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09-11 投稿


retentive 发音

英:[rɪˈtentɪv]  美:[rɪˈtentɪv]

英:  美:

retentive 中文意思翻译



retentive 短语词组

1、anal retentive personality ─── [网络] 肛门保持性个性

2、retentive alloy ─── 硬磁性合金

3、retentive value ─── 保留值

4、retentive agent ─── 固位剂

5、retentive arm ─── [医]辅助稳定臂

6、retentive activity ─── [医]保留活性

7、retentive system ─── 保持系统

8、retentive material ─── 硬磁性材料

9、non-chlorine-retentive ─── [化] 不吸氯的

10、anal retentive ─── [网络] 肛门人格

11、retentive memory ─── 保留记忆

12、retentive magnetism ─── 保持磁性

13、moisture retentive ─── 保湿剂

14、retentive area ─── 保留区

15、retentive timer ─── 保持计时器

16、retentive lock ─── 保持锁

17、retentive terminal ─── 固位端子

18、retentive power ─── 暂留力

19、anal-retentive a. ─── 肛门克制型的(指具有谨小慎微、贪婪, 和固执的性格特征的, 源于与儿童时期克制粪便排泄产生的快感有关而形成的习惯, 态度和价值观)

retentive 同义词

tenacious |absorbent | long | spongy | recollective

retentive 反义词


retentive 词性/词形变化,retentive变形

名词: retentiveness |副词: retentively |

retentive 相似词语短语

1、presentive ─── adj.直示的,直接表示概念的

2、pretensive ─── 自命不凡的(加勒比英语,同pretentious)

3、irretentive ─── adj.不能保持的,无保持力的

4、unretentive ─── adj.无保持力的

5、retreative ─── 退缩的

6、retentively ─── adv.记性好地;保持地

7、detective ─── n.警探;私人侦探;刑侦;adj.侦探的;侦察的

8、preventive ─── adj.预防性的,防备的;防病的;n.预防药,预防疗法

9、attentive ─── adj.注意的;体贴的;留心的

retentive 习惯用语

1、retentively ad. retentiveness n.

2、be retentive of ─── 能保持...的

retentive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、retentive timer ─── 积算定时器

2、Measurements of the Flux Densities of Static Magnetic Fields Generated by Two Types of Dental Magnetic Attachments and Their Retentive Forces ─── 两种牙科磁性附着体静磁场磁通密度和固位力的测定

3、Reliable retentive of complete overdenturewas obtained by using stud-nap attachments and magnetic attachment. ─── 所有修复义齿固位稳定、咀嚼良好。

4、Comfortability, shape- retentive property and abrasion resistant of fabric are enhanced if applied different arrangement of new type yarn. ─── 应用新型纱线进行不同搭配,织物的舒适性、保形性、耐磨性等均有不同程度的提高。

5、He's as finicky as a cat. 10.She's the world's number one fusspot. 11.He's such an anal retentive person. 12.Men don't like women who nag. 13.He's penny-wise and pound-foolish. ─── 9.他像猫那么挑食.10.她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人.11.他过分拘泥小节.12.男人讨厌喋喋不休的女人.13.他小处精明而大处糊涂.

6、retentive of ─── 能保持

7、?bjective: To measure the retentive force of modified RPI clasp. ─── 目的 :测试改良RPI卡环的固位力 ,为临床应用提供实验依据。

8、Rheological properties of photo-polymerized composite resin reinforced with retentive filler ─── 含固位型填料光固化复合树脂的流变特性

9、fulcrum line, retentive ─── 固位支点线

10、be retentive of ─── 能保持 ... 的

11、moisture retentive chemicals ─── 吸湿剂

12、a retentive memory; soils retentive of moisture. ─── 保持记忆;保持湿润的土地。

13、Methods: The retentive force of 10 samples of modified RPI clasps was measured on a human mandible with intact teeth of 7+7 with a multi functional tester(Instron Co.USA). ─── 方法 :采用人离体下颌骨作为模型 ,在垂直脱位力作用下 ,测试改良RPI卡环的固位力 ,并分别与RPA卡环及RPI卡环比较。

14、retentive magnetism ─── 剩磁

15、So, as moisture retentive agent, fucoidan would be well applied in the future. ─── 因此,其作为保湿剂有着一定的应用前景。

16、retentive analeptics ─── 兴奋剂

17、Keywords Chemical Flooding;ASP Compound Flooding;Displacement;Agent;Surfactant;Hydrophobically Associating Polyer Adsorption;Adsorbance;Retentive Quantity;The Static Adsorption;The Dynamic Retention; ─── 化学驱;ASP三元复合驱;驱油剂;表面活性剂;疏水缔合;聚合物;吸附;吸附量;滞留量;静态吸附;动态滞留;

18、The Application Technical Study of Water Retentive Agent for Road Greening ─── 保水剂在公路绿化中的应用技术研究

19、The therapeutic effect of bronchial lavation via bronchoscope under general anesthesia on pneumonia complicated from retentive bronchial foreign body in children ─── 全麻下硬支气管镜灌洗治疗小儿支气管异物并肺炎的疗效分析

20、Concluded that compound rhubarb decoction retent ion-enema may alleviate symptoms in uremia patients. ─── 可见,复方大黄煎剂保留灌肠可缓解尿毒症病人症状。

21、Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal - expulsive or anal - retentive. ─── 肛门性格的在大小便训练过程中产生的性格特征,可分为肛门排泄型和肛门克制型

22、The retentive force of the overdenture was measured with measusing instrument of retentive force of prosthesis. ─── 同时采用修复体测力仪对其中15例患者义齿的固位效果进行定量评价。

23、Keywords bioflocculation;domestic wastewater;solid/liquid separation;sludge retent time;kinetics model; ─── 生物絮凝;生活污水;固液分离;污泥龄;动力学模型;

24、Keywords bioflocculation;domestic wastewater;solid/liquid separation;sludge retent time;biosorption equilibrium;biosorption kinetics; ─── 生物絮凝;生活污水;固液分离;污泥龄;吸附平衡;吸附动力学;

25、Pale ink is better than the most retentive memory. ─── 暗淡的墨水比最好的记忆好多了。

26、Although XML itself is whitespace retentive, most applications normalize whitespace before further processing. ─── 尽管XML本身保留空白,但大多数应用程序会在做进一步处理之前将空白标准化。

27、Clinical application of the retentive pin in different restoration ─── 几种洞型固位钉的临床应用体会

28、The measurement of retentive forces in mandibular complete overdenture with Magfit magnetic attachment[J].West China J Stomatol,2003,21 (5):366-368. ─── Magfit磁性附着体下颌全口覆盖义齿的固位力测定[J].华西口腔医学杂志,2003,21(5):366-368.

29、Research on clinical application of magnetic retentive technology ─── 磁性固位技术的临床应用研究

30、The marginal fits were observed. And the retentive forces were measured. Then the retainers were used in clinic. ─── 观察了边缘适合性,测量了固位力,同时进行了初步临床应用观察。

31、Optesthesia of some students passage excels the sense of hearing , everything gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory; ─── 有的学生的视觉通道胜过听觉,凡事过目不忘;

32、Fibrous ridges pose a prosthodontic challenge for the achievement of stable and retentive dental prostheses. ─── 纤维性牙槽嵴修复的固位和稳定性充满挑战。

33、Results: All three designs could obtain good retentive effect, specially implant-mucosa supporting and implant supporting designs, which were of more better stability and supporting effect; ─── 结果: 3种设计均可达到良好的固位效果,其中混合支持式和种植体支持式的稳定、支持效果更好;

34、retentive memory ─── 强记

35、retentive activity ─── 保留活性

36、Retentive always " eat mess " , " equalitarianism " means, your cadre worker is having " had worked to work bad an appearance, dry much drier little an appearance " feeling; ─── 一贯保持的“吃大锅饭”、“平均主义”方式,令干部职工有着“干好干坏一个样、干多干少一个样”的感觉;

37、The Effect of the Retentive form in Repairing Wedge-shaped Defect with the Light-cured Composite Resin ─── 光固化树脂修复楔状缺损的固位研究

38、moisture retentive ─── adj. 吸湿的

39、Also the authors propose that hot water circulation might be retentive in vertical mains of central hot water system. ─── 提倡在集中热水供应系统中保证干立管热水循环。

40、Retentive force ─── 磁性固位力

41、Objective To exploit a new type prosthetic retentiometer as an accurate and quantitative means for research of prosthetic retentive force. ─── 目的开发新型修复体固位力测试仪,为修复体固位力研究提供精确定量手段。

42、It is essential precondition to improve retentive continuous unilateral entrance to realize high yield high efficient. ─── 提高单进保接续是矿井实现高产高效必不可少的前提条件。

43、Loading memory and retentive memory of different sizes in the MMC. ─── MMC中不同容量的装入存储器和记忆性存储器。

44、Article 50 Should an auction target have no retentive price, an auctioneer shall make this clear before an auction. ─── 第五十条拍卖标的无保留价的,拍卖师应当在拍卖前予以说明。

45、Attention: The hair flexibility of natural air is good, the flower that coils plays dry effect than blower retentive time should grow. ─── 注重:自然晾干的头发弹性好,卷上的花比吹风机吹干的效果保持的时间要长。

46、Luke had an amazingly retentive memory. ─── 卢克记忆力惊人。

47、flexibility of retentive ─── 固位卡弹性

48、He was acutely observant and had a retentive memory. He was particularly good at capturing images and had an eye for minute detail. ─── 他具有敏锐的观察力,记忆力特别强,能准确地捕捉形象。

49、Objective To explore the curative effects of smecta retentive enema for children acute diarrhoea. ─── 目的探讨应用思密达保留灌肠治疗小儿急性腹泻病的疗效。

50、retentive index ─── 保留指数

51、retentive undercut ─── 固位倒凹

52、Retentive enema ─── 保留灌肠

53、anal retentive ─── adj. 肛门滞留人格的, n. 肛门滞留人格,弗洛伊德精神分析理论中提到的幼儿在肛门期时,因父母过于重视对其排便的训练,而在日后养成的过于重视细节的性格

54、. Methods Sampling by silica gel, the samples were desorbed by methanol or heat, separated by Carbowax-20 M or Zorbax-ODS column, examined by FID or UVD, and quantified by high peak and qualitatively measured by its retentive time. ─── 方法 采用硅胶采样 ,样品经甲醇解吸或热解吸 ,Carbowax 2 0M或Zorbax ODS柱分离 ,氢火焰离子化检测器或紫外吸收检测器检测 ,以保留时间定性峰高定量。

55、Article 28 An trustee has the right to set the retentive price of an auction target to the auctioneer. ─── 第二十八条委托人有权确定拍卖标的的保留价并要求拍卖人保密。

56、retentive alloy ─── 硬磁性合金

57、moisture- retentive ─── 保湿

58、Study on Relationship between Hair Iron Level and Visual Retentive Memory in Children ─── 儿童发锌的含量与视觉保持记忆关系的探讨

59、retentive power ─── 暂留力

60、The Measurement of Retentive Force of Laser-melted and Cast Post-keepers of Magfit Magnetic Attachments ─── Magfit磁性附着体铸接式和焊接式衔铁口外磁性固位力的测定

61、A good terminal design will let people have a very retentive memory and stimulate their purchasing desire. ─── 一个好的终端设计能让你过目不忘给人带来一种强烈的购买欲望。

62、the outcome of examination in 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years showed that PFMRPD was esthetic, comfortable, stable, hygienic and strongly retentive as an improved RPD. ─── 戴用 1月、6月、1年、2年的检查结果表明PFMRPD具有美观、舒适、坚固耐用、卫生、固位力强等优点。

63、He has a very retentive memory. ─── 他有非常强的记忆力。

64、To measure the retentive force of short buccal retentive arm-distal guiding plate hard retainer, and provide requisite data for its clinical application. ─── 测试颊侧短固位臂-远中邻面板硬固位体的固位力,为临床应用提供实验依据。

65、a retentive memory ─── 好记性

66、Also the authors propose that hot water circulation might be retentive in vertical mains of central hot water system. ─── 提倡在集中热水供应系统中保证干立管热水循环。

67、Retentive filler ─── 固位型填料

68、retentive soil ─── 持水土壤

69、retentive materia ─── 硬磁性材料

70、He is a scholar who has wide learning and a retentive memory. ─── 他是一位博闻强记的学者。

71、water retentive portland cement ─── 保水性波特兰水泥

72、Keywords Dental materials;Composite resin;Retentive filler;Viscoelasticity;Manipulation property; ─── 牙科材料;复合树脂;固位型填料;黏弹性;操作性能;

73、a retentive memory. ─── 强记忆力

74、water retentive agent ─── 保水剂

75、Study of invert sugar used as moisture - retentive agent ─── 用转化糖作保湿剂的研究

76、Gungor MA, Artunc C, Sonugelen M. Parameters affecting retentive force of conus crowns. J Oral Rehabil 2004;31(3):271 -7 ─── 张富强,杨宠莹,高素娟.套筒冠可摘义齿对支持组织的应力分布研究[J].中华口腔医学,1994,29(1):13-5

77、Retentive force of modified RPI clasp ─── 可摘局部义齿改良RPI卡环固位力测试

78、He was acutely observant and had a retentive memory. He was particularly good at capturing images and had an eye for minute detail. ─── 他具有敏锐的观察力,记忆力特别强,能准确地捕捉形象。

79、Objective:To evaluate the effects of different cements on retentive strengths between abutment and base crown. ─── 目的:比较四种粘固剂对种植体钛基桩与金瓷(非贵金属)基底冠之间粘结力的影响。

80、retentive circumferential clasp arm ─── 固位性的环形卡卡臂

81、So, the article suggest that the future civil code ordainthe the retent of title of corporation credit, the specific regulation enact the retent of consumer credit. ─── 因此,本文建议将来制定民法典时对企业信用的所有权保留作出规定,对消费信用的所有权保留以单行法加以规范。

82、a substance retentive of moisture ─── 保持湿气的物质

83、a retentive soil ─── 能保持住水分的土壤

84、low water retentive portland cement ─── 低湿度硅酸盐水泥

85、Mr. Qian Zhongshu was a great scholar of wide reading and a remarkably retentive memory. ─── 钱钟书先生是一个博闻强记的大学者。

86、Is good intention affection how retentive? ─── 好心情是怎么样保持的?

87、Keywords magnetic attachments;laser welding;welded interface;magnetic retentive forces; ─── 关键词激光焊接;衔铁;坡口;焊接参数;

88、have wide learning and a retentive memory; have encyclopaedic knowledge ─── 博闻强识

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