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09-11 投稿


variability 发音

英:[ˌveriəˈbɪləti]  美:[ˌveəriəˈbɪləti]

英:  美:

variability 中文意思翻译



variability 词性/词形变化,variability变形

名词复数: variabilities |

variability 反义词


variability 同义词

variableness | changeability |adaptability | unevenness | irregularity | unpredictability | alterability | capriciousness | fickleness | flexibility | patchiness | inconstancy | inconsistency | variance

variability 短语词组

1、coefficient of variability ─── [医] 可变性系数

2、constant of variability ─── 可变性常数

3、costs variability ─── 成本可变性

4、controlled variability ─── 受控变异性

5、variability plot ─── [医]变异性作图

6、absolute variability ─── 绝对变率, ─── 绝对变异量

7、adequate variability ─── 适应变异性

8、graphic analysis of cost variability ─── [经] 成本变动性的图解分析

9、Variability Reduction Process ─── 可变性还原过程

10、cost variability ─── [经] 成本的变动性

11、factor of variability ─── [经] 变动性的因素

12、corresponding variability ─── 相应变异性

13、variability of precipitation ─── 降水的变异性

14、trait variability ─── 性状变异

15、cyclical variability ─── 周期性可变性

16、climatic variability ─── 气候变率; ─── 气候的多变性

17、genetic variability of offender ─── [法] 罪犯在遗传上的变化

18、continuous variability ─── 连续可变性

19、uncontrolled variability ─── [医]未控制变异性

variability 相似词语短语

1、arability ─── n.适合耕种,可耕性

2、viability ─── n.生存能力,发育能力;可行性

3、satiability ─── 可满足性

4、invariability ─── n.不变;不变性;安定性

5、versability ─── 通用性

6、verifiability ─── n.可验证性;能证明

7、friability ─── n.易碎性;脆弱

8、amiability ─── n.可爱;和蔼可亲;友善

9、availability ─── n.可用性;有效性;实用性

variability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We can provide more than enough genetic information to account for the variability in nature. ─── 可提供的遗传信息对于解释自然界中的变异性来说已经绰绰有余。

2、Research Progress of Methods of Heart Rate Variability analysis. ─── 心率变异分析方法的研究进展。

3、Levitus S, Boyer T P and Antonov J. World Ocean Atlas. Vol.5: Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Thermal Structure[M]. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 5, 1994. ─── 乔方利,于卫东.厄尔尼诺信号循环回路及其传播特性研究[J].海洋科学进展,2004(待刊).

4、Reliance on averages has the disadvantage of hiding variability among individual test results. ─── 依赖平均值有隐藏各单独的检验结果中变异性的不利一面。

5、There's a great deal of variability between individuals. ─── 个体之间存在着很大的可变性。

6、It is often difficult to find a proper equilibrium between stability and variability. ─── 在稳定性和变化性之间通常很难找到适当的平衡。

7、Interannual, Monthly, and Regional Variability in the Wet Season Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Sub-Saharan Africa. ─── 副撒哈拉非洲湿季降水日循环中的年际、月和区域变率。

8、Overall, significant variability remains among transplant programs in the criteria used to evaluate donors. ─── 总之,过去和现在的对活体供者的评估标准已经有显著改变。

9、Figure 1 shows comparable variability within data collected with our own LWIR sensor. ─── 图一展示了使用长波红外探测器采集数据的可比较变化。

10、In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded. ─── 在无性繁殖物种中,重组产生的变异可能受到严重限制,甚至受到阻止。

11、Studies suggest that to date the variability in computer simulations is considerably smaller than in data obtained from the proxy records. ─── 研究表明,迄今为止,计算机模拟的可变性比从代理记录中获得的数据要小得多。

12、Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Acute Exposure to Hypoxia. ─── 急性缺氧条件下的心率变异性分析

13、Others properties belonged to moderate variability, the CV% of non-capillary prosity is most with 62.22%. ─── 其余土壤特性均属于中等程度变异,其中土壤非毛管孔隙度变异系数最大,为62.22%。

14、It has been a hotspot to use the geostatistics combined with GIS to study the soil spatial variability at present. ─── 利用地统计学,结合GIS技术来研究土壤性质的空间变异,已成为目前土壤学研究的热点之一。

15、Is solar variability reflected in the Nile River? ─── 太阳变率在尼罗河有反映吗?

16、The Coupled model was used to simulate the Arctic Ocean sea ice climate variability. ─── 在资料分析和数值模拟的基础上,对北极海冰的气候变率进行了深入的研究,结果如下:

17、Even a little diversification can provide a substantial reduction in variability. ─── 即时一丁点分散也能造成变异性的显著降低。

18、The polygenic and multiple allelic nature of many traits gives a vast potential for variability among hereditary characteristics. ─── 许多特征的多基因本质和复等位本质,使遗传特点中的变异性具有巨大的潜力。

19、In clock mutant cells, however, where cellular rhythms are weak or transient, intercellular coupling serves to stabilize cycle-to-cycle variability. ─── 在生物钟突变细胞里,细胞间的联结是为稳定循环的可变性而服务的,那里的细胞(活动)节律微弱或一闪而逝。

20、The problem of individual variability has always been difficult. ─── 个体间的差异问题总是很难办。

21、A major problem in hepatitis C virus (HCV) immunotherapy or vaccine design is the extreme variability of the virus. ─── 丙型肝炎病毒免疫治疗或疫苗设计最大障碍是HCV具有高度变异性。

22、Minobe S,Nakanowatari T.Global structure of bidecadal precipitation variability in boreal winter[J].Geophs Res Lett,2002,29(10):1029. ─── 叶笃正,杨广基,王兴东.东亚和太平洋上空平均垂直环流(夏季)[J].大气科学,1979,3(1):1-11.

23、Title: Genetic variability of gliadin in Triticum compactum Host. ─── 关键词:密穗小麦;醇溶蛋白;遗传多样性;聚类分析

24、Detection-attribution of global warming at the regional scale: How to deal with precipitation variability? ─── 在整个地区尺度上全球变暖的探测归因:如何处理降水变化?

25、Relation of the circadian variation of QT dispersion and heart rate variability. ─── QT离散度昼夜的变化与心率变异性的联系。

26、To increase our understanding of the pattern of the data, we must also measure its dispersion-its spread, or variability. ─── 为了加深对数据特征的全面理解,还必须度量它的离散性,即数据的分散程度或变异程度。

27、high degree of soil variability in a small area is common, particularly within forests. ─── 小范围内的高度土壤变异是很常见的,特别是在森林里。

28、But the intermittent nature of wind power can cause just that sort of variability. ─── 然而,正是风力的间断性导致了这种波动。

29、The team can adjust for the job characteristics, the grid middleware, the systems in the grid, and the variability in the size of the work items. ─── 他们也可以根据作业的性质、网格中间件、网格中的系统,以及工作项大小的可变程度来调整。

30、Heart rate variability has been used to assess activation of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. ─── 心率变异性已被用来评估激活交感神经和迷走神经系统。

31、You'll want to limit this variability, however, as it tends to make data unorganized, and thus not easy to find or manage. ─── 不过您需要限制该变化性,因为它往往使数据变得无序,从而不易于查找或管理。

32、The spatial variability of regional water requirement(WR) and water deficient ratio(WRD) are studied with geostatistics. ─── 应用地统计学方法研究区域需水量和缺水率的空间变异性。

33、There is no human nature in the sense of a biologically fixed substratum determining the variability of socio-cultural formations. ─── 如果说,生物性的固定基础可决定各种多样的社会文化组成,那麽人之天性也就不存在了。

34、What are the sources of the variability that NCC is subjected to? ─── 国家小红莓公司所受资源变化的限制有哪些?

35、Variability provides a powerful tool for constraining the physical models of the central engine of AGN. ─── 光变对于限制活动星系核中心区域的理论模型起着非常重要的作用。

36、Remote Impact on Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability: Statistical Assessment and Dynamic Assessment. ─── 对热带大西洋气候变率的遥作用:统计评估和动力评估。

37、If not, "translationese" and "variability" should be the essential qualities that translation has. ─── 如果没有,那么“翻译性”或“变异性”就是翻译的本质属性。

38、For some drugs, this variability may account for one half or more of the total variation in eventual response. ─── 对某些药物来说,这方面的差异性可占最终反应的总差异的半数或半数以上。

39、Of course, variability is based on fixity, with regularity to conform to. ─── 当然,习语的变异性是建立在定型性的基础上,是有规律可循的。

40、The comparison also exhibits that SAU 9 has a higher and more stable yield than BAU 65 due to its lower variability and higher stability. ─── 川农单交9号比农大65在不同播期中表现高产稳产,是因它农艺性状在各时期的变异小,稳定性高。

41、Structure and Seasonal Variability of the East Sakhalin Current. ─── 库页岛东部洋流的结构和季节变率。

42、Climate and Glacier Variability in Western North America. ─── 北美西部的气候和冰川变率。

43、Annual observations are insufficient for estimating variability decade by decade. ─── 年度的观察是不足以十年十年的估算变异性的。

44、Few companies have embarked on implementing Taguchi methods in order to reduce the inherent variability in their processes. ─── 只有很少的公司着手实施TAGUCHI法来减少流程中固有的偏差。

45、Two basic floral shapes differ from each other in variability of carpel number. ─── 在两种基本的花形态中,心皮数目存在不同的变异程度。

46、Thus it appears that any variability whatsoever in background seismicity can be claimed, after the fact, to have been a precursor. ─── 这样看来,可以将背景地震活动性中的任何变化,在地震发生之后,认为是一种前兆。

47、There's too much variability in individual expression," said Dodds. ─── 因为在个体的表达中有太多的变数。”

48、On the Magnitude and Variability of Subgrid-Scale Eddy-Diffusion Coefficients in the Atmospheric Surface Layer. ─── 大气地表边界层次网格涡旋扩散系数的量级和变率。

49、In particular,the wavenumber 2 pattern of planetary waves contributes dominantly to the variability of the Siberian high and the Aleutian low. ─── 其中低层中高纬地区纬向波数2的扰动对西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压的变化起了最主要的作用。

50、It is almost the case that each X ray source exhibits its own brand of variability. ─── 几乎每个x射线源都有自己的变化特点。

51、Wavelet Analysis of the Interannual Variability in Southern Qubec Streamflow. ─── 南魁北克气流年际变率的小波分析。

52、In the body, after oral administration, tacrolimus absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of the large variability. ─── 在人体中,口服给药后,他克莫司由胃肠道吸收的变异性大。

53、An attribute is a variability if the function for calculating its corresponding value may be redefined by the modeler. ─── 属性是一个变异的功能,如果计算其相应的价值可能会重新定义的模型。

54、Can you identify a subset of probes which reduce variability for a probe set? ─── 你能够识别一个减少探针装置变化的探针亚装置吗?

55、Instability index An index which measures the variability of world prices for selected agricultural commodities. ─── 不稳定指数一种用于衡量部分农产品的国际价格变动的指数。

56、In advanced breeding programs, parental differences and variability in hybrid progeny may largely reside in multiple gene systems. ─── 在当代的育种计划里,亲本的差异和杂种后代的变异,可能绝大部分都属于多基因系统。

57、The reason is the high variability of water resource availability in time and space (8). ─── 原因是可用水资源在时间和空间分布上的高度易变性[8]。

58、Instability index: An index which measures the variability of world prices for selected agricultural commodities. ─── 不稳定指数:一种用于衡量部分农产品的国际价格变动的指数。

59、But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to the view that it is man-made. ─── 但通常的自然变异原因似乎解释不了目前的趋势,所以,科学家倾向于认为这是人为的。

60、Correlation between duodenogastric reflux (DGR) and heartrhythm variability (HRV) parameters was distinct at nighttime supine period. ─── 发现夜间卧位十二指肠胃返流 (DGR)与心率变异 (HRV)诸参数的相关性显著 .

61、Diabetes, glucose, insulin, and heart rate variability: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. ─── [糖尿病,血糖,胰岛素和心率变异性:试验性动脉粥样硬化的社区研究(ARIC)].

62、What are the sources of variability to which NCC is subjected? ─── NCC所承受的可变性来源何处?

63、Variability can be observed I the behaviour and outcome of many activities, even under conditions of apparent stability. ─── 在许多活动的状态和结果中,甚至是在明显的稳定条件下,均可观察到变异。

64、Chris Folland, headof the Hadley Centre's climate variability research, said the forecast was primarily based on two factors. ─── 哈德利中心气候变化研究项目的负责人克里斯·福兰德说,这一预测主要基于两大因素。

65、Accuracy and Variability of GPS Tropospheric Delay Measurements of Water Vapor in the Western Mediterranean. ─── 地中海西部对流层水汽GPS延迟观测的准确性和变率。

66、Application of Degree of Complexity in Heart Rate Variability Analysis during Orthosatic Standing. ─── 复杂度在立位期间心率变异分析中的应用。

67、The instrument error that contributes to the greatest variability is the cuff size of the sphygmomanometer. ─── 变异性中占比例最大的设备误差是血压计袖套的大小。

68、Variability is a common phenomenon in AGN and is observed over wide range from radio to X-ray. ─── 光变是活动星系核的普遍现象,从射电到X射线的所有波段都观测到了活动星系核的光变。

69、Astrophysicists do not know what causes these variability patterns or the oscillation frequencies. ─── 天文物理学家并不知道是什麽引起变化图样或振荡频率。

70、Principal modes of interannual and decadal variability of summer rainfall over South America. ─── 南美夏季降水的年际,和年代际变化的主要模态。

71、How does using ONLY those reduced variability probe sets affect the classification task for which the data set was originally used? ─── 使用那些仅减少变化的探针装置会怎样影响那个数据组被最初使用过的分类任务?

72、What are the sources of variability in the UHS system? ─── UHS系统可变性的来源是什麽?

73、Spatial Patterns of Preinstrumental Moisture Variability in the Southern Canadian Cordillera. ─── 加拿大山脉南部仪器之前湿度变化的空间分布。

74、The genetic variability of Dorset is the highest, and Small Tail Han Sheep is the lowest in five sheep breeds. ─── 从不同品种看,道赛特羊的遗传变异程度最大,而小尾寒羊的遗传变异程度相对较小;

75、The average is thus a poor representation of the large variability of the stress amplitudes in the crust. ─── 平均的情况则只能较差的反映地壳中应力振幅非常大不同的状况。

76、Properties that provide basic support for this; more complex scenarios use points of variability and outcalls to a customizing component. ─── 为此提供基本支持的属性;更复杂的方案使用可变点和对自定义组件的外部调用。

77、However, there was variability among chimpanzees in how much energy they used, and this difference corresponded to their different gaits and anatomy. ─── 但行走时消耗能量的多寡在这些大猩猩中也存在差异。这与它们不同的步法和解剖学特征有关。

78、Nonetheless a major problem is that liver biopsy itself has significant variability for fibrosis assessment. ─── 尽管如此,一个重大问题是肝组织活检本身对纤维化评估具有变异性。

79、On the one hand, it allows your component to specify so-called points of variability that it supports. ─── 一方面,它允许组件指定其支持的所谓可变性点。

80、Two means of the same magnitude may have different meaning. Watch out for difference in variability. ─── 两个相同的平均数可能有不同意义。注意变数的差异。

81、Hetaoyuan deposition in the depression has obvious characters of inheritance and variability. ─── 凹陷内核桃园组沉积具有显著的继承性又有变化性。

82、The "live writing" is may merge to the block in,and maintains its variability,the live writing actually. ─── “活文字”是一个可以合并到块中,却又保持其可变性、活的文字。

83、Among 15 loci of 11 enzymes identified in zymograms,Adk-1,Fbp-1,Mdh-2 and G3pd-1 showed low variability with few alleles. ─── 在检测的 11种酶 15个酶基因座位中 ,Adk 1、Fbp 1、Mdh 2和G3pd 1基因座位的等位基因少 ,而Fbp 2、Mdh 1和Me 1基因座位的等位基因多。

84、Subtypes ad-w and adr are the major types in Sunan area. S gene sepuence of HBV has its variability, especially in subtype adw. ─── HBV-S基因(“a”决定簇)序列存在多态性,其中adw亚型略为明显。

85、Dynamic context and steady context are decid ed by the variability and steadiness of context factors. ─── 它是与具体的语用行为密切联系的、同语用过程相始终的、对语用活动有重要影响的条件和背景 ;

86、Several climatic factors,including accumulated air temperature,relative variability of annual precipitation during grass growth(Apr. ─── 北京师范大学图书馆内蒙古呼和浩特;

87、There is more than enough natural variability in nature to mask a direct connection, they say. ─── 他们表示,自然界里有着太多的自然变异使其直接联系不易被察觉。

88、Identify sources of variability each unit operation is likely to encounter. ─── 对于每个操作,确定可能遭遇到的变异的来源。

89、Fazan R, Ballejo G, et al. Heart rate variability and baroreceptor function in chronic diabetic rats. Hypertention 1997;30:632. ─── 宋滇平,和四宏等.糖尿病患者心率变异性分析.云南医药1998;19:4.

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