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09-11 投稿



dwarfing 发音

英:[ˈdwɔːfɪŋ]  美:[ˈdwɔːrfɪŋ]

英:  美:

dwarfing 中文意思翻译




dwarfing 词性/词形变化,dwarfing变形

动词过去式: dwarfed |名词复数: dwarfs |动词第三人称单数: dwarfs |动词过去分词: dwarfed |形容词: dwarfish |名词: dwarfishness |动词现在分词: dwarfing |

dwarfing 同义词

nanus | runt | goblin | shrimp | overshadow |midget | gnome | shadow | pygmy | Pygmy | manikin

dwarfing 反义词


dwarfing 短语词组

1、semi-dwarfing (semi-dwarf ─── 的现在分词) 半矮秆

dwarfing 相似词语短语

1、adwarding ─── 广告

2、daffing ─── n.傻瓜;懦夫;vt.推开;vi.开玩笑;演丑角;n.(Daff)人名;(英、法)达夫

3、dwamming ─── 德瓦明

4、dwalming ─── 错误

5、scarfing ─── n.火焰表面清理;嵌接

6、barfing ─── v.呕吐;n.一阵呕吐;呕吐物

7、dwauming ─── 德沃明

8、dwarfism ─── n.[内科]侏儒症;矮小

9、dwarfish ─── adj.矮小的;像侏儒的

dwarfing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He brought ... a black widow spider,a python,a stuffed rattler,a falcon,a dwarf rabbit. ─── 他带了一只黑寡妇蜘蛛,一条巨蟒,一条响尾蛇标本,一只猎鹰,一只侏儒兔。

2、"Come here, you sir," said the dwarf. ─── “请进来,你,老兄,”矮子说。

3、"And Sally?" said the delighted dwarf. ─── “萨丽如何呢?”得意的矮子说道。

4、"Grateful soul!" cried the dwarf. ─── “真是个有良心的人

5、A group of dwarf and gnome miners needs an escort to a distant mining site. ─── 一队矮人与侏儒矿工需要到远方矿场的护送。

6、"That's strange," said the dwarf, musing. ─── “那倒奇怪了,”矮子说,默想着。

7、"What!" cried the dwarf, leaning half his body out of window. ─── “什么

8、Besides, everyone else is piling their plates high enough to make Kuala Lumpur's Twin Towers look like Dwarf City. ─── 何况其他人也把盘子叠得高高的,相比之下,连吉隆坡的双峰塔也变成了小人国。

9、Now Snowwhite became princess again, however, only the princess of the dwarf. ─── 于是这世界有了一个新词汇,叫“一见钟情”。

10、"Not for a score of worlds," replied the dwarf with a grin. ─── “就是拿出二十个世界来我也不会那样,”矮子答道,苦笑着。

11、"Oh!" said the dwarf, after a little consideration. ─── “唔

12、The avatar stretches, catlike, extending to its full height, dwarfing Josh. ─── 的阿凡达伸展着,像猫一样,可以看出他的整个身高,这让杰克矮了不少。

13、The poor dwarf blushed to hear that. ─── 可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。

14、A dwarf cleric declares a holy crusade against ores. ─── 一个矮人牧师宣布向兽人发动一场圣战。

15、The dwarfing degree of SH interstocks could affect the discolor index and the contents of chlorophyll, amylum, and soluble sugar. ─── SH系中间砧的矮化程度影响红富士苹果叶片的变色指数以及叶绿素、可溶性糖、淀粉的含量。

16、Enjoy playing as the lustrous female only rouge class, dwarf and tauren only. ─── 享受这个灿烂的职业道贼吧,只有矮人和牛头人女性可以选择。

17、Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city. ─── 几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。

18、The dwarf jumped off and ran toward the shield. ─── 侏儒跳下马往盾的方向跑去。

19、Arsenic in drinking water thus constitutes the largest case of mass poisoning in history, dwarfing Chernobyl. ─── 饮水中含砷成为有史以来规模最大的中毒事件,连车诺比尔事件都相形见绌。

20、Sudanese television footage showed a hellish scene, with orange flames dwarfing firefighters and towering above the shattered fuselage. ─── 今天表现活跃的仍然是二线品种。

21、Rumors of an increasingly organized group of ogres begin troubling a dwarf city. ─── 传闻一群有组织性的食人魔开始骚扰一座矮人城市。

22、A dwarf tree;dwarf shrubbery. ─── 一株矮树;矮灌木丛

23、Our next scene shows our rugged Dwarf take aim and engage the powder-sprinkling Tauren. ─── 下一个场景,展示了皱纹矮人和撒粉末牛头人的交战。

24、Fear Ward is now only available to Dwarf Females. ─── 只有矮人大妈才拥有防恐结界。

25、The dwarf's heart grew strong when he heard Finola's name. ─── 听到菲诺拉的名字,侏儒的心又再度坚强起来。

26、The Yellow Dwarf was transferred into Mirror. ─── 《黄矮子报》改成了《镜报》。

27、"A toast to my brothers," the dwarf added. ─── “敬我的兄弟们,”矮人补充道。

28、The seedlings infected by BYDV, win suffer a light degree dwarfing, and the resistance of maize varieties to BYDV are different in the seedling stage. ─── BYDV侵染玉米可造成轻度矮化,且不同玉米品种苗期对BYDV的抗性也存在差异。

29、The effect is refreshingly humane, and entirely unlike the dwarfing, take-your-medicine feel of many galleries. ─── 这种效果颇具新鲜感,而且人性化,完全不像很多画廊中那种让你感到矮小压抑、病态难受的感觉。

30、"Drink that," said the dwarf, who had by this time heated some more. ─── “喝干它,”矮子说,这时他又热上了一点酒。

31、Two important virus diseases, maize dwarf mosaic and stunt, both transmitted by leaf hoppers. ─── 另外两种重要的病毒性疾病分别是玉米嵌纹病毒和萎缩性黑穗病,都是通过叶蝉传播。

32、Researchers in China hae unearthed the bones of a gigantic bird-like dinosaur, dwarfing anything else in its category. ─── 中国研究人员已经发掘了一巨型类鸟恐龙骨骼化石,这使其他此类的恐龙相形见绌。

33、It seems likely now that China will reach its annual economic growth target of 8%, dwarfing most of the other countries in the world. ─── 中国现在似乎就要实现其8%的年度经济增长目标了,这令世界其他国家相形见绌。

34、One was a decision to name Pluto a dwarf planet. ─── 一个是命名冥王星为矮星球。

35、One was a decision to name Pluto a "dwarf planet". ─── 其中一个重要的决定是将冥王星更名为“矮星行”。

36、Annuals or short-lived perennials, dwarf, densely tufted. ─── 一年生草本的或短暂多年生植物,使显得小,浓密丛生。

37、The ship came slowly into the harbour, dwarfing all the surrounding boats. ─── 轮船徐徐驶入港口,使周围的船只显得矮小。

38、But there is evidence that the advance to cooking and using knives and forks is leading to crooked teeth and facial dwarfing in humans. ─── 但有证据显示,烹调以及使用刀叉等餐具的进步使人类的牙齿逐渐变得弯曲不整齐并使人的面部变小。

39、They rushed forward and saw with horror that a huge eagle had the dwarf in his talons and was about to carry him off. ─── 两姊妹赶忙向前跑过去,惊恐地看见一只巨大的老鹰抓住小矮人,正要飞走。

40、Of the other two men, one was a species of giant, the other a sort of dwarf. ─── 其他两个人中,一个是巨人,另一个是侏儒。

41、One was a decision to name Pluto are a * dwarf Planet. ─── 一个是冥王星被命名为“矮行星”。

42、Yes, I am ready. What is the price?@ asked the dwarf. ─── 他问:“是的,我准备好了。代价是什么呢?”

43、The artist purposefully exaggerates the student’s body to emphasize his prodigality, while dwarfing his parents to indicate their hardship. ─── 作画者故意夸张了学生的身体大小从而强调了他的铺张生活,同时缩小了他父母的身体大小来体现他们的辛苦。

44、A dwarf paladin plans to lead a great army into the mountains. ─── 一个矮人圣武士计划带领一只大军进驻群山。

45、An abandoned dwarf citadel is now home to dangerous undead. ─── 一个被遗弃的矮人营地现在成为危险的不死生物据点。

46、The dwarf came out with a pickax and led the youth to the foot of the mountain. ─── 侏儒拿著把鹤嘴锄走出来,带著年轻人走到山脚下。

47、Aurelia is the planet of a red dwarf, a star much cooler than our own sun. ─── “奥里里亚”是一颗红矮星的行星。

48、The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulder to mount on. ─── 侏儒站在巨人肩上,可以比巨人看得更远。

49、Dwarf Effects of S - 3307 and CCC on Poa pratensis L. ─── S-3307和CCC对草地早熟禾的矮化效应

50、"I'll write a note," said the dwarf. ─── “我要写个便条,”矮子说。

51、One was a decision to name Pluto a " dwarf planet . ─── 一个是将冥王星命名为矮行星的决议。

52、One is a giant, the other a dwarf. ─── 一个是巨人,而另一个却是矮子。

53、He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray. ─── 可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。

54、VB 8B: Brown Dwarf or Planet? ─── VB 8B是否是褐矮星或行星?

55、Their second son is a dwarf. ─── 他们的第二个儿子是个侏儒。

56、A dwarf minke whale swims near Australia's Great Barrier Reef. ─── 一头小须鲸正在澳大利亚大堡礁附近游弋。

57、An evil dwarf sells faulty goods and weapons to unknowing adventurers. ─── 一个邪恶的矮人向好未察觉的冒险者出售劣质的商品与武器。

58、Nothing is more apparent in this age of specialties than the dwarfing, crippling, mutilating influence of occupations or professions. ─── 在如今的专业化分工的时代里,没有什麽比职业造成的矮化、跛足、伤残的影响更明显的了。

59、The world record of most national leaders are dwarf Benito. ─── 世界上有记录以来的最矮国家领导人是贝尼托.胡阿雷斯。

60、During the Pleistocene epoch, several species of elephants isolated on islands underwent rapid dwarfing. ─── 在更新世时期,孤立在岛上的几种大象迅速变矮。

61、His(Her,Your) stature: "I Measure 1,96, before it(he,she) was measuring more, but now I am dwarfing myself ". ─── 他说身高196,不过之前量过更高(你已经开始缩水了咩),然后说自己已经不再长高了(太好了)

62、He is the dwarf cleric of Mithril Hall. ─── 他是秘银大厅的牧师。

63、Haldir: The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark. ─── 哈尔迪:这矮子太聒噪,就算闭着眼睛也能毙了他。

64、"Is it coming to that? Kit!" cried the dwarf, rubbing his hands violently. ─── “也至于那样吗?吉特?”矮子叫道,狠狠地搓着两只手。

65、Naida was a dwarf, which is not really a rare thing. ─── 但奈妲并不是生活在所谓的“世界”里。

66、Preliminary Study on the Dwarfing Effects of Three Chemicals on Matthiola incana R.Br. ─── 三种药剂对紫罗兰的矮化效应。

67、People didnt call him "little dwarf"any more. ─── 人们不再叫他小矮人儿了。

68、The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell. ─── 侏儒坐下来,而小仙人摇了那小铜铃。

69、A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees further of the two. ─── 侏儒站在巨人肩上要比两个人看得远。

70、It belittles by inverting the relative importance of things, thus dwarfing the thoughts and aspirations of a people. ─── 它通过反演轻的相对重要性的东西,这样的想法和愿望下显得一个人。

71、A leathery brown dwarf would show up guarding the entrance to the unconscious. ─── 一个像皮一样坚韧的褐色侏儒揭露潜意识的入口守卫。

72、He looked around and spotted Garfield the Dwarf. ─── 他四下看了看,认出了矮子加菲尔德。

73、While he was yet in unspeakable agonies, the dwarf renewed their conversation. ─── 他还没来得及摆脱这种难言的痛苦时,矮子便又恢复了他们的谈话。

74、A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city. ─── 一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。

75、"Come in, you fool," returned the dwarf. ─── “进来,你这个混蛋

76、A dwarf clan famous for its wizards suddenly vanishes. ─── 一个因法师而闻名的矮人部落突然消失了。

77、He looked upwards, and saw that the dwarf was smoking in his hammock. ─── 他抬头向上一望,看到矮子正在吊床里喷云吐雾。

78、A few explanations are feasible for this dwarfing. ─── 有几种原因可以解释这种矮小的现象。

79、"I would give my life," said the dwarf. ─── 侏儒说:“我愿意付出我的生命。”

80、You are a giant of words and dwarf of action. ─── 你是言词的巨人,行动的矮子。

81、The frightened dwarf drew back. ─── 侏儒吓得往后倒退。

82、Some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious. ─── 其实有一些紫罗兰也觉得小矮人的丑陋大半是他自己故意做出来的。

83、Of Khaz Modan - First dwarf on the realm to achieve level 80. ─── 卡兹莫丹-伺服器第一个80级矮人。

84、With this logic, snowwhite married the dwarf. ─── 于是公主和小矮人闹离婚。

85、"There's no such thing to be had here," cried the dwarf. ─── “这地方哪有这种东西

86、Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. ─── 七枚归属于矮人列王,他们是高山殿堂中伟大的矿工与工匠。

87、And how will they sell it? The literary dwarf? Isn't that why I'm on this show? ─── 他们会怎么卖它?那个文学侏儒写的书?这不就是我上节目的原因?

88、A double-decker tram provides a bird's-eye view of neon signs twisted into huge Chinese characters, dwarfing the human parade below. ─── 从双层巴士上可以俯瞰印着巨大汉字的霓虹灯饰,下面的行人由此显得多么渺小。

89、If so, gas will be one of its main drivers, dwarfing even earlier resource booms in its scale. ─── 如果是这样的话,天然气将会成为繁荣的主要驱动力之一,以它的规模甚至使之前的资源激增都相形见绌。

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