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09-11 投稿



weird 发音

英:[wɪəd]  美:[wɪrd]

英:  美:

weird 中文意思翻译



weird 短语词组

1、my weird school ─── 我奇怪的学校

2、it s weird ─── 真奇怪

3、weird mud ─── 奇怪的泥巴

4、get points by playing weird ─── 通过玩古怪游戏获得分数

5、you are so weird ─── 你真奇怪

6、weird day ─── 奇怪的一天

7、Weird Sisters ─── 命运三女神

8、four times weird me ─── 四次奇怪的我

9、i am not weird ─── 我并不奇怪

10、elves are weird ─── 精灵很奇怪

11、get weird ─── 变得怪异

12、weird sister ─── [网络] 奇怪的妹妹

13、it is weird ─── 很奇怪

14、weird things ─── 奇怪的事情

15、how weird do i look ─── 我看起来有多奇怪

16、its weird ─── 真奇怪

17、weird out ─── 使感到纳闷 ─── 使人感到纳闷 不自在

18、wonderfully weird ─── 非常奇怪

weird 词性/词形变化,weird变形

形容词最高级: weirdest |形容词比较级: weirder |名词: weirdness |副词: weirdly |

weird 相似词语短语

1、weir ─── n.堰,坝;鱼梁(指拦截游鱼的枝条篱);n.(Weir)人名;(德、西、葡)魏尔;(英、爱)韦尔

2、weirdie ─── n.古怪的人;怪事;怪物

3、weirs ─── n.堰,坝;鱼梁(指拦截游鱼的枝条篱);n.(Weir)人名;(德、西、葡)魏尔;(英、爱)韦尔

4、weirdo ─── n.古怪的人,奇怪的人

5、weirdy ─── 古怪的人

6、weirds ─── adj.怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的;n.(苏格兰)命运;预言

7、weirder ─── 怪诞的(weird的比较级);神秘而可怕的;超然的;古怪的

8、weid ─── 韦德

9、weirded ─── _其他组织者

weird 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad? ─── 你是不是觉得我知道那首歌谣很奇怪?

2、the music was weird. ─── 这音乐有些地方有点怪。

3、It was a very weird feeling for him to be there again without his lady-love. ─── 他旧地重游却没有前女友的相伴,这种感觉对他而言怪怪的。

4、In a moonless dark night, there was a weird noise came from the church. ─── 在一个没有月光的黑夜里,教堂里发出奇怪的声音。

5、In the Alps, Ice Road has many weird things to avoid them, the flag won it all. ─── 在阿尔卑斯山脉,雪道上有许多奇奇怪怪的事物,避开它们,拿下所有的旗子吧。

6、Isn't it weird? He took physical advantage of the boss and didn't get sacked! ─── 他吃了老板的豆腐却没被开除,难道不奇怪吗?

7、Weird! You are pulling down your own house. Why must you scold yourself? ─── [译:奇怪,明明是自已将要拆掉房子,为什麽还要用骂话骂自己?

8、The game with Albania was weird. ─── 与阿尔巴尼亚的比赛的感觉十分怪异。

9、I knocked off a little piece of what I thought was just sandstone, and I looked at it, and it had a weird pattern to it. . . ─── 我敲下一小片我认为只是砂岩的东西,然后看了看,那上面有奇怪的纹理…

10、They were awakened by a weird shriek. ─── 他们被一声怪叫吵醒了。

11、Don't you think this painting has a lot of weird figures? ─── 你不觉得这幅画里有很多古怪的人吗?

12、Why are you bein so weird about this? ─── 你干嘛这么不自在?

13、Weird Al Yankovic is one weirdo in his own right. ─── Weird Al Yankovic是一名奇怪的人士。

14、Smell weird, do I just eat it as it is? ─── 味道好怪,我可以直接吃吗?

15、When it was all over, there was a lot of talk about this weird event. ─── 事情虽然结束了,可是有很多关于这件怪事的议论。

16、Anybody else got an Aunt Elyssa with weird stuff? ─── |还有谁有关于Elyssa姑妈等怪异的事情吗?

17、Nate: Eve, why do you look so weird? ─── 你怎么看起来那么怪呀?

18、She's a really weird girl. ─── 她真是个古怪的女孩。

19、While hunting on the seabed they emitted a weird medium frequency noise. ─── 在海底猎食时,它们发出一种奇怪的中频率杂音。

20、International comparisons produce some weird results. ─── 国别对比的结果更是怪诞。

21、But Earth's changing climate is already wreaking havoc in some very weird ways. ─── 不过,地球气候的变化已开始通过某些怪异的方式来制造破坏了。

22、Printed by the weird sisters in the year of the big wind. ─── 在大风年由命运女神姐妹[57]印刷。”

23、Driving through England in the blackout was a weird experience. ─── 在灯火管制时期驱车于英格兰大地,简直是不可思议的事情。

24、They heard a weird sound like a cat crying. ─── 他们听到一个古怪的像猫哭的声音。

25、A long lost mythology? Weird migration? ─── 久逝的神话?神秘的迁徙?

26、In the South Atlantic a weird little war palely recalled Britain's glory days. ─── 在南部大西洋上一场奇怪的小小的战争使人依稀记起帝国辉煌的过去。

27、At the tube station, you may encounter alternatives wearing weird sunglasses. ─── 在地铁站,你可能会遇见带奇异太阳镜的另类人。

28、Strange, weird sounds were heard in the great hall. ─── 大殿里响起了一阵奇怪而可怕的声音。

29、He's such a weird little boy! ─── 他真是个奇怪的小男孩!

30、This is more cool than weird though. ─── 与其说怪异,倒不如说它很酷。

31、What do they do in that weird club ? ─── 他们在那个诡秘的社团里做什么呢?

32、You either have some weird oedipal thing, or your mother's guilty. ─── 你要么是有点恋母情节。要么就是知道你妈妈的罪行。

33、She began to make weird inhuman sounds. ─── 她开始发出可怕的非人的声音。

34、And Gwyneth here has obviously done something weird here. ─── 在这里明明是葛妮丝选了个怪字。

35、Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity。Weird, eh? ─── 信息理论和柯尔莫戈洛夫复杂性理论。

36、There is a weird power in a spoken word. ─── 在所说的字词中有一种奇异的力量。

37、Her slaying skills and weird weapon are as evil as Az's will. ─── 她的杀戮技巧与怪异武器就如同阿兹的意志一般致命。

38、Even if time travel isn't strictly paradoxical, it is certainly weird. ─── 不过,就算严格说来时光旅行不再矛盾好了,它肯定是很怪异的。

39、Weird notions inhabit his mind. ─── 他脑中有些怪念头。

40、Lt ended kind of weird, though. ─── 但是故事的结尾有点奇怪。

41、They aim n toesign marriage games which sound really weird. ─── 他们计划要设计一些结婚游戏,听起来非常奇怪。

42、And the funniest part is Im busier than when I was working. How weird ... ─── 奇怪的是,我现在比没做工时还忙。。。

43、You just caught me on a weird day. ─── 你刚好碰上了奇怪的一天

44、CHANDLER: Weird world. Your kids? ─── 世界真奇妙。你的孩子?

45、Her hair was blue, yellow and red so I told her that it was weird. ─── 她头发是蓝、黄和红色,所以我告诉她怪怪的。

46、Is it weird to you that you are a 12 year veteran in this league now? ─── 你是否觉得作为一个老球员在联盟征战12年是不可思议的事情?

47、It is weird how crowded convenience store is even after midnight. ─── 午夜都过了,便利商店还这般拥挤,真是奇怪。

48、Oh, my God, dude, Mikaela's here.|Just don't do anything weird, all right? ─── |我的天啊,梅卡拉在这|别做奇怪的事,好吧?

49、It's just a little weird having her in my place. ─── 她老是在我家里,我觉得有点不适应。

50、Oh, my God, dude, Mikaela's here.Just don't do anything weird, all right? ─── |我的天啊,梅卡拉在这 别做奇怪的事,好吧?

51、Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness. ─── 在黑暗中听见离奇的尖叫声。

52、But people looked at it and realized that's not weird enough, so they decided to put little dolls like pig jockeys, to spice things up. ─── 显然是人们觉得看起来不够怪异,所以他们决定在猪背上放些娃娃,使之看起来象骑士,以达到丰富内容的目的。

53、Working the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven, you meet all kinds of weird people. ─── 在7-11便利店上大夜班会遇到各式各样奇怪的人。

54、Old Mrs. Yu woke up and she was confused by this weird dream. ─── 余老夫人醒过来,难解这个奇怪的梦。

55、He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes. ─── 他穿著奇装异服难看极了。

56、I find it really weird that no one is commending Ravan for not forcibly... ─── |我觉得奇怪的是 居然没人夸罗婆那没霸王硬上弓...

57、Can the Township Reform Jump Out of the Streamlining-expanding Weird Cycle? ─── 乡镇机构改革:可否跳出精简-膨胀的怪圈?

58、It sounded just that weird and disordered. ─── 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。

59、His weird clothes really gas me. ─── 他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。

60、Fixed a weird lingering cursor bug in text editor. ─── 修正在文字编辑器里的一个怪异闪动游标的错误。

61、He's got some weird ideas. ─── 他有些怪念头。

62、While hunting on the 3)seabed they emitted a 4)weird 5)medium frequency noise. ─── 在海底猎食时,??欠3.鲆恢制婀值闹衅德试右簟

63、No. No. Why would it be weird? ─── 不 不 怎么会感到别扭呢?

64、It seems that many of the weird space launch tales involve some sort of hapless animal. This one is no different. ─── 很多航天发射的怪异事件里都有倒霉动物的身影,这次也不例外。

65、It looked like an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area. ─── 它们看上去真像苹果的产品,和真的苹果专卖店并没有什么区别。

66、They observe him for 72 hours and say, "Gosh, he's acting weird. ─── 他们观察他72小时后说,“妈的,他表现的不正常”。

67、Carol:Not bad. But I had a weird conversation with Paul this morning. ─── 卡萝:还不赖。不过今天早上我和保罗的谈话有点诡异。

68、Austin went to prison in due time, and dreed his weird there. ─── 奥斯丁按时去坐牢,接受命运的安排。

69、When we called to tell her, she said it was weird because she had received my rejection letter. ─── 我们和她联系上以后,她说这事真是奇怪,因为她收到的是我的拒信。

70、Card Master, Jezebel is being weird again! ─── 卡牌主人,吉贝尔又不正常了!

71、You know what, I think this is really weird. ─── 你知道吗,我觉得这很奇怪。

72、She seemed really weird, like some kind of sex-crazed vampire," Romero recalls. ─── 她看起来很怪异,像是某种性苦闷的吸血鬼。”

73、It is must weird but indefinable sorrows always come to me when I am happy. ─── 在这方面的记忆还需要多下点功夫。

74、Do you mind your freinds giving you weird nickname? ─── 你介意你的朋友给你起绰号吗?

75、They all get the weird lumps and creases on their faces. ─── 他们脸上长了些古怪的肿块和皱纹。

76、"People can be abstinent, and it's not weird," she said. ─── “人们应该节欲,那不是什么奇怪的事,”她说。

77、If the press stayed on his weird story, he believed, his records would sell. ─── 他相信,如果媒体盯住那些古怪的故事,他就会打破记录。

78、From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity. ─── 从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。

79、Kaka insists on licking the wound by himself, the hair finally look so weird... ─── 另外发现家家有其他伤势。颈下面,甩晒毛。

80、Maybe they think it's a weird thing to see a man like him carrying a camera. ─── 也许是他们看见一个拎着照相机的人,感觉怪怪的。

81、I was woken up in the middle of the night by a weird wailing that made my flesh creep. ─── 半夜里,我被一种鬼叫声惊醒,吓得我毛骨悚然。

82、MQ: I was a weird kid; I had a nervous condition. ─── 传输:我是一个奇怪的孩子,我有一个紧张状况。

83、What do you think is 6's biggest unknown (hidden?) quirk (weird habit)? ─── 你认为6最大的不为人知的怪癖是什么?

84、Weirdo: a very unusual or weird person. Sometimes weirdos can be unsafe to meet. ─── 古怪的人:不平常的或怪异的人。有时候,和古怪的人相见不安全。

85、But perhaps not as nonsensical as some of the other weird stuff out there. ─── 上述观点也许还没有其他一些事情荒谬。

86、This may sound weird to you but I'm telling you it has made a very big and positive difference in every aspect of raising them easier. ─── 对你而言,这听起来可能有点不可思议,但我告诉你它在育儿的各方面都有着重大积极的作用,让你能更轻松应对。

87、Is weird some new ghetto euphemism for sexy, like bad is good and phat is good? ─── |神秘是不是对性的一种新的委婉的说法 就像坏的就是好的 俗的就是好的?

88、Can you taste the weird taste in the soup? ─── 你能尝出汤里有什么怪味吗?

89、Why would I be jealous of some weird actor? ─── 为什么我会是嫉妒的某些古怪的演员?

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