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09-11 投稿


prohibiting 发音

英:[prəˈhɪbɪtɪŋ]  美:[prəˈhɪbɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

prohibiting 中文意思翻译



prohibiting 词性/词形变化,prohibiting变形

动词过去式: prohibited |动词现在分词: prohibiting |动词过去分词: prohibited |动词第三人称单数: prohibits |

prohibiting 同义词

rule out | ban | restrict | outlaw | proscribe | disallow | interdict | deter | veto | inhibit | deny | avert | censor | exclude |forbid | foil | preclude | nix | bar | thwart | prevent | block

prohibiting 短语词组

1、prohibiting syn ─── 禁止syn

2、prohibiting and warning ─── 禁止和警告

3、prohibiting means ─── 禁止手段

4、prohibiting skills ─── 禁止技能

5、prohibiting private armies at public rallies ─── 禁止私人军队参加公共集会

6、prohibiting drink ─── 禁止饮酒

7、prohibiting acts ─── 禁止行为

8、prohibiting def ─── 禁止def

9、prohibiting me ─── 禁止我

10、prohibiting price ─── 禁止价格

11、prohibiting sign ─── 禁止标志

prohibiting 常用词组

strictly prohibit ─── 严禁

prohibiting 反义词


prohibiting 相似词语短语

1、cohibiting ─── 同居

2、adhibiting ─── vt.贴;让进;用药等

3、crossbiting ─── 杂交

4、prohibitive ─── adj.禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;(费用,价格等)过高的;类同禁止的

5、cohabiting ─── v.(男女)未婚同居;共存(cohabit的现在分词)

6、prohibition ─── n.禁止;禁令;禁酒;诉讼中止令

7、exhibiting ─── 展览;陈列

8、prohibitions ─── n.禁止;禁例(prohibition的复数)

9、propitiating ─── vt.抚慰,安抚;与…和解

prohibiting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Currently, the FCC does not have any rules that prohibit consumers from recording wireline telephone conversations. ─── "人家没有就是没有.方顾问偏要睁着眼睛说瞎话,想为FCC制定法规.

2、On July 2002, USA Congress passed through Sarbanes-Oxley bill, prohibiting CPA firms from offering 9 items of non-audit services to the audit client. ─── 2002年7月,美国国会通过了萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,禁止会计师事务所向审计客户同时提供九项非审计服务。

3、We should prohibit the establishment of the spermatozoon storeroom for the commercial purposes. ─── 必须严格规范精子库的建立,禁止其商业炒作。

4、Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to be import. ─── 不合格的药品禁止进口。

5、To the state industrial policy prohibiting investment projects will stop building. ─── 对国家产业政策禁止投资的项目,一律停止建设。

6、In prohibiting gaming,gambling and opium-smoking,and in eliminating banditry,the peasant associations have won general approval. ─── 对于禁牌、赌、鸦片和清匪,农民协会博得了大众的赞许。

7、And a nationwide Harris Interactive poll taken in June 2001 found that 61 percent of Americans favored a federal law prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. ─── 2001年6月,全国范围内的"哈里斯互动调查"发现61%的美国人赞成制定联邦法律,禁止由性倾向引起的工作歧视。

8、Strictly prohibit to drink with gun, the disobeyer will be quit, the serious will be fired out. ─── 二、严禁携带枪支饮酒,违者予以辞退;造成严重后果的,予以开除。

9、Strictly prohibit landlords and rich peasants from sneaking into the peasant associations and poor peasant leagues. ─── 严禁地主富农分子混入农民协会和贫农团。

10、Unlike Senate rules, House rules prohibit members from getting book advances, although they may get royalties. ─── 不同于规则参议院,众议院规则禁止成员从书中获得的进步,虽然他们可能获得的版税。

11、An optimal EEA content was found for prohibiting water treeing generation by experiment. ─── 实验中找到了抑制 XL PE中水树形成的最佳 EAA含量

12、Allows you to permit and prohibit the use of the Group Policy snap-in and its extensions. ─── 允许您许可和禁止使用组策略管理单元及其扩展。

13、"The laws prohibiting such exportation must be reinstated as soon as possible, " he said. ─── “关于禁止出口珍稀林木的法案必须尽快得到恢复,”他说。

14、However, there are relevant legal problems in the clause of prohibiting driving all the life of our country. ─── 但我国“终生禁驾”的规定还存在相应的法律问题。

15、Have you get any prohibit goods with you? ─── 您随身带有什么违禁品吗?

16、Although religiously Islam doesn't prohibit women to drive, Saudi Arabia has established a law that does it. ─── 尽管伊斯兰教对女人开车并没有任何限制,但沙特却有明文规定不允许妇女开车。

17、Other societies have enacted laws prohibiting suicide on the ground that it is murder. ─── 另外一些国家则制定法律禁止自杀,其理由是自杀即谋杀。

18、Certainly, they can not also do or prohibit to do some matters. ─── 当然,它们也无法做或禁止做某些事。

19、Some countries prohibit withdrawal public prosecution, e.g.France and Germany. ─── 对撤回公诉持否定态度的主要有法国和德国。

20、You understand that we may restrict or prohibit trading in, or close, your account. ─── 您了解我们可以限制或禁止,甚至终止您的账户交易。

21、Law A court order prohibiting a party from a specific course of action. ─── 命令,指令:命令的动作或例子;命令,指令或训谕

22、In prohibiting gaming, gambling and opium-smoking, and in eliminating banditry, the peasant associations have won general approval . ─── 对于禁牌、赌、鸦片和清匪,农民协会是博得一般人的同情的。

23、For a case involving a law prohibiting the content, which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional. ─── 包含最高法院规定为违反宪法的即法律禁止的内容。

24、We renewed our own values by prohibiting torture and beginning to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. ─── 我们通过禁止酷刑并着手关闭关塔那摩湾(GuantanamoBay)拘留所重新肯定了我们自己的价值观。

25、A government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports. ─── 封港令政府下达的禁止商船进出港口的命令

26、AIR PRODUCTS' POSITION ON CODES: Various national and/or local codes prohibit the general direct heating of containers. ─── air PRODUCTS对于法规的态度:各种各样的国家和/或地方法规禁止容器的一般直接加热。

27、Any commercial activities in any event or meeting of CQARA are prohibiting, except approval by EC. ─── 在CQARA之活动或会议上禁止任何商业之活动,除非事先得到执委会之准许。

28、A better idea would be for Congress to expressly prohibit states from doing that. ─── 如果国会够明智的话,就应该果断地阻止这种情况的发生。

29、The regulations laid down by our own Central Bank prohibit us from acting for beneficiaries outside the country. ─── 中央银行规定我们不能作为国外受益人的保兑行。

30、Strictly prohibit to drink during working hours ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out. ─── 四、严禁在工作时间饮酒,违者予以纪律处分,造成严重后果的予以辞退或者开除。

31、Why be a few public should prohibit smoking? ─── 为什么在一些公共场所要禁止吸烟?


33、Ground preparation Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field; Avoiding cross construction; Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 场地准备施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

34、Do you think it is right to prohibit the owner from doing things in his own castle? ─── 你认为禁止主人在自己的城堡里做什么事情合理吗?

35、An editorial position with a publishing company; an editorial policy prohibiting the use of unnamed sources. ─── 出版公司中一个编辑职位;禁止使用未署名的资料的编辑政策

36、Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint. ─── 各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。

37、Strictly prohibit throw clips and tools from upper air. ─── 严禁从高处往地面抛掷卡扣、工具、钢管等;

38、At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol. ─── 当时,古柯叶提取物混合酒是一个常见的滋补品,潘伯顿的甜酒则可以绕过当地禁止售酒的法律。

39、Patel said the January 2009 termination of the law prohibiting the export of rosewood and ebony is a key cause of the increased logging. ─── 帕特尔指出,09年一月份禁止紫檀木和黑檀木出口的法案被废止是造成砍伐量激增的关键诱因。

40、Some places prohibit the collection of live shells. ─── 一些地方严禁收集未爆弹。

41、The state in 1989 began prohibiting HI-positie people from donating sperm, blood or tissue in an attempt to curb the spread of the irus. ─── 为了控制HI病毒的传播,加利福尼亚州于1989年开始禁止HI阳性患者捐献精子,血液或组织。

42、Do you plan on prohibiting whispering from Observers or change their latency or something like that? ─── 你们是否准备对这种情况采取措施?

43、Strictly prohibit from uploading pronunciation inside the navy newspaper station implement privately! ─── 严禁私自上传海军报站器里的语音!

44、Strictly prohibit to drive ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out. ─── 三、严禁酒后驾驶机动车,违者予以辞退,造成严重后果的予以开除。

45、Town ordinances prohibit residents from shooting the critters. ─── 城镇条例禁止居民射杀这种动物。

46、The factory has not formulated the policy which prohibit form cliques for private gain. ─── 工厂没有制定书面的禁止结党营私的政策.

47、But it had shown "breathtaking legal obfuscation" by its efforts to weaken international standards "absolutely prohibiting" torture. ─── 但美国政府弱化“绝对禁止”折磨的国际标准的行为,显示出“令人吃惊的法律困惑”。

48、This house would prohibit marriages between people with more than 30 years'age difference. ─── 应该禁止年龄差距大于30岁的人结婚。

49、arrest came as the Argentine government struck down the decree prohibiting such extradition, saying all Argentines should be equal before the law. ─── 阿根廷政府颁布法令禁止这类引渡,逮捕也随之而来,并称所有阿根廷人在法律面前都是平等的。

50、If there are relevant provisions in other laws or regulations on prohibiting the importation of goods, such provisions shall be abided by. ─── 其他法律、行政法规规定禁止出口的,依照其规定。

51、Swimming after drinking is strictly prohibit. ─── 严禁酒后下水。

52、Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms. ─── 录音制品制作者应享有权利许可或禁止对其作品的直接或间接复制。

53、Their next step likely target initial please act cautiously any indiscreet counteraction prohibit. ─── 他们下步有可能又转向原来的目标。望小心行动,切勿冒然行事。

54、Chinese laws prohibit discrimination, insult and injury against the handicapped or their ill-treatment and abandonment. ─── 中国法律明确规定,禁止歧视、侮辱、侵害残疾人;禁止虐待和遗弃残疾人;

55、An index in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index value, thus prohibiting duplicate index or key values. ─── 一种各行具有不同的索引值从而防止生成重复的索引或键值的索引。

56、Strictly prohibit fromusing solar lamp to heat stoving. ─── 严禁用太阳灯加热烘干。

57、Many e-trading websites prohibit buyers from placing two bids in a row. ─── 很多拍卖网站都禁止买家连续两次下标。

58、It be demand that atomic weapons be prohibit . ─── 人们要求禁止使用原子武器。

59、Some areas prohibit dogs or require them to be on a leash at all times. ─── 一些区域禁止狗或者要求一直拴住它们。

60、Private residential construction for rural and progressive restriction prohibiting the use of solid clay bricks up. ─── 同时要求农村私人住宅建设逐步限制直至禁止使用实心粘土砖。

61、Attempts to criminalise and prohibit the use of drugs doesn't work. ─── 企图定罪和禁止使用的药物不起作用。

62、So a certain kind of antifoaming agent is needed to lower the foam layer and prohibit from foaming. ─── 因此需使用消泡剂来降低泡沫层的高度,并抑制泡沫的产生。

63、You'd let a mouse, or mice, prohibit a project which will benefit millions of people? ─── 你要让一只老鼠或几只老鼠来阻止一项将造福于几百万人民的工程吗?

64、The traffic police prohibit cyclists from riding on the sidewalk. ─── 交警不让骑车人上人行道。

65、His parents prohibit him from coming home late. ─── 他父母禁止他晚回家。

66、Be strict with construction management and prohibit those construction projects that exceed their budgets. ─── 严格进行基建管理,杜绝超预算工程的发生。

67、Some confusion and problems arise from high-speed passenger ship (HSPS) management in prohibiting its night sailing. ─── 对高速客船不准夜航管理中出现的问题进行了讨论。

68、Strictly prohibit from washing fabrics made by silk and feather. ─── 切勿直接触及皮肤、眼睛、衣物。

69、External use Prohibit internal use .If skin feels stimulated please stop to use. ─── 外用品,严禁内服。如有皮肤刺激,请停止使用。

70、State health laws prohibit butchering an animal inside a restaurant. ─── 州卫生法禁止在餐厅内屠宰动物。

71、Modulating production of NO,ET 1 is one of the mechanism of SKI on prohibiting GS,and the important link of SKI on preventing and treating CRF. ─── SKI对GMC自分泌ET 1、NO的调节作用是其阻抑GS、防治CRF的重要机制之一。 SKI对ET 1的抑制效应、对NO的促进作用是其活血益气功效的具体形式之一。

72、Accordingly, the practice that retires ahead of schedule must give stoutly prohibit. ─── 因此,提前退休的做法必须果断予以禁止。

73、To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit. ─── 忍受不作任何禁止和反对地同意;允许

74、The Seller shall not prohibit the Buyer from using the patent and / or know-how after the expiration of the Contract. ─── 卖方不得阻止买方在本合同到期后继续使用该专利和/或专有技术。

75、During his tenure of office, he tried his best in cultivation, prohibiting heresy, publicizing filial piety, which brought him a good reputation. ─── 任官期间,以教养为先,禁异端,崇孝弟,兴教化,颇有政绩。

76、Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering the country for any reason, either as travelers or immigrants. ─── 加拿大通过了一项法案,禁止穷人入。

77、There is no specific law prohibiting the sale and trafficking of children. ─── 没有专门的法律禁止买卖和拐带儿童。

78、EPA can then make findings similar to those triggering the section 4 testing rules and issue an administrative order prohibiting manufacture or use. ─── 如果出现这种情况,环境保护局也可以发布一个调查结果,这个调查结果类似于一种可以引发第4条检查法规的判决,进而发布一个禁止制造和使用的行政命令。

79、The institute has interpreted the initiative as prohibiting both payment for a donor's time and payment for her eggs. ─── 该研究所倡议禁止支付的捐助者的时间及支付她的卵细胞。

80、The long-standing rule prohibiting the consumption of alcohol while on duty is not strictly observed now either. ─── 值班不准喝酒,这是历来的规矩,现在也不严格执行了。

81、What kind of plants do you prohibit? ─── 你们禁止的是哪种植物?

82、From 1 January 2002, Tianjin and the coastal cities in Hebei Province have started to prohibit the phosphorus. ─── 天津市和河北省的沿海城市自2002年1月起实施禁磷。

83、Laws must be put through to prohibit this act . ─── 必须通过法律来制止这种作法。

84、Allow or prohibit NULL for each attribute. ─── 为每个属性指定是否可以为空。

85、China has agreed to prohibit lead paint on toys exported to the US. ─── 中国已经同意不再将含铅的玩具出口到美国。

86、They themselves are energetically prohibiting gambling and suppressing banditry. ─── 他们自己在那里努力禁牌赌,清盗匪。

87、Is there any procedure to prohibit unauthorized parking inside the factory premises? ─── 工厂可有程序禁止为经授权的车辆停泊在厂区内?

88、Truck drivers must comply with regulation prohibiting driving of heavy vehicles at night and all day on Sundays and public k holidays. ─── 卡车司机必须遵守在白天、夜间、周日和公共节假日的重型车辆的禁止驾驶的规定。

89、Many societies prohibit marriages between blood relatives. ─── 很多社会都禁止近亲结婚。

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