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09-11 投稿



disaggregation 发音

英:[dɪsˌæɡrəˈɡeɪʃən]  美:[dɪsˈæɡrɪˌɡeɪʃən]

英:  美:

disaggregation 中文意思翻译



disaggregation 短语词组

1、disaggregation matrix ─── 不聚合矩阵

disaggregation 相似词语短语

1、disaggregate ─── vt.分解;使…崩溃;解开聚集;vi.分解;解聚;adj.无组织的;分解的

2、desegregation ─── n.废止种族歧视

3、disaggregated ─── v.分解;脱离组织或大众,解开聚集(disaggregate的过去式和过去分词)

4、disaggregates ─── vt.分解;使…崩溃;解开聚集;vi.分解;解聚;adj.无组织的;分解的

5、disgregation ─── n.分散

6、aggregation ─── n.[地质][数]聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体

7、reaggregation ─── 重聚合;重团聚

8、disaggregating ─── v.分解;脱离(组织或大众)(disaggregate的现在分词)

9、disaggregative ─── 分解的

disaggregation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After the disaggregation of the Soviet Union, Russia has been confrontted severe position. ─── 苏联解体后,俄罗斯面临严峻的内外形势。

2、Application of Nonparametric Disaggregation Model for Stochastic Simulation of Daily Runoff Time Series in Flood Period ─── 非参数解集模型在汛期日径流随机模拟中的应用

3、Another change is the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union’s disaggregation, and the Soviet Communist Party’s stepping down. ─── 社会主义的另一个变化就是东欧剧变、苏联解体、苏共下台。

4、With the disaggregation of the original unit of the state, the task of the ideological and political education of the employees was transferred to the corresponding community. ─── 随着原国家“单位”的解体,员工的思想政治教育职能转嫁给社区;

5、The model explains this disaggregation well. ─── 模型解释这一个不集合涌出。

6、Keywords Detonation;Ultrafine diamond;Disaggregation;Dispersion; ─── 爆轰;超微金刚石;解团聚;分散;

7、relative disaggregation model ─── 相关解集模型

8、Keywords nanodiamond;aggregate;disaggregation;superfine crushing;mechano chemistry; ─── 纳米金刚石;团聚体;解聚;超细粉碎;机械化学;

9、Disaggregation removes the association between one or more child EPC values and a parent EPC value in the back end system. ─── Disaggregation删除后台系统中一个或多个子epc值和父epc值之间的关联。

10、Life and death: Life and death of the human life refer to the growth and disaggregation of the flesh-body. ─── 生死:人类生命的生与死是指肉身的生长与解体。

11、Although the whole strength is descend after the disaggregation of Soviet Union, Russia is still an important force in the world. ─── 虽然苏联解体以后,俄罗斯的整体实力下降,但它依然是世界上有重大影响力的国家。

12、The Study of Model Aggregation and Disaggregation ─── 模型的聚合与解聚研究

13、Finally, it gives a example to deal with problems in the model aggregation and disaggregation . ─── 通过研究,得出应用同质模型才能解聚;

14、In downscaling, a probabilistic spatially or temporally explicit disaggregation of a heterogeneous variable can be constructed using a scalar. ─── 尺度下推时,利用标量可以构建异构变量时空明确的统计解集。

15、disaggregation matrix ─── 不聚合矩阵

16、it gives a example to deal with problems in the model aggregation and disaggregation. ─── 通过一个实例的描述来探讨模型聚合与解聚的有关问题。

17、Aggregation and disaggregation ─── 聚合和解聚

18、Process of active lime liquation in initial slag of converter contains the surface dissolution and the lime metamorphism disaggregation due to penetration of slag, in which case the latter is crucial. ─── 活性石灰在转炉初渣中的熔解过程包括变质解体和扩散溶解,变质解体起主要作用。

19、He felt under his feet a formidable disaggregation, which was not, nevertheless, a reduction to dust, France being more France than ever. ─── 他觉得在他脚下有种可怕的分裂活动,但又不是土崩瓦解,因为法兰西比以往任何时候都更加法兰西了。

20、The open source paradigm embraces this kind of disaggregation and, more broadly, mitigates against the idea of stovepiped expertise categories. ─── 开源社区热情拥抱着这种变革,并且,这种变革广泛的影响了各个领域的专家技术。

21、and third, at a micro-level, the random behavior of pedestrian' s tertiary trip-chains is taken into account by disaggregation. ─── 微观层面,结合非集计模型考虑步行支出行链的行人随机行为。

22、Then the definition, the types and consistency of model aggregation and disaggregation are discussed. ─── 最后通过一个实例的描述来探讨模型聚合与解聚的有关问题。

23、Is there disaggregation analysis on revenue? ─── 就是对客户收入的分析!

24、Keywords ultrafine diamond (UFD);disaggregation;dispersion;composite deposit;Microhardness;wear rate; ─── 纳米金刚石;解团聚;分散;复合镀;显微硬度;磨损率;

25、Disaggregation of Morden Chinese Traditional Value System and its Influence ─── 论近代中国传统价值体系的解体及其影响

26、disaggregation operating ─── 解裂运行

27、and third, at a micro-level, the random behavior of pedestrian’ s tertiary trip-chains is taken into account by disaggregation. ─── 微观 层面,结合非集计模型考虑步行支 出行链的行人随机行为。

28、The new presentation would call for substantial disaggregation, additional reconciliation models and the elimination of the use of the indirect method for calculating cash flows. ─── 新的列报要求进行实质性分解、采用额外协调模型和停止使用间接法计算现金流量。

29、The processes including superfine grinding,disaggregation and calcination etc,were studiedusing high speed impacting ultrafine crusher and electric rotary kiln. ─── 并研究了煤系高岭土的超细粉碎、打散解聚和煅烧方法。

30、Method Mesothelial cells were isolated from human omental specimens by trypsin disaggregation and established a stable HPMC culture model. ─── 方法:采用胰蛋白酶消化法从人腹膜组织中分离间皮细胞,建立稳定的体外培养模型;

31、Up to the recent years, with the invasion of western countries and the disaggregation of Huaxia centralism, the traditional meaning of "Zhong hua" has faded and replaced by the meaning of Chinese nationality and nation. ─── 到了近代,随着西方的入侵、华夏中心主义的解体,传统的“中华”涵义消退,代之而起的是中华民族和国家的涵义。

32、Disaggregation of conventional national accounts. ─── 常规全国帐户的解集作用。

33、The disaggregation behaviour indicated that ZnPC with low sulfonation degree may interact with all three types of micelle. ─── 低磺化程度酞菁与三类胶束间均可发生相互作用,其标志是胶束的解聚作用;

34、Now, however, cheaper technology, plus the disaggregation of traditional exchanges, means HFT is exploding. ─── 不过眼下,更为廉价的技术,加上传统交易所的瓦解,意味着高频交易正在泛滥。

35、mechanical disaggregation ─── 机械解聚

36、nonparametric disaggregation model ─── 非参数解集模型

37、How Was Socialist Superpower of Soviet Union Broken Down--The Retrospection and Meditation in the Tenth Anniversary for the Disaggregation of Soviet Union ─── 社会主义大国苏联是怎样被搞垮的--苏联解体十周年的回顾与沉思

38、video object disaggregation ─── 视频对像解集作用

39、The experimental results show that this device is practical in power load on-line disaggregation monitoring. ─── 对实测数据的分析计算表明该装置可有效实现电力负荷在线分解与监测。

40、Application of Disaggregation Model and Bayesian Method in the Analysis of Low Flow ─── 分解模型与贝叶斯方法在枯水分析中的应用

41、Fractal Networks and Algorithmic Transformation of Complex Spatial Disaggregation ─── 分形网络与复杂空间解集的算法转换模型

42、Keywords White powdery tungstic acid(WPTA);Hydrogen peroxide;Disaggregation;Potassium peroxytungstates; ─── 粉状白钨酸;过氧化氢;解聚;过氧钨酸钾;

43、The deficiency of its construction of ruling power was an important reason of the Soviet Union's disaggregation and CPSU's decease. ─── 苏联解体、苏共亡党,对自身执政能力建设重视不足无疑是一条重要原因。

44、Stochastic disaggregation of monthly rainfall data for crop simulation studies ─── 作物模拟研究中使用的每月降雨数据的随机分割

45、For multi-object contact problem in rolling engineering,the accuracy of disaggregation mathematical method is low. ─── 在多物体同时接触轧制工程问题中,对各物体抽象出来研究存在简化较多、计算精度低等缺点。

46、For multi-object contact problem in rolling engineering, the accuracy of disaggregation mathematical method is low. ─── 在多物体同时接触轧制工程问题中,对各物体抽象出来研究存在简化较多、计算精度低等缺点。

47、He felt under his feet a formidable disaggregation, which was not, nevertheless, a reduction to dust, France being more France than ever. ─── 他觉得在他脚下有种可怕的分裂活动,但又不是土崩瓦解,因为法兰西比以往任何时候都更加法兰西了。

48、After the disaggregation of Soviet Union, Russia's historiography experienced a turn from crisis to rational rethinking, among which, the research on social historiography was noticeable. ─── 苏联解体后,俄罗斯史学经历了从危机迷惘到理性反思的转折,其中社会史研究的兴起引人注目。

49、River flow forecasting using a rainfall disaggregation model incorporating small-scale topographic effects ─── 用降雨解集模式结合小尺度地形影响的河水流量预报

50、Meanwhile, part of crystalline disaggregation and increase of crystalline size are also due to the catalysts deactivation. ─── 另外,在反应过程中,催化剂部分晶相发生破坏以及晶胞尺寸的增大,也对其失活有一定的作用。

51、Three different hyetographs including Huff method, disaggregation method and probability-distribution method are studied and theirs suitability are compared. ─── 选择无因次平均法、分配理论法及机率分布法(常态分布)建立降雨分布型态。

52、Now, however, cheaper technology, plus the disaggregation of traditional exchanges, means HFT is exploding. ─── 不过眼下,更为廉价的技术,加上传统交易所的瓦解,意味着高频交易正在泛滥。

53、“Antipathic Sculpture” implements the esthetics value disaggregation and re-construction during the period of destroy and rebuilt. ─── “反雕塑”是在由破而立的过程中实现解体与重构的美学价值。

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