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cloistering 发音

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cloistering 中文意思翻译




cloistering 短语词组

1、cloistering defined ─── 回廊

2、cloistering in christianity ─── 隐居基督教

3、cloistering definition ─── 回廊定义

4、cloistering define ─── 回廊

5、cloistering meaning ─── 隐逸意义

cloistering 词性/词形变化,cloistering变形

动词现在分词: cloistering |动词第三人称单数: cloisters |动词过去分词: cloistered |动词过去式: cloistered |

cloistering 相似词语短语

1、clottering ─── 凝血

2、clustering ─── n.聚集,收集;分类归并;v.使成群(cluster的现在分词)

3、uncloistering ─── 去污

4、blistering ─── adj.猛烈的;极热的,极快的;n.[涂料]起泡;发疱;v.起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒(blister的ing形式)

5、leistering ─── vt.以鱼叉刺(鱼);n.鱼叉;n.(Leister)人名;(英、德)莱斯特

6、lobstering ─── n.捕龙虾

7、glistering ─── 闪闪发光

8、encloistering ─── 包围

9、clittering ─── 剪贴

cloistering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the cloister, one suffers in order to enjoy. ─── 在修院里,人们以受苦为达到欢乐的途径。

2、the nice-looking cloister brings you back to the Middle Ages. ─── 漂亮的回廊把你带回中世纪。

3、Some of the cloister nuns have take up the art form and either weave or embroider tapestries for parishes that in most cases depict the Blessed Mother or the Parton Saint of the Parish. ─── 不过,这种敲边处理对地板面层要求严格,如果太薄,经过敲边,容易造成地板开裂。加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

4、cloister fabric ─── 轻薄织物

5、the cloister ─── 修道院生活,隐居

6、to keep hands in pockets; to eat the Bread of idleness; to idle (or cloister; squander; trifle) away one's time; to hang round; not to do a stitch of work; (AmE) to sit on hands; (sl) to play truant ─── 游手好闲

7、Any nearer and more palpable meeting would have alarmed Cosette at this first stage, when she was still half immersed in the exaggerated mists of the cloister. ─── 在这发轫时期,珂赛特还半浸在修院那种萦回着的烟雾里,任何更实际、更密切的接触都会使她感到唐突。

8、To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude. ─── 远离尘世,隐居与世隔绝地处于或好象处于修道院中;隔离

9、After cloistering himself to bring dead flesh to life, Victor Frankenstein condemns his creature to loneliness. ─── 在把死肉变成生命后,维克多·弗兰肯斯坦用孤独来谴责他所造的生物。

10、The cloister linked the most important elements of an abbey together. The dormitory was often Built over the dining hall on the eastern side of the cloister and linked to the central church. ─── 大修道院以回廊把最主要的建筑连接在一起。住宿区与靠近回廊东面的圣坛相连。

11、cloister arch ─── 回廊拱

12、If you do love some one, it is not a reason to cloister yourself. ─── 如果您爱了什么人,我的惹人爱的姑娘,这也不是您足不出户的理由。

13、a covered place for walking,as in a cloister ─── 步道有顶棚的散步处,如回廊

14、In her youth, in '93, she had married a monk who had fled from his cloister in a red cap, and passed from the Bernardines to the Jacobins. ─── 在她的妙龄时期,正当九三年,她嫁给一个从隐修院里逃出来的修士,这修士戴上红帽子,从圣伯尔纳的信徒一变而为雅各宾派。

15、"This figure of the study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right." ─── 尽管海丝特·白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

16、In the cloister, what is called the "government" is only an intermeddling with authority, an interference which is always questionable. ─── 在修院里,一般所说的“政府”,只意味着当局的干预,这种干预总是成问题的。

17、They went out into the still, shadowy cloister garden ─── 他们出了房间,走到那个寂静、阴沉的修道院的园子里去。

18、He coiled around the moist cloister pillars. ─── 他环抱着回廊那潮湿的柱子。

19、Madoff had successfully avoided detention after his December arrest, posting$10 million bail and cloistering himself with his wife in their $7 millionManhattan apartment. ─── 12月被抓捕后,麦道夫成功的逃避了拘留,支付一千万的付保释金后他把自己和妻子封闭在他们价值七百万美金的曼哈顿寓所里.

20、The fund of ignorance common to the village and the cloister is a preparation ready at hand, and places the boor at once on the same footing as the monk: a little more amplitude in the smock, and it becomes a frock. ─── 乡村和寺院同是蒙昧无知的,它们的共同基础是早已存在的,因此乡民一下就可以和寺僧平起平坐,罩衫放宽一点,便成了僧衣。

21、Right: A classical and graceful cloister has been constructed around the enclosed area to provide shelter for visitors. ─── 图1:中正公园四周的迴廊,古典雅致,游客可在此遮阳或避雨。

22、the calm of the cloister ─── 修道院的幽静.

23、Tea path ceremony of Japan, in the family that pays to have cost with each in each buddhist temple, a small cloister serves as the place that drink tea. ─── 日本的茶道仪式,在每一个禅寺和每一个支付得起费用的家庭里,都有一个小小寺庙作为饮茶之处。

24、Here a highly original, national Gothic style evolved, profoundly influenced by Manueline art, as demonstrated by its masterpiece, the Royal Cloister. ─── 巴塔利亚修道院展示出了高度原创和有葡萄牙特色的哥特式风格,整个建筑明显受到曼奴埃尔式风格的深刻影响,这一点从皇家修道院这一建筑杰作中可以很清楚地看出来。

25、" "She will not listen.Besides, what the cloister knows the world learns not. ─── “她不会注意,而且修院知道的事,外面不会知道。”

26、cloister n. ─── 修道院;

27、cloister oneself in one's study ─── 蛰居书斋

28、cloister school ─── 修道院学校

29、its neighbor, the cloister of Saint-Benoit, within whose walls they have had time to cobble up a theatre, between the seventh and eighth editions of this book; ─── 这隐修院的旁边是圣伯努瓦隐修院,人们在隐修院的墙上马马虎虎造了一个戏台;

30、But all was so arranged, that none of the inhabitants of the cloister could see a face from the outside world. ─── 可是整个布置能使修院的任何女人望不见外界的一张面孔。

31、A cloister is not a dock-yard. ─── 一座修院并不是一个工场。”

32、pravrajana; cloister ─── 出家

33、Not laws and works but faith in Christ was brought out of the cloister into everyday life. ─── 不是律法和行为,而是在基督里的信心,把我们从修道院带到每天的生活当中。

34、At the beginning of your upkeep, return all cards removedfrom the game with Bottled Cloister to your hand, thendraw a card. ─── 在你的维持开始时,将所有以瓶封隐居地移出游戏的牌移回你手上,然后抽一张牌。

35、The beautiful bonsais are putting on the cloister of courtyard;birdcage of bamboo hangs on the post here and there, so stay here, you can feel the fragrance of flowers and birdsingings everywhere. ─── 院落的回廊上放置着形状优美的盆景,竹编的鸟笼倚柱而挂,置身其中,感觉处处鸟语花香。

36、To furnish(a building) with a cloister. ─── 设回廊于用回廊装饰(一幢建筑)

37、You may still long for the cloister, but learn this lesson first. ─── 尽管你渴望回到过去,然而你要首先学会生活。

38、In 1099, Bethlehem was captured by the Crusaders, who fortified it and built a new monastery and cloister on the north side of the Church of the Nativity. ─── 1099年,伯利恒被十字军战士夺取,对它加强防卫,并且建立一座新的修道院,位于基督降生教堂的北边。

39、in a cloister ─── 在回廊里

40、9 see joke: A devotional Buddhist encountered tickler, go begging in cloister do obeisance to avalokitesvara. ─── 9看笑话: 一名虔诚的佛教徒遇到了难事,便去寺庙里求拜观音。

41、Not to be missed are the Green Cloister with magnificent frescoes by Paolo Uccello. ─── 不可错过参观绿色的修道院与其内Paolo Uccello的美妙壁画。

42、, one mile from Ephrata Cloister, one of American's earlier religious communities. ─── 埃弗拉塔 酒店:The Rodeway Inn Akron is located in Akron, Pa.

43、As he started work on the apse (and the cloister), everything went at a good pace thanks to the donations. ─── 接着他又着手于拱点和回廊的建造,由于捐赠的到位,一切进展的都很顺利。

44、The western side of the cloister provided for public dealings, with the gatehouse controlling the only opening to the outer, public courtyard. ─── 迴廊西面为宾客接待厅及庭院,并有门房看守。

45、What you beheld was the interior of a cloister. ─── 你所看见的是一个修道院的内部。

46、Living in a cloister. ─── 隐居的住在修道院里的

47、Ha Ke says before this, be thought to compare " base " armed element of constituent member and tower benefit class is more critical, in providing 9 ruinous terrorist to hide at cloister more. ─── 哈克这之前就称,被以为比"基地"组合分子与塔利班武装分子更风险、更具损坏性的9名可怖分子藏身于寺庙中。

48、You see at once the rose that had bloomed untouched amid the chaste precincts of the cloister , Mr. Butler. ─── 你一眼就可以看出这是一朵在修道院圣洁的园子里孤芳自赏的玫瑰花,巴特勒先生。

49、In the cloister, hell is accepted in advance as a post obit on paradise. ─── 在修院里,地狱生活是当作换取天堂的代价而被人接受的。

50、A covered place for walking, as in a cloister . ─── 大修道院以回廊把最主要的建筑连接在一起。

51、the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, of which so admirable a nave survives; the fine quadrilateral cloister of the Mathurins; ─── 还有索拜学堂,半是神学院半是寺院,只幸存下来令人赞赏不已的中堂,即圣马太教派那四边形的美丽隐修院;

52、Behind Notre-Dame, the cloister and its Gothic galleries spread out towards the north; on the south, the half-Roman palace of the bishop; on the east, the desert point of the Terrain. ─── 圣母院后面,北边是峨特式长廊的隐修院,南边是半罗曼式的主教府邸,东边是“场地”荒芜尖岬。

53、cloister vault ─── 回廓穹窿

54、a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work. ─── 居住在修道院并且潜心沉思、祈祷和干活的男修道士。

55、Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded. ─── 修道院的修道院的、与之相关的或指修道院的;隔离的

56、cloister garth ─── 回廊中庭

57、"The western side of the cloister provided for public dealings, with the gatehouse controlling the only opening to the outer, public courtyard." ─── 回廊西面为宾客接待厅及庭院,并有门房看守。

58、A photograph of the Pingnan Convent Cloister Garden. ─── 这三张图是平南天主教的修道院的花园。

59、This stern cloister was not so well walled off, however, but that the life of the passions of the outside world, drama, and even romance, did not make their way in. ─── 然而那横眉怒目的修院并不封锁得怎么严密,外面的情魔孽障并不是一点也飞不进去的。

60、Abbey; cloister; monastery ─── 修道院

61、Tucked into a dark corner of the abbey's cloister was a poster board with five photos from Harry Potter scenes shot at Lacock. ─── 在修道院回廊的一个昏暗的角落里,有一个展板上面贴着五张在拉卡克拍摄的电影场景照片。

62、And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys. ─── 何况,即使从最坏的情况设想,有危险的也只可能是他本人,总不能因自己曾被判处坐苦役牢,便可用这作理由,认为有权利判处珂赛特去进修院。

63、Venting in cloister ─── 回廊排烟

64、The ancient cloister was a structure of red brick picked out with white stones. ─── 这个古老的修道院是一座白石衬托红砖的建筑物。

65、Not laws and works but faith in Christ was brought out of the cloistering everyday life. ─── 不是律法和行为,而是在基督里的信心,把我们从修道院带到每天的生活当中。

66、seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister . ─── 与尘世隔离好像在修道院里一样。

67、The nuns live in a cloister of calm ─── 修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。

68、“Sometimes monastic officials wanted a child from a powerful local noble family to give the cloister more political clout. ─── “有时候宗教势力希望能从当地贵族的家庭里寻找一个孩子,以此来增加寺院的政治权力。

69、21. surround with a cloister, as of a garden. ─── 用回廊环绕,例如花园。

70、a cloister is all that remains of the monastery. ─── 原来的修道院只剩下了一个回廊。

71、Then we shall return to the cloister. ─── 接着大家回到静室。

72、9 see joke: , the Great Master of bonze article ancient bronze mirror with famous Sichuan interviews Hua Yang in cloister piece, the Tang Dynasty two advocate book. ─── 9看笑话: 一次,四川有名的和尚文鉴大师在寺庙接见华阳张、唐两主簿。

73、"On the southern side of the cloister were a central kitchen, Brewery, and workshops." ─── 南面是作坊、厨房和酿酒的地方。

74、at the moment the only refreshment for millions of tourists each year is a tea stall in the cloister. ─── 目前,每年为数百万游客提供茶点的只有一个回廊内的茶摊。

75、to live in solitude (or seclusion); to cloister (oneself in) ─── 蛰居

76、A covered place for walking, as in a cloister. ─── 回廊,步道有顶棚的散步处,如回廊

77、Whenever a city, road or cloister is completed in which at least one player scores points, but the player placing the final tiledoes not. ─── 这句,是否翻译为:"每当一个城市,道路或修道院完成时,其中至少有一名玩家获得分数,但是这个玩家并不是最后一个完成建筑的人"?

78、The ancient cloister was a structure of red brick picked out with white stone. ─── 古老的修道院是一座白石衬托着的红砖建筑物。

79、For aye to be in shady cloister mewed, ─── 终身寄住在阴森的寺院,

80、oyster cloister ─── 牡蛎养殖架

81、This figure of tile study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right. ─── 尽管海丝特 - 白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

82、Smoke cover cloister, zhong Xiang is deep forest Na Yue, it is one of ways of path of tea of China of Hunan buddhism transmission, tea and tea culture. ─── 烟弥寺庙,钟响深林的南岳,是湖南佛教传播中国茶.茶道和茶文化的途径之一。

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