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09-11 投稿


blusterous 发音

英:[[b'lʌstərəs]]  美:[[b'lʌstərəs]]

英:  美:

blusterous 中文意思翻译



blusterous 相似词语短语

1、boisterous ─── adj.喧闹的;狂暴的;猛烈的

2、adulterous ─── adj.通奸的;不贞的

3、balusters ─── n.栏杆;[建]栏杆柱(baluster的复数形式)

4、blusterously ─── 狂风暴雨

5、blustrous ─── 腮红

6、blusters ─── v.咆哮,气势汹汹地说(但效果不大);(风暴)呼啸;(雨)倾泻;n.气势汹汹的话

7、blushers ─── n.脸红的人;红色敷面粉

8、lustrous ─── adj.有光泽的;光辉的

9、bluster ─── v.咆哮,气势汹汹地说(但效果不大);(风暴)呼啸;(雨)倾泻;n.气势汹汹的话

blusterous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is very excited and angry and bluster for a while. ─── 他非常激动,怒气冲冲,且咆哮了一阵。

2、He made arnold bluster ─── 他使阿诺德大声嚷嚷起来。

3、blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; a cold blustery day; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind ─── 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;突然狂风大作的暴风雨

4、They try to bluster their way through the discussion. It is clear to me that they don't know what they're talking about. ─── 他们试图用自吹自擂来赢得争论,而我很清楚,这是因为他们不懂自己在谈论什么。

5、Military planning drove decisions; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy ─── 决定受军事策划的驱使;外交受恐吓和故作姿态的驱使。

6、He always tries to bluster his way out of difficult situations ─── 他总是自吹自擂以摆脱困境.

7、to bluster so much but do nothing ─── 尽说大话却没采取任何行动

8、We shall never be cowed by the bluster of reactionaries. ─── 我们决不会被反动派的气势汹汹所吓倒。

9、Why don't you take you and your bluster the hell out of here? ─── 你干吗不闭上鸟嘴从这滚出去?

10、bluster oneself into anger ─── 勃然大怒

11、boastful bluster ─── 夸口的狂言

12、Of course, his bluster was directed against me as well. ─── 当然,他指桑骂槐,矛头是针对我的。

13、I am on bad terms like certain person, go up in the website every day blusterous move does not have Baidu, come all the same discharge, give out this kind the sort of method. ─── 我不和某些人似的,天天在网站上叫嚷着没有百度,照样来流量,给出这种那种的方法。

14、Does not bluster, but gets rid certainly uncommonly. ─── 不虚张声势,但出手一定不凡。

15、If your child is blusterous collywobbles or headache, but do not have any explicit symptoms again, so he may be mental insecurity. ─── 如果你的孩子叫嚷肚子疼或头疼,但又没有任何外在的症状,那么他可能就是精神紧张。

16、My business was to declare myself a scoundrel, and whether I did it with a bow or a bluster was of little importance. ─── 我做的事情必然会表明我是个下流坯,我在行动之前是鞠个躬还是咆哮一声,是无关紧要的。

17、The weather growing cold, cold rain tucked bluster with impunity, a gust of wind rolling and hit the glass on the classroom windows, crackling straight ring. ─── 天气越来越冷,冷风夹着雨滴肆无忌惮地狂吼着,一阵风卷来,打得教室窗户上的玻璃噼里啪啦直响。

18、It is when the lion when his bedside is blusterous, the guest sleeps lightly instantly come over, when he begins a shriek, the guest of other room sleeps lightly come over. ─── 当狮子在他床边咆哮时,客人立即惊醒过来,当他开始尖叫时,其他房间的客人都惊醒过来。

19、Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. ─── 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。

20、He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity. ─── 和我在一起他就不自在,他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。

21、Little girl begins immediately loudly blusterous move wants chewing gum. ─── 小女孩马上开始高声叫嚷着要口香糖。

22、in the furious bluster, you challenge with limitation; ─── 你在咆哮中向极限示威;

23、There had been none of his usual bluster and vitality, but at least he had told a connected story and now--now, he did not even remember Ellen was dead. ─── 尽管已经没有往常那样的神气和活力了,但至少还告诉了她一段连贯的情节,可如今----如今他连爱伦已经去世的事也不记得了。

24、3. Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. ─── 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。收藏指正

25、I wasn't frightened by what he said it was just bluster. ─── 他说的话吓不倒我--不过是雷声大,雨点小。

26、blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; a cold blustery day; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind. ─── 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;突然狂风大作的暴风雨。

27、For all his bluster, it is the sad province of Man that he cannot choose his triumph. ─── 尽管人类无所不能,但有一点他做不到,那就是他无法选择如何获得成功。

28、He impressed no one by his bluster. ─── 他的大话没有给任何人留下印象。

29、He always tries to bluster his way out of difficult situations. ─── 他总是自吹自擂以摆脱困境。

30、But, like a borrower whose insolvency would bring down a bank, he may calculate that much of his former backers' anger is bluster, covering a fear of their own impotence. ─── 但是,就像一位借款人一样,无力偿还会让银行倒闭,穆萨拉夫可能盘算着,他以前的支持者的强烈的愤概只不过是恐吓,以掩盖他们自身的无能。

31、Mr.Khrushchev, moreover, was all bluff and bluster. ─── 尤其,赫鲁晓夫先生尽是在虚张声势。

32、They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour. Poor old mailed fist! ─── 德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。

33、Now may your life be mild, for a more blusterous birth had never been! ─── 愿你一辈子过的是宁静的日子,因为从来没有一个孩子是在这样的惊涛骇浪中生下来的。

34、When my brother gets angry, you can hear him bluster all over the house. ─── 当我哥哥生气时,满屋子都可听到他的吼声。

35、Military planning drove decisions; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy. ─── 决定受军事策划的驱使;外交受恐吓和故作姿态的驱使。

36、The most important message Mr Roh can take to Pyongyang is that those cracks have narrowed, and no amount of wheedling or bluster from Mr Kim will allow them to widen. ─── 卢先生能带给平壤的最重要的消息是,这些缝隙已经缩小了,并且不管金先生连哄带骗还是虚张声势,都不能让这些缝隙再扩大了。

37、Much of his bluster rose from timidity. ─── 他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。

38、To make noisy, empty threats; bluster. ─── 叫嚣,虚张声势大声的空虚的恫吓;咆哮

39、He is basically dishonest; the argument was essentially a technical one; for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person. ─── 他其实不老实;这一争论其实是个技术问题;尽管他怒吼了一阵,他其实还是个很害羞的人。

40、For all this bluster,it is the sad province of man that he cannot choose his triumph.He can only choose how he'll stand when the call of destiny comes. ─── 人最可悲的就是即使竭尽全力也无法选择命运的道路,他只能选择当命运的召唤来临的时候,他将如何应对。

41、to bluster about revenge ─── 叫嚣着要报仇

42、" "Joe Biden is what so many others pretend to be: a statesman with sound judgment, who does not have to hide behind bluster to keep America strong. ─── 奥巴马说:“许多人都自称是有准确判断力的政治家,是不需要躲在夸大空话背后就能保持美国安全的人。其实,拜登才是这样的政治家。”

43、In particular financial product advertising, always seems "barren, bogus and blusterous", therefore it comes to be difficult clients for advertisers. ─── 特别是金融类产品的广告,总是以千篇一律的“高大空”的姿态出现,更成为广告人员们的棘手客户。

44、The grumpy Fed.11 encounter in Washington between Bill Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa has produced a surplus of bluster. ─── 2月11日,美国总统克林顿与日本首相细川护熙不愉快的会面导致了更多的争执。

45、Its negotiating style is marked by bluster, foot-dragging, blackmail and brinkmanship. ─── 它的谈判风格就是以威吓,拖延,敲诈和边缘政策为特点的。

46、now from sighing, it began to bluster round the merry forge, ─── 它先是悲鸣,现在有开始在那家欢乐的铁匠铺四周呼啸,

47、Lou began to bluster, as he always did when he talked politics. ─── 娄开始打开了话匣子,只要谈政治,他总是这样。

48、Cuban, for all his bluster, knows his stuff and would agree to that. ─── 即使叫嚣的库班也知道姚明的资本并同意这种观点。

49、A couple of years ago, such boasts would have been ignored as bluster. ─── 尹明善表示:“在中国,经济领域的一个简单事实就是:所有制造业产品都很便宜,但轿车例外。”

50、bluster and swagger like a conquering hero ─── 声势汹汹,不可一世

51、1.to whistle; to scream; to howl; to roar; 2.(of a wind) bluster ─── 呼啸

52、There was a bluster and zest in Anthony. ─── 安东尼身上有一种疯狂和热情。

53、bluster a person into going [obedience] ─── 威吓某人使其不得不去[顺从]

54、When the glaciers are lost her noble, bring more hurricane disaster in human homes in the climate of bluster and huge economic losses. ─── 当冰川正在流失她的高贵,飓风带来更多灾难,人类的家园在气候的咆哮中承受着巨大的经济损失。

55、Their music is often calm and melancholy but sometimes blusterous, and wide variety of instruments are applied. ─── 他们的音乐常常是平静和忧郁的,但有时也会咆哮,他们还使用了许许多多种乐器。

56、His bluster sank to sullenness under her look ─── 在她目光逼视下,他蛮横的表情稍加收敛,显出一副阴沉的样子。

57、Instead of admitting when we do not know something, we bluff and bluster. ─── 我们总不愿意承认我们的无知,而是能吹则吹,能唬则唬。

58、"I beg you not to threaten me," said the stranger calmly. "I know my legal rights, and am not accustomed to being frightened at bluster." ─── "请你们不要威胁我,"那个陌生人镇定地说,"我知道我自己有合法权利,从来不怕说大话吓唬人的。"

59、Ms Bhutto, despite much noisy bluster about the sanctity of democracy, would have no principled objection to forming a partnership with General Musharraf. ─── 布托女士对有关民主神圣性的大量嘈杂的咆哮充耳不闻,原则上不反对和穆沙拉夫将军结盟。

60、It a little be blusterous for the little ankle-high creek as we wear hip-high boots and we go into the water and enter into the center of it. ─── 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势,于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。

61、To begin by bluster, but afterwards to take fright at the enemy's numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence. ─── 先暴而后畏其众者,不精之至也;

62、to bluster forth (out)threats ─── 大声恫吓

63、If your child is blusterous collywobbles or headache, but do not have any explicit symptoms again, so he may be mental insecurity. ─── 如果你的孩子叫嚷肚子疼或头疼,但又没有任何外在的症状,那么他可能就是精神紧张。

64、" my chafe ground is blusterous path: "You why would rather I pretend affectedly fair maiden, how to also wish to see I love you? ─── 我气恼地叫嚷道:“你为什么宁可我虚伪地假装淑女,也不愿看到我是如何爱你的?

65、bluster out ─── 咆哮

66、He be very excited and angry and bluster for a while ─── 他非常激动,怒气冲冲,且咆哮了一阵

67、And the Chechen tragedy helps to explain why Mr Putin's neurotic bluster plays so well among ordinary Russians. ─── 同时,车臣的悲剧也有助解释向普通俄罗斯人解释为何普京神经质般的咆哮起到如此有效的作用。

68、Stop your bluster of dispraise and of self-praise, And with the calm of silent prayer on your foreheads sail to that unnamed shore. ─── 别再夸夸其谈,贬人扬己,前额上带着默默祈祷的平静,扬帆驶向那无名的彼岸。

69、But the political posturing and trade-union bluster signifies little. ─── 但是,政治的态度与工会的喧闹并不能说明什么。

70、We do not believe their nice word nor are we intimidated by their bluster. ─── 我们既不相信他们的甜言蜜语,也不怕他们的恐吓威胁。

71、But by the end of the scene his bluster has revealed Osborne as a malingerer, a rummy and a jerk; ─── 但在那场戏的最后他的咆哮却说明他是个诈病的,酒鬼和混蛋;

72、We don't need to respond to propaganda barbs or bluster. ─── ---梁国雄人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。

73、We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain. ─── 我们能听到狂风暴雨的吹打声。

74、to brag; to boast; to blow one's own trumpet; to bluster ─── 夸口

75、to bluster one's way through the crowd ─── 吆喝着挤出人群

76、4.blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; ─── 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;

77、1.to shout and yell; to clamor; to raise a hue and cry; to bluster about; 2.vociferation; clamor ─── 叫嚣

78、Sen.Obama called Sen.Biden 'one of America's leading voices on national security' and 'a statesman with sound judgment who doesn't have to hide behind bluster to keep America strong. ─── 奥巴马称赞拜登是“美国国家安全方面最重要的声音之一”,是“一个为了美国利益,立场坚定绝不退缩的政治家”。

79、Tuesday and Wednesday, honesty is your best weapon. If someone's all bluster and show, kill them with candor, with being yourself. It'll work amazingly well. ─── 周二,周三,诚实是你最好的武器。如果有人在吹嘘炫耀(好!),用你的坦诚去击败他们。结果会出奇的好。

80、He always try to bluster his way out of difficult situation ─── 他总是自吹自擂以摆脱困境

81、Hints that Taiwan might be enhancing its military or official links with other powers tend to provoke Chinese bluster. ─── 因为台湾与其他大国加强军事联系或官方往来的各种细微迹象总是会激起中国大陆的强烈反应。

82、But in fact he may never have uttered those precise words, and there is both ambiguity and calculation behind the bluster. ─── 但实际上他可能从未那样说过,他或许是兴致而发,或许是经过深思熟虑。

83、In the winter the climate was much as it is today when there is a northern blowing, with rain and bluster weather and it was cool for sleeping ─── 到冬天,大北风一刮,气候同今天差不多,有雨,狂风暴雨的晚上睡觉都有点凉。

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