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09-11 投稿



falconry 发音

英:['fɔː(l)k(ə)nrɪ; 'fɒlk(ə)nrɪ]  美:['fælkənri]

英:  美:

falconry 中文意思翻译



falconry 网络释义

n. 放鹰捕猎;训鹰术

falconry 短语词组

1、falconry vermont ─── 佛蒙特州猎鹰

2、falconry osrs ─── 猎鹰

3、gyrfalcon for falconry ─── 猎鹰 ─── 猎鹰队

4、falconry society ─── 猎鹰协会

5、bewit falconry ─── 猎鹰效应

6、falconry glove ─── 猎鹰手套

7、falconry mexico ─── 墨西哥猎鹰

8、falconry bells ─── 猎鹰钟

9、falconry fund ─── 猎鹰基金

falconry 相似词语短语

1、falcon ─── n.[鸟]猎鹰;[鸟]隼;n.(Falcon)人名;(法、意、西、葡、罗、瑞典)法尔孔;(英)福尔肯

2、falconet ─── n.旧式小炮;小鹰;n.(Falconet)人名;(法)法尔科内

3、almonry ─── n.施赈所

4、falcons ─── n.[鸟]猎鹰;隼鹰队;猎鹰导弹(falcon的复数形式)

5、balcony ─── n.阳台;包厢;戏院楼厅

6、falconers ─── n.以鹰狩猎者;放鹰者;饲养和训练猎鹰的人;n.(Falconer)人名;(英)福尔克纳;(西)法尔科内尔;(德、瑞典)法尔科纳

7、falconer ─── n.以鹰狩猎者;放鹰者;饲养和训练猎鹰的人;n.(Falconer)人名;(英)福尔克纳;(西)法尔科内尔;(德、瑞典)法尔科纳

8、falconets ─── n.旧式小炮;小鹰;n.(Falconet)人名;(法)法尔科内

9、felonry ─── n.重罪犯;犯人们(监禁处所的)

falconry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By speaking with the breeder and other falconers who have had experience with that lineage, a close assumption of its falconry style and potential can be made. ─── 通过与育种者和其他的在血统方面富有经验的鹰猎者交谈,就可以大体得出它的鹰猎风格和潜力了。

2、A male lanner, smaller than the female, used in falconry. ─── 南非雄隼一种雄性南非隼,比雌隼小,用于狩猎中

3、Females of the genus Falco are larger and Bolder than males and are preferred for falconry. ─── 真隼的雌鸟个体较大,较凶猛,故鹰猎者喜用雌隼。

4、small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry. ─── 欧洲和美洲的小游隼,深色羽毛,尾巴上有黑色条纹;用于狩猎。

5、large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry. ─── 欧亚大陆和北美洲用于鹰猎的大型鹰。

6、A nestling hawk or falcon, especially one to be trained for falconry. ─── 雏鹰未离巢的鹰或猎鹰,尤指要训练成猎鹰的

7、Although a good grounding in falconry is required, it is avicultural skills, albeit specialised ones, that have to be learnt. ─── 虽然驯鹰的基础训练是必须的,但这是鸟类养殖技巧,尽管细化成很多,但一定得学习。

8、recently spoke to a group of professional dog trainers on falconry and the application of operant conditioning to raptors. ─── 最近以一组专业犬训练员对驯鹰的应用操作性,以猛龙队。

9、he essence of falconry is hunting. ─── 他的本质,鹰猎是打猎。

10、small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry. ─── 欧洲和美洲的小游隼,深色羽毛,尾巴上有黑色条纹;用于狩猎。

11、I name the male Arthur after the legendary monarch who loved falconry. ─── 我给雄性游隼起名为亚瑟,是以传说中喜欢训练猎鹰的那位君主的名字命名的。

12、A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain. ─── 西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。

13、Horseback riding and falconry popular pastimes. ─── 最受人喜爱的消遣是骑马和放鹰狩猎。

14、Shopping, sand-skiing, desert driving, paragliding, dhow cruises, sailing, and falconry tours organised upon request ─── 购物、滑沙、沙漠驾车、滑翔、乘坐传统迪拜帆船观光、航海、观鸟和鹰猎活动

15、A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain. ─── 西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。

16、A female of this species, used in falconry. ─── 雌隼这个种类中的雌鹰,用于狩猎

17、a widely distributed falcon formerly used in falconry. ─── 广泛分布的猎鹰,被用来狩猎。

18、Falconers world wide are brothers and naturally share the same love of the art of falconry. ─── 全世界的鹰猎者都是兄弟,并且我们共享着对这玩艺的热爱。

19、A closed sterile system of rearing chicks does not work when rearing birds for falconry. ─── 一个封闭的无菌系统饲养的雏鸟并不适合狩猎活动。

20、Here you can see a falconry hawk, fat in the moult, still eager to be flying and working. ─── 在这里你可以看到一个驯鹰,鹰,脂肪在换羽,仍然急切地要飞行和工作方式。

21、China is thought to be the mother country where falconry began many thousands of years ago. ─── 中国被公认为是世界鹰猎的发祥地,早在几千年前就开始了鹰猎活动。

22、Bird-of-prey handlers from Turkmenistan hold falcons at the first Festival of Falconry. ─── 意译:英国,读物:猎鹰训练术节。食肉猛禽的操作者来自土库曼斯坦把握猎鹰在第一个猎鹰训练节。

23、And for that reason, China still practising falconry today is important to all falconers around the world. ─── 基于以上原因,当代中国仍在持续进行鹰猎活动对于全世界鹰猎者也是非常重要的。

24、recently spoke to a group of professional dog trainers on falconry and the application of operant conditioning to raptors. ─── 最近以一组专业犬训练员对驯鹰的应用操作性,以猛龙队。

25、I am involved with the UNESCO bid to have falconry recognised as part of our Intangible Cultural Heritage. ─── 我参与了向联合国教科文组织提交“将鹰猎活动作为一部分而列入全世界非物质文化遗产”的活动。

26、falconry but not five hundred or euchre ─── 有falconry(鹰猎训练),但没有收入five hundred(五百牌戏)或euchre(尤卡牌戏)

27、For the breeder it is imperative that as much information on the parent birds is obtained on previous progeny produced by them with regards to their falconry successes. ─── 对饲养者来说获取尽可能多的亲鸟信息以及关于它们最初的后代在鹰猎上的成功是非常必要的。

28、A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk. ─── 鸟媒系在长绳上的一束羽毛,在放鹰狩猎中用来召回猎鹰

29、Falconry has a long history in China. ─── 鹰猎在我国有悠久的历史。

30、A short strap fastened around the leg of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened. ─── 皮带扣一种扣在鹰或其它鸟类腿上用于猎鹰训练的短皮带扣,用它可以扣紧皮带

31、Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry. ─── 狂野的,不驯服的。用来形容猎鹰训练中的鹰

32、The first of these is a falconry one. ─── 首先是鹰猎训练。

33、This is something we are working to develop at Falcon Mews and as time goes on we will be able to give more and more information in the area of falconry performance. ─── 这正是我们在鹰舍努力工作的方向,随着时间的推移,我们将能够提供更多的在这方面的鹰猎表现的资料。

34、However, ever since the rapid decline of falconry after the Middle Ages, peregrines have seldom been kept in people's homes. ─── 但是自从“放鹰狩猎”在中世纪后的迅速衰落,人们就很少饲养游隼了。

35、a female bird of this type used in falconry ─── 隼科中的雌隼,用于猎捕

36、I am involved with the UNESCO bid to have falconry recognised as part of our Intangible Cultural Heritage. ─── 我参与了向联合国教科文组织提交“将鹰猎活动作为一部分而列入全世界非物质文化遗产”的活动。

37、Buckle is a short strap fastened around the leg of a hawk or other bird used in falconry,to which a leash may be fastened. ─── 皮带扣是一种扣在鹰或其它鸟类腿上用于猎鹰训练的短皮带扣,用它可以扣紧皮带。

38、The Saturday and Sunday have a great programme including carriage driving, horse show, falconry, dog agility demonstrations, pet show, craft fair, Clydesdale horse show and even a stick making competition! ─── 星期六和星期天包括马车开车,马表演,放鹰捕猎,狗活泼示范,宠物表演,手艺交易会,强健的拖车马马表演甚至做竞争的一根棍子有一个大计划!

39、falconry but not five hundred or euchre; ─── 有falconry(鹰猎训练),但没有收入five hundred (五百牌戏)或euchre(尤卡牌戏);

40、International Association of Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey; ─── 国际猎鹰和保护食肉鸟类协会;

41、A person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry. ─── 一个养鹰、放鹰和从事放鹰运动的人。

42、When choosing a species, the long-term requirement of that species within the falconry community also has to be taken into account. ─── 当选择某一个品种时,从长期需求来看,鹰猎团体的品种也必须加以考虑。

43、was invited to present falconry and ecology information at a conference. ─── 应邀出席驯鹰和生态学信息的一个会议。

44、large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry ─── 欧亚大陆和北美洲用于鹰猎的大型鹰

45、The growing popularity of falconry is bad news for many small creatures in the wild. Here people watch a buyer choose a falconet on Chungking South Road. ─── 放鹰风气兴起,野外猛禽类命运多舛。图为重庆南路群众围观选购雏鹰。

46、a nestling hawk or falcon,especially one to be trained for falconry ─── 未离巢的鹰或猎鹰,尤指要训练成猎鹰的

47、From a Western point of view I have been amazed at the number of falconry enthusiasts there are within China despite that falconry is officially illegal. ─── 从一个西方人的视角出发,我惊讶地发现,尽管鹰猎在中国属非法活动,但钟情于鹰猎活动的爱好者却有如此之多。

48、Eurasian falcon (Falco cherrug) having brown plumage and often trained for falconry. ─── 猎隼:一种欧洲猎鹰(隼属猎鹰),有褐色羽毛,常训练作狩猎用

49、Peregrine falcons were commonly used throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East in the practice of "falconry". ─── 游隼曾经在欧洲、亚洲和中东地区被广泛用于“放鹰狩猎”。

50、A female bird of this type used in falconry. ─── 雌隼隼科中的雌隼,用于猎捕

51、I have visited China many times and made many Chinese falconry friends, I have enjoyed wonderful hospitality and have been shown much kindness. ─── 我曾多次到过中国,结识了很多爱好鹰猎的中国朋友。我感受到了他们的热情好客和友善。

52、Although a good grounding in falconry is required, it is avicultural skills, albeit specialised ones, that have to be learnt. ─── 虽然驯鹰的基础训练是必须的,但这是鸟类养殖技巧,尽管细化成很多,但一定得学习。

53、small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry ─── 欧洲和美洲的小游隼,深色羽毛,尾巴上有黑色条纹;用于狩猎

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