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09-11 投稿



defecation 发音

英:[ˌdefəˈkeɪʃn; ˌdiːfəˈkeɪʃn]  美:[ˌdefəˈkeɪʃn; ˌdiːfəˈkeɪʃn]

英:  美:

defecation 中文意思翻译



defecation 短语词组

1、defecation with dry lime ─── [化] 干灰澄清法; 干法澄清

2、defecation tank ─── 排便池

3、Immaculate Defecation

4、defecation scum ─── 澄清渣,沉淀物

5、defecation center ─── [医] 排粪中枢, 肛脊中枢

6、fractional defecation ─── 分次排便

7、defecation reflex ─── 排便反射

8、continuous defecation ─── 连续排便

9、medullary defecation center ─── [医] 延髓排粪中枢

10、fragmentary defecation ─── [医] 断续性多次排粪

11、defecation centre ─── 排粪中枢

12、defecation mud ─── 沉淀渣

13、progressive defecation ─── [化] 逐步澄清

14、defecation with lime-milk ─── [化] 灰乳澄清法

15、frequency of defecation ─── 大便次数

16、cold defecation ─── 冷法澄清

17、defecation pan ─── [化] 澄清釜

18、irregular defecation ─── 排便不规则

19、chemical defecation ─── [医] 化学澄清法

defecation 词性/词形变化,defecation变形

动词第三人称单数: defecates |动词现在分词: defecating |动词过去分词: defecated |名词: defecation |动词过去式: defecated |

defecation 相似词语短语

1、defection ─── n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党

2、defamation ─── n.诽谤;中伤

3、defalcation ─── n.挪用公款;亏空

4、deification ─── n.神化;奉若神明;祀为神

5、defecator ─── n.澄清者;清净器

6、defecating ─── vt.澄清;除去污物;vi.排便;澄清

7、deprecation ─── n.祈免;贬低;反对

8、defaecation ─── n.澄清;通便

9、dedication ─── n.奉献;献身;赠言

defecation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Surgical therapy effect on leg weakness, gait abnormality, pain, and sensory disability was better than urination and defecation function disturbance. ─── 外科治疗对于下肢无力、步态异常、疼痛和感觉障碍效果较好,对于大小便功能障碍效果不理想。

2、The results indicated that desilication could quicken defecation,compress subside layer of lime mud and in-crease the lime mud solid content. ─── 在进行未除硅和除硅苛化液澄清以及白泥洗涤过滤等实验后,证实除硅可缩短苛化澄清时间、压缩白泥沉降层,得到的除硅白泥过滤速度明显加快、干度提高。

3、From all the above results, we can come to the conclusion that ion metal was not a main factor that resulted in the defecation lever drop of the cefazolin sodium solutions. ─── 从以上实验结果,我们基本可以得出金属离子并非造成先锋V号药物澄明度下降的主要因素的结论。

4、Clinical Observation of Treating Puerperal Defecation Hard by TCM and Modern Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗产后大便难临床观察

5、In fact, this is only for constipation is quite serious and difficult defecation talents to use. ─── 其实这只是针对便秘相当严重,而且排便困难的人才使用的。

6、awareness of defecation ─── 便意

7、Oregano tea is a kind of diet herb tea, it can decompose fattiness, adjust gastrointestinal function and help defecation. ─── 亦可减脂茶,可自然分解脂肪,调节肠胃不适排便顺畅。

8、A study on oxygen consumption of cardiac muscle of early acute myocardial infarction patients during first-time and non-first-time defecation ─── 急性心肌梗死早期病人首次与非首次排便过程中心肌耗氧量研究

9、Bowel habit;habit of defecation ─── 大便习惯

10、Investigation on promiscuous defecation and its pollution in schistosomiasis endemic areas of Dali City ─── 大理市血吸虫病地区野粪的分布及污染调查

11、In consultation with community leaders, the first step is to localize excreta; that is, control surface defecation. ─── 咨询社区领袖后,第一步就是集中排泄地点;即控制随地大小便的情况。

12、The drug's side effects can include involuntary defecation. ─── 此药物的副作用可能包括无意识的排便。

13、bowel movement:The discharge of waste matter from the large intestine; defecation. ─── 大肠运动:从大肠中排泄废物;排便。

14、The processed is superior to the crude in liver protection and enzyme decrease, and they have similar effect in lubricating bowel and promoting defecation. ─── 在保肝降酶方面,炒决明子强于生决明子;在润肠通便方面,生决明子和炒决明子作用相当。

15、fractional defecation ─── 分级澄清

16、dry defecation ─── 干法澄清干灰澄清

17、JOB DESCRIPTIONJob PurposeTo control in process quality.To gate outgoing products qualityTo provide timely defec...... ... ─── 公司名称:中芯国际集成电路制造(成都)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-4-6

18、The two groups were compared in terms of the shape of stool, defecation difficulty, abdominal distension status and poor stool output. ─── 比较两组患者的粪便形状、排便困难、腹胀和排便不尽感情况的差异。

19、Observation of the effect of caress on defecation and jaundice of newborn ─── 抚触对新生儿排便和黄疸的影响

20、Keywords Dahuangmudan decoction;Cholecystis extraction;Promoting blood flow and activating qi;Purging heat and inducing defecation;Heat-clearing and detoxicating; ─── 大黄牡丹汤;胆囊摘除术;活血行气;通腑泻热;清热解毒;

21、Anorectal manometry study of defecation dysfunction in patients with complete spinal cord injury ─── 完全性脊髓损伤患者肛门直肠动力学研究

22、Treatment of Feeding Intolerance in Premature Infants with Stimulation Defecation and Non-Nutritional Sucking ─── 刺激排便及非营养性吸吮治疗早产儿喂养不耐受

23、promoting defecation and urination ─── 利窍

24、Hands should be washed immediately after defecation, after handling babies' faeces, before preparing food and before eating. ─── 便溺后、处理婴儿排泄物后、做饭前和吃饭前应立即洗手。

25、cold defecation ─── 冷法澄清

26、Compared with the case of positive refractive index structural defects,the influence of the interaction between defects on defect modes is stronger,the spectrum-width of defec... ─── 与正折射率缺陷情形相比较,负折射率缺陷间的相互作用对缺陷模的影响更大,局域模谱线更宽。

27、Evacuation of the bowels; defecation. ─── 排粪肠部的清除;通便

28、Defecation function of children patients after treatment with biofeedback training Wang Wei ─── 应用生物反馈训练无肛术后患儿的排便功能

29、meanwhile, it can increase the intestinal moisture and the percent of anthracotic movement, improve the defecation and has the effect of laxative. ─── 同时,车前子能提高肠道内水分,提高炭末推进百分率,改善排便情况,具有一定的致缓泻作用。

30、Defecation function ─── 排便功能

31、Decreased defecation ─── 排便减少

32、a squatting posture, the bend straightens out, like a kink ringed out of a garden hose, and defecation becomes easier. ─── 蹲的姿势,弯曲理顺,就像抛开一条环绕扭结花园软管,也使排便变得更加容易。

33、urination and defecation disorder ─── 不得前后

34、The evidence for feeding that we observed firsthand in the defecation trails was corroborated in the ship's laboratory. ─── 我们由排便轨迹观察到的蓝鲸在此进食的第一手证据,在船上的实验室里得到了进一步支持。

35、Two groups were without complications, such as anal stenosis, fecal incontinence, difficulty in defecation. ─── 两组均未发现肛门狭窄、肛门失禁、排便困难等并发症。

36、Single factor analysis showed that ab-normality of defecation, over cooking of regetable, psychological trauma, medication history of digestive duct are probably correlative with colon cancer. ─── 单因素分析结果还显示大便情况异常、蔬菜烹调过熟、精神创伤史、消化道用药史可能与大肠癌有关联。

37、a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom. ─── 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器。

38、A fixture for defecation and urination, consisting of a bowl fitted with a hinged seat and connected to a waste pipe and a flushing apparatus; a privy. ─── 抽水马桶一个用于大便和小便的装置,由一个装有翻转式坐部和并与废物管道相连的桶身和一个冲洗器具组成;厕所

39、should be washed immediately after defecation, after handling babies' faeces, before preparing food and before eating. ─── 便溺后、处理婴儿排泄物后、做饭前和吃饭前应立即洗手。

40、In a squatting posture, the bend straightens out, like a kink ringed out of a garden hose, and defecation becomes easier. ─── 而蹲的姿势,弯曲理顺,就像抛开一条环绕扭结花园软管,也使排便变得更加容易。

41、Keywords myocardial infarction;acute;defecation;oxygen consumption of myocardium;kaiselu;castor oil; ─── 关键词心肌梗死;急性;排便;心肌耗氧量;开塞露;蓖麻油;

42、The behavior of inclusions in steel and the defec ts c aused by them have been analyzed, the influence of cleanliness of steel on mecha nical properties and practical usage has been summarized. ─── 分析了杂质在钢中的行为和引发的钢材缺陷,总结了纯净度对钢材力学性能和使用性能的影响。

43、Defecation straining ─── 排便用力

44、Keywords myocardial infarction;acute;defecation;heart rate;blood pressure;oxygen consumption of cardiac muscle; ─── 关键词心肌梗死;急性;排便;心率;血压;心肌耗氧量;

45、Keywords constipation;defecation;animal model;mucosa;gastrointestinal motility; ─── 便秘;排便;动物模型;黏膜;胃肠道运动;

46、Keywords MC flocculant;slime water;deep defecation; ─── MC凝聚剂;煤泥水;深度澄清;

47、Giuseppe Chiarioni,Steve Heymen,William E Whitehead; Biofeedback therapy for dyssynergic defecation [J];World Journal of Gastroenterology; 2006年44 ─── 10李侠,尹燕兰,徐华;小儿便秘及其生物反馈治疗[J];空军总医院学报;2000年01期

48、So I suspect that books will be pushed more and more into those moments of travel or difficult defecation that people still don't quite know what to do with. ─── 所以我猜想,人们读书会越来越少,只有在旅途中或大便干燥时,由于不知如何打发时间,才会读书。

49、Getting out of bed and defecation often were causes of emboli escape from deep venous or hepatic venous. ─── 下床活动和排便常为栓子脱落诱因,无法解释的突发呼吸困难和胸痛是最常见的临床表现。

50、A fixture for defecation and urination,consisting of a bowl fitted with a hinged seat and connected to a waste pipe and a flushing apparatus;a privy. ─── 抽水马桶一个用于大便和小便的装置,由一个装有翻转式坐部和并与废物管道相连的桶身和一个冲洗器具组成;厕所

51、Defecation in bays, estuaries, or lagoons where fish or shellfish are caught should be greatly discouraged, since this may be a source of infection. ─── 在海湾、河口或者泻湖等捕鱼和采集贝类的地方排泄更加不能鼓励,因为这样可以形成污染源。

52、a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom ─── 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器

53、So literally, a few minutes before that, I downloaded this scientific paper about calculations on avian defecation. ─── 大概在那几分钟之前,我下载了这篇关于计算鸟类排便的论文。

54、Long-term follow-up of quality of life and defecation function after the heart-shape anastomosis in children with hirschsprung's disease ─── 先天性巨结肠心形吻合术后患儿生活质量评价及排便功能的远期随访

55、A fixture for defecation and urination,consisting of a bowl fitted with a hinged seat and connected to a waste pipe and a flushing apparatus. ─── 抽水马桶,一个用于大便和小便的装置,由一个装有翻转式坐部和并与废物管道相连的桶身和一个冲洗器具组成。

56、chemical defecation ─── 化学澄清法

57、menstrual urination and defecation ─── 差经, 蹉理症, 蹉经, 踵经

58、, teeth brushing, defecation) were more likely to cause bacteremia than were dental or endoscopic procedures. ─── 专责小组总结说,日常活动(例如,刷牙,排便)比牙科和内镜手术更有可能引起菌血症。

59、Defecation urgency ─── 排便急迫

60、The evidence for feeding that we observed firsthand in the defecation trails was corroborated in the ship's laboratory. ─── 我们由排便轨迹观察到的蓝鲸在此进食的第一手证据,在船上的实验室里得到了进一步支持。

61、Traditional diagnostic techniques may be augmented by quantitative physical examination and fluoroscopic assessment during defecation. ─── 传统的诊断技术可扩大定量透视身体检查和评估在排便。

62、The first defecation we saw was in a yearling, a little 50-footer. ─── 我们第一次看到蓝鲸排便,是一头一岁左右,约15米长的小鲸干的。

63、defecation with dry lime ─── 干法澄清

64、Study on defecation in dried red Sea buckthorns fruit wine ─── 干红沙棘果酒澄清的研究

65、Increased defecation ─── 排便增多

66、74. The main clinical symptoms were:the difficult defecation ,elongation of defecation anus distentin and non - complet defecation . dejecta turns small, &hemorrhoids. ─── 主要临床症状:均有排便困难,排便时间明显延长,伴有肛门坠胀,有排便不尽感,粪便条变细,合并痔疮。

67、In spite of friends that the person who posted it is the title of the party, but directed at the "90 girl after defecation door" come in droves or users. ─── 尽管有网友认为发帖人是标题党,但冲着这个“90后美少女排便门”而来的网友还是趋之若鹜。

68、"Chest, abdominal, and pelvic muscles are used to pass them. long.delay of defecation causes constipation and hardened feces." ─── 排粪时胸肌、膈肌、腹壁肌及盆膈肌收缩,均压迫消化管。若便意持续受到抑制,粪便即变得干硬。

69、The sense threshold and dynamic study of the anorectum during defecation in patients with chronic functional constipation ─── 慢性功能性便秘肛门直肠敏感性和排便动力学研究

70、abnormal defecation ─── 排便异常

71、May be the elimination of the vessel wall of lipid deposits, through the sweat and defecation excreted fundamentally the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ─── 可彻底清除血管壁上的脂质沉积物,透过汗液和排便排出体外,从根本上预防和治疗心脑血管疾病。

72、IPAA was an ideal procedure to treat FAP, which is avoidable of remaining rectal cancerization, with satisfactory defecation function and quality of life. ─── 两组患者术后排便功能和术后生活质量相似,但回肠贮袋肛管吻合术可减少术后残留的直肠黏膜癌变机会,因而是较理想的手术方式。

73、Headache symptoms in coughing, sneezing, defecation, heavier. ─── 头痛症状会在咳嗽、打喷嚏、排便时加重。

74、post-hemorrhatgic defecation ─── 先血后便

75、difficulty in urination and defecation ─── 二便不利, 不得前后

76、However, Wang Hao is also well-known very lucky, if not well-known Wang Hao, kick 4 feet security consequences are likely to be played defecation and urination public security. ─── 可是著名的王皓也很幸运,如果不是著名的王皓,踹保安4脚带来的后果很可能是被众保安打得大小便失禁。

77、13. Instruct clients with history of cardiovascular disease to exhale during defecation (Valsalva maneuver can cause cardiac arrest). ─── 嘱有心脏病史病人排便时呼气(瓦尔萨尔瓦操作会导致心脏停博)。

78、Including process: ingestion, digestion, absorption , assimilation, egestion defecation. ─── 包括的过程有:吞下,消化,吸收,同化作用,排遗排粪。

79、Keywords Constipation;Anorectal manometry;Defecation dynamics; ─── 便秘;肛门直肠测压;排便动力学;

80、Of all the marks of blue whale cursive, the most colorful was the defecation trail. ─── 在蓝鲸写下的种种“手迹”中,粪便是最富有色彩的。

81、Regarding associated functional changes of defecation, voiding and sexual function after operation, appropriate treatment and counsel should be provided. ─── 对于术后排便、排尿及性功能之改变,亦应提供适当之治疗与谘询。

82、defecation promotion ─── 导法, 导便

83、defecation guidance ─── 排便指导

84、Defecation dysfunction ─── 排便功能障碍

85、"Chest, abdominal, and pelvic muscles are used to pass them. Long delay of defecation causes constipation and hardened feces." ─── 排粪时胸

86、Sweet potatoes fibre soft Yi Xiaohua, can promote gastrointestinal motility, help defecation. ─── 地瓜 纤维质松软易消化,可促进肠胃蠕动,有助排便。

87、Application of Nursing Process in the Nursing Care of the Patients with Abnormal Defecation ─── 护理程序在排便异常患者护理中的应用

88、Defecation schema ─── 排便图式

89、It reviewed the prevention of constipation from aspects of diet adjustment, strengthened exercises, and defecation guidance. ─── 从调整饮食、增加运动、指导养成良好排便习惯等方面综述了便秘的预防;

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