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09-11 投稿


dainty 发音

英:[ˈdeɪnti]  美:[ˈdeɪnti]

英:  美:

dainty 中文意思翻译




dainty 网络释义

adj. 美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的n. 美味

dainty 短语词组

1、dainty wendy ─── 温迪·丹蒂

2、dainty buns ─── 精致的小面包

3、dainty wilder ─── 精致野性

4、demurely dainty ─── 端庄

5、Dainty Honeyeater ─── 美味的蜂蜜

dainty 同义词

aesthetic | treat | recherche | valuable | overnice | breakable | prissy | fragile | exquisite | frail | elegant | petite | cute | nice | niminy-piminy | graceful | delicate |pretty | flimsy | twee | squeamish | fresh | deft | mincing | epicurean | prim | refined | gossamer | kickshaw | fussy | neat | goody | delicacy | small

dainty 反义词

unsavory | unpalatable |distasteful | coarse | vulgar | tasteless

dainty 词性/词形变化,dainty变形


dainty 相似词语短语

1、fainty ─── adj.无力的;昏晕的

2、aunty ─── n.舅妈,伯母;阿姨

3、saintly ─── adj.圣洁的

4、banty ─── 小的;矮小而好斗的

5、daintily ─── adv.讲究地;优美地;难以取悦地;可口地

6、daints ─── 屈尊的

7、daint ─── 颜色

8、faintly ─── adv.微弱地;模糊地;虚弱地

9、painty ─── adj.颜料的;被颜料(或油漆)弄脏的;涂过颜料的;(画等)着色过度的

dainty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Small Nanjing steamer guarantees that fabrication therefore especially easy to be because of it of flavour will be, very dainty. ─── 南京的小笼包味道之所以特别好,是因为它的制作非常讲究。

2、She had been raised in the bedroom of Solange Robillard, Ellen O'Hara's mother, a dainty, cold, high-nosed French-woman, who spared neither her children nor her servants their just punishment for any infringement of decorum. ─── 她是在爱伦 - 奥哈拉的母亲索兰吉 - 罗毕拉德的卧室里养育大的,那位老太太是个文雅的高鼻子法兰西人,无论对自己的儿女或者仆人只要触犯法规便不惜给以应得的惩罚。

3、Plume of warm sunshine, a verdant wicker, dainty clusters of winter jasmine, constitute the most fascinating scenery of spring. ─── 一缕温暖的阳光,一条嫩绿的柳条,一簇娇艳的迎春花,构成了春天最迷人的风景。

4、Dainty put her hand to her mouth and screamed. ─── 丹娣用手捂着嘴并且尖叫着。

5、She collected some dainty porcelain. ─── 她收集一些轻巧精致的瓷器。

6、Now and then Dainty would hold the coat up for us all to see how well it looked. ─── 丹娣时不时的撑开那件大衣给我们看,看看它有多好看。

7、On the billboards, too, he saw a pretty poster, showing her as the Quaker Maid , demure and dainty. ─── 他还在布告牌上看到一张漂亮的海报,画着她演的教友会小教徒的角色。

8、But now you notice something odd.After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing.Blades of grass are unbent.How is this possible? ─── 但是这时你注意到一些很奇怪的现象,在滑坡结束后,在滑坡的轨道上,美丽的小花仍然站立,小草的叶片仍然挺直,这怎么可能呢?

9、In the plant kingdom, I do not like dainty peony and do not like the fragrance of the rose, I only like ordinary fairy mountain. ─── 在植物的王国里,我不喜欢娇艳的牡丹,不喜欢芬芳的月季,我只喜欢平凡的仙人山。

10、They thought, "The peasant women will be able to do that very well. They are very strong, but the dainty lady will jump herself to death. ─── 他们暗想:“农家姑娘结实强壮,跳过那圈子不会有问题,而那漂亮姑娘准会摔死。

11、In fact, the Beijing citizens are very dainty about their dress. ─── 其实,北京人穿衣服很讲究。

12、What had happened to his dainty English consonants? They would not come. ─── 不知为什么,他那很顺口的英语辅音怎么也发不出来。

13、So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. ─── 20以致他的口厌弃食物,心厌恶美味。

14、a gross, dainty, greedy, etc feeder ─── 吃粗劣食物的、 挑剔的、 贪吃的...进食者.

15、"No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year" (Walt Whitman) ─── “没有优雅的韵律和多愁善感的诗句可给你,真是难以忍受的一年”(沃尔特·惠特曼)

16、On the south side was a dainty three-roomed annex facing north ─── 南边是倒座三间小小的抱厦厅

17、secondly,they are dainty about the brand and thirdly they are dainty about the implicit quality. ─── 二是讲究品牌;三是讲求含而不露。

18、Her dainty rose-leaf lips curled in pretty disdain. ─── 她那可爱的蔷薇叶的嘴唇瞧不起地朝上动了一下。

19、First they are dainty about the texture and making; ─── 一是讲究质地、做工;

20、She is dainty about her eating ─── 她讲究饮食。

21、A singular thing it was to see the dainty and fastidious Lepidus, whom in a banquet a ray of daylight seemed to blind. ─── 勒庇多斯是一个爱讲究好挑剔的人,宴会上的一缕阳光似乎可以使他眼花缭乱。

22、He is a beautiful engineer, the figure is slender, well-balanced, there is dainty tie on snow-white shirt, cusp leather shoes is glisten, bearing experts chicly. ─── 他妆扮入时,就象要去赴晚宴一样。

23、She's dainty about her food. ─── 她对于饮食甚为讲究。

24、She is petite and dainty. ─── 她长得小巧玲珑。

25、Long locks of blond hair flowing behind her, her silk dress billowed around her dainty running feet; ─── 在她后面流动的金发头发的长锁, 她的丝洋装在她的适口食物流动的脚周围像巨浪般汹涌;

26、Each in her turn stepped forward to the edge of the platform, cleared her throat, held up her manuscript (tied with dainty ribbon), and proceeded to read, with labored attention to "expression" and punctuation. ─── 大家一个接一个走上前站在讲台边,等清完嗓子就拿出稿子(用鲜艳的缎带扎着)念起来。 她们个个念得有声有色,十分卖力让人都觉得有点不自然。

27、A real traditional artistic short film integrated with posing and painting. Has strong colors, dainty lighting and complete structure. ─── 一部很地道的传统艺术短片,采取摆插与绘画结合的手法,色彩艳丽,用光讲究,结构完整。

28、The wolf thought he was in joke, and came one night to get a dainty morsel. ─── 狼以为他是在开玩笑,一天晚上来取美味的食物。

29、She was very dainty but Daisy Suckley was plain and looked like an old-fashioned school teacher. ─── 她非常讲究服饰打扮,戴丝?萨克则朴素无华,看上去象个旧式学校的老师。

30、He clasps white hands in his, but no electric “Lulu”-like force holds him bound in their dainty pressure. ─── 他将白白的小手握在手中,但那种令人震颤而备感美妙的触电感觉不能将他俘获。

31、He that never ate flesh thinks a pudding a dainty ─── 从未吃过肉的人只认布丁作美味

32、A diamond brooch, not large but dainty in design. ─── 一个钻石胸针 不大 但设计得很精美。

33、delicious; nice; tasty; palatable; pleasant to the palate; dainty ─── 可口

34、secondly, they are dainty about the brand and thirdly they are dainty about the implicit quality. ─── 二是讲究品牌; 三是讲求含而不露。

35、The halland aisle design is a combined style of classicality and modern, elegant and concise.All the design and decoration delicate and dainty to attract guests and make guests comtortable. ─── 1000余平米豪华餐厅、包房、停车场,应有尽有,厅廊设计古典与现代交融,古朴高雅而又简洁明快,一切设计装修精细考究,令人赏心悦目,流连忘返。

36、Its stores in London's wealthiest parts, meanwhile, arestocked with ripe organic avocados, dainty packs of mange tout and steaks infancy sauces. ─── 同时,在伦敦的富人区,它储备成熟的有机鳄梨、巧包装的美食和撒满美味调料的牛排。

37、It contains abundant dainty substances as nucleotide, guanylic acid, inosinic acid, polypeptide and amino acid, as well as plenty of vitamin B complex. ─── 其核苷酸、鸟甘酸、肌苷酸及多肽和氨基酸等美味物质异常丰富,还含有大量的维生素B群。

38、With this faith, Paulini consummates herself in design and craftsmanship ceaselessly.We believe novel design and dainty craftsmanship are the source of corporation's life. ─── 在这种理念的支持下,宝利尼不断在设计和工艺方面完善自己,因为新颖的设计和考究的工艺是服装企业生命的源泉。

39、As for her, naive,lovely and pretty, crystal eyes blinking and peony lips moving,carefree girl will make a dainty to her careworn mama.That is SO GOOD!Wonderful! ─── 她---天真,可爱,美丽,闪着水晶般的双眸,动着牡丹般的双唇,无忧无虑的孩子将为她辛苦操劳的母亲做一顿可口的饭菜,这样多好啊!

40、She is a dainty girl. ─── 她是个秀丽的姑娘。

41、"No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year"(Walt Whitman) ─── “没有优雅的韵律和多愁善感的诗句可给你,真是难以忍受的一年”(沃尔特·惠特曼)

42、'As I recall,' said Mr Ibbs, drinking his tea, 'Dainty lost that place through putting a hat-pin to the lady's arm.' ─── “我记得,”易先生喝着茶说,“丹娣是因为把一只帽针插进那位小姐的胳膊才被炒鱿鱼的。”

43、She took a dainty little bite of the apple. ─── 她文雅地咬了一小口苹果。

44、Dainty and costly dress is second nature to her. ─── 喜爱精致昂贵的衣服是她的第二天性。

45、These seem to appear at winter's first thaw, and have a ruff of dainty green leaves beneath each buttercup flower. ─── 在冬天的第一次雪融之后它们钻出地面,一圈鲜绿色的叶子长在锌黄色花朵的下面。

46、Make friends with dainty eaters. Studies have found that people tend to increase or reduce the amount of food they eat depending on what their companions are taking in. ─── 与讲究饮食的人做朋友。研究表明,人们会根据同伴的饮食习惯加大或减少自己的食量。

47、Though small and dainty, the portaBle motor works like a giant. ─── 别看袖珍马达小巧玲珑,力气却像大力士。

48、The company offices are commodious, dainty and comfortable, professional studio inside, modern facilities software and hardware are full-scale. ─── 公司拥有宽敞、舒适优雅的办公环境,内设专业摄影棚,软硬件设施齐备。

49、A dainty eater, he found that his mates, finishing first, robbed him of his unfinished ration. There was no defending it. ─── 它发现那些早用完餐的同伴总会过来掠食自己的那一份。

50、The gentleman really is as dainty as a woman. ─── 先生真是娇嫩得象女人一样。

51、The Benefit: These dainty leaves are highly concentrated with luteolin, a powerful flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. ─── 好处:这些精致的叶子富含木犀草素(强大的类黄酮具有抗发炎的特性)。

52、Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty, and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air. ─── 她也曾是个美人,至今丰韵犹存,眉宇间不无孤芳自赏的神气。

53、Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; ─── 奔放而不失优雅,有时恍如造化在阳光照耀下的山腰傲笑;

54、Her poor clothes were neat, and she held her head unconsciously in a dainty way. ─── 她的衣服虽然普通却很齐整,她的头不自觉地微微扬起,显出天然的风韵。

55、Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats ─── 不要吃恶眼人的饭。也不要贪他的美味。

56、In the last century, with the development of biotechnology, scientists were surprised to find that: yeast, this marvelous microorganism, actually contains all dainty secret substances! ─── 上世纪,随着生物技术的发展,科学家惊讶地发现:酵母这种神奇的微生物,居然潜藏着全部的美味秘密物质!

57、A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of rare wine to a toper. ─── 对他来说,一个女人风骚巧妙地摆动臀部的姿势就像美酒的色泽对酒徒那样具有吸引力。

58、But gate of ministry of fierce of his stride person, can't help be stupefied however: Stop? of Ru of the Song Dynasty of dainty live abroad stalking or branch " " do I go wrong place? ─── 可他迈进人武部大门,却不由得一愣:“这是人武部吗?”“我是不是走错了地方?”办公室里,干部与职工仨一伙儿俩一堆,在悠闲地侃大山;

59、It has simple appearance, strict structure, dainty materials, high performance and heavy weight. It will reduce the vibration by multi-grades, and no "walking" phenomena will happen. ─── 外观简捷,结构紧凑,用料讲究,可靠性高,设备重量较大。并经多级减振,不会产生“走路”现象。

60、Physically, individuals born under the sign of Pisces supposedly tend to have small and dainty feet, heavy-lidded and liquid eyes, a tall stature, and a broad physique. ─── 参考:生理上,双鱼座的人,被认为有小而精致的脚,粗睫毛水汪汪的眼睛。高个子,宽肩膀的男性体型

61、And the princess tucked a strand of golden hair behind a dainty ear, opened her sapphire eyes, and parting her ruby lips, said: "Pardon? ─── 公主把一缕金发捋到小巧的耳朵后面,用湛蓝的双眸看着他,轻启朱唇说:“你说什么?

62、Keira Knightley was being called a poppet though, because another old meaning of the word is a dainty, pretty girl. ─── 至于凯拉·奈特利被叫做poppet,还存在一个原因:这个词的古意也有“文雅娴静的女孩”的意思。

63、She lifted the frog with two dainty fingers, carried him upstairs, and put him down in a corner. ─── 她用两个纤巧的手指把青蛙捏起来,带到楼上去,放在一个角落里。

64、After a dainty egg and fish dinner, Tom said he wanted to learn to smoke, now. ─── 吃了一顿美味的蛋和鱼之后,汤姆说他现在想学抽烟。

65、After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing.Blades of grass are unbent.How is this possible? ─── 在山体滑坡之后,美丽的花朵依旧挺立在石块冲刷过的山坡上,小草也没有被低下头来,是什么让这些植物还能生存下来呢?

66、I should never have thought, dear boy of mine, that you were so dainty and fussy about your food. ─── 我的好孩子,我从来没想到你对食物这么讲究,这么挑剔。

67、His cap was a dainty thing, his closebuttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons. ─── 他的帽子很精致,蓝色的上衣扣得紧紧的,又新又整洁,他的裤子也是一样。

68、How thin it is, and how dainty and frail; and how it rattles. ─── 你看它够多么薄,多么精致,多么不结实;还老那么哗楞哗楞地响。

69、A singular thing it was to see the dainty and fastidious Lepidus, whom in a banquet a ray of daylight seemed to blind . ─── 勒庇多斯是一个爱讲究好挑剔的人,宴会上的一缕阳光似乎可以使他眼花缭乱。

70、Time enough, too, says you Ah, but I've lived easy in the meantime; never denied myself of nothing heart desires, and slep' soft and ate dainty all my days, but when at sea. ─── 你大概会说,日子还长着呢。 不过我一直生活得不坏,想要什么就买什么,睡得舒服,吃得痛快,除非是在海上。

71、After a dainty egg and fish dinner, Tom said he wanted to learn to smoke, now. ─── 他们吃完一顿美味的龟蛋和鲜鱼之后,汤姆说他要学抽烟。

72、How pretty she was formerly, so dainty, with fair curly hair, and always laughing. ─── 她从前是多麽的美丽,优雅,有著漂亮的卷发,总是笑呀笑的!

73、“To edify the dignitary with culture is reality and to popularize the dainty to the common people is a dream. ─── “让文化陶冶嘉宾,让珍馐普及平民。前者现实,后者理想。”

74、And thy quarrons dainty is. ─── 你的身子真娇嫩。

75、Chinese is dainty about gift in atwain, because odd number is ill-boding. ─── 中国人一般讲究礼品成双,因为奇数被视为不吉利。

76、A simple strand of pearls, a sari in pastel chiffon and dainty silk slippers were all that was required. ─── 只需要一串珍珠,一套有着淡淡花边的莎莉服,一双精巧的丝质拖鞋就足够了。

77、She collected some dainty antiques. ─── 她收集了一些精致的古董。

78、Yes, answered the cat. you will enjoy it as much as you would enjoy sticking that dainty tongue of yours out of the window. ─── “是的,”猫回答,“那准会把你美得就像把你那尖尖的舌头伸到窗外去喝西北风一样。”

79、And tasted some dainty food on an ancient street. ─── 在古街上品尝了特色美食。

80、About her daintydainty waist, ─── 围在她美妙的细腰;

81、"Dainty Biscuit" wears a gorgeous dress accented with roses and lace. ─── “精致点心”的衣着充分使用华丽的玫瑰蕾丝花边。

82、Granted, if she descended from Australopithecus, which had massive jaws and teeth, one has to account for her relatively delicate jaws and dainty dentition. ─── 另一方面,如果LB1是南猿人的后裔,就必须解释她的颚为什麽相对而言那麽纤细,牙齿那麽小,因为南猿人的颚很粗壮,牙齿又大。

83、a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers. ─── 南美一种非常考究的一年生植物,开紫白色花,略带杏香的花序,羽状叶片。

84、Yes, answered the cat, you will enjoy it as much as you would enjoy sticking that dainty tongue of yours out of the window. ─── “是的,”猫回答,“那准会把你美得就像把你那尖尖的舌头伸到窗外去喝西北风一样。”

85、It tastes delicate, exquisite, and dainty; looks white and immaculacy. ─── 入口有细微丝感,洁白细腻,质爽而无暇。

86、He is dainty about his food. ─── 他对食物很讲究。

87、Mrs. Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty, and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air. ─── 埃尔辛太太年轻些,身材纤细瘦弱,她曾经是个美人儿,至今风韵犹存,也仍显得有点骄矜。

88、'Well, Jim,' says he, 'just see the good that comes of being dainty in your food. ─── “嗯,吉姆,”他说,“告诉你可口的饭菜给你带来多大的好处吧。

89、Everything was now fresh, dainty, and smelled of flowers. ─── 一切都清新、雅致,而且闻得出花香。

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