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hermeneutics 发音

英:[ˌhɜːrməˈnjuːtɪks; ˌhɜːrməˈnuːtɪks]  美:[ˌhɜːməˈnjuːtɪks]

英:  美:

hermeneutics 中文意思翻译



hermeneutics 网络释义

n. 解释学;诠释学

hermeneutics 词性/词形变化,hermeneutics变形

名词: hermeneutist |

hermeneutics 短语词组

1、Biblical hermeneutics ─── 释经学

2、Feminist Hermeneutics ─── 女性主义诠释学

hermeneutics 相似词语短语

1、hermeneutist ─── n.解释学家;诠释学家(hermeneutics的变形)

2、pharmaceutics ─── n.制药学;配药学

3、hermeneutical ─── 解释学的

4、heretics ─── n.异教徒(heretic的复数)

5、aeronautics ─── n.航空学;飞行术

6、hermetic ─── adj.密封的;与外界隔绝的;不透气的;炼金术的;n.炼金术士

7、hermeneutic ─── adj.经文注解的;(对书面文本)解释的,阐释的;n.解释的方法(或理论);解释学;圣经注解学

8、hermetics ─── adj.密封的;与外界隔绝的;不透气的;炼金术的;n.炼金术士

9、hermeneutically ─── (对《圣经》等经书的)解释(学)地;释经学地

hermeneutics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application of Hermeneutics in the Reform of Exegetics ─── 吸取解释学精华实现训诂学改造

2、German philosopher Gadamer's known by his philosophical hermeneutics of ideology. ─── 德国哲学家伽达默尔以其哲学阐释学的思想体系著称。

3、Biblical Hermeneutics in Asian Perspectives ─── 亚洲的圣经诠释学

4、Keywords post-modernistic philosophy;text;hermeneutics;training of thinking; ─── 后现代哲学;文本;解释学;思维培养;

5、[74] Miikka Ruokanen, Hermeneutics as an Ecumenical Method in the Theology of Gerhard Ebeling, p.135. ─── Miikka Ruokanen认为“解释学的逻各斯”之说是指“前理解构成了理解活动的语言学条件”,似不尽然。

6、Meanwhile, as the special theoretical ideology, practical hermeneutics can be used to understand Marx and gain the total spirit of Marx. ─── 同样,作为解释学的特殊理论形态的“实践的解释学”能够用来解读马克思并获得对马克思整体精神的理解。

7、translator; subjectivity; philosophical hermeneutics; fusion of horizons;pre-understanding; prejudice; retranslation. ─── 01译者;主体性;哲学解释学;视界融合;前理解;偏见;复译

8、ancient Chinese hermeneutics ─── 中国古代诠释学

9、ditopical hermeneutics ─── 历地解释学

10、Viewing the Essence of Musical Works from the Point of View of Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics ─── 从现代哲学解释学角度看音乐作品的本质问题

11、Chinese traditional textual criticism and western hermeneutics ─── 中国传统考据学与西方阐释学

12、criminal hermeneutics ─── 刑事司法诠释

13、Meanwhile, the allegorical reading that he advocates and practices is of great importance to the formation and development of hermeneutics, and it is still one of the key factors even in contemporary hermeneutics. ─── 他所坚定拥护和实践的隐喻解经法,对诠释学的形成与发展起着不容忽视的影响和作用,这种隐喻的解释方法甚至是当代诠释学中的关键性因素之一。

14、On one hand, the anticipation emphasized by Popper and the pre-understanding structure emphasized by philosophical hermeneutics have the same starting-point. ─── 一方面,波普尔所强调的预期与哲学解释学所强调的前理解结构在出发点上是一致的。

15、The subject phantasm constructs inter-space from subject diversity, context and subject imagination, changes for literary hermeneutics. ─── 在文学阐释中,主体幻象从主体差异、语境变化及主体的想象性变化等方面建构阐释所需的间性空间。

16、Merging Tendency of Analytic Philosophy with Hermeneutics ─── 分析哲学和解释学的融合趋向

17、In a broad sense, hermeneutics can be defined as the science and methodology of interpreting texts. ─── 从广义上来说,阐释学可以定义为“一门对于意义的理解和解释的理论或哲学”。

18、The transition from semantics to hermeneutics of metaphor is the one from sense to reference of metaphor. ─── 从隐喻的语义学到隐喻的诠释学的过渡,也就是从隐喻的含义向指称的过渡。

19、The Characteristic of the News Text in View of Modern Hermeneutics ─── 从解释学视角看新闻文本的特征

20、Abstract: The subject phantasm is the product of subject essence and dynamic characters in the literary hermeneutics. ─── 摘 要: 主体幻象的提出是时文学阐释活动中主体本质和动态特征关注的必然结果。

21、Lakatos'Historiography of Science: From the Point of View of Epistemological Hermeneutics ─── 从解释学的观点看拉卡托斯的科学编史学

22、Yet Hirsch proves it with modern philosophy and meanwhile absorbs certain ideas from modern hermeneutics to solve the problem of sense being uncertain in interpretation. ─── 但赫施用现代哲学来论证这一观点,并吸收现代阐释学的某些思想,用以解决在阐释作品中意义的不确定问题。

23、His hermeneutics is the way to show the truth, being or meaning.So it is the basic method of the spirit science. ─── 他的解释学是一种揭示真理(存在或意义)的方法,因而也是精神科学的基本方法。

24、historical Hermeneutics ─── 历史的解释学

25、Emphasized that hermeneutics was not simply a comprehending all of human expression. He. ─── 他强调诠释学不仅仅是一种理解人类的全部表达方式的科学。

26、During the studied course of the religious base, Kung Hansi guards the "macro theological hermeneutics" and thinks the probable question which may arise during the course of "world ethic "practice. ─── 在分析宗教依据的过程中,孔汉思先生对“大神学解释学”保持了足够的警惕,并对“世界伦理”在推行过程中可能出现的问题进行了思考。

27、hermeneutics of practice ─── 实践解释学

28、Panthelism; Life Philosophy; Phenomenology; Existentialism; Pragmatism; Scientific philosophy; Structuralism; Hermeneutics; Frankfurt school of thought. ─── 意志主义;生命哲学;现象学;存在主义;实用主义;科学哲学;结构主义;解释学;法兰克福学派。

29、Our research shows that the power of Marxist Hermeneutics of direct or indirect way to give to major contemporary ideological. ─── 我们的研究表明,马克思的权力诠释学以直接的或间接的方式赋予当代思想界以重大的影响。

30、Pre-seeing has its own status in understanding, expands understanding, and serves as the key to opening the Hermeneutics circle. ─── 前见在理解过程中有合法地位,在理解过程中有拓展理解的作用,是开启解释循环问题的钥匙。

31、In his comparative study of Chinese and Western philosophies in much the same as th at of Mu Zongshan,he has gradually conceptualized and established his “creativ e hermeneutics”. ─── 像牟宗三一样,他在吸收、比较与融通中西方哲学的过程中逐步构思与创立了“创造的诠释学”。

32、double hermeneutics ─── 双重释义双重诠释

33、creation of hermeneutics ─── 创造诠释学

34、The first chapter is Philosophical Hermeneutics and legal Hermeneutics. ─── 第一章“哲学诠释学与法律诠释学”。

35、the creative--Hermeneutics ─── 创造的诠释学

36、Comparison between Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Gadamer'Philosophical Hermeneutics--from the angles of "human and nature" "clasic and modern" and "speech and idea" ─── 中国传统哲学与伽达默尔哲学诠释学的比较--从"天人之辩"、"古今之争"和"言意之辩"谈起

37、political hermeneutics ─── 哲学阐释学

38、The Hermeneutics in the Place ─── 场所的诠释

39、The research into Chung-ying Cheng management philosophy will be from his basic approach of onto-hermeneutics. ─── 研究成中英管理哲学就要从他的基本策略——本体诠释学出发。

40、The Establishment of Tsongkapa Buddhism System Viewed from the Angle of Hermeneutics ─── 从诠释学的角度看宗喀巴佛学体系的建立

41、philosophical hermeneutics ─── 哲学释义学

42、I would say that all of those ways of reading the epitaph are consistent with hermeneutics. ─── 可以说所有这些解读这条墓志铭的方法,都和现代阐释学相一致。

43、On interaction between translation literature and translation language culture based on Hermeneutics theory ─── 从阐释学理论论翻译文学与译语文化的互动

44、In order to instruct and illuminate the projects in the future, this article expatiates the essence of philosophy from the philosophical hermeneutics point of view. ─── 以哲学诠释学的角度重新阐述设计过程中的哲学本质,以期对我们的设计活动有所指导与启发。

45、The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture: Experience, Interpretation, Comparison, by Lindsay Jones, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ─── 宗教建筑诠释学:经验、诠释与比较

46、traditional hermeneutics ─── 传统阐释学

47、Keywords World of life;complexity;dynamic;knot;circle of hermeneutics;reflexivity;Mobius strip; ─── “生活世界”;复杂性;动力;纽结;解释学循环;反身性;莫比乌斯带;

48、Gadamer shares with Augustine the basic ideas in this aspect, which is the key to a deep understanding of philosophical hermeneutics. ─── 伽达默尔在这方面与奥古斯丁存在着的内在的一致性,是我们深刻地理解哲学解释学的思想之关键。

49、The ontological transformation of philosophical hermeneutics, aiming to get out of the plight of modernity, was not successful and foreshadowed the emergence of postmodern hermeneutics. ─── 哲学解释学的本体论转向旨在走出现代性困境。客观地说,这一突围并不成功,相反,它还为后现代主义解释学的兴起埋下了伏笔。

50、Based on the prefaces and a large quantity of remarks and commentaries of Liu Chenweng's poems, this paper is to discuss about the modern hermeneutics consciousness in his literary thought. ─── 摘要以刘辰翁的诗文序跋和大量评点批语为文献依据,简略论述了刘辰翁的文学思想具有现代之阐释学意识。

51、Augustine is an important figure in the history of hermeneutics of the West, and his influence finds expression not only in his biblical hermeneutics but also in philosophical hermeneutics. ─── 奥古斯丁在西方解释学史上具有重要的地位,这不仅表现在《圣经》解释学上,而且也表现在哲学的解释学方面。

52、Therefore, Hirsch's hermeneutics has a modern form. ─── 所以,赫施的传统阐释学观点又是现代形式的。

53、The properties of introspecting, practicing, application and comprehensive constitute the basic characteristic of the course property to the Chinese Marxism's hermeneutics; ─── 反思性、实践性、应用性和综合性构成了中国马克思主义解释学学科性质的根本特征;

54、hermeneutics of reflexion ─── 反思解释学

55、Hermeneutics of Medicine is the application of hermeneutics in the realm of medicine;it is a new realm of edge-cutting discipline between medicine and philosophy. ─── 医学阐释学是哲学阐释学在医学领域的应用,是医学与哲学交叉的一个新领域。

56、Husserl's phenomenology; Heidegger's philosophy; Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception; Gadamar's hermeneutics. ─── 主要内容:胡塞尔现象学;海德格尔的存在哲学;梅洛-庞蒂的知觉现象学;伽达默尔的解释学。

57、contemporary Hermeneutics ─── 当代诠释学

58、critical hermeneutics ─── 批判解释学

59、Chinese Marxism Hermeneutics ─── 中国马克思主义解释学

60、(Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation). ─── 发表《诠释学与人文科学:关于语言、行为与诠释的论文集》一书。

61、For hermeneutics, we are not to explan but to understand.Before we give final conclusion, must sure that we have eliminate our subjective. ─── 中文摘要本篇论文系以管理学理论为基础,重新诠释、解析韩非子之哲学,藉以整理出其对于管理之看法。

62、From the viewpoint of hermeneutics, if a text needs to be understood, it must be decided not only by its quality and feature of the text, but also by the survival environment of hermeneutist. ─── 从哲学解释学角度思考,任何文本要获得理解,都必须既由文本的性质和特点、又由理解者的生存境况所决定。

63、History, Cultures and Hermeneutics, Essays of Religious Studies of the Colloquium at the Chung-Yuan University, vol.2 ─── 关联:历史、文化与诠释学。中原大学宗教学术研讨会论文集(二)

64、On the Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on Buddhist Inwardness Ideology from the Angle of Hermeneutics ─── 从诠释学方法看儒、道对佛教心性思想的影响

65、The relationship among the author, the text and the reader is the basic question of hermeneutics, and this paper tries to solve it from Marxist perspectives. ─── 作者、文本、读者三者的关系问题是解释学的根本问题,本文以马克思主义的视野来研究这三者之间的关系。

66、Incommensurable thought and hermeneutic viewpoint is consisting.The viewpoint of modem hermeneutics emphasizes on readers' acceptation is in agreenent with incommensurable theory. ─── 摘要不可通约的思想与解释学的观点是一致的,当代解释学侧重于读者的接受这一观点与不可通约理论有共通之处。

67、We can understand "Recurring to Marx" in different perspective,such as in the perspective of hermeneutics,history of thought,epistemology,values,etc. ─── 在理解“回到马克思”时,可以有解释学的视野、思想史的视野、认识论的视野、价值观的视野等等。

68、The post-positivism absorbed scientific reality theory and science hermeneutics as its key theoretical hypothesis and attempted to reestablish theoretical bases of psychology with some new dimension. ─── 当前心理学理论研究的复兴主要得益于“后实证主义”新范式的出现。后实证主义范式将科学实在论和科学解释学作为核心理论假设,试图以新的维度重建心理学的科学基础。

69、Biblical Narrative in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur: A Study of Hermeneutics and Theology, by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ─── 保罗·利科哲学中的圣经叙事:诠释学和神学研究

70、Hermeneutics of Changzhou School of Ci and the Modern Theory of Ci ─── 常州词派与近代词学中的解释学思想

71、There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius. ─── 《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。

72、Jameson has founded theory of historization-special Marxism hermeneutics regarding dialectic as philosophic started point with traditional influence of Germany and France. ─── 受德、法理论传统的影响,詹姆逊以辩证法为哲学起点,建立了历史化理论这一特殊的马克思主义阐释学。

73、Held that the distinctive method of hermeneutics was required for the study of the human realm. ─── 但是他坚持需要有自身特征的诠释学方法来进行人文科学的研究。

74、After that, this unit mainly combs three stagesof feminist hermeneutics; especially analyzes its developing tendency in the new phase. ─── 其后,重点梳理了女性主义诠释学发展的三个阶段,尤其描述了新时期女性主义诠释学的发展趋势。

75、The "Truth and Method" and the "philosophical hermeneutics" are the main contributions in this field. ─── 其《真理与方法》、《哲学解释学》是对该领域的主要贡献。

76、The Common Topics for Analytical Philosophy and Hermeneutics ─── 分析哲学与诠释学的共同话题

77、I show that Kantian doctrine of aesthetic consciousness in fact also has the three dimensions of phenomenology existentialism and hermeneutics by the comparison between Kant and Gadamer. ─── 我通过康德和伽达默尔的比较表明康德的审美意识学说实际上也具有现象学、生存论和解释学三重维度。

78、The study is conducted on the strength of the method of sociological hermeneutics,and in the context of judicial reform and construction of political civilization in China. ─── 指出,司法考试制度必须置于国家治理方式转变的过程中才能够得到更好的理解;

79、Dialogue is the essence of hermeneutics a well as a key trait of comparative poetics. ─── 摘要“对话”是阐释学的核心精神,也是比较诗学的重要特征。

80、The second part discusses the relationship between hermeneutics and translation. ─── 第二部分讨论阐释学与翻译的关系。

81、They all stress the universality of hermeneutics from different angles and deeply hear the characteristics of the times. ─── 它们都从不同的角度突出了解释学的普遍性,具有深刻的时代特点。

82、Chinese hermeneutics ─── 中国诠释学

83、Hermeneutics in View of Hume-Being ─── 基于“此在”的诠释学

84、Practice, Text and Hermeneutic Process--Some Reflections on the Construction of Marxist Hermeneutics ─── 实践、文本与诠释--关于建构马克思主义诠释学的几点思考

85、The author thinks we must abide by this basic principle of philosophical hermeneutics during the process of studying philosophy. No other than that, we can just walk up the real way of philosophy research. ─── 作者认为这一哲学解释学的基本原则是我们在研究哲学的过程中必须加以遵守的,只有如此,才能走上真正的哲学研究之路。

86、Feminist Hermeneutics ─── 妇女释经学

87、postmodern hermeneutics ─── 后现代解释学

88、subjective hermeneutics ─── 主体阐释学

89、Hermeneutics and Gestalt theory which are closely connected with ReceptionAesthetics are also referred to in this Chapter. ─── 与接受美学理论密切相关的解释学以及格式塔理论在本章中也有所论及。

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