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09-11 投稿


captivating 发音

英:['kæptɪveɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈkæptɪveɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

captivating 中文意思翻译



captivating 网络释义

adj. 迷人的;有魅力的v. 使…着迷(captivate的ing形式)

captivating 词性/词形变化,captivating变形

动词过去分词: captivated |动词第三人称单数: captivates |动词现在分词: captivating |名词: captivation |动词过去式: captivated |

captivating 短语词组

1、you are captivating ─── 你太迷人了

2、captivating night ─── 迷人的夜晚

3、captivating definition ─── 迷人的定义

4、captivating meaning ─── 引人入胜的意义

5、captivating deg ─── 迷人的deg

6、captivating history books ─── 引人入胜的历史书

7、captivating goddes ─── 迷人的戈德斯

8、captivating campus ─── 迷人的校园

9、captivating houses.com ─── 迷人的houses.com网站

10、captivating homes ─── 迷人的家

11、captivating history ─── 迷人的历史

12、captivating fish ─── 迷人的鱼

13、captivating goddess ─── 迷人的女神

14、captivating scene ─── 迷人的景色

captivating 相似词语短语

1、capitulating ─── vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步

2、activating ─── v.使活动;激活;活性化(activate的现在分词)

3、captivatingly ─── 迷人的

4、captivative ─── 迷人的

5、deactivating ─── 使不活动

6、capacitating ─── v.(使)在法律上有资格的;使(精子)获能

7、captivation ─── n.魅力;着迷;迷惑

8、cultivating ─── v.培养(cultivate的现在分词)

9、inactivating ─── n.钝化;v.使不活动;使钝化(inactivate的ing形式)

captivating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because you of advent, this was natural a beautiful day, from now on the world was then many a put on a captivating color.Wish your happy birthday! ─── 因为你的降临,这一天成了一个美丽的日子,从此世界便多了一抹诱人的色彩。祝你生日快乐!

2、Evening dresses of this brand shows captivating oriental styles.Eastern totems are imprinted profoundly on evening dresses, combining embroidery soul with western romance. ─── “潮绣世家”晚礼服展现出魅力四射的东方风情,东方图腾深深烙印在晚礼服上,将潮绣精髓融入进西方浪漫。

3、The life of Jesus, from his birth, his ministry, his death to his ascension, presented in a fresh and captivating way.Hot entirely on location in lsrael. ─── 此片于以色列实景拍摄,运用先进特技和圆熟的摄影手法,把耶稣出生、传道、被捕、被判死刑及复活的传奇一生,一幕幕展示出来。

4、Even though Snowball can no longer see very well, her big brown eyes are still captivating. ─── 即使雪球不能再 看见得很好, 她的大褐色眼睛是仍然迷人的。

5、The careful play of light and angle of the windows is captivating, and the full effect of the windows is not seen until you reach the front of the church. ─── 教堂窗台映射出来的光线是非常迷人的。甚至,当你走到教堂跟前,你会发现窗台映现出全部的光芒。

6、Dark ruby. A captivating and refined nose with well-integrated aromas of blackberries, violets and roasted coffee beans. Elegance and purity characterize this extremely complex and densely woven wine. ─── 此酒呈深宝石红色。黑莓、紫罗兰与烘烤咖啡豆的混合芳香,精致而迷人。醇厚的酒体十分复杂,口感优雅而纯净,绝对是一款上等佳酿。

7、Dazzling notes of orange blossom and fresh flowers, enriched with luminous amber and warm vanilla, create a scent as mysteriously captivating as moonlight on water or jasmine on the night air. ─── 带有橙花和多种鲜花的醉人芬芳,加入气味温和的香草,感觉就如镜花水月,又如黑夜茉莉,神秘迷人。

8、It means to experience a usual degree of the captivating power of temptation. ─── 意思是:经历试探掌握我们生命的力量。

9、Your captivating personality makes you a shining star in social situations. ─── 你迷人的个性使你成为社交场合上的风云人物。

10、After captivating millions with his best-selling novels and hit online games, James Patterson's Women's Murder Club comes to mobile! ─── 根据畅销小说改编,现在它的同名解谜游戏也展现在了我们面前。

11、One of the most captivating natural events of the year in many areas throughout North America is the turning of the leaves in the fall. ─── 北美许多地区一年中最迷人的自然现象之一是秋天树叶的变色。

12、All he said was so free from effort and spontaneous and was said with such a captivating gaiety, that it was fascinating to hear him talk ─── 他说话的时候不加思索,随意发挥,而且风姿潇洒,娓娓动听,所以大家都很喜欢听他说话。

13、The exquisite form and striking beauty of the unusual flowers of Clematis florida and its cultivars have a captivating charm that leaves no one untouched. ─── 佛罗里达铁线莲,外形优美,具有不同寻常的美丽,其品种具有迷人的魅力,叶片不常见。

14、Regardless of the slight mishap, the audience was held breathless by the captivating performance filled with technical skills and majestic choreography. ─── 尽管出现了那个小的失误,观众仍被他们那富于高难度技术与艺术表现力的表演所吸引。

15、There was something so captivating in his light way of touching these fantastic strings. ─── 他轻描淡写地说出这些荒诞不经的想法时,他的态度是非常动人的。

16、They perform in music halls as well as in a hotel lobby, captivating audiences/guests with their soul-stirring music. ─── 时而又出现在酒店的炫彩灯光之下,让音乐溢满整个殿堂,使人们在优美的音乐中释放一整天的疲惫。

17、It seemed as if nature had also seized the moment to assume her mildest and most captivating form. ─── 大自然似乎也抓紧这一时刻,来表现一下自己那最最温柔、最最迷人的姿态。

18、But I see another law in my members, fighting against the law of my mind, and captivating me in the law of sin, that is in my members. ─── 可是,我发觉在我的肢体内,另有一条法律,与我理智所赞同的法律交战,并把我掳去,叫我隶属于那在我肢体内的罪恶的法律。

19、At once powerful and elegant, with a captivating sappiness of fruit. ─── 即时的力度和优雅,带有丰富的果味。

20、Use frequently, can make your skin strengthen resistance and beautiful, send out captivating glamour constantly. ─── 如长期使用能使肌肤增强对外界环境的抵抗力,令你更娇媚动人,时刻散发诱人魅力。

21、He found her captivating. ─── 他发觉她很迷人。

22、Take a captivating journey to the heart of Russia, where legends and history surround you at every turn. ─── 来这里旅行能够深切感受到俄罗斯的迷人魅力,每一次徜徉都会与传说和历史不期而遇。

23、Thirst for speed and danger makes the game more captivating. ─── 对速度和惊险的渴望使得该游戏更具魅力。

24、Available in four captivating colors - Blue, Green, Brown and Gray. ─── 提供4迷人的颜色-蓝,绿,布朗和灰色。

25、Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer light up the screen in this captivating romantic comedy. ─── 尊尼(阿尔柏仙奴)刚出狱,到咖啡店任职厨师。

26、“Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence” begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with “blackamoor” attendants. ─── 一尊镶有珠宝的精美骆驼(其图如下)将拉开“巴洛克:辉煌时代的风格”的序幕,此尊骆驼旁还雕刻着一个“黑人”解说员。

27、Plum, rasberry and blackberry flavors are supported with solid tannins in this rustic Zinfandel. Sultry cedar and spice accents linger on this captivating, long-finishing wine. ─── 品评:这款田园气息浓郁的仙芬黛蕴含洋李、覆盆子和黑莓的香气,单宁强劲。回味持久绵长,有些许雪松和香料的芬芳。

28、Your charm will be captivating. ─── 本周你魅力非凡;

29、Lavender captivating massage and body cream ─── 按摩身体霜。

30、The captivating Claudtte Colbert stars as the frustrated wife of struggling engineer Joel McCrea. ─── 年轻的嘉瑞虽然从个人感情上很爱她的丈夫汤姆,但她不想生活在社会的最底层的边缘。

31、How to treat desire in a healthy manner, instead of surpassing it rashly is a question worth consideration in this captivating era. ─── 摘要在这个充满诱惑的时代,如何健康地对待欲望而又不是轻视性地超越欲望是一个值得重视的问题。

32、A fantastical landscape of flowing folds and shapely curves tenderly embraces you before it lulls you into a magical world of captivating dreams. ─── "在你进入一个如魔幻般著迷的梦境前,让流动的折叠与匀称的曲线轻轻地拥抱著你的身驱吧。"

33、For that matter, those of you in partnerships might also meet someone breathtakingly captivating. ─── 就此而言,你也有可能会在工作上遇到魅力四射的人。

34、"Her hair alone was so captivating and it reminded me that I had some brillo pads under the kitchen sink. ─── “她的头发是如此迷人,我的厨房的水槽有一些布里洛垫提醒了我。

35、As a captivating fashion venue, Highstreet LOFT will continuously stimulate the nerve of urban original creation through distinct creative activities. ─── 尚街LOFT作为吸引眼球的另类所在,其层出不穷的个性创意活动将不停地抽动都市的原创神经。

36、Wouldn’t the symphonies be awesome, captivating, and unadulterated? ─── 交响曲将会是令人惊叹的,迷人的,纯正的!

37、So what other topic could be so weighty, so captivating that it would cause the radio show's Web site to crash under a stampede of visitors? ─── 那么有什么其它话题分量如此重,题材如此吸引人,使得该节目的网站因访问量过大而崩溃?

38、Appreciating the Chengdu foods is a captivating gustatory and visual experience. The dishes, the containers, and the settings of restaurants and courtyards, pose themselves as artistic creations. ─── 成都美食具有特别丰富的味觉元素和优美的视觉效果。从菜品、餐具、礼品到餐厅、庭院,犹如精妙绝伦的工艺品。

39、The official craftsmen in the Yuan dynasty,parti ally from the captiv es in the process of early conquest and from official handicraftsmen in Nan Song dynasty,were all managed by the institution of census register of craftsmen. ─── 元代的系官工匠 ,部分来源于早期征服过程中的俘虏 ,部分接收自南宋官手工业的工匠 ,均通过匠籍制度加以维系。

40、It was a way of getting access to this completely captivating multimedia event that you just didn't have access to in a small-town setting normally. ─── 当你没办法按常规地使用小城镇形式运作的时候,你只能诉诸于这种精彩万分的多媒体综合表现形式。

41、A baby Fiat with matured character and captivating charm. This classic car combines elegant form with simple, alluring features. Beautiful in cobalt blue with chrome bumpers and trimmings. ─── 婴儿菲亚特与成熟性格和迷人的魅力。这经典优雅的汽车结合的形式简单,诱人的功能。在美丽的蓝色钴铬保险杠和装饰。

42、Ignoring all other types of sounds, they begin to hear Krsna's captivating voice and the music of His flute which enchants the three worlds. ─── 忽视一切其它声音,它们开始听主奎师那的迷人声音和迷惑三个世界的笛音。

43、This captivating book is even better to look at in the company of another person with Parisian sympathies, so remembrances can be compared as contents are browsed. ─── 同样的事,在作者的笔下总有不同的呈现,如沈昌文公的“小聪明”、海子的青春和诗,甚至夏奈尔的成功原因,作者都有独特的观察视角,文字闪烁着思辨的火花,读来意兴盎然。

44、Also belong to the most captivating, mysterious, romantic's antiquity legend nobility ─── 也是最诱人,最神秘,最浪漫的古老传说中的贵族

45、Luxurious soap-free bathing bubbles with the mysterious and captivating Neroli Jasmin fragrance. ─── 不含碱性,带来舒适感觉。

46、(Not as red as it looks in the jar photo) Rich, captivating bronze sparkle with accents of red sparkle and sheer wine (no brown base as the photos appear) ─── (不像图片中那么红)丰富,迷人的古铜、红色亮片和纯葡萄酒色(无照片中的棕色底色)

47、For that matter, those of you in partnerships might also meet someone breathtakingly captivating. ─── 就此而言,你也有可能会在工作上遇到魅力四射的人。

48、An educational logo design must not only be captivating to the younger generation. It must also have the ability to instill a feeling of inspiration for prospective students. ─── 一个教育标识设计不但要对年轻一代有吸引力,还应该能够向未来的学生灌输一种精神情感。

49、A broken foot it all, it poised to smiling, take it that captivating smile, forever and ever freeze-frame in my ignorance of the pavilion misty rain. ─── 一只脚踏碎了它的一切,它却泰然自若地嫣然一笑,带着它那动人心魄的笑容,永永远远定格在了我那无知的亭台烟雨。

50、10.As captivating as your dominance might be, Viconia, I will not surrender my being to the whims of another again... be they God or drow. ─── 就像你令人神魂颠倒的魅力,维康妮亚,我不会再度降于诱惑...不管是神还是卓尔精灵。

51、Mercury will send a sparkling missive to Uranus, planet of surprise, and this time the surprises you get will be ones you'll find completely captivating. ─── 水星将派出一个闪闪发光的信息到天王星--主宰惊喜的行星,这一天你得到的惊喜将会是非常欣慰的!

52、Sri Krsna exhibited His supremely captivating appearance, just like the best of dancers performing upon a stage. ─── 主奎师那展示祂最迷人的外表,祂就象在舞台上表演的最佳舞蹈家。

53、Human faces are mentally captivating, making it difficult to ignore, Doherty-Sneddon said. ─── 人类的面部在心理上是充满魅力的,以至于人们很难忽略它。

54、A live screen is one of the most captivating sights on Earth, right up there with nude co-ed volleyball or a chain collision on an expressway. ─── 我们需要使用连续的合约图,利用数学计算设备把很多合约图连接到一起。

55、From the tropical beaches of Bali to the frozen slopes of Everest, this pictorial draws together a definitive collection of the sights, sounds and tastes of this captivating continent. ─── 个人对那些不知名、或者比较冷门的"旅游"国家(例如伊拉克、阿富汗、中亚各国)会较为感兴趣,当然,亦不忘看看他怎样写我们的香港!

56、Now that I know more about the captivating confection, I guess I'm going to have to start sampling all the different types and brands of chocolate at my local candy store--one by one. ─── 既然现在我对迷人糖果有了更多了解,我打算把我家当地糖果店的所有种类和品牌的巧克力都一个接一个尝个遍。

57、Then I heard the noise of frying from upstairs, and I smelt captivating scent at the door of master bedroom. ─── 然后我就听到楼上炒菜的声音,在主卧房门口闻到了诱人的香味。

58、There's a sort of innocence about Manon and her project, which is captivating. ─── 曼诺和她的计划多少有些天真,但却令人神往。

59、He became a captivating tutor in international politics, and his students worshipped him ─── 他当上了具有强烈感染力的国际政治学的导师,学生们都崇敬他。

60、Captivating fragrance oolong tea is from organic tea garden which uses natural farming method and biological pest control system. ─── 产自台湾南投奥万大森林茶区,全程实施无农药的有机自然生态农耕法来控制虫害。

61、For him, the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to family history. ─── 对他而言,这小巧迷人的吊坠并不能够作为仅仅是家族史的路标来看待。

62、One of the most captivating poses is when a woman is sitting with her legs crossed under herself and her knees are exposed to the person she's talking to. ─── 一个最具吸引的姿势是当一位女性坐着的时候,把双腿交叉在身体下方,她的膝盖露出给正在说话的人。

63、They seemed lively and intelligent, and they produced beautiful folk art and captivating music. ─── 他们看上去活力充沛,聪明伶俐。他们创作了优美的民间艺术和富有感染力的音乐。

64、David Frankel said:“Jennifer and Owen are so captivating and it was apparent from the first second that I saw them together! ─── 大卫.弗兰科尔:“珍妮弗和欧文是如此迷人,当我看见他们在一起的时候,很显然无论从哪一方面都是数一数二的!”

65、He stood six feet four with wavy blond hair and a captivating smile that made my heart skip a beat. ─── 他身高六英尺四,有着波状的金发,他迷人的微笑使我的心怦怦直跳。

66、This logical game is extremely captivating and simple in the rotation: transfer bal... ─── 将球从一个人手中传到另一个人手中。

67、Featuring two game modes, stunning graphics, and addictive game play, Crystalix is a captivating journey you'll want to take again and again. ─── 每个关卡中还有金币和宝石等你收集,某些关卡过后也会出现,动作一定要快哦,否则就错过啦。

68、For when she lowered her opera- glasses, a smile ?that captivating greeting of women ? strayed across her lips in reply to the acknowledgement the seemed to expect from me. ─── 因为当她放下望远镜的时候,嘴角上浮现出一丝微笑,这是女人用来致意的一种非常妩媚的笑容,显然她在准备回答我即将向她表示的敬意。

69、1.A captivating, engrossing debut,...a fast-paced tale of international crime and skullduggery written with style and panache. ─── 1. 这似乎是介绍一部新上映的影片或者新书的文字。

70、Each episode of this captivating series is infused with brilliant academic commentary and includes the building and testing of some of Leonardo's inventions. ─── 每集这个迷人的系列充满了灿烂的学术评注,其中包括建设和测试的一些达芬奇的发明。

71、“I see sportsmen and women as the modern day gladiators, captivating us both on and off the field," said Armani. ─── “我把男女运动员们视作现代的角斗士,在场内场外都吸引着我们,”阿玛尼继续说道。

72、As the knurled collar is embedded in the sheet ,the undercut cavity beneath the collar is filled with displaced sheet material, thereby captivating the fastener in the sheet. ─── 当花齿深深嵌入面板的时候,螺母的底部中空部分会被面板材料完全填满,因此螺母能完美的镶嵌在面板里。

73、He found her captivating. ─── 他发觉她很迷人。

74、Her subtle brilliance is captivating, and one can't help but feel honored to watch her work.------Meryl ─── 先来检讨------这是打算在寒假里就完成的作业,一拖再拖,终究是不够勤勉啊。

75、Our toddlers eagerly embrace the world around them as they experience captivating circles, stimulating sensory opportunities and dramatic play experiences. ─── 当他们体验,迷住圆、刺激的感觉的机会和剧本的游戏经验时我们的刚学步的小孩在他们周围热心地拥抱世界。

76、Now imagine the ending totally sucks.Even if the story was captivating up until the ending, would you still be happy recommending the novel to a friend? ─── 如果一个人靠自己的能力去完成一件事情,那他会很自然地感觉到幸福的降临。

77、Russian women are the most captivating in the universe. ─── 俄罗斯女人是世界上最迷人的好不好.

78、The captivating smile of a woman ─── 嫣然一笑

79、I remember how impressed I was with her vivacious and captivating warmth. ─── 她活泼动人的热情深深感染了我。

80、Natalie Wood is captivating as Alva Starr, the coquettish town flirt with plenty of big plans but nowhere to go... until Legate appears on her doorstep. ─── 原来,奥云此行目的是要解雇一些铁路工人,因而遭这群失业工人痛殴。

81、It is the most important gem of plagioclase clan to draw the feldspar, its captivating place is a color that can see the color spot form the gem. ─── 拉长石是斜长石族最重要的宝石,它的诱人之处是透过宝石面可以见到彩斑状的颜色。

82、But is captiv'd, and proves weake or unture. ─── 但我懦弱又虚伪,被敌人掳走。

83、"Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence" begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with "blackamoor" attendants. ─── 一尊镶有珠宝的精美骆驼(其图如下)将拉开“巴洛克:辉煌时代的风格”的序幕,此尊骆驼旁还雕刻着一个“黑人”解说员。

84、There comes a point in time where we want to improve our website’s interface or provide a captivating experience that our users will remember. ─── 在这个时代,我们都希望想要改进我们网站的界面,抑或提供一个让我们的用户会永远记住的迷人体验。

85、Zanzibar, the fabled spice islands with captivating pristine white sandy beaches, soothing breezes and rare exotic spices are in Tanzania. ─── 桑给巴尔岛:梦幻香岛,白色的沙滩、徐徐的海风、珍稀的丁香,这里的一切都让人沉醉。

86、He spent twenty minutes studying the scene with a keen eye and captivating smile. ─── 他花了20分钟仔细观察了这一场面,他的目光敏锐,面孔露出极富感染力的笑意。

87、It seemed as if nature had also seized the moment to assume her mildest and most captivating form ─── 大自然似乎也抓紧这一时刻,来表现一下自己那最最温柔、最最迷人的姿态。

88、the gathering is a captivating and sad story of a woman ' s unbroken silence , who yearns to repair damage already done. ─── 《聚会》是个令人神魂颠倒的悲哀故事,一位女人的沉默,她渴望弥补已经造成的伤害。

89、He seemed so nice and charming and captivating. ─── 他似乎无可挑剔、迷人的、令人神魂颠倒。

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