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09-11 投稿



horridly 发音


英:  美:

horridly 中文意思翻译



horridly 词性/词形变化,horridly变形

名词: horridness |副词: horridly |

horridly 相似词语短语

1、horrible ─── adj.可怕的;极讨厌的

2、worriedly ─── adv.担心地;焦虑地

3、horrid ─── adj.可怕的;恐怖的;极讨厌的

4、horsily ─── adv.爱马地;似马地

5、hurriedly ─── adv.匆忙地;仓促地

6、horrify ─── vt.使恐惧;惊骇;使极度厌恶

7、torridly ─── 炽热的

8、horribly ─── adv.可怕地;非常地

9、hornily ─── 饥渴地

horridly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、said La Carconte with a horrid smile. ' ─── 卡康脱女人带着一个可怕的微笑说道,‘咦,正是那好心肠的上帝又把他送回来啦。’

2、For years, I fear, afraid there is misunderstood by a horrid JiLv, fear, but who come again to me away, LiuXu RongRong courtyards pear-flower-spear plus white-ape-cudgel pond with the wind? ─── 十年,整整十年了,我不怕被人误解,不怕天涯羁旅,不怕被一贬再贬,可是谁来与我共消梨花院落溶溶月,柳絮池塘淡淡风?

3、That blood-coloured figure was a sublimation of all the horrid dreams which had afflicted the juvenile spirit since imagination began ─── 在一般幼小的心灵里,这样一个浑身血红的人物,就是他们从有想像力那一天起所做的一切恶梦中提炼出来的精华。

4、Malak was a tall human who was horridly injured in a lightsaber duel. ─── 马拉克是一个高大的人类,在一场光剑对决中受了可怕的伤。

5、Ivan's weak protest only encouraged them, and they jeered cruelly whenthe Cossack captain flung his horrid challenge at their victim. ─── 伊万软弱无力的抗议只能是他们更来劲儿,更加肆无忌惮的嘲弄他。这时,酒馆的那个哥萨克老闆又极不友好的向伊万,这个他们捉弄的对象,发出了挑衅。

6、"I saw their starved lips in the gloam With horrid warning gaped wide, And I awoke, and found me here On the cold hill side." ─── 在幽暗里,他们的瘪嘴大张着,预告着灾祸;我一觉醒来,看见自己躺在这冰冷的山坡。

7、How horrid of them to be always scolding you for nothing? ─── 他们是多么可恶,常常无故责备你?

8、Sir, you never answer my letters, you are not concerned about anything I do at all, and you are the most horrid Trustee of all of those horrid Trustees. ─── 先生,您从不回答我的问题,您对我做的任何事都漠不关心,您是可怕的董事大人中最可怕的一个。

9、Thankfully, many of the Chinese copies that eventually reach European markets typically fare poorly as consumers balk at their horrid questionable safety, quality and dismal reliability. ─── 值得庆幸的是,许多中国的副本,最终达到欧洲市场价格通常很差,因为消费者不惜其可怕怀疑安全,质量和暗淡可靠性。

10、Joe had fallen to his knees, clutching his heaving, writhing chest, horrid strangling sounds rising from his throat. ─── " / 乔已经落到他的膝,抓牢他用力举起, writhing 胸,可怕的勒死声音来自他的咽喉上升。

11、We've had a horrid day. ─── 今天我们过得糟透了。

12、don't repeat that horrid noise; ─── 别再发出那种可怕的叫声啦。

13、Don't is so horrid to your little sister. ─── 别对你的小妹妹那麽厉害.

14、He was horrid to the children. ─── 他对小孩们极不友善。

15、But each time again there was a horrid twinge of conscience. ─── 但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。

16、Wars! Horrid wars! ─── 啊战争!可怕的战争!

17、1.hateful; detestable; abominable; odious; 2.damnably; execrably; horridly; pitifully; odiously ─── 可恨

18、"Send that horrid animal away, Alicia," Lady Audley said impatiently. ─── “艾丽西亚,把这可怕的畜生弄走,”奥德利夫人不耐烦地说道。

19、But my resolutions were, blow which way it would, I would be gone from that horrid place where I was, and leave the rest to fate. ─── 但我决心已下,不管刮什么风,只要离开我现在呆的可怕的地方就行;其余一切,都听天由命了。

20、You would have to watch the FIBAs America's tournament to see just how horrid Amare's interior defense is. ─── 你真的得看一看这次美洲锦标赛,你才会知道小斯的内线防守有多糟糕。

21、The horrid sight made me draw Back. ─── 可怕的景象令我后退。

22、As he spoke he drew the dog-whip swiftly from the dead man's lap, and throwing the noose round the reptile's neck he drew it from its horrid perch and, carrying it at arm's length, threw it into the iron safe, which he closed upon it. ─── 他边说边从死去的男人膝盖上快速的拿走了狗带,把绳圈套到那只爬行动物的脖子上,把他从它可怕的位置上拉出来,保持距离,把它扔到金属保险柜里,关上了。

23、"New Yorkers had a horrid way of making people feel like hicks" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “纽约人的讨厌之处在于他们总能使人觉得自己象乡下佬”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

24、An owl, swooping noiselessly towards him, brushed his shoulder with its wing, making him jump with the horrid certainty that it was a hand; ─── 一只猫头鹰,悄没声地猝然向他扑来,翅膀擦着他的肩头,吓得他跳了起来,心惊胆战地想,那准是一只手;

25、Darwin himself said it: "What a book a devil's chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering, low, and horridly cruel works of nature." ─── 达尔文自己说过:“对于自然笨拙、浪费、粗俗而极其悲惨的作品,一个魔鬼牧师的书还能写些什么呢?”这句话来自达尔文给胡克的信。

26、Nature's logic was too horrid for him to care for. ─── 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕,怎么能叫他信服呢?

27、and constantly were left, and perhaps had been so for some ages, to act: horrid things, and receive such dreadful customs ─── 任其他们按照自己令人憎恶的、腐败堕落的冲动去行事,任其他们多少世纪以来干着这种骇人听闻的勾当,形成这种可怕的风俗习惯。

28、His horrid insanity had reached its peak. ─── 他的恐惧和疯狂达到了最高点。

29、He is a horrid creature. ─── 他是一个可恶的人。

30、"Don't say 'make good,'" she cried, sweetly petulant."It's slang, and it's horrid." ─── “你说‘将就’,”她生气地叫道,口气却甜蜜,“那话太俗,太难听了。”

31、Horrid and fantastic boatmen called marraenoloths ply its waters, their skills supernaturally competent. ─── 古怪可怕的冥河船夫努力地划着水,它们超乎寻常的高超技艺胜任这项工作。

32、Don't be so horrid. ─── 别这样令人厌恶!

33、Stone knife in hand, he met it. He stabbed, again and again, while those horrid claws ripped skin and flesh and muscle from his body. ─── 卡森毫无畏惧,手持石头小刀,一刀一刀捅入滚筒的身体,与此同时,滚筒触须上的爪子也深深嵌入卡森的皮肤和肌肉。

34、"It is horrid, but I better, Becky; they might hear us, you know," and he shouted again. ─── “是吓人,但我最好还是喊,贝基,说不准他们能听见我们。” 说完他又大喊起来。

35、Tell her at any rate that she must come and see me this evening at that horrid hotel. ─── 你告诉她,今天晚上请她务必到那个糟糕的旅馆里来找我。

36、To its detractors it's a study in appallingly bad taste, a horrid trivialization of a tragic event. ─── 反对者则认为,这套游戏是超级没品,又极度使一桩惨剧平庸化的实例。

37、In the sewers below our city, there lurks a horrid creature that hungers for human flesh. The creature has killed many, including my son and my husband. ─── 在我们城市下方的下水道中,潜藏了一些可怕的生物,饥饿的想要吞食人类的血肉。这些生物已经杀害了不少人,包括我的儿子和丈夫。

38、I've been horrid to you. ─── 刚才我对你很生硬。

39、With horrid warning gaped wide, ─── 大张着,预告着灾祸;

40、’ says he. ‘Why,’ says the mother, ‘look at that horrid mallet. ─── 他看到他们一家三口紧挨着痛哭着,地上淌满了啤酒。

41、Don't be horrid to me! ─── 别对我那么凶!

42、She made a horrid face. ─── 她做了个令人厌恶的鬼脸。

43、Ivan's weak protest only encouraged them, and they jeered cruelly when the Cossack captain flung his horrid challenge at their victim. ─── 伊万软弱无力的抗议只能是他们更来劲儿,更加肆无忌惮的嘲弄他。这时,酒馆的那个哥萨克老板又极不友好的向伊万,这个他们捉弄的对象,发出了挑衅。

44、"Oh, don't do it again, Tom, it is too horrid," said Becky. ─── “喂,汤姆,别喊了,听起来怪吓人的。” 贝基说。

45、When I finish my writing, do you think I shall be so foolish as father and drop it into the horrid postman's bag? ─── "当我写好了时,你以为我也像爸爸那样傻,把它投入可怕的邮差的袋中么?"

46、when she was bad she was horrid. ─── 她坏起来的时候坏得可怕。

47、Don' t be so horrid ─── 别这样叫人厌恶!

48、Nature's logic was too horrid. ─── 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕。

49、"You are," stamped Carrie. "You're a horrid, conceited coward, that's what you are. ─── “就是你,"嘉莉跺着脚说,"你是个自高自大、讨厌透顶的胆小鬼。

50、Which though I had heard of often, yet I never had so near a view of before; in short, I turn'd away my face from the horrid spectacle ─── 吃人的事我以前虽然也经常听人说起过,可今天才第一次亲眼看到吃人留下的现常我转过脸去,不忍再看这可怕的景象。

51、"I think you are horrid," she said, helplessly, dropping her eyes. ─── "我想你这人真是讨厌透顶,"她眼睛向下无可奈何地说。

52、In the house of Israel I have seen a horrid thing: The harlotry of Ephraim is there; Israel has defiled itself. ─── 10在以色列家,我见了可怕的事:以法莲在那里有淫行;以色列玷污了自己。

53、She has got a horrid husband. ─── 她嫁了一个糟糕的丈夫。

54、Already had his fair fame been tarnished by one horrid scene, and in circumstances fear-fully resembling these under which he now found himself. ─── 他想起自己的名声已经经受过一次损害,那一次可怕的情景和眼下的情况十分相似。

55、Very well, Mr.Behrman, if you do not care to pose for me, you needn't.But I think you are a horrid old - old flibbertigibbet. ─── 好吧,贝尔门先生,你不愿意给我当模特儿,就拉倒,我看你是个讨厌的老------老教唆鬼。”

56、Don't be so horrid to your brother. ─── 别对你弟弟那么凶。

57、He's a horrid little man. ─── 他是个讨厌的家伙。

58、If you dithered for ages yesterday and found the tuna melt horrid, it increases your determination to choose something today that is better.And that ratchets up the anxiety even further. ─── 假如你昨天犹豫半天才选了金枪鱼三明治,然后发现吃起来很可怕,你今天就会有更大的决心选一种更好吃的食物,这就进一步加重了你的焦虑感。

59、Don't be so horrid to your little sister. ─── 别对你的小妹妹那么厉害.

60、Eg: Don't be so horrid to your sister. ─── 别对你的小妹妹那么害。

61、CRUELLA: Why , you horrid man . All right, keep the little beasts for all I care. ─── 你这个小人!你!你!好吧!你高兴的话就自己留着吧!

62、No foot-print leading to that horrid mews, ─── 在通向那可怕密地的路上没有脚印,

63、"Our host is rather horrid this evening," answered the duchess, coloring ─── “我们的主人今晚真是岂有此理。”公爵夫人红着脸说道。

64、"But I can assure you," she added, "that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing. ─── “不过我可以告诉你,”她补充道,“丽萃不中他的意,这对丽萃并没有什么可惜,因为他是个最讨厌、最可恶的人不值得去奉承他。

65、A horrid fate ─── 可恶的命运

66、Her mouth, which Jove used to praise for its beauty, became a horrid pair of jaws; ─── 她的美丽的小嘴, 宙斯以前是赞不绝口的, 现在变成了一对骇人的下巴;

67、a horrid sort of day ─── 令人讨厌的天气

68、She persisted that he was a spiteful man;that in the duel with Bezuhov, Pierre had been in the right and Dolohov in the wrong, and that he was horrid and not natural. ─── 她固执己见,认为他是个凶恶的人,至于他和别祖霍夫决斗一事,皮埃尔是对的,多洛霍夫有过错,认为他令人厌恶,装腔作势。

69、The floor was covered with broken glass and in a horrid mess of blood, which took away my hunger. ─── 地板上布满的碎玻璃和一滩可怕的血迹,夺去了我的胃口。

70、Don't be so horrid to your little sister ─── 别对你的小妹妹那麽厉害

71、"Oh! Ugh! What on earth's that! Take it away, the horrid thing.". ─── “噢!呃!这到底是什么东西啊!把它赶走,这个讨厌的东西!”

72、" "How can you ask a poor little woman about such horrid things? ─── “你怎么能要求一个可怜的小妇人懂得这种令人厌恶的东西呢?”

73、horrid food ─── 不好吃的食物

74、Oh, Scarlett, don't even suggest such a horrid thing! ─── 啊,思嘉,这样可怕的事情千万提也别提了!

75、Sam: Ugh. What is that horrid stink? I wonder if there's a nasty bog nearby. Can you smell it? ─── 什么味道那么难闻?我担保附近一定有恶臭的沼泽。你闻得到吗?

76、a horrid sort of ─── 令人讨厌的

77、Don't be so horrid to Aunt Jane! ─── 别这样使简阿姨讨厌!

78、There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent those voluntary abortions and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas! ─── 另外,我的方案还有一大优势,他能够防止有意堕胎和父母谋杀私生子的行为。哎!这种现象在我们生活中太常见了。

79、I shall take it from its beginning, and continue it in its order. It was, by my account, the 30th. Of Sept. When, in the manner as above said, I first set foot upon this horrid island, ─── 因此,我决定把我生活的情况从头至尾,按时间顺序一一记录下来。我估计,我是九月三十日踏上这可怕的海岛的;

80、9. yao and ron artest play horrid and we only lose by 4. I am actually pretty content. Our stars will only play better. ─── 姚明和阿泰斯特打的很难看,我们只输掉了4分,事实上我是相当的满意,当然了,我们的明星会打得更好的!

81、It matters not whether it is lovely or horrid, beautiful or shameful. ─── 它与可爱或可怖无关,美丽或丑陋无关。

82、There is a horrid stink in the kitchen. ─── 厨房有股恶臭味儿。

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