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09-11 投稿


errata 发音


英:  美:

errata 中文意思翻译



errata 网络释义

n. 勘误表;正误表(erratum的复数)

errata 短语词组

1、table of errata ─── [化] 勘误表

2、errata id ─── 获取id

3、errata security ─── 错误的安全性

4、errata item crossword ─── 填字游戏错误

5、list of errata ─── [化] 勘误表

6、errata item ─── 错误的项目

7、errata d&d ─── 勘误表d&d

8、errata evalutor ─── [计] 误符计值多项式, 误符计值子

9、errata corrige ─── 错误的勘误表

10、errata locator ─── [计] 误符定位子

11、errata 5e ─── 错误的5e

12、errata sheet ─── 错误的纸张

errata 相似词语短语

1、serrati ─── 塞拉特

2、erratum ─── n.(印刷或书写中的)错误;排错;勘误表

3、erratic ─── adj.不稳定的;古怪的;n.漂泊无定的人;古怪的人

4、serrate ─── adj.(尤指生物)锯齿状的;vt.使……有锯齿;使……成锯齿状;n.(Serrate)(西)塞拉特(人名)

5、fermata ─── n.延音;延长记号,停留记号;n.(Fermata)人名;(意)费尔马塔

6、Ferrara ─── n.阔刃剑;菲拉拉(意大利城市);费拉拉(姓氏)

7、Sorata ─── n.索拉塔(地名)

8、ferrate ─── n.高铁酸盐,铁酸盐

9、braata ─── n.赠送的礼品

errata 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are mistakes in the errata, which means that the quality of this publication is not good. ─── 正误表中还有错误,说明此刊物质量不好。

2、Pipe flanges and flanged fittings; Errata ─── 管法兰和法兰管件的正误表

3、Most of the errata comprise editorial clarifications so as to remove ambiguity of interpretation and make other editorial tweaks. ─── 大多数勘误表包含编辑说明,以消除解释中的歧义并调整其他编辑上的改动。

4、Methods of test for bulk density of aggregates and solid content in aggregates (Erratum 1) ─── 集料的体积密度和集料中固体含量的试验方法(勘误1)

5、Most players are already familiar with those clarifications and errata, so they are not detailed here. ─── 大多数运动员已经熟悉那些澄清和勘误表,因此他们在这里没被详述。

6、Erratum: The half-yearly average figures for Taiwan's rejoining the United Nations have been mis-calculated in the original version. ─── 原公布之对台湾重新加入联合国半年结的数据属误值,特此更正。

7、R.K.Johnson, “Sound Scattering from a Fluid Sphere Recisited,” J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 61, 375-377 (1977) and Erratum Ibid 63, 626(E) (1978). ─── 谢传璋,张宗宏,“气泡幕之声学效应研究”,中华民国第十八届海洋工程研讨会论文集,960-964,1996。

8、JIS C5101-1 ERRATUM 1-04、JIS C5101-1 ERRATUM 1、JIS C 5101-1 ERRATUM 1-2004、JIS C 5101-1 ERRATUM 1-04、JIS C5101-1 ERRATUM 1:2004 ─── 1999电子设备用固定电容器.第10部分:空白详细规范:固定多层陶瓷片电容器.评估等级E

9、Metric heavy hex structural bolts; Errata ─── 米制重型六角头结构螺栓,正误表

10、Erratum: The half-yearly average figures for the independence of Taiwan have been mis-calculated in the original version. ─── 原公布之台湾独立半年结的数据属误值,特此更正。

11、Debian -- Errata for Debian 2.0 On x86 machines ─── Debian--x86版Debian 2.0的勘误表

12、Measurement of fluid flow in pipes using orifice, nozzle, and Venturi; Errata ─── 用孔板,管接头和文丘里管测量管道中的流量。正误表

13、Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata. ─── 要求读者根据勘误表匡正。

14、Quality management systems -- Guidelines for performance improvements (Erratum 2) ─── 质量管理体系性能提高导则(勘误2)

15、Corrigenda List of corrections in a book. See Errata slip. ─── 更正书籍错字的表,粘附于书内。

16、" Cards printed with this ability have been given errata in the Oracle card reference. ─── 之前具有潜居海岛的牌,现在都具有上述这两部分异能,而不再使用此关键词。

17、Precast concrete products -- General rules for classification designation and marking (Erratum 1) ─── 预制混凝土制品分类、命名和标记的通用规则(勘误1)

18、Acoustics -- Measurement of floor impact sound insulation of buildings -- Part 1: Method using standard light impact source (Erratum 1) ─── 建筑物的楼板冲击声音隔绝的测量。第1部分:使用标准轻型冲击源的的方法(勘误1)

19、This was another of the great errata of my life, which I could wish to correct if I were to live it over again. ─── 这又是我一生当中的一件过错,如果时光能够倒流,我一定不会让这件事情发生。

20、Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. ─── 阅读时请参照本文档的勘误表,其中可能会包含一些标准的修正。

21、They have all been confirmed by Intel and described in errata section of their specification updates. ─── 他们都被证实是由英特尔和描述的勘误表一节他们的规格更新。

22、However, the API for Eclipse has not changed greatly, and the errata section on the book's Web site will bring you up to date. ─── 然而,对于Eclipse的API没有很大改变,并且本书的Web站点上的勘误部分将带给您最新内容。

23、Mechanical and performance requirements for prevailing-torque type steel metric hex nuts and hex flange nuts; Errata ─── 有效力矩型米制钢六角螺母和六角法兰螺母机械和性能要求。勘误表

24、errata evalutor ─── [计] 误符计值多项式, 误符计值子

25、I'll continue to publish updates and errata at http://www.oneysoft.com for at least the next couple of years. ─── 我检查了一些技术上的东西,在其他事情上疏忽了,并且在本书已出版后还学到了其他的东西。

26、The author is maintaining a list of errata for the first edition. ─── 作者正在维护第一版的勘误表。

27、Errata: During the drafting of this article, I overlooked the list of inherited methods of the JMenuBar class. ─── 勘误:在本文的草稿阶段,我忽略了JMenuBar类的继承方法的列表。

28、Shipbuilding and marine structures -- Ships- ordinary rectangular windows (Erratum 1) ─── 造船和船结构。船用普通矩形玻璃(勘误1)

29、However, it is recommended that you check the standard kernel distribution sites, such as kernel. Org, for newer versions of the 2.2. X source tree and additional errata. ─── 无论如何,我们建议你去查阅一些权威的核心发布站点,例如像kernel.org,以获取新版本的2.2.x源码和附加的堪误表。

30、The errata list is bigger than what I would like to see and it wasnt even exhaustive. ─── 勘误表上的条目如此之多,不是我想看到的,而且更可怕的是勘误表上的错误并不能无遗漏的反映本书的印刷/排版错误。

31、Methods for performance evaluation of computer numerically controlled machining centers; Errata ─── 计算机数控机床中心评价性能的方法。勘误表

32、All older cards with this ability will be getting errata to change the ability to flash. ─── 所有具此异能的旧版本牌都将会被勘误,好将此异能改为闪现。

33、Errata can be good for your career. ─── 勘误对你的职业生涯会有好处。

34、Steam boilers and pressure vessels -- Spring loaded safety valves (Erratum 1) ─── 蒸汽锅炉和压力容器。弹簧式载荷安全阀(勘误1)

35、errata evaluator ─── 误符计值多项式, 误符计值子

36、These will be getting errata so they trigger whenever a permanent is turned face up. ─── 其内文将被勘误,好让它们在永久物翻回正面时触发。

37、list of errata ─── 正误表

38、All cards that have or grant the Giant Spider ability will be receiving errata to change that ability to reach. ─── 所有具有或会赋予巨型蜘蛛之异能的牌都将被勘误,好将该异能改为延势。

39、Standard practice for thermal insulation works (Erratum 1) ─── 热绝缘工程标准实施规程(勘误1)

40、Watelet B.Quibriac M.Rolland D Erratum to"characterization and diagnostic potential of hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid expressed in E.coli and P.pastoris" 2002 ─── 陈星.高斌.贾兴元.苏畅.吕月平.王战勇.范新萍.肖白.刘敬忠使用偏爱密码子大幅度提高苯丙氨酸脱氨酶在食品级乳酸乳球菌中的表达[期刊论文]-中华生物医学工程杂志2006(2

41、Q. Where can I find the latest D&D Miniatures FAQs, errata, and tournament information? ─── 我可以在哪里找到最新的战棋问答集、勘误表,以及比赛的资讯?

42、Acoustics -- Method for laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements (Erratum 1) ─── 建筑部件隔音的实验室测量方法(勘误1)

43、Corrigenda List of corrections in a book. See Errata slip. ─── 更正书籍错字的表,粘附于书内。

44、Test methods for rubber or plastic insulated wires and cables (Erratum 1) ─── 橡胶或塑料绝缘线及电缆的试验方法(勘误1)

45、Densified refuse derived fuel -- Part 4: Test method for ash (Erratum 1) ─── 来自于密化垃圾的燃料第4部分:灰分的测试方法(勘误1)

46、Measurement of fluid flow in pipes using vortex flow meters; Errata ─── 用涡流流量计测量管道中的液体流量。正误表

47、Erratum: The online version of this table was once mis-printed. ─── 本数表之网上版本曾经误植,特此致歉。

48、Enameled cast iron plumbing fixtures; Errata ─── 上釉铸铁卫生设备。勘误

49、Safety data sheet for chemical products -- Part 1: Content and order of sections (Erratum 3) ─── 化学产品安全数据单第1部分:内容和章节顺序(勘误3)

50、Metamerism index -- Evaluation method of degree of metamerism for change in illuminant (Erratum 1) ─── 条件配色指数发光物颜色改变的条件配色度评价方法(勘误1)

51、Erratum: Organochlorine Insecticides Residues in Human Milk: A Study of Lactating Mothers in Siphofaneni, Swaciland ─── 人乳中有机氯杀虫剂残余:斯威士兰哺育期母体的一项研究

52、Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata. ─── 要求读者根据勘误表匡正。

53、Testing methods for paints -- Part 5: Mechanical properties of film -- Section 2: Cupping test (Erratum 1 ─── 涂料试验方法.第5部分:膜的机械特性.第2节:杯突试验(勘误1

54、Characterized errata may cause the Intel Desktop Board D850EMV2's behavior to deviate from published specifications. ─── 已肯定的勘误表可能会使英特尔台式机主板D850EMV2的性能与公布的技术指标有所偏差。

55、Copper phosphorus brazing filler metals (Erratum 1) ─── 磷铜硬钎焊料(技术勘误1)

56、errata for the version you plan to install. ─── 您计划安装版本的勘误表。

57、Machine mounting specifications for abrasive discs and plate mounted wheels; Errata ─── 砂轮和盘安装的的机器安装规范。勘误表

58、SVG 1.1 serves two purposes: to provide a modularization of SVG based on SVG 1.0 and to include the errata found so far in SVG 1.0. ─── SVG1.1服务于两个目的:提供基于SVG1.0的SVG模块化并包括至今为止在SVG1.0发现的错误校正.

59、" In general, cards that were printed with phase abilities have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they have abilities that trigger at the beginning of a step or phase. ─── 一般来说,印制了阶段异能的牌,现在都在该步骤或阶段开始时触发。

60、Errata slip: Slip of paper inserted into a book and containing list of the author's or printer's errors discovered too late to be corrected.. ─── 更正附页:插入书内的单张。它是一份勘误表,列出因发现太迟,不及改正的作者或承印商的错误。

61、Helical compression and extension springs -- Requirements for design performance test method (Erratum 1) ─── 螺旋压缩与拉伸弹簧设计要求和性能试验方法(勘误1)

62、Read the errata for the version you plan to install. ─── 参阅您计划安装版本的勘误表。


64、Acoustics -- Measurement of floor impact sound insulation of buildings -- Part 2: Method using standard heavy impact sources (Erratum 1) ─── 声学。建筑物的楼板冲击声音隔绝的测量。第2部分:使用标准重型冲击源的的方法(勘误1)

65、Testing methods for paints -- Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 10: Abrasion resistance (Reciprocating test panel method) (Erratum 1 ─── 涂料试验方法.第5部分:膜的机械特性.第10节:耐磨性(往复试验控制板法)(勘误1

66、Bank check background and convenience amount field; Errata ─── 银行支票的标准底色和填写金额用的区域。勘误表

67、a list of errata ─── 勘误表

68、Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. ─── 请参阅本文档的勘误表,内或含有一些规范更正.

69、It was not fair in me to take this advantage, and this I therefore reckon as one of the first errata of my life; ─── 便藉以保障我的自由手段来换取利益是不大合适的,往后认为是我终身一大过错;

70、Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs (Erratum 1) ─── 机械安全性。通过上边缘阻止达到危险区的安全距离(勘误1)

71、All older cards with this exact ability will be receiving errata to change that ability to lifelink. ─── 所有具此异能(需完全相同)的旧版本牌都将会被勘误,好将此异能改为系命。

72、Metallic gaskets for pipe flanges - Ring-joint, spiral-wound, and jacketed; Errata ─── 管法兰用金属密封垫。连接环、绕制螺旋形密封垫和有套密封垫的正误表

73、Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. ─── 阅读时请参照本文档的勘误表,其中可能会包含一些规范性的修正。+阅读时请参照本文档的勘误表,其中可能会包含一些标准的修正。

74、Every card with threshold is getting errata. ─── 所有具有门槛异能的牌都将会被勘误。

75、All older cards with this ability will be receiving errata to change that ability to shroud. ─── 所有具此异能的旧版本牌都将会被勘误,好将此异能改为帷幕。

76、I have committed a blunder.' And so he made the cat.The cat is the erratum of the mouse.The mouse, plus the cat, is the proof of creation revised and corrected. ─── 因此麻厂街的街垒和我们前面所描述的两座巨大的街垒相比,仅是一张草图,一个雏形,但在当时,它算是很可怕的了。

77、' And so he made the cat.The cat is the erratum of the mouse. ─── 于是他又创造了猫,猫是老鼠的勘误表。

78、Second Edition is only a correction to XML1. 0 that incorporates the first-edition errata( bug fixes ). ─── 第二版仅是对XML1.0的修正,它整合了第一版的所有错误表。

79、For completeness, all design notes, board layout files, development and production documentation and databases, component datasheets, user’s guides and component errata should also be included. ─── 项目完成后,设计团队分配新任务前,需要对项目的设计进行归档。

80、Method of test for content of soft particles in coarse aggregate by scratching (Erratum 1) ─── 用划痕试验进行粗集料中软质颗粒含量的试验方法(勘误1)

81、My printing this pamphlet was another erratum ─── 我印这本小册子又是一个错误。

82、errata location ─── 误符定位子

83、Second Edition is only a correction to XML1.0 that incorporates the first-edition errata( bug fixes ). ─── 第二版仅是对XML1.0的修正,它整合了第一版的所有错误表。

84、errata page ─── 错页,页码错乱

85、Porcelain enameled formed steel plumbing fixtures; Errata ─── 陶瓷成形钢制卫生设备。勘误

86、Readers make the corrections pointed out in the table of errata. ─── 读者根据勘误表进行补正。

87、table of errata ─── [化] 勘误表

88、Another possible change: with connected books, the tether between the author and the book is still active after purchase. Errata can be corrected instantly. Updates, no problem. ─── 另一种可能出现的改变:书是连接着的,购买后在作者和书的范围之间仍然活动着。错误可以立即被修正。更新升级,没有问题。

89、This article will cover XML namespaces 1.0 (including all errata). ─── 本文将介绍XML namespaces 1.0(包括所有的勘误表)。

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