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09-11 投稿



impracticability 发音

英:[[ɪmˌpræktɪkə'bɪlətɪ]]  美:[[ɪmˌpræktɪkə'bɪlətɪ]]

英:  美:

impracticability 中文意思翻译



impracticability 同义词

impossibility | impracticableness | uselessness | impracticality

impracticability 反义词


impracticability 相似词语短语

1、impeachability ─── 弹劾

2、unpracticability ─── 不实用性

3、practicability ─── n.实用性,可行性

4、impartibility ─── n.不可分

5、impracticably ─── adv.没用地;不能实行地;无法可想地

6、impracticable ─── adj.行不通的;不能实行的

7、impracticality ─── n.不切实际;不切实际之事

8、impeccability ─── n.无缺点;无罪

9、implacability ─── n.不缓和;难以安抚;无情

impracticability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The weakness of Chinese current research situation is shown on its impracticability in execution, and serious problems in the theory system itself. ─── 我国现有行政规划的理论研究非常薄弱,存在严重的不足,主要表现为与实践不相适应、自身理论体系不完善。

2、Such an inevitable conflict, together with the impracticability of Philosophical Education, is vividly illustrated in Plato's Cave-Metaphor. ─── 柏拉图的洞穴隐喻,揭示哲学生活与民众生活冲突的不可避免,以及哲学教育的艰难。

3、Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater. ─── 土壤及地下水污染整治作业有技术不可行之特性,因此整治费用有难以估计之问题。

4、Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater. ─── 土壤及地下水污染整治作业有技术不可行之特性,因此整治费用有难以估计之问题。

5、The main management item of the company is unmanned and responsible, purchase, the plan such as sales promotion all approves impracticability because of unmanned autograph. ─── 公司的重要经营事项无人负责,采购、促销等计划均因无人签批无法实施。

6、Obviously this method has every limited application in most instances, because of the impossibility or impracticability of segregating specific items as coming from separate purchases. ─── 由于要辨认存货不同购买来源的具体批次是不现实的,很明显个别计价法的使用有很大的局限性。

7、Such an inevitable conflict, together with the impracticability of Philosophical Education, is vividly illustrated in Plato's Cave-Metaphor. ─── 柏拉图的洞穴隐喻,揭示哲学生活与民众生活冲突的不可避免,以及哲学教育的艰难。

8、Capital is many breach, make a lot of plans that help deficient up fail, help deficient up to develop project impracticability. ─── 资金大量缺口,使许多扶贫计划落空,扶贫开发项目无法实施。

9、There would be a great waste of time and trouble, and an inconvenience often amounting to impracticability, if consumers could only obtain the articles they want by treating directly with the producers. ─── 如果消费者只能直接从生产者那里获得所需要的物品,那这会浪费很多时间,带来不少麻烦,常常无法得到所需要的物品。

10、The invalid contract in China bears the legal characteristics of illegality, impracticability , original invalidity and deserved invalidity. ─── 我国的无效合同具有违法性、不得履行性、自始无效性和当然无效性的法律特征。

11、But this difficulty merely emphasizes the impracticability of the proposal. ─── 这种困难,显然表明了平准价格的提议行不通。

12、In this paper, in order to remedy the impracticability of classical guidance algorithm in engineering, we have presented an autonomous guidance strategy based on optimal states feedback technology. ─── 现针对开环制导算法难以在工程上实现的缺点,提出一种基于最优状态反馈的自主制导策略。

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