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09-11 投稿


congruity 发音

英:[kənˈɡruːəti]  美:[kənˈɡruːəti]

英:  美:

congruity 中文意思翻译



congruity 网络释义

n. 适合,调和;一致;全等

congruity 短语词组

1、congruity theory ─── 一致性理论

2、congruity syn ─── 一致性同步

3、congruity of parallel tests ─── [建] 平行试验的差别

4、congruity inc Conjunity ─── 公司

5、congruity peo ─── 一致性peo

6、congruity 360 ─── 一致性360

7、congruity pa ─── 一致性pa

8、congruity llc Conjunity ─── 有限责任公司

9、congruity nc ─── 一致性nc

congruity 同义词

fitness | conformity |similarity | correspondence | harmony | coherence | union | compatibility | connection | congruence | congruousness

congruity 词性/词形变化,congruity变形


congruity 反义词


congruity 相似词语短语

1、congruently ─── 适合地,一致地;合谐地

2、continuity ─── n.连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本

3、congruency ─── n.一致(等于congruence);适合

4、discongruity ─── 不协调

5、congruities ─── n.适合,调和;一致;全等

6、incongruity ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

7、conformity ─── n.遵守;符合;一致;信奉英国国教

8、congruing ─── 恭喜

9、contiguity ─── n.邻近,接触

congruity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Original study on effect of tea powder on fat anti-oxidation and flavor congruity of Sichuan-type sausage ─── 茶叶粉对川式香肠抗脂肪氧化及调香作用初探

2、2.As if there is no way to get congruity between flatness and surface roughness, for the control of the latter, larger rolling force during the final pass is expected, while the former stands against. ─── 从带钢的板形控制角度,又不希望使用过大的轧制力,似乎表面粗糙度和板形控制均在成品道次实现存在难于调和的矛盾。

3、But the realization of state justice displays in the very great degree for public and private contradictory well congruity. ─── 而国家正义的实现在很大程度上表现为公私矛盾的调和。

4、The Congruity for Standards and Tests in American New Curriculum Movement ─── 从美国新课程标准运动看测试与标准匹配的策略

5、In allusion to the conflict in solving the precision and constringency speed in genetic algorithm, this paper advances a kind of a new genetic algorithm for self adaptation, symmetry and congruity. ─── 摘要针对遗传算法存在求解精度与收敛速度间的矛盾,提出一种自适应对称调和遗传新算法。

6、lack of congruity or harmony ─── 不一致性缺少一致性或协调性

7、Research on affecting factors in congruity of cut tobacco ─── 烟丝揉和度影响因素探讨

8、congruity of parallel tests ─── 平行试验的差别

9、Democracy is a system not effectively adopted without significant cultural congruity. ─── 没有显著的文化一致性,民主只是一个失效的体系。

10、Lack of congruity or harmony; unsuitability. ─── 不一致性缺少一致性或协调性的;不合适

11、Such a congruity provokes a renewal of the all the Chinese society's perceptions towards the educational approaches as well as the pedagogies employed by its higher education. ─── 这引起了整个社会对于大学教学模式和教学方法的重新认识。

12、As a result of limited resource and defect of management congruity, the company faced difficulty after three years. ─── 由于资源有限,管理系统整合的缺陷,三年后公司陷入了困境。

13、The translation of a poem proves the practicality of such a proposition and the congruity of language and universe. ─── 通过一首诗的翻译说明该命题的现实意义,并佐证音韵与宇宙的同构。

14、By studying the factors which affect the congruity of cut tobacco such as moisture of cut tobacco of cigarettes, the forms of cut stem, depositing time and moisture of mixture. ─── 研究了成品烟丝含水率、梗丝的形态、储存时间以及掺配物的含水率对烟丝揉和度的影响,结果表明:成品烟丝的含水率、烟丝储存时间以及掺配物的含水率与烟丝的揉和度呈正相关;

15、thought and tradional moral consciousness congruity of mettle and flesh (ling rou yi zhi) ─── 灵肉一致

16、Lack of congruity or harmony;unsuitability. ─── 不一致性缺少一致性或协调性的;不合适

17、It was a spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity . ─── 原来它这个地方,能够让爱它的人回忆起来觉得有一种不同寻常、与人无忤的温蔼面目。

18、Application of genetic algorithm for self adaptation, symmetry and congruity in reservoir mid-long hydraulic power operation ─── 自适应对称调和遗传算法在水库中长期发电调度中的应用

19、There is a definite congruity in the candidates' approach to the tax problem. ─── 候选人在对待税收问题的态度上有着明确的共同之处。

20、Application of genetic algorithm for self adaptation, symmetry and congruity in reservoir mid-long hydraulic power operation ─── 自适应对称调和遗传算法在水库中长期发电调度中的应用

21、Congruity is the mother of love. ─── 和谐是爱情之母。

22、There is congruity and appropriateness in this inseparable link. ─── 这不可分开的关系,是适宜的,是对称的。

23、Congruity is the mother of love. ─── 和谐是爱情之母。

24、The congruity of the trilogy can also be ascribed to the fact that the films closely follow Tolkien's novels. ─── 的一致性的三部曲也可以归因于这样一个事实,即电影密切注视托尔金的小说。

25、Keywords : International Ports;Container Transportation;Competitiveness;SWOT Analysis;Fuzzy Congruity Matrix; ─── 国际港口;集装箱运输;竞争力;SWOT分析;模糊一致矩阵;

26、It was spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity. ─── 原来它这个地方,能够让爱它的人回忆起来觉得有一种不同寻常、与人无忤的温蔼面目。

27、43,There will be occasional congruity between prophecy and fact. ─── 43. 预言与事实偶尔会一致。

28、Moral construction of higher schools must be emphasized the congruity of theory and practice, knowing and doing. ─── 高校思想道德建设要做到理论教育与道德实践、与行的统一。

29、principle of congruity ─── 一致性原则

30、the occasional congruity between prophecy and fact ─── 预言与事实之间偶然的一致

31、pattern congruity ─── 模式一致性, 同型性

32、feminist literary criticism;bisexualism;female idiosyncrasy;beyond-sex consciousness;yin and yang congruity;filial piety concept. ─── 10女性主义文学批评,双性同体,女性特质,超性别意识,阴阳调和,孝亲观

33、James Houston pointed out to me once that the decline of real humor is due perhaps to the loss of congruity. ─── 若没有“合情合理”,也就没有“不合情合理”了,后者就是幽默的精髓。

34、symmetric and congruity ─── 对称调和

35、There is a definite congruity in the candidates' approach to the tax problem. ─── 候选人在对待税收问题的态度上有着明确的共同之处。

36、In addition, short-term targets should be kept in congruity with the long-term target. ─── 治理腐败还必须注意阶段性目标和总目标的连续性问题。

37、Brief talk about the relation and congruity between architectural plan and design ─── 浅谈建筑规划与建筑设计的联系与协调

38、The key success factors include the congruity between the information and the individual's perspective. ─── 信息与个人的看法能够调和是知识成功的主要因素.

39、congruity of parallel test ─── 平行试验的一致性

40、congruity theory ─── 协调论

41、VARIANCE: contingency congruity encumbrance usefulness distinctness ─── 矛盾,不一致:

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