uncooked 发音
英:[ˌʌnˈkʊkt] 美:[ˌʌnˈkʊkt]
英: 美:
uncooked 中文意思翻译
uncooked 反义词
uncooked 词性/词形变化,uncooked变形
名词: unconvincingness |副词: unconvincingly |
uncooked 短语词组
1、uncooked egg ─── 生鸡蛋
2、uncooked meat ─── 生肉
3、uncooked food ─── 生食
4、uncooked rice ─── 上撒生米
5、uncooked fish ─── 生鱼
uncooked 同义词
implausible | improbable | unlikely | incredible | flimsy | unimpressive | inconceivable | weak |unbelievable | lame | feeble | vain | unsuccessful
uncooked 相似词语短语
1、unlooked ─── 未经调查的;没有检查过的
2、unbooked ─── 未预约的
3、unchoked ─── v.疏通,清除障碍(unchoke的过去式和过去分词)
4、uncorked ─── adj.没有拔塞的;密封的;v.泄漏;透露;发泄;拔去塞子;(运动中)进行(踢)(非正式)
5、outcooked ─── 熟透的
6、uncocked ─── 散开干草堆
7、uncolored ─── adj.不夸张的;本色的;未着色的
8、unhooked ─── vt.解开;从钩上取下;vi.把钩松开
9、uncooled ─── adj.未冷却的,未冷凝的
uncooked 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Study on sorghum liquor brewed by "fermentation with uncooked materials and two kinds of starters" ─── "双曲生料发酵"酿制高粱烧酒的研究
2、Humans may also become infected with RVF by ingesting the unpasteurized or uncooked milk or meat of infected animals. ─── 摄入未经高温消毒或未煮过的牛奶或食用受感染动物的肉,都可能使人感染裂谷热。
3、Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks. ─── 把切好的生甘蓝片放到菠菜上,然后撒上青蒜。
4、Approaches to Reducing the Use Level of Saccharifying Enzyme in the Fermentation of Uncooked Materials for Producing Alcohol ─── 无蒸煮酒精发酵中降低糖化酶用量的途径及措施
5、Uncooked cabbage, cut sim thinly, is using used in coleslaw and other salarssalads. ─── 生卷心菜,切成细丝,可以用来做卷心菜沙拉或其它的沙拉。
6、Studied on "Two Variety of Distiller's Yeasts Uncooked Material Fermentation Method" about Mixed Cereals ─── "双曲生料发酵"酿制混合谷物酒的研究
7、And most foods, cooked or uncooked, are destroyed in the deep freeze for all people of sense an sensibility. ─── 大多数的食物无论是生是熟,对所有具有理性和感觉的人来说经过低温冷藏后就全完了。
8、A new method of fermentation with uncooked materials was studied in this paper. ─── 摘要研究了一种新的生料酿酒发酵方法。
9、The factors influencing uncooked materials fermentation including the ratio of materials to water, initial pH value, and the use level of zymin and dry yeast etc. ─── 将大米直接投入水中,加入淀粉水解酶、黄酒麦曲、干酵母,生料发酵酿制黄酒。
10、Rehmannia can be subdivided into three groups:uncooked rehmannia,fresh rehmannia and cooked rehmannia. ─── 地黄分生地黄、鲜地黄、熟地黄。
11、Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in coleslaw and other salads. ─── 没有煮过的卷心菜,切细细的,可以做凉拌卷心菜和其他的沙拉。
12、A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin.An abundance of avidin in the duct can result in a deficiency of biotin. ─── 抗生物素蛋白卵清中发现的一种蛋白质,它可与生物素结合并使生物素活性减低。导管中抗生物素蛋白过量可导至生物素的缺乏
13、Do not allow hogs to eat uncooked carcasses of other animals, including rats, which may be infected with trichinellosis. ─── 久而久之,就被回教徒认为“不可以吃猪肉,上苍不准许回教徒吃猪肉”。
14、Uncooked cabbage, cut simmly its thinly, is used in * coleslaw and other salarssalads. ─── 泡菜在它自己的汁中发酵。
15、Do you have any uncooked dumplings to take out? ─── 你们有生的水饺可以外带吗?
16、For whole and uncooked tomatoes, wash them, core them, and pop them into a plastic baggie or freezer-safe container. ─── 处理整个生西红柿,先洗净,去核,把它们放进塑料袋或是冰柜内。
17、Ethanol fermentation from uncooked ground corn ─── 玉米生料酒精发酵
18、In contrast, uncooked foods like nuts and fruit retain their healthful qualities and are easier for the body to process, promoting the immune system and slowing the aging process. ─── 再者,没被烹煮过的坚果和水果能够保留它们有益的成分,让人体更容易吸收它们,并提高免疫能力和减慢老化速度。
19、There should be different area for the uncooked food and cooked food to prevent cross contamination. ─── 生、熟食品销售地点应保持一定距离,不得在同一区域内销售,防止交叉污染。
20、The molds having saccharifying enzyme capable of dehydrolyzing uncooked starch are Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus awamori,Rhizopus and endomycopsis fibuligera etc. ─── 具有水解生淀粉能力的糖化酶的霉菌包括黑曲霉、泡盛曲霉、根霉、罗尔伏格菌和扣囊拟内孢霉等。
21、James Mi recalls that this was because the Google founders had recently gotten sick from uncooked food in India and were being cautious. ─── (詹姆斯米解释说那是因为谷歌的创始人曾在印度食用未煮熟的食物而生病,所以对此很是谨慎)。
22、Application of Various Enzyme Preparations on Ethanol Fermentation of Uncooked Corn Grits at High Temperature ─── 各种酶制剂用于玉米生料高温发酵试验
23、They should be especially careful around uncooked meat, domestic animals, human excrement and lake or river water. ─── 他们应对未煮熟的肉类、家养动物、人类粪便和湖泊或河流的水特别注意。
24、solid-state fermentation with uncooked corn ─── 固态生料发酵
25、Cooked poultry is probably the best choice. Uncooked meat brings with it the same safety concerns as uncooked fish or eggs. ─── 煮熟的禽肉可以说是最好的选择,但生肉的话,跟生鱼及生鸡蛋一样会带来安全隐患。
26、Keywords fuel ethanol;paddy;fermentation of uncooked material;ethanol fermentation;phytase; ─── 燃料酒精;稻谷;生料发酵;酒精发酵;植酸酶;
27、They should be especially careful around uncooked meat, domestic animals, human excrement and lake or river water. ─── 他们应特别小心生肉、家畜、人类粪便和湖水或河水。
28、The meat tastes strange with onion salt and on top of that it's still uncooked. ─── 洋葱盐使肉味变得很怪,此外肉还没熟。
29、But don't overcook cabbage, as only uncooked cabbage can do you good. ─── 不过,不要长时间烹调卷心菜,生吃才有防癌功效。
30、Keywords early-season indica rice;uncooked material fermentation;fueling ethanol;fermental technic; ─── 早籼稻;生料发酵;燃料酒精;发酵工艺;
31、We could produce potable spirit with uncooked grains as raw materials and saled enzyme as ferment which resembles liquor produced by cooked grains. ─── 以生米为原料,市售酶制剂为发酵剂,可以酿制类似熟料的饮料酒。
32、Keywords liquor;fermentation with uncooked materials;koji for uncooked materials;production technology; ─── 关键词白酒;生料发酵;生料酒曲;生产工艺;
33、Then, wipe the phone gently with a towel, and shove it into a jar full of uncooked rice. ─── 然后小心地用毛巾包住手机,并放入装满生米的罐头瓶里。
34、Roasts Allow 34 pound (uncooked) per serving for bone-in roasts such as blade chuck roasts or rump roasts and 12 pound (uncooked) per serving for boneless roasts such as sirloin tip or heel of round. ─── 烤肉像牛肩排或后臀肉这种含骨烤肉每份食物为34磅(未烹调的),像后腰通脊肉或臀根部肉这种无骨烤肉,每份食物为l2磅(未烹调的)。
35、On cooks the Uncooked cabbage, cut slimlythinly, it's is used in cold slaw coleslaw and other salads. ─── 未烧过的卷心菜切细,常用于凉拌卷心菜或其他色拉。
36、A salad bar has a dizzying variety of uncooked vegetables, pickled salads, cold fish, and cheese. Putting together your own choices makes sense but you also don't have to wait to be serwd. ─── 沙拉餐柜有令人眼花镜乱的各种各样的新鲜蔬菜、泡菜、冷鱼、奶酪等,顾客按自己口味自选自配,不必等人招待。
37、From nutriology angle embarking, the yellow melon skin contains the nutrient to be rich, must retain eats uncooked. ─── 从营养学角度出发,黄瓜皮所含营养素丰富,应当保留生吃。
38、Study on alcoholic fermentation with uncooked corn flour in external circumfluent fermentor ─── 外环流式发酵罐用于玉米生料酒精发酵的研究
39、Uncooked cabbages,cut thinly,is used in coleslaw and other salads. ─── 将生的卷心菜切成细丝,可以做成甘蓝沙拉和其他的沙拉。
40、Keywords uncooked corn flour;alcoholic fermentation;compulsory circulation;external circumfluent fermentor; ─── 玉米生料;酒精发酵;强制循环;外环流式发酵罐;
41、Home kitchens are a common source of contamination, as pathogens from uncooked eggs, meat and egetables find their way onto countertops, utensils and cleaning tools. ─── 家庭的厨房是传染的普遍来源,像没有煮熟蛋病原体、肉类和蔬菜的病原体常在背面,还有炊具和洗涤工具。
42、Health Department officials say the food poisoning was related to cross contamination of cooked and uncooked food. ─── 卫生署相信,今次食物中毒是与生熟食物交差污染有关。
43、英文摘要 : The effects of the backset ratio of thin stillage and the use of protease on the fermentation of uncooked materials to produce ethanol were investigated. ─── 摘要 : 研究了在生料发酵生产酒精时,清液回配比例和蛋白酶使用对发酵的影响。
44、That's after concerns about salmonella food poisoning linked to some uncooked varieties. ─── 此举是处于对生食品中沙门氏菌污染的顾虑。
45、Grab a handful of uncooked rice ─── 弓形腿的小孩抓了一把生米
46、Avoid adding uncooked spring union when taking congee. Keep cooked and uncooked food separately in the refrigerator. ─── 吃粥时,应避免加上未经煮过的生。
47、The fish is served au naturel, uncooked and with nothing added. ─── 这条鱼是生吃的,未经蒸煮,也没加任何调味品。
48、Uncooked cabbagecussently , cut thinly, is used in cousor coleslaw and other salads. ─── 没有煮过的卷心菜,可以切成细条来做凉拌卷心菜或者其他沙拉。
49、Keywords liqour;liquor-making with uncooked materials;technology; ─── 关键词白酒;生料酿酒;工艺;
50、The Wasabi paste is essential flavoring for eatting uncooked fish flake in japan. ─── 在日本做为生鱼片必用的调料。
51、Studies on two variety of distiller's yeasts uncooked material fermentation method for corn liquor ─── 双曲生料发酵酿制玉米烧酒的研究
52、Make sure you and your parents keep cooked foods separate from uncooked foods. ─── 你和你的父母一定要将已烹饪和未烹饪的食物分开。
53、A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin. An abundance of avidin in the duct can result in a deficiency of biotin. ─── 抗生物素蛋白卵清中发现的一种蛋白质,它可与生物素结合并使生物素活性减低。导管中抗生物素蛋白过量可导至生物素的缺乏。
54、uncooked perishable food ─── 未经烹煮而且容易腐坏的食物
55、In Guan Du Town, I was so hungry, in noisy market, looked for cooked food, but no results, so many uncooked oysters to be sold, so rode ahead. ─── 在官渡镇就很饿了,在热闹的集市里转了下,卖生蚝的很多,根本没卖熟食的,继续向前走。
56、Uncooked cabbagecan ? if ? or another ?, cut thinly, is used in coleslaw and other salads. ─── 未煮的卷心菜,切细之后,就可以用在卷心菜色拉和其他色拉上。
57、Uncooked meat soon goes off in this hot weather unless it is kept in a refrigerator. ─── 如果不放在冰箱里的话,生肉在这样的大热天里很快就会变质。
58、This dish is certainly more delicious than the French uncooked mussels. ─── 法国人那种生吃法,还是算了吧!
59、Keywords pernicious anemia;uncooked bovine liver;coincidence;history of science and technology; ─── 恶性性贫血;生牛肝;巧合;科技史;
60、Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cold slaw coleslaw and other salads. ─── 不烹煮的卷心菜可以切薄,用来做凉拌卷心菜或者其他沙拉。
61、Keywords liquor-making with uncooked materials;koji;distillation;blending;cross-streaming; ─── 关键词生料酿酒;酒曲;蒸馏;勾调;串蒸;
62、Fermentation by Uncooked materials ─── 无蒸煮发酵
63、avoid cold and uncooked food ─── 忌生冷
64、After the ceremony (which always includes a kiss) the couple is often showered with handfuls of uncooked rice, thrown by friends and family. ─── 婚礼仪式总少不了接吻一项,仪式后新娘、新郎的朋友和家人经常向小两口头上撒一把把生米。
65、Their digestive system utilizes stronger amino acids for digesting uncooked meats, lichens, and fungus that would be poisonous to humans. ─── 他们的消化系统利用较强的氨基酸液来消化生肉、苔藓和对人类有毒的真菌。
66、Biosecurity Australiahas confirmedit is assessing the risks associated with importing uncooked chicken meat from a number of countries, including Thailand. ─── 澳洲生物安全局已经完成对亚洲几个国家进口未经煮过的鸡肉风险测试,包括泰国进口的鸡肉。
67、And most foods , cooked or uncooked , are destroyed in the deep freeze for all people of sense an sensibility . ─── 大多数的食物无论是生是熟,对所有具有理性和感觉的人来说经过低温冷藏后就全完了。
68、Add a few grains of uncooked rice to a salt shaker to prevent the salt from caking (the rice absorbs moisture). ─── 添加一点点未煮过的米到盐瓶里来防止盐结块(米会吸收湿气)。
69、Application of Shochu Koji in the Fermentation of Alcohol with Uncooked White Rice as Its Essentials ─── 烧酒白曲用于生料白米酒精发酵的研究
70、Study on Rice Wine Produced by "Uncooked Material Fermentation by Two Starters" ─── "双曲生料发酵"酿制大米酒的研究
71、uncooked corn ─── 免蒸煮玉米
72、An investigation by Texas and New Mexico health authorities and the Indian Health Service tied those cases to uncooked, raw, large tomatoes. ─── 德克萨斯和新墨西哥卫生当局和印第安那卫生局进行了这项调查,调查将中毒原因指向了未烹制的、生的、大个西红柿。
73、A 47-year-old male had the habit of drinking uncooked fresh deer’s blood and unpasteurized deer’s milk. ─── 在一次急性的腹痛造成他必须接受紧急剖腹手术,病理发现为结核性肠炎及结肠穿孔。
74、frozen peeled shrimp uncooked ─── 冻生小虾仁
75、Inspection method of frozen uncooked peeled shrimp for export ─── 出口冻生小虾仁检验方法
76、German authorities are still warning not to eat those vegetables uncooked, and consumers seem to be heeding that warning. ─── 德国当局仍警告人们不要食用生的蔬菜,消费者似乎听从了警告。
77、Students bring their own uncooked rice to school. Teachers steam rice for them. Every student pays 50 cents each meal for the course served. The course at that day was Tofu. ─── 学生日常饮食:学生需自行从家带米来校,由老师替他们放在锅中蒸,菜由老师煮,每人每餐5毛钱.采访当天的菜是豆腐.
78、Uncooded Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in coleslaw and other salads. ─── 没经蒸煮过的卷心菜,切成一丝丝的可以被用来做凉拌卷心菜和别的色拉。
79、Feeding of uncooked table scraps on the farm is a source of infection in small herds ─── 在牧场中喂饲未煮熟的厨房废肉是小猪群的一个传染来源。
80、The immobilized yeast was used in liquor production by uncooked materials.Its fermentation performance was stable in 20 batches of production and liquor yield could reach up to 74.9 %. ─── 将固定化酵母应用于生料酿制白酒生产中,经20个批次的使用,其发酵性能稳定,原料出酒率达74.9 %。
81、After the ceremony (which always includes a kiss) the couple is often showered with handfuls of uncooked rice, thrown by friends and family. ─── 婚礼仪式总少不了接吻一项,仪式后新娘、新郎的朋友和家人经常向小两口头上撒一把把生米。
82、You can’t really go wrong, because they can be uncooked and frozen whole, sliced, diced, chopped or pureed. ─── 不会错的,因为生西红柿可以被整个冷冻, 也可以切片,丁,或菜泥后冷冻。
83、Ramstam: Reduced meats food, but may eat the fish, and eats uncooked as far as possible; ─── 固执者: 减少肉类食物,但可多吃鱼,并尽量生吃;
84、Study on Alcohol Fermentation by Uncooked Corn Flour ─── 玉米原料无蒸煮发酵酒精工艺的研究
85、Uncooked meat may contain organisms such as the Escherichia coli bacteria, also known as E. coli. ─── 未煮熟的肉可能含有如大肠杆菌这样的有机体。
86、Cakes and joints of meat remained uncooked in cooling ovens. ─── 蛋糕和肉块在冷却炉中,还未烹饪。
87、If the frog sees a particle moving with constant velocity, the bird sees a straight strand of uncooked spaghetti. ─── 如果蛙看到一个粒子等速前进,鸟看到的就是一根笔直的生义大利面条。
88、uncooked corn flour ─── 玉米生料
89、Biosecurity Australia has confirmed it is assessing the risks associated with importing uncooked chicken meat from a number of countries, including Thailand. ─── 澳洲生物安全局已经完成对亚洲几个国家进口未经煮过的鸡肉风险测试,包括泰国进口的鸡肉。
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