏松;果棱突出或不规则具深波状具翅的具牙齿的或。(7

44、Stem much branched, gray-green, densely pubescent mixed with sinuate, long hairs when young. ─── 茎多分枝,灰绿色,密被短柔毛与具深波状混合,幼时的长毛。

45、Stem much branched, gray-green, densely pubescent mixed with sinuate, long hairs when young. ─── 茎多分枝,灰绿色,密被短柔毛与具深波状混合,幼时的长毛。

46、Leaves opposite, often unequal, petiolate, margin entire or sinuate. ─── 叶对生,通常不等长,边缘全缘或具深波状的。

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