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09-11 投稿



hoggery 发音

英:[ˈhɑːɡəri]  美:[ˈhɒɡəri]

英:  美:

hoggery 中文意思翻译



hoggery 相似词语短语

1、toggery ─── n.衣服;服装店

2、froggery ─── n.饲蛙处;蛙多的地方

3、thuggery ─── n.谋财害命;暗杀

4、hogger ─── n.木材切碎机;火车司机

5、hoggers ─── n.木材切碎机;火车司机

6、hoggerel ─── 第一次剪毛前的羔羊;小公牛

7、Whiggery ─── n.辉格党的原则(实践)

8、doggery ─── n.贱民;狗群;卑劣行为;下等社会

9、groggery ─── n.酒吧;酒店

hoggery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Build zoology hoggery not curious, nevertheless, the Ding Lei of network build up even union of Internet of recuperate pig course of study rises, preparation establishs a net that raise a pig. ─── 建立生态养猪场并不稀奇,不过,网络起家的丁磊还要将养猪业互联网结合起来,准备创办一个养猪网。

2、Before before long, media heads for Zhejiang lake city to interview, did not find the hoggery of Netease in place. ─── 前不久,有媒体前往浙江湖州采访,在当地没有找到网易的养猪场。

3、" as to hoggery, ding Lei announces to continue Zhejiang of make choice of. ─── 至于养猪场,丁磊宣布继续选定浙江。

4、Discussion of Several Issues in the Hoggery Cultivation Information System Based on Mixed Architecture ─── 基于混合结构的养殖业信息系统中若干问题讨论

5、Write down: Ding Lei ever said, in his plan " base of experimental breed aquatics " the hoggery that is modernization. ─── 记:丁磊曾说,他计划中的“实验养殖基地”是现代化的养猪场。

6、Once discover quality problem, with this piece of small bill but which hoggery gave direct fish problem, can trace relevant responsibility person even. ─── 一旦发现有质量问题,凭着这张小票就可直接查出哪家养猪场出了问题,甚至可追查到相关责任人。

7、This year, zun Jiping built the hoggery of 1500 square metre again, expand breed dimensions, strive for give column every year more fat pigs. ─── 今年,左其平又建成了1500平方米的养猪场,扩大养殖规模,争取每年出栏更多的肥猪。

8、Optimization for transformation technology from diesel engine to biogas-diesel double fuel engine in hoggery ─── 畜禽场柴油发电机沼气-柴油双燃料转换技术的优化

9、Before 1995, whole country has 3 villages office not to have field, drum-tower village handles official bussiness in hoggery. ─── 1995年以前,全乡有3个村办公无场地,鼓楼村在养猪场办公。

10、The project is consisted of a modern hoggery, goose house and methane power plant. ─── 该项目由现代化养猪场、现代化养鹅场、以及沼气发电厂组成。


12、Keywords swash plate solid and liquid separating;red-sludge plastic;hoggery sewerage;methane; ─── 斜板式固液分离;红泥塑料;猪场养殖污水;沼气;

13、"We raise pig means to raise kind unlike the circle of current and other hoggery. ─── “我们养猪方式不同于目前其他养猪场的圈养方式。

14、Hoggery farm design mostly technique parameter ─── 猪场设计主要技术参数

15、Prefectural bureau and industry leader often thorough hoggery produces front line, understand a situation, solve real problem. ─── 县局和企业领导经常深入养猪场生产第一线,了解情况,解决实际问题。

16、In the meantime, ding Lei complements, a hoggery can drive the economy of a village. ─── 同时,丁磊补充道,一个养猪场能带动一个村的经济。

17、With the rapid development of swine rising in our country, the number of large-scale hoggery is increasing. ─── 随着养猪业在我国快速发展,规模化养猪场的数量在不断增加。

18、Effects of constructed wetlands on treating with nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater from hoggery ─── 香根草和风车草人工湿地对猪场废水氮磷处理效果的研究

19、Two many months went, the reporter comes to Zhejiang lake city and Jin Hua, how cannot also find hoggery of so called fourth Lei however. ─── 两个多月过去了,记者来到浙江湖州和金华,却怎么也找不到所谓的丁磊养猪场。

20、Treatment of Hoggery Sewerage by Red-Sludge Plastic Anaerobic Process ─── 红泥塑料厌氧工艺处理猪场养殖污水

21、Keywords Vetiveria zizanioides;Cyperus alternifolius;Constructed wetlands;Hoggery;Wastewater treatment.; ─── 香根草;风车草;人工湿地;猪场;废水处理;

22、There is hoggery Home 1 1 inside garden area, breed bull of sow 80 0, from numerous raise oneself, year bull of 1 50 0 0 of live pig giving column. ─── 园区内现有养猪场 1 1家 ,饲养母猪 80 0多头 ,自繁自养 ,年出栏生猪1 50 0 0多头。

23、2 it is hoggery (large family) it is certain to was accumulated.. ─── 二是养猪场(大户)积累了一定...

24、large scale hoggery ─── 规模化养猪场

25、Water quality tests showed that anaerobic disposal is favorable for hoggery wastewater treatment. ─── 水质检测结果显示厌氧处理过程有利于实现养殖场粪污水的综合利用。

26、"Is Ding Lei in the hoggery of lake city? ─── “丁磊在湖州的养猪场?

27、Keywords Hoggery In Scale Environmental Pollution Prevention Approach; ─── 规模化养猪场;环境污染;防治途径;

28、Water quality tests showed that anaerobic disposal is favorable for hoggery wastewater treatment. ─── 水质检测结果显示厌氧处理过程有利于实现养殖场粪污水的综合利用。

29、wastewater from hoggery ─── 猪场废水

30、Now the hoggery has been built, and the sows are giving birth to babies.The funds are mainly used for buying pannages.There will be profit in four months after invest money. ─── 猪场已经建成,母猪已经开始产仔,项目资金主要用于购买猪饲料,资金一旦投入4个月后便有收益。

31、Keywords Intensive;Hoggery;Pollution;Treatment; ─── 集约化;猪场;污染;处理;

32、The paper analyzed environmental pollution and suggested a prevention approach of hoggery in scale. ─── 本文分析了规模化养猪场的环境污染情况,提出了规模化养猪场的污染防治途径。

33、The research is on the biodegradation of the hoggery’s wastewater before the hanging of the microbes to domesticate the activated sludge in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR). ─── 在序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR)挂膜前驯化活性污泥对养猪场废水进行生物降解实验。

34、Keywords large scale hoggery;excrement discharge;excrement treatment percentage;Hainan Province; ─── 规模化养猪场;粪便排泄量;污染物处理系数;海南省;

35、The New Charters And Immunity Programming of Large-scale Hoggery Infectious Disease ─── 大型猪场传染病流行的新特点与免疫程序设计

36、Sewage from hoggery ─── 养猪场污水

37、Case analysis on hoggery pollution abatement & benefit agricultural development ─── 猪场污染治理与发展效益农业实例分析

38、Write down: Ding Lei ever said, in his plan " base of experimental breed aquatics " the hoggery that is modernization. ─── 记:丁磊曾说,他计划中的“实验养殖基地”是现代化的养猪场。

39、Research and application of information platform based RFID in a large hoggery ─── 大型猪场基于RFID的信息平台研究与应用

40、I need investment funds to enlarge the scale of my hoggery. ─── 我需要项目投资资金来扩大养猪场的规模。

41、Environmental Pollution and Prevention Approach of Hoggery in Scale ─── 规模化养猪场环境污染及防治途径

42、Study on the Selection Method of Hoggery in High Quality Pork Supply Chain ─── 优质猪肉供应链中养猪场的选择方法研究

43、Two many months went, the reporter comes to Zhejiang lake city and Jin Hua, how cannot also find hoggery of so called fourth Lei however. ─── 两个多月过去了,记者来到浙江湖州和金华,却怎么也找不到所谓的丁磊养猪场。

44、"Oh, above all 3 miles place is a hoggery in this house. ─── “哦,首先这座房子的北面三英里的地方是一个养猪场。

45、Research and application of sewage disposal technics in large hoggery ─── 规模化养猪场废水处理工艺的研究及应用

46、Handle minitype hoggery fostering the essential points porklike 50 investment number? ─── 办个小型养猪场养50头猪一般要投资多少?

47、The paper analyzed environmental pollution and suggested a prevention approach of hoggery in scale. ─── 本文分析了规模化养猪场的环境污染情况,提出了规模化养猪场的污染防治途径。

48、Keywords wastewater from hoggery;wastewater treatment;mixed process; ─── 猪场废水;废水处理;组合工艺;

49、In the meantime, ding Lei complements, a hoggery can drive the economy of a village. ─── 同时,丁磊补充道,一个养猪场能带动一个村的经济。

50、The FengHua agriculture company has several units such as, the standardization hoggery which can feed 3,000 fatten pigs and 1,000 boars of every year; ─── 丰华农业现有的农业生产单位有:年出栏3000头规模育肥猪、1000头规模种猪的标准化养猪厂一座;

51、Keywords Hoggery;pollution status;comprehensive pollution prevention and control;countermeasures and suggestions; ─── 关键词养猪场;污染现状;污染综合防治;对策与建议;

52、Keywords photosynthetic bacteria;waster water of hoggery and bench scale experiment; ─── 光合细菌;养猪场污水;小型试验;

53、Before before long, media heads for Zhejiang lake city to interview, did not find the hoggery of Netease in place. ─── 前不久,有媒体前往浙江湖州采访,在当地没有找到网易的养猪场。

54、large-scale hoggery ─── 大型猪场


hog [hɑg ,hɔg /hɒg]n. 猪, 像猪般的人, 贪婪者v. 拱起; 贪心地攫取; 使中部拱起; 霸占; 中部拱起; 猛开快车




过去式:hogged; 过去分词:hogged; 现在分词:hogging; 复数形式:hogs; hog 基本解释

名词猪; (供食用的)阉公猪; 像猪般的人; 自私的或贪婪的人

及物动词独占,贪心占取; 使拱起


hog 相关例句


1. The guy hogged the whole park bench.


2. Drivers who hog the road leave no room for other cars.



1. He eats like a hog.


hog 网络解释

1. 猪:美国空军A-10雷霆二式是美国空军第一种专责密接支援的攻击机,也能执行前进空中管制任务,导引其它攻击机对地面目标进行攻击,所以一部份同型机也被编号为OA-10. 官方称它为Thunderbolt II,可是飞行员却因为它的外型与强悍性能称之为疣猪(Warthog

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