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09-11 投稿


decays 发音

英:[dɪˈkeɪz]  美:[dɪˈkeɪz]

英:  美:

decays 中文意思翻译




decays 词性/词形变化,decays变形

动词第三人称单数: decays |动词现在分词: decaying |动词过去式: decayed |动词过去分词: decayed |名词: decayer |

decays 短语词组

1、decays rots ─── 腐烂 ─── 腐烂

2、decays synonym ─── 衰变同义词

3、decays mean ─── 衰变意味着

decays 相似词语短语

1、decay ─── v.衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽;n.衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽;n.(Decay)(法、美、意、英、希)德凯(人名)

2、decals ─── n.贴标;贴花纸(decal的复数);vt.在…上贴花转印图案(decal的第三人称单数)

3、decades ─── n.数十年(decade的复数)

4、decaffs ─── 衰变

5、decayers ─── %1个衰减器

6、decafs ─── 脱咖啡因

7、decamps ─── n.(Decamps)人名;(法)德康

8、decoys ─── v.引诱(decoy的第三人称单数);n.圈套;诱捕

9、decads ─── n.十;十数;由十个构成的一组

decays 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The piano has another disadvantage compared to other instruments; its tone decays rapidly. ─── 另外,钢琴有比其它乐器有一个弱点;它的音量消失得很快。

2、The underground steel pipe of town decays to examine the technique ─── 城镇地下钢管腐蚀检测方法

3、Nor gates of steel so strong but time decays? ─── 无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?

4、The new wine mourns, The vine decays, All the merry-hearted sigh. ─── 新酒悲哀、葡萄树衰残、心中欢乐的、俱都叹息。

5、If enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to thrift; and if enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever thrift may be doing. ─── 如果企业进步,不论节俭不节俭,财富都会增加;如果企业停滞,就是再节俭,财富也会衰减。

6、In this case the geologists drilled into the stalagmites and estimated their age from the way that uranium decays into an isotope of thorium. ─── 地质学家在石笋上钻孔,使用铀衰变成钍的同位素的方法确定它们的年龄。

7、The pressure returns essentially to that in the incident blast wave which decays with time. ─── 压力大体上回复到随着时间逐渐衰减的入射爆震波的压力。

8、The current, however, decays rapidly since the circuit has a small time constant. ─── 但是,因为电路具有很小的时间常数,所以这电流又迅速减小。

9、A specimen which is much thicker than the penetration depth decays exponentially ─── 一个比穿深透度厚得多的样品,按指数律衰减。

10、But this isotope is radioactive and decays about six times faster than does uranium 238, which indicates that the fissile fraction was much higher in the distant past. ─── 但是,铀235是具放射性的,而且衰变的速度比铀238快六倍,表示在古代,这个易分裂同位素的比率,比现在高得多。

11、The charging equilibration time constant decreases with the beam intensity and the thickness of the sample.The surface voltage decays slowly when the electron beam is cut off. ─── 在一定条件下,样品表面电位随着辐照电子束流密度和样品厚度的增加而增大;

12、Also, the threat should be short-lived because half of any given amount of iodine-131 decays away weekly. ─── 而且,这种危险只是短期的,因为碘-131的半衰期只有一周。

13、In a stationary ARMA process, the autocorrelation decays fast to 0 at an exponential rate.This process is called short-memory process. ─── 对于平稳的ARMA过程来说,自协方差函数依负指数下降至0,速度比较快,通常称该过程为短记忆过程。

14、Other oral ariables (number of dental decays, fillings, crowns, and root canal treatments) were not significantly associated with a tongue cancer risk. ─── 另外的口腔变化(龋齿数目,屑,牙冠,根管治疗)与舌癌的发病风险没有显著相关性。

15、Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, moulds and bacteria. ─── 保存得太久的食品会变坏,这是因为受到酵母菌,霉菌和细菌侵袭的缘故。

16、The fruit wall either decays releasing the seeds in situ, or the fruit is eaten by an animal and the seeds pass out intact in its droppings. ─── 果皮腐烂,在原位释放出种子或是果子被动物吃掉后,完整的种子随动物粪便排出。

17、CP-Violating Effects in Two-Body Baryonic Decays of B~o-?~o System ─── B~0-?~0体系重子衰变的CP破坏效应

18、IfEnterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happeningto Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whateverThrift may be doing. (John Maynard keynes Britisheconomist ─── 如果企业在进展,不论节俭不节俭,财富也在衰落。(国经济学家凯恩斯.J.M.

19、Author Wang Decai;Gao Yunsheng;Zhu Yuyun;et al (Taishan Medical College;Taian 271000); ─── 作者王德才;高允生;朱玉云;李娟;徐晓燕;

20、Cascade decays and final charge-state distribution of single K-vacancy and double K-vacancy magnesium ions ─── 单、双洞态镁离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布的研究

21、B radiative decays ─── B稀有辐射衰变

22、B meson decays provide a good place to test the SM, CP violation and to search for the new physics. ─── 介子衰变的研究对标准模型精确检验,CP破坏研究以及探寻新物理提供了良好的场所。

23、Organic mulches can improve the soil structure. As the mulch decays, the material becomes topsoil. Decaying mulch also adds nutrients to the soil. ─── 有机覆盖物能够改良土壤结构,随着覆盖物的分解,会成为表土的一部分,而且还会带来营养。

24、If the organic material decays or is oxidized, it will not form petroleum. ─── 如果有机物腐烂或氧化,它不会形成石油。

25、If the body death decays can bring the spiritual eternal, if the great motive cannot change the pitiful result! ─── 啊……如果躯壳的死朽能带来精神的永恒,如果伟大的动机不能改变悲惨的结局!

26、The isotope 212Bi decays through both alpha and beta processes that have similar time-scales for this nucleus. ─── 同位素铀衰变通过阿尔法和贝塔过程中,类似的时间尺度这一核心.

27、O, how shall summers honey breath hold outAgainst the wreckful siege of battering days,When rocks impregnable are not so stout,Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? ─── 哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸,当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉,无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?

28、If enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to thrift; and if enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever thrift may be doing.-John Maynard Keynes ─── 如果企业在发展,不论节俭不节俭,财富都在增加;如果企业停滞,就是再节俭,财富也在衰落。--凯恩斯

29、In these nonuniform fields the coil voltage caused by the excitation of an RF pulse rapidly decays to zero, but it can be recovered some time later by applying a second pulse. ─── 在不均匀磁场内,射频脉冲导致的电波很快会消失,但如果隔一段时间后再提供第二次脉冲,又会重新出现。

30、B meson decays are important places to test the standard model and search for possible new physics beyond the SM for their special qualities. ─── B介子衰变过程以其独特的性质成为检验标准模型,探索新物理的重要场所,是当 前粒子物理学的一个重要研究领域。

31、O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out Against the wreckful siege of battering days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout, Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? ─── 哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持 残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸, 当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉, 无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?

32、Author Wang Yongsong;Cheng Zhigang;Zhu Decai;et al.The Second Department of Orthopaedics Ezhou City Hospital;Hubei;436000; ─── 作者王永松;程志刚;朱德才;向福胜;刘永生;吴伟;万小平;谢申;奚季秋;

33、Mr. Yang Decai of Tianjin said in his letter ─── 天津的杨德才老先生说

34、The flavor-changing raciative B decays and flavo-conserving radiative decays of groundstate mesons are studied with another screened potential model. ─── 利用屏蔽位对基态介子辐射衰变宽度进行了计算。

35、Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. ─── 大部分能量在植物死亡和腐败的时候就被释放了。让比尔,有时有机质会在完全腐烂之前被埋藏。

36、Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, molds and bacteria. ─── 保存得太久的食品会变坏,是因为受到酵母菌,霉菌和细菌的侵袭。

37、Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays. ─── 各种文明都要经历诞生、鼎盛和衰亡。

38、The environment of the natural gas piping decays and protection ─── 天然气管道的环境腐蚀与防护

39、Anomalous long lifeti mes of excited state levels of NO2 and two exponential decays under special pr essure condition were discussed. ─── 对NO2分子激发态能级的反常长寿命和一定压力下出现的双指数衰减等进行了较详细的讨论。

40、Easily accomplished: Breaks off vegetation which decays dry.Describes easily.Also the analogy destroys the decayed influence the formidable imposing manner. ─── 摧枯拉朽:摧折枯朽的草木。形容轻而易举。也比喻摧毁腐朽势力的强大气势。

41、D meson nnnleptonic decays ─── D介子非轻子衰变

42、An improved model based on acoustical radiosity was proposed to investigate sound decays in a system of two coupled spaces. ─── 摘要针对耦合空间中的声能衰变,提出一种改进的声辐射度模拟方法。

43、From this point onward the glory of the Omayyad line decays. ─── 从此以后,倭马亚家系的繁荣就衰落了。

44、Keywords B decays;the Standard Model;R-parity violating;Supersymmetry; ─── 关键词B衰变;标准模型;R宇称破缺;超对称;

45、It decays. It turns into other elements. ─── 它会腐烂。它变成其他元素。

46、Uranium decays into lead. ─── 引进铀的衰退期。

47、This research aims at the performance of this method in coupled rooms, and proposes an improved model based on acoustical radiosity to predict the sound decays in a system of two coupled rooms. ─── 文中针对耦合空间中的声能衰变,提出一种改进的声辐射度模型。

48、The amplitude is the square root of intensity, so it decays much less than intensity as particles get smaller. ─── 振幅是强度的平方根,因此要是侦测的粒子较小,振幅衰减的程度不会像强度那麽大。

49、sound decays ─── 声能衰变

50、Manbane decays her target with a bolt of defiled energy, reduces its armor and gets its vision. ─── 人敌以一团污秽的能源腐化她的目标,减低其装甲并取得其视野。

51、Neutrinos, which have no charge and very little mass, form out of nuclear reactions and particle decays. ─── 质量极小且不带电的中微子,是在核反应和粒子衰变中产生的。

52、Blows the iron man tender feelings which pulls dry decays in the spring day to develop darkly, formidable public domain slightly not original relaxation to personal feelings eying covetously. ─── 吹枯拉朽的铁汉柔情在春日里冥冥滋长,强大的公共领域丝毫不愿放松对私人情愫的虎视眈眈。

53、it secondly displays in man's self alienation, and man becomes the slave of material desire and decays into single dimension abnormal man. ─── 其次表现为人的自我异化,人成为物欲的奴隶而蜕变为单维度的畸零人。

54、On the other hand, as the thickness increase, the transmitted electromagnetic wave decays, less wave went through grating to decrease responsivity.We could find some balance between these two factors. ─── 但另一方面,由于光栅厚度变大,穿过的电磁波衰减与也使得响应减少,而在这两者之间可以找到平衡点。

55、Nonlinear modulus of rock is function of strain level and strain amplitude.The modulus decays exponentially with ascending of strain amplitude, while increases with strain level increasing. ─── 岩石非线性模量既是所受应变水平的函数,也是应变振幅的函数,模量随应变振幅的增加以指数形式下降,随应变水平增加以指数形式上升。

56、If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.John Maynard keynes British economist. ─── 如果企业在进展,不论节俭不节俭,财富也在衰落。国经济学家凯恩斯。

57、Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays? ─── 坚牢的钢铁门户也被时光摧毁?

58、Furthermore, light intensity decays accordingly to a given ratio of the distance from the lamp. ─── 另外,光线强度按比例随着与到灯之间的距离的拉大而减小。

59、The time constants of the slower decays are found to increase with the hydrogen-bonding energy in alcoholic solvents. ─── 实验结果表明慢速弛豫过程的时间常数随醇溶剂分子间氢键键能的增强而增大。

60、When this plant litter decays, it makes the soil more fertile. ─── 当这些植物垃圾腐烂以后,就使土壤肥沃。

61、We show that the solution of this problem exists and decays exponentially to zero. ─── 我们证明了这个 问题的解是存在的,并且指数衰竭于零。

62、Because 26Al decays so rapidly, tiny amounts of the isotope can dramatically raise the temperature of even a small body before the heat is lost to space. ─── 因铝26衰变得很快,极少量的铝26衰变,就可以在热能丧失到外太空前,使小天体的温度剧烈升高。

63、B decays provide a good place to study the fruitful dynamics of QCD, to test the Standard Model, to investigate the CP violation, to search for new physics. ─── 但是面对着大量精确的实验,理论落在了后面, 主要是因为B物理里面的自由度多,能标多, 计算起来比较困难,理论物理学家目前处于一个比较困难的局面。

64、The WNP anticyclone forms in the El Nino growing autumn, grows in the El Nino mature winter and the following spring, and decays in the subsequent summer, respectively. ─── WNP反气旋形成于El Nino发展期的秋季,发展于成熟期的冬季和次年春季,衰减于次年夏季。

65、Likewise renown decays faster and you eat more food, all to make sitting around worse. ─── 同样著名的衰减速度更快,你吃更多的食物,所有使坐在更糟。

66、However, there exits many errors to calculate the hadronic matrix elements because of the complex of nonperturbative part in B meson decays. ─── 但是,由于B介子衰变中强相互作用的复杂性,关于强子矩阵元的计算仍然存在较大的误差。

67、a unit of radioactivity,equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 3.70010 disintegrations per second ─── 居里,放射性强度单位,相当于一秒钟内发生3.70010次裂变

68、Let us calculate first how much energy is released when a free neutron decays. ─── 让我们首先来计算一个自由中子的衰变会释放出多少能量。

69、When the frequency is below than the cut-off frequency of the waveguide, the field intensity decays exponentially with distance along the waveguide and the wave is called evanescent wave. ─── 当频率低于波导的截止频率时,电磁波在波导中与距离成指数规律衰减,是一种消失波。

70、Thus, delivery pressure remains constant even as cylinder pressure decays, eliminating the need for frequent control knob adjustment. ─── 因此,即使钢瓶压力下降,调整器的输出压力保持恒定,从而不需要经常调整控制钮。

71、The more the room is filled with absorbent the faster the sound decays. ─── 房间的吸收率越高,声音就衰减得越快。

72、A process of constantly reactivating or restoring information that decays or fades away when left idle. ─── 不断地重新存储或再激励信息的过程或方法,因为信息闭置不用会逐渐衰减。

73、The paper tend to study the bus rapid traffic (BRT) system which is suit in the Chinese big cities in today or the beginning decays of the 21 century . ─── 本文旨在探讨目前,乃至21世纪前几十年适合我国大城市的快速公交系统。

74、A unit of radioactivity, equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of3.7?010 disintegrations per second. ─── 居里放射性强度单位,相当于一秒钟内发生3。7?010次裂变

75、Eventually, unless the light energy decays within the material, it emerges from the surface as a diffuse reflection. ─── 最终,只要光能在介质中不被完全衰减,它就会作为漫反射透出表面。

76、The spark reaches 1 amp and then decays for approx 40 microseconds. ─── 星火达到1安培,然后衰变为约40微秒。

77、it forms actinium when it radioactively decays. ─── 名称由来:Greek: proto and actinium (parent of actinium);

78、Further energy is given off in their decays. ─── 在它们蜕变时又放出一些能量。

79、Since 1995, by the promotion of B factory and other large B experiments, the study of B meson decays and CP violation have become one of the hot topics of the international particle physics research. ─── 1995年以来,受B介子工厂和其他b相关大型实验的推动,关于B介子衰变和CP破坏的研究成为国际粒子物理研究的热点之一。

80、When profit diminishes, merchants are very apt to complain that trade decays; though the diminution of profit is the natural effect of its prosperity. ─── 当利润减少时,商人们往往都埋怨说,商业衰退了,可是利润减少乃是商业繁盛的自然结果。

81、Look at the review available at Weak Decays Beyond Leading Logarithms, or at Weak Hamiltonian, CP Violation and Rare Decays to supplement the discussion in class on scheme dependence at NLL and on penguin operators. ─── 查看主对数下的弱衰变,,或弱作用哈密顿量,CP破缺和罕见衰变上的回顾,作为对课上关于NLL的方案依赖性和企鹅算符的讨论的补充。

82、Wang, K. S., Liu, C. S., Hsu, F. S., Lin, W. S., "The Study of Reliability Decays with Material Strength Degradation", submitted to International Journal of Fatigue. ─── 张士田,"随机负荷下机件疲劳动态可靠度退化模式之探讨",国立中央大学硕士论文,1994。

83、If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing. (John Maynard keynes British economist) ─── 如果企业在进展,不论节俭不节俭,财富也在衰落。(国经济学家凯恩斯)

84、In this thrilling sequel to The Vanishing Files, Cate discovers a new mystery - a dead body that never decays. ─── 在这激动人心的续集消失档案,发现一个新的美食之谜-一具尸体永不衰减。

85、The gilding decays, but hog's leather stays! ─── 镀金会渐渐消失,但猪皮会保留下来!

86、The faster decays on the hundreds of the femtosecond time scale and the slower decays on the order of picosecond are found. ─── 实验发现两个超快动力学过程:飞秒量级的快速弛豫过程和皮秒量级的慢速弛豫过程。

87、semileptonic decays ─── 半轻衰变

88、M.S. velocity decays by power exponent relates to the distance from the grid midplane; ─── 均方根速度与距格栅中平面的距离成幂指数关系衰减;

89、In a single-stage regulator, delivery pressure increases as cylinder pressure decays, because there is less gas pressure exerted on the valve stem. ─── 在单级调整器里,输出压力随钢瓶压力的减小而增大,这是因为施加在阀门系统上的气体压力减小了。

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