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09-11 投稿


blare 发音

英:[bler]  美:[bleə(r)]

英:  美:

blare 中文意思翻译




blare 网络释义

n. 嘟嘟声;号声;巨响vi. 发嘟嘟声;发出响而刺耳的声音vt. 嘟嘟地发出;高声发出

blare 短语词组

1、blare out n. ─── 嘟 ─── 嘟声, 响而刺耳的声音; (颜色等的)光泽; (音乐)声音响亮, (收音机等)高声播出(音乐)

blare 词性/词形变化,blare变形


blare 相似词语短语

1、blade ─── n.叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑

2、blart ─── v.听起来响亮扎耳朵的

3、blares ─── v.发出响而刺耳的声音;n.刺耳的鸣响;绚丽

4、blae ─── adj.青灰色的;(方)深蓝色的;n.灰青炭质页岩

5、ablare ─── adv.喧哗地;adj.喧闹的

6、bare ─── adj.空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的;vt.露出,使赤裸;n.(Bare)人名;(英)贝尔

7、blame ─── vt.责备;归咎于;n.责备;责任;过失

8、blared ─── v.发出响而刺耳的声音;n.刺耳的鸣响;绚丽

9、Clare ─── n.克莱尔(女子名)

blare 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong. ─── 在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。

2、Her eyes start to be suffused with water smog, the whole body is numb and feeble to not go, blare, why her body ambition so acute? ─── 她眼睛泛起水雾,全身酥麻得不行,呜,为什么她的身体会这么敏感?

3、Their wishes become the blare of the crackers and colorful flash of the firework into the air and spread faraway. ─── 他们的祝愿变成了欢庆声和五彩斑斓的烟花表演直上云霄!

4、He lives in obscurity and contends with hardship.For him no trumpets blare, no chariots wait, no golden decorations are decreed. ─── 他无名无份、生活拮据,没有号角为他鸣响,没有战车恭候他的大驾,没有口令赐他金盔银甲。

5、This conversation was interrupted by the blare of the orchestra and the sputtering of the calcium lights in the wings as the line was called to form for a new entrance. ─── 这段谈话被乐队的吹奏声和舞台两侧电石灯的噼啪声打断了,这时群舞队员们被叫来排好队,准备再次上常这以后没再出现谈话的机会。

6、Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums, the show began. ─── 接着,随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了。

7、In the wilderness such interference is rare, but in cities (where tunnels often start and finish) radio stations constantly blare out noise on many frequencies, making such filtering essential. ─── 在野外这种干扰比较小,但是在城市就不见得了(城市往往是这种隧道的起点和终点),众多的广播电台在诸多频段上不断地发出很大的噪声干扰,这种过滤手段就显得相当重要了。

8、It shows metallic blare like silk, and at the same time, it is similar in metal effect to chrome. ─── 根据不同的效果可分为银元型、高端细白型和丝光型三类。

9、the blare of car horns ─── 汽车刺耳的喇叭声

10、The car backed in through the gates again, this time without a warning blare from the horn. ─── 汽车退进了厂门。 这一次没有先捏喇叭。

11、Blare will say: I never go after Bush any more! ─── 布莱尔会说:"我就不再跟布什混了!"

12、From the shore they heard gonging and the blare of a mom. ─── 船上四个人都听到从河街上飘来的锣鼓、琐呐声音。

13、The blare of horn can be hear In the distance ─── 可以听到远处传来的号角声

14、A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters. ─── 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。

15、Mr. Blare was invited to be in charge of lightening of stage. ─── 布莱尔先生被邀负责舞台的灯光设计。

16、In Britain pleasure piers grew from every nook of the coast just as the Empire expanded, and the blare of military bands along their decks echoed the triumphal march of colonisers overseas. ─── 在英国,随着帝国的扩张,华丽的栈桥也布满了海岸线上的每一个角落,每当有海外的殖民者们凯旋(归来),军乐队嘹亮的乐声就会响彻整个栈桥。

17、A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human lives appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. ─── 耳边传来刺亮的声响,生命的咆叫;

18、to blare light ─── 放射出耀眼的光辉

19、The Tianjin city issued blare of collapsed houses, the Australian Prime Minister John Howards who was accessing Tianjin was woke up with a start. ─── 天津市发出房倒屋塌的巨响,正在该市访问的澳大利亚总理被惊醒;

20、Everywhere the movement goes it takes mobile stages, on the back of trucks, which blare out speeches and music from dawn until the small hours of the following morning. ─── 暴民到哪里,活动舞台车就在哪里,在凌晨时分之际,播放刺耳的音乐和演讲。

21、Ask your friend to blow his trumpet. Can you hear the blare of the trumpet? ─── 请你的朋友吹小号,你能听到小号的嘟嘟声吗?

22、blare forth ─── 发出很大的声音

23、Waving the wings, rising a few feet every day, it may one day happen to find itself soaring high above, facing the blare of the sun and made its own voice pierce into the peaceful sky. ─── 扇扇翅膀,每天飞高几英尺,然后某天突然发现自己居然正在万里高空翱翔,迎着太阳耀眼的光辉,鹰啼声声穿破宁静的长空。

24、blare a trumpet ─── 吹喇叭

25、The great German novelist Thomas Mann used to say it: “Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. ─── 伟大的德国小说家托马斯.曼恩曾经说过:时间从不区分过去和未来,它从不用一场暴雨或是一阵雷鸣来宣告新的月份,新的年份,甚至是新世纪的来临。

26、Aching degree constant more acuteness, show ache, bright more painful or auger painful, the made aggravate such as rage, strong light or blare. ─── 发作时常伴有局部潮红、眼结膜充血、流泪、畏光、鼻粘膜充血、鼻塞、流涕或流涎等。

27、Hongfeng anti-static floor not only has excellent capability and bearable, but also can keep the original color and blare with the useful life over ten years and convenient installation. ─── 宏峰防静电地板不仅防静电能力卓越,而且耐磨,可长久保持原有的色彩和光泽,使用寿命达十年以上,安装极其方便。

28、The blare of horn can be heard in the distance. ─── 可以听到远处传来的号角声。

29、Cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, taxis, rickshaws, cows, donkeys, and dogs jostle for every inch of the roadway as horns blare and brakes squeal. ─── 车子、卡车、公车、摩托车、计程车、人力车、牛群、驴群,还有狗群在喇叭声响和尖锐煞车声中争夺每吋道路。

30、Phut, blare, car head caves instantly, the machine is built before by lift heavily. ─── 砰,一声巨响,车头刹那间凹陷,前机器盖被重重的掀起。

31、There was the sound of hammering and the blare of music from the radio. ─── 锤打的声音,收音机音乐的声音不断。

32、drive, blare your music. Simple, yet wonderful. ─── 驱车远行,高放音乐。简单却美好。

33、To Brag and Blare about one's success ─── 大吹大擂

34、Public loudspeakers in the central square blare the village anthem hourly: "If you want to see a miracle, come to Huaxi. " ─── 中央广场的公共喇叭每小时都震耳欲聋的播放村庄之声:“如果你想看到一个奇迹请来华西。”

35、I blare the one mouthful, 呐 , is really again the joss-stick again frailty! ─── 我啊呜一口,呐,真是又香又脆呀!

36、blare out a warning ─── 高声 发出警告

37、A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he open the shutter. ─── 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。

38、There came the blare of a brass band. ─── 那里传来了铜管乐队的吹奏声。

39、Somehow, though, the noise of the fans, the smell of stale beer and smoke, the blare of the jukebox, and the semihostile faces staring at him from along the bar made it seem hotter than it really was. ─── 不过不知怎的,那风扇的响声,阵阵啤酒味,电唱机的高音喇叭,还有酒吧前一张张半含敌意盯着他看的脸,使他感觉这儿比实际更热。

40、the blare of police sirens, a brass band ─── 警车警报器的鸣声,铜管乐队的奏鸣声

41、As he approached the front door, he heard the furious blare of a horn, and a car raced up the drive. It had hardly stopped before the house, when Tu Chu-chai scrambled out. ─── 当他走近了大客厅前面的时候,听得汽车的喇叭呜呜地狂叫,一辆汽车直开到大客厅石阶前,车子还没停好,杜竹斋已经从车厢里跳出来了。

42、blare out ─── 大声发出; 大声响起

43、Hoisting Technique Used in Changing Inner Barrel of a Blare Stack Supported with Tower Mast ─── 塔桅式烟囱内筒体更换吊装施工技术

44、Wu Sun-fu could not help laughing, for he felt he had at last found a chink in her armour, but before he could begin his counter-attack, the blare of a motorcar horn came from the drive, followed by a shout from Kao Sheng: ─── 吴荪甫忍不住笑了起来,他觉得找到了一个根据点,可以反攻四小姐那顽固的堡寨了;但是他还没开口,忽然一片声汽车喇叭叫从大门外进来,当差高升在园子里高声喊道:

45、4. The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. ─── 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。

46、Time has no divisions to mark its passage,there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. ─── 时间对其经过没有区分的表示,因为绝对不是雷雨或喇叭的吹奏便可以决定新的年月。

47、trumpet blare forth ─── 喇叭发出啷啷声

48、Outside I heard the blare of competing loudspeakers. ─── 我听到了外面传来类似扩音器的喊声。

49、Blare Airport) within days of their deaths. ─── 仅发现他们在死亡前曾居住在同一饭店中几天。

50、For him no trumpets blare, no chariots wait, no golden decorations are decreed. ─── 没有号角吹奏来迎接他,也没有马车等候他,更没有金质勋章颁赠给他。

51、A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms ─── 市声的喧闹,生活的吆喝,鳞次栉比的楼房,用暖昧的言词叩动那受惊的心弦。

52、President and Premier Blare, can I ask you both tonight what your messages are for the goverments of Iran and Israel, given as you say, this is the crisis of the 21 century? ─── 总统先生,布莱尔首相,我能否问一个问题,你们今晚是否在向伊朗政府和以色列政府暗示什么信息,因为正如你们所说,这是21世纪的危机?

53、Don't let your television blare so as to disturb your neighbors. ─── 不要把电视机的音量开得太大,以致打扰邻居。

54、The source of this paradox is electronic anti-noise which creates sound waves to cancel out unwanted noise, such as rattles, blare, etc. ─── 这种矛盾的根源是电子抗噪,它会产生声波来抵消不想要的噪音,如响尾音、刺耳的鸣响等。

55、Lu Ba sent out a series of voice with strange quack to blare, , Ji Ji, Zi Zi, however the Hou use very the national language answer of exactitude, "very delectation, doctrine in San-min long live!" ─── 阿鲁巴发出了一连串的嘎嘎怪声呜呜,哦哦,叽叽,滋滋,然后用非常正确的国语回答,“非常愉快,三民主义万岁!”

56、55. Another blare of trumpets signaled that the limousine carrying Brezhnev had entered the Southwest Gate . ─── 在又一阵军号声中,勃列日涅夫的小轿车进入西南门。

57、Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren. ─── 苏珊每次开口说话,就像救护车的鸣笛一样,会发出刺耳的声音。

58、Ahead red light, run quickly to step on brake suddenly greatly, stopped, stop only from the back blare. ─── 前方红灯,大奔猛踩刹车,一下就停了下来了,只停得后面一声巨响。

59、A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he open the shutter ─── 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光

60、a blare of publicity ─── 过分的宣传

61、Don't blare the stereo. ─── 别让立体音响发出刺耳的声音

62、Kitten down, good for a while staring at mega, see line regiment have no action, quietly onto forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. " ─── 小猫趴下死死盯着,好一会儿,见线团没有动静,就悄悄地移步向前,“咪呜--”叫了一声。

63、Is really also ruthlessness, blare . . . . . . if lead son in this case, will the aunt can't accompany her to talk to dissipate sorrows? ─── 真是太残酷了,呜呜……要是过儿在这种情况下,姑姑会不会陪她聊天解闷?

64、Just as much whence we come that blare of the cloud-trumpets, ─── 正好拒此云笛鸣奏我来你就去,

65、Right now blare, the clay that splatters falls on their body in succession. ─── 此时一声巨响,飞溅起来的泥土纷纷落在他们的身上。

66、They heard television blare. ─── 电视机的声音震耳欲聋。

67、A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. ─── 城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。

68、Ride through the blare of bells and wheels, ─── 穿越教堂的钟声和车轮的鸣响

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