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09-11 投稿



gullies 发音

英:[ˈgʌliz]  美:[ˈgʌliz]

英:  美:

gullies 中文意思翻译



gullies 常用词组

gully erosion ─── 冲沟侵蚀;挖深浸蚀;雏谷侵蚀

gullies 词性/词形变化,gullies变形

动词过去式: gullied |动词第三人称单数: gullies |动词现在分词: gullying |名词复数: gullies |动词过去分词: gullied |

gullies 相似词语短语

1、gullied ─── v.在(土地)上冲出沟(gully的过去式和过去分词)

2、cullies ─── n.呆子;傻瓜;伙伴;vt.欺骗

3、gillies ─── 吉利斯;n.(Gillies)人名;(英、德)吉利斯

4、gollies ─── int.天哪(表示惊讶);n.一滩唾沫;黑脸短发布娃娃;v.吐口水;n.(Golly)(美、法、德、波、加)戈利(人名)

5、gallies ─── v.恐吓,吓唬;adj.(土地)潮湿或贫瘠的;n.(Gally)(法、美、英)加里(人名)

6、sullies ─── vt.玷污;使丢脸;n.污点,损伤;n.(Sully)人名;(英)萨利;(法)苏利

7、gulleries ─── n.鸥的繁殖地

8、pullies ─── 套头衫

9、bullies ─── 地痞

gullies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The small watershed of Genxi River is one of the most serious regions of soil erosion in Changting County, Fujian.There are 131 slump gullies with different destructive degrees in this area. ─── 摘要长汀县河田镇根溪河小流域是福建水土流失最严重的地区之一,存在不同程度的崩岗131个。

2、Regional survey is main to collect and analyze the background material of the formation and active area of debris flow, then to distinguish the debris flow gullies. ─── 区域调查主要对泥石流形成和活动区域的背景资料进行收集和分析,识别出泥石流沟;

3、In the construction of pipeline crossing these gullies, traditional artificial inclined well approach is often used and has some shortcomings such as low construction efficiency and safety. ─── 单边定向钻具有施工效率高、安全可靠、坡度控制方便准确等优点。

4、After gullies are formed, the stability of hillside soil deteriorates;consequently, a large quantity of sediment is produced by the interaction of incision, lateral erosion and headcut retreat. ─── 同时蚀沟形成后即会因下切、横向冲蚀与溯源冲蚀之同时扩张,而使坡面之稳定条件急剧破坏,造成大量的土砂冲刷。

5、In regard to the open space, gullies and valleys are made full use of to form waterside greenspace systems running between two clusters. ─── 未来之城充分体现高土地使用效率,体现现代商务办公区集约高效的形态特征。开放空间充分利用冲沟河谷以、滨水空间形成绿地系统穿插于双城之间。

6、One of the most remarkable discoveries has been the small, fresh gullies at midlatitudes, perhaps the result of spring water, melting of near-surface ice, or melting of snowpacks from the bottom up. ─── 最值得注意的发现之一,是在中纬度发现小型、新形成的沟渠,可能是泉水、近地表的冰融化、或是底部积雪融化的结果。

7、Sediment transport capacity of gullies in small watersheds ─── 泥沙源区沟道输沙能力的计算方法

8、"But can you imagine racing down ravines and gullies at 90 mph and shooting while you go? ─── 布朗会议到,但是你能想象出冲锋车以56公里每小时的速度飞速跃进溪谷沟渠的同时还要顾及拍摄?

9、The first part, through the floating notes of a deep, lucid and fluent melody, conjures up a vision of cloud-shrouded peaks and secluded, torrent-filled gullies; ─── 第一部分:通过深沉、深厚、流畅的旋律和清澈的泛音,表现了层峦叠峰、幽涧滴泉的奇境。

10、Gullies are too large to be crossed with farm equipment. ─── 冲沟由于过于大则不是农用机具所能横跨的。

11、President Bush unwrapped Father's Days gifts Sunday at his Texas ranch where the skies let go a deluge of rain that turned roadside gullies into muddy ponds. ─── 上周日,布什总统在德克萨斯农场的家中打开了他收到的父亲节礼物。当时那里下着倾盆大雨,路边的水沟都变成了泥塘。

12、Repulsive Invaders takes viewers inside the crevices and gullies of he human body to witness first hand how fungus, warts, and bacteria move in and make themselves comfortable. ─── 菌类、类和细菌最喜欢在湿润的人体内滋生,牠们许多时候都会选择那些不易发现的隐敝缝隙生长,因为那样的环境与气温最令它们感到舒服。

13、Automatic extraction of gullies and cliffs from topographic map ─── 地形图中冲沟与陡崖符号的自动提取方法

14、In warmer periods, the blanket melts or evaporates entirely, exposing the gullies. ─── 当气候回暖,被覆层彻底融化或蒸发后,沟谷便暴露出来了。

15、A laser-scanning apparatus is used to measure the evolving topography of a sand surface subject to the geomorphic action of gullies fed by groundwater. ─── 我们利用一套雷射扫描装置来量测变化中的地形,地形的变化主要来自于地下水涌出造成的小沟渠。

16、Searching amongst the snow gullies and scouring ledges at 8 320 meters, Simonson's team discovered a body, the skin bleached porcelain white by the sun. ─── 在8320米的雪沟与冰棱间搜寻时,西门松小组人员发现了一具尸体,太阳把他的皮肤晒成瓷白色。

17、Some peaks and ridges face each other and form deep cliffs and gullies. ─── 有的峰岭夹峙峡谷自然形成了陡壁深壑。

18、“Two belts” are the two belt-like open greenspaces, one the riverside greenland and the other the entertainment &recreation strip formed by combining the gullies and valleys. ─── “一冠”是指在江北城中部高地上由超高层建筑群形成的城市之冠,也是江北城具有最高识别性的地标;

19、In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show ─── 在这些地区,小的支流和冲沟显示不出来。

20、The Global Surveyor found gullies that appear to have been cut by water in relatively modern times. ─── 这个火星环球探测器发现在近现代时期存在被水分割的小峡谷。

21、But occasionally the sky darkens, the air becomes heavy, and a cool torrential rain fills the dry gullies. ─── 可是有时天空也会突然转暗,空气变得浊重,接着就是一场急骤的冷雨倾注到干涸的沟壑。

22、The streaks range from 0.5 yards to 5 yards wide and stretch hundreds of feet, far smaller than previously detected gullies. ─── 这些条纹有0.5码到5码宽,数百英尺长,比之前观测到的冲击峡谷要小得多。

23、He extended his hands. It was an overturned wagon; his foot recognized pools of water, gullies, and paving-stones scattered and piled up. ─── 他伸手去摸,那是一辆翻倒了的小车;他的脚感到处处是泥浆、水坑、分散各处而又成堆的石块。

24、Preliminary Research on Valleys and Gullies Development Process and Quantity of Soil Erosion Change ─── 洛川塬区晚中更新世以来沟谷发育与土壤侵蚀量变化初探

25、Roadside gullies are generally cleared manually every two weeks. Larvicidal oil is applied on a weekly basis as a precaution against mosquito breeding. ─── 路边的沟渠通常每两星期以人手清理一次,以及每星期加入灭蚊油,以防蚊虫滋生。

26、Harmfulness of Ten Big Gullies in Inner Mongolia and Corresponding Treatments ─── 内蒙古十大孔兑水土流失危害及治理对策

27、Threshold conditions for initiation of valley-side gullies in the Middle Veld of Swaziland ─── 斯威士兰Veld中部山谷侧面沟壑产生的临界条件

28、S: Well, they were showing these pictures of these long cuts in the ground which would be gullies here, I mean on Earth. ─── 学生:是的,他们展示的图片上的地表的刻痕,可能类似于我们的沟壑,我指在地球上的。

29、In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show. ─── 在这些地区,小的支流和冲沟显示不出来。

30、Characteristics of Ancient Gullies in the South Slope of Chenjiazhuang Structural High in Jiyang De ─── 济阳坳陷陈家庄凸起东南坡古冲沟沉积充填特征

31、Geomorphological characteristics of the whole: range upon range of hills Diego peaks, rivers crisscrossing gullies China, fast-flowing. ─── 整个地貌特征是:层峦迭嶂,河流交错,沟壑纵横,水流湍急。

32、gullies' measurement ─── 切沟测量

33、South of Prokhorovka was a series of forested hills, running in a north-south direction. They were intersected by deep gullies and streams, making them poor ground for tanks. ─── 普罗霍罗夫卡南部是一些森林小山,成南北走向。它们被深谷和溪流分割开来,是坦克战不理想的地形。

34、Like most gullies or wadis in Palestine, that named Kidron is dry until the heavy winter rains flood it. ─── 一如巴勒斯坦地区的其他溪谷一样,只有冬天下著大雨的雨季,它才有水。

35、Therefore, the geomorphic landscape is usually characterized by gullies, where me gravity erosion such as slide and collapse are very active. ─── 由于长期的水土流失,形成了沟壑纵横的破碎地貌景观,滑坡、崩塌等重力侵蚀非常活跃。

36、In fact when these structures have been built, sediments and eroding will be happened at the upriver or downstream, then it can influence the trend of the stabilization of the gullies. ─── 考虑到修建工程会造成上游的泥沙沉积和下游的冲刷,从而影响冲沟溪流的稳定趋势。

37、The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is well-known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams. ─── 九溪十八涧,则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉著称”

38、Building concrete structures across the gullies, for example, might encourage sedimentation upstream but are likely to cause both lateral and vertical erosion downstream. ─── 比如沿着冲沟建一些混凝土的建筑,会促使上游沉积但可能会导致下游侧面和竖向发生侵蚀。

39、debris flow gullies in Dongchuan were analyzed in this paper. ─── 川城区后山的3条泥石流沟的危险度进行评价研究。

40、The western slopes are streaked with innumerable gray-brown gullies, the paths of lava and mudflows (lahars). ─── 西侧的山麓布满了无数灰褐色的冲刷沟,那时岩浆和泥石流所经之处留下的痕迹(lahars,爪洼语里火山泥流之意)。

41、In a blow to hopes for finding water and life on Mars, scientists think bright streaks detected inside Martian gullies after 1999 were not spurts of water, but rather avalanches of dust. ─── 科学家们认为,1999年以后在火星沟壑里发现的明亮条痕并不是涌出的水流,而是顺坡而下的尘埃,致使在火星上找到水和生命的希望受挫。

42、a heavy rain that washed gullies in the bank ─── 大雨在岸上冲出了沟槽

43、At present, we should put more efforts and investment into the control and utilization of gullies and building vigorously key control reservoirs and warpping dams. ─── 当前应当把更多的精力和投资放在沟道的整治和利用上,大力修建控制性的大型骨干水库或淤地坝。

44、Some of these gullies are thought to have formed by flowing water or melting ice, but others may just be the result of landslides. ─── 科学家们认为其中的几条沟壑是由于流水或融冰冲刷而成的,其他几条则是因为滑坡导致的。

45、Thus one can safely predict what general structure the valleys and subsequent canyons will take: gentle gullies. ─── 因此,唯一能够准确预测的山谷和顺沿的峡谷的一般结构是:和缓的溪谷。

46、These people spent long periods of time on lonely mountain roads and gullies, and the xintianyou were what they sang to keep their spirits up. ─── "脚户"长期行走在寂寞的山川沟壑间,便顺乎其然地以唱歌自娱。他们所唱的主要就是"信天游"。

47、The existing natural gullies and valises shall be planed to ensure smooth flowing of water, the bed of gullies are to be paved if necessary. ─── 原有天然沟谷应予以整治,确保水流畅通,必要时需对沟床加以铺砌。

48、Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-83: Particular requirements for heated gullies for roof drainage ─── 家用和类似用途电器的安全。第2-83部分:屋顶排水用加热集水沟的特殊要求

49、Characteristics of shallow underground water in gullies and underground water reconnaissance on road cuttings ─── 谈沟谷浅层地下水的特性和地下水路堑勘察

50、hole-ephemeral gullies ─── 坑状浅沟

51、But occasionally the sky darkens, the air becomes heavy, and a cool torrential rain fills the dry gullies. ─── 可是有时天空也会突然转暗,空气变得浊重,接着就是一场急骤的冷雨倾注到干涸的沟壑。

52、The rim of the gullies ─── 沟壑的边缘

53、Once the laborers died, their remains were thrown into mountain gullies or pits dug into bare hillsides. ─── 华工被迫害致死后,被扔进山沟或乱石坑。

54、"This is the first time that anyone has applied numerical computer models to the bright deposits in gullies on Mars," Pelletier said. ─── 佩尔蒂埃指出:“这是首次将数值计算机模拟技术运用于火星沟壑中明亮的沉积层上。”

55、Towering above the clouds, one commands a majestic view of a sea of ridges, peaks and gullies below. ─── 光明顶屹立于云端之上,站在山顶,无数的山岭,山峰和溪谷茫茫一片,壮丽景色尽收眼底。

56、Images taken of the same areas over time showed investigators that liquid water likely flowed through gullies in Martian craters during the past seven years. ─── 从同一地点数次拍摄的照片向调查员显示出在过去的7年中似乎有液态水流过火星陨石坑的山谷。

57、Deep ruts and furrows were cut into the road where horses had dragged heavy guns along it and the red gullies on either side were deeply gashed by the wheels. ─── 深深的车辙把大路割得遍体鳞伤,那是骡马拖着重炮碾过之处,两旁都有车辆轧成的红色沟渠。

58、Hydraulic efficiency of the discontinuous gullies ─── 不连续沟壑的水力效应

59、It also contains deposits of sediment left by flowing water and the crater is cut by gullies. ─── 此外,这里还有流水过境后留下的沉积物以及陨坑被冲沟“切割”的证据。

60、Roadside gullies are normally cleared manually once every two weeks. ─── 路边的沟渠一般每两星期以人手清理一次。

61、The fundamental train of thoughts and control measures in controlling slump gullies are put forward. ─── 提出了崩岗治理的基本思路和治理措施。

62、Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements - Heated gullies for roof drainage ─── 家用和类似用途电器的安全。屋顶排水用加热集水沟的特殊要求

63、Roadside gullies are cleared manually every two weeks. Larvicidal oil is added afterwards as a precaution against mosquito breeding. ─── 此外,路边的沟渠每两星期以人手清理一次,每次清理后加入灭蚊油,以防蚊子滋生。

64、The Global Surveyor found gullies that appear to have been cut by water in relatively modern times.It sensed a mineral called hematite that often forms under wet conditions. ─── “火星环球探测者号”发现了一些像是在相对现代的时期中由水切割出的小峡谷,并探测到一种叫作赤铁矿的、通常在潮湿的条件下生成的矿石。

65、To help prevent this, the gullies should be fenced to eliminate use by stock and to encourage vegetation colonisation and stabilisation. ─── 直接播种的话,低水位就不会影响再种植项目,但会影响人们对树种的选择。

66、Trip has suddenly encountered a snow road, two 360-degree spin, in which a wheel from the roadside gullies of only a few centimeters away, stuffed the accident risk. ─── 中英文对照:行程中曾突遇飞雪封路,两次360度打滑,其中一次车轮离路边沟壑仅数厘米之距,险酿车祸。

67、The edge of an approximately 6 km diameter crater in the southern hemisphere, laced with gullies leading down to the crater floor. ─── 一条长约6公里,在南半球直径火山口边缘,与沟壑领导下至火山口地板股价。

68、barren mountains and gullies ─── 荒山野沟

69、Erosion-reducing Effects and the Temporal Changes thereof Concerning Different Types of Vegetations in Semi-arid Loess Hills and Gullies ─── 半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区不同植被类型减蚀效应及其时间变化

70、There are many erosional gullies in the upper slope of this domain, manifesting an erosion dominant region. ─── 断层上盘常发育斜坡盆地,沈积物可能为半远洋沈积物或浊流堆积物。

71、Saxon Reef has hard corals, moray eels, lion fish, Maori wrasse and beautiful coral gardens.Theres excellent shallow snorkeling, and there are swim-through gullies scattered throughout the reef. ─── 萨克森礁石处则有坚硬的珊瑚石,海鳗,狮鱼,毛利濑鱼和美丽的珊瑚群。

72、Identifying debris-flow gullies is helpful to mitigating their hazard impacts, and one approach is to recognize the characteristic landforms formed by debris flows, for example, debris flow fans. ─── 土石流扇是冲积扇(广义)的一种,国际许多研究探讨土石流扇和其他类型冲积扇之成扇物质、扇形和优势作用、流域特性的差异。

73、Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -- Part 2-83: Particular requirements for heated gullies for roof drainage ─── 家用和类似电器---安全性---第2-83部分:屋顶排水加热槽专门要求

74、The cross profile of gully usually is U or V-shape. Occurrence of gullies depends on the surface morphology and artificial factor. ─── 切沟纵剖面与所在坡面基本一致,横剖面一般为U或V字形。

75、In 2000 Malin and Edgett described fresh gullies that look like water-carved features on Earth [see "Gully Gee Whiz," by George Musser; Scientific American, September 2000]. ─── 梅林和艾杰特在2000年所描述的新形成沟谷,看起来就像水在地球上刻划出的地形(见延伸阅读1)。

76、Preliminary Analysis on Countermeasures for Erosion Gullies in Agricultural Reclamation Region of Heilongjiang ─── 浅析黑龙江垦区侵蚀沟的治理措施

77、a crisscross network of gullies ─── 沟壑纵横

78、Particular requirements for heated gullies for roof drainage ─── 屋顶排水用加热集水沟的特殊要求

79、Sometimes , a specical ice-induced slump may be seen in levee and it makes the edge of levee look like steps or gullies. ─── 在天然堤内缘有一种特殊的冰成滑塌 ,它们使天然堤边缘呈阶步状或沟渠状 ,非常引人注目。

80、raze hills to fill gullies ─── 搬山填沟

81、On the mountain, huge and precipitous rocks form many caves and gullies. ─── 山上巨石嵯峨,叠成洞壑。

82、The topography of the loess gullies is complex and steepy. ─── 本项工程中首次采用单边定向钻进行斜井穿越施工,取得了良好的效果。

83、Volcanic mudflows (lahars) poured down rivers and gullies around the intact flanks. ─── 火山泥石流倾泻到残留山体周围的河流和溪谷之中。

84、The remnant snow patches, gullies and similar regions would be an excellent place to search for life on future robotic missions. ─── 类似残留雪块、沟渠等的区域,将是未来的自动机械任务寻找生命的绝佳地点。

85、gullies erosion ─── 沟道侵蚀

86、The reconstruction items include: Teahouse Temple, flying waterfall along gullies, lighting cave, south and north storey courts, big stone bed and Yang Jieye’s solider gathering stand. ─── 新开发项目:大禹治水纪念馆、野生动物园、休闲渡假村、狩猎场。

87、The geologic structures is very complex and the surface is a crisscross network of gullies in the Hefei Basin. ─── 合肥盆地地质构造复杂,地表沟壑纵横,通过对重力异常目标处理,揭示基底特征及断裂、构造发育情况,认为本区南北分区,"众凹环隆"。

88、seven gullies and eight ridges; full of gullies and ridges ─── 七沟八梁

89、Hisarlik is a small place, a sandy stone strewn hillock cut up into gullies and hummocks. ─── 希沙立克一个小地方,布满砂石的小山丘使这里到处是千沟万壑的景象。

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