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compulsorily 发音

英:[kəmˈpʌlsərəli]  美:[kəmˈpʌlsərəli]

英:  美:

compulsorily 中文意思翻译



compulsorily 词性/词形变化,compulsorily变形

名词: compulsoriness |名词复数: compulsories |副词: compulsorily |

compulsorily 同义词

unavoidable | mandatory | obligatory | necessary |required | enforced | imperative | compelled | essential | forcible | forced

compulsorily 短语词组

1、compulsorily synonym ─── 强制同义词

2、compulsorily means ─── 强制手段

3、compulsorily acquired ─── 强制取得

4、compulsorily meaning ─── 强制意义

5、compulsorily def ─── 强制定义

6、compulsorily define ─── 强制定义

compulsorily 反义词

optional | convex | voluntary |elective

compulsorily 相似词语短语

1、compulsing ─── 强制

2、compulsatory ─── 强制者

3、compulsoriness ─── n.强制;强迫

4、compulsative ─── 强迫性的

5、compulsivity ─── n.强迫性

6、compulsively ─── adv.强制地,强迫地

7、compulsionist ─── 强迫者

8、compulsion ─── n.强制;强迫;强制力

9、compulsory ─── adj.义务的;必修的;被强制的;n.(花样滑冰、竞技体操等的)规定动作

compulsorily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But you want to compulsorily let people the small iron pillar is to your knead, that how compulsive? ─── 但是你要强制让人给你按摩小铁柱,那要怎么强制?

2、{0>4.the protected person was in custody, detained, sheltered, observed and abstained, compulsorily abstained or was removed to prison or penitentiary. ─── 四受保护人因案经羁押、鑑定留置、收容、观察勒戒、强制戒治或移送监狱或保安处分处所执行者。

3、unless authorized by law , no data user may compulsorily require an individual to furnish a copy of his identity card. ─── 除获法律授权外,资料使用者不能强制要求任何个人提供身分证副本。

4、One compulsorily enrolled for service,especially in the armed forces;a draftee. ─── 被征募者强迫加入服役的人,尤指加入军队;应征入伍者

5、The ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied.. ─── 部长认为,赠给这笔基金的捐款应该通过自愿捐款的方式而不是通过强制征收的方法。

6、Enrolled compulsorily; drafted. ─── 被征募入伍的被迫登记的; 被征的

7、Serum Antibody Surveillance and Analysis in the Compulsorily Immunized Livestock and Poultry ─── 畜禽强制免疫血清抗体监测分析报告

8、If I am accepted, it is surely best to be one of the first out, before the market is flooded by all those who have been kicked out compulsorily. ─── 如果申请被接受了,那么在第一批离开无疑最好不过,趁市场中尚未挤满了被强制解雇的人。

9、Article 5 An operator shall not rely on its market predominance to compulsorily define the resale price when supplying commodities to its distributors. ─── 第五条经营者不得凭借市场支配地位,在向经销商提供商品时强制限定其转售价格。

10、The Official Receiver's Office administers the estates of individual bankrupts and companies ordered to be compulsorily wound up by the Court of First Instance of the High Court. ─── 破产管理署负责管理个别破产人的财产,以及由香港高等法院原讼法庭颁令强制清盘的公司的资产。

11、But I dare not have you work compulsorily,and I will connect with you and show my appreciation again!!! ─── 但实在不敢劳兄义务劳动,不过我会与兄再联系的,再次深深表示由衷的感谢!!!

12、publish compulsorily ─── 强制发表

13、If there is one thing to take away from Ulcerate Compulsorily it's that China is not as behind as most would think.That and killing with glee is a universal theme, or so the sound leads me to believe. ─── 凌迟作为古代酷刑中最为残忍的刑法之一早已被废止数百年,然而公元2005在中国出现了一支以此为名的残酷死亡乐队。

14、This 17 years, the construction of the Xiamen almost zero for the high odds and insurance income to compulsorily purchase the property buyers mortgage insurance is very fail. ─── 这17年来,厦门建行几近零的理赔率和高额的保险收入,使被强制购买房贷险的购房者很是看不透。

15、symbol is not required compulsorily to be printed on visible obverse side of product taking function and beauty factors into concern. ─── 考虑到功能、产品美观等因素,标识并未强制要求贴在产品的正面明显位置。

16、Enrolled compulsorily;drafted. ─── 被征募入伍的被迫登记的;被征的

17、ISM Code which will take effect compulsorily and completely on 1 July 2002 provide an international standard for safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. ─── ism规则旨在提供船舶安全管理与营运和防止污染的国际标准,ism规则将于2002年7月1日全面强制性实施并对船公司国际海上货物运输合同权利义务产生重要影响。

18、But I dare not have you work compulsorily , and I will connect with you and show my appreciation again! ! ! ─── 但实在不敢劳兄义务劳动,不过我会与兄再联系的,再次深深表示由衷的感谢!!!

19、Opposition to the alleged rash advance meant not only halting the expansion but compulsorily dissolving (or "axing") large numbers of co-operatives already set up, thus rousing dissatisfaction among the cadres and peasant masses. ─── 所谓反冒进,不但是停止发展,而且是成批地强迫解散(或者“砍掉”)了已经建成的合作社,引起了干部和农民群众的不满意。

20、Over 600 workers were made compulsorily redundant. ─── 600 多名工人遭到强制性裁员。

21、On making a contract compulsorily ─── 论强制缔约

22、That bankers are suffering from a risk deficit: their working lives have been derisked compulsorily and this could be a way of compensating by adding risk to their private lives. ─── 银行家们正遭受风险失衡:在工作上他们已经被迫进行风险决策,在私生活上再加点风险可能是保持平衡的一个途径。

23、In the event that such time period shall be found to be contrary to any law compulsorily applicable , the period prescribed by such law shall then apply but in that circumstance only. ─── 如遗失或损坏不明显,应在交货后三天之内向运送人开具书面货载遗失或损坏通知书。

24、forcible, forcibly, by force, mandatory, compulsorily ─── 强制的。强迫的。强制性的。

25、(3) having no records of administrative detention, sheltering and education, giving up drug-taking compulsorily, sheltering and reeducation, reeducation through labour and criminal penalties; ─── (enforced abstention from drug/ detoxification) (三)没有行政拘留、收容教育、强制戒毒、收容教养、劳动教养和刑事处罚记录;

26、1) Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them. ─── (一)一类疫病,是指对人畜危害严重、需要采取紧急、严厉的强制预防、控制、扑灭措施的;

27、make a contract compulsorily ─── 强制缔约

28、In general,most of contracts can be compulsorily implemented,but most of agreements can not. ─── 一般情况下,协议多数是没有法律强制力的,而合同多数是有法律上的强制执行力。

29、WTO is fulfilled compulsorily should rise with form a complete set of domestic economy reform, is not pure ground undertakes home is reformed for obligation. ─── WTO义务的履行要与国内经济改革配套起来 ,而不是单纯地为义务而进行国内改革。

30、The number of bank accounts that are closed compulsorily has been increasing rapidly. ─── 被强制结清的银行账户的数量一直在快速地增长。

31、No department or entity shall compulsorily undertake projects with reasons of trade or profession, etc. ─── 任何部门和单位不得以行业、专业等为理由强行承接工程。

32、Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication ─── 搭配销售出版物和强行推销出版物的;擅自更改出版物版权页的

33、Residential property management organizations are developers themselves, owners can choose only compulsorily acceptance; ─── 小区物业管理都是开发商自己组织的,业主无从选择,只能被强制接受;

34、What you see is the frustration of many who came here in search of a dream that has been compulsorily interrupted. ─── 你能看到的就是许多人来此寻梦,但是梦却被强迫打断的挫折感。

35、Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication; ─── 出版物市场管理规定部门规定搭配销售出版物和强行推销出版物的;擅自更改出版物版权页的;

36、Land requisition, to a government, is the requirement of public interests.The government compulsorily collects collective land and compensates the individuals according to legal formalities. ─── 摘要土地征收是指为了公共利益的需要,由国家将集体土地强制性征归国有并按法定程序给予被征地集体或个人一定补偿的行为。

37、Effectively and compulsorily provide extra nutrition and moisture; ─── 强效压迫式提供额外营养及补水成份,迅速解决干燥问题。

38、He was compulsorily retired as incompetent. ─── 他以无能为由而被迫退休。

39、Whoever refuses to be summoned or avoids summons without good reasons shall be summoned compulsorily. ─── 对无正当理由不接受传唤或者逃避传唤的,公安机关可以强制传唤。

40、The system requires all dealers in Darjeeling tea to compulsorily enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board India and pay an annual license fee. ─── 该制度要求,所有大吉岭茶经销商必须与印度茶叶委员会签订许可协议,并且每年缴付许可费。

41、To enroll compulsorily into service; draft. ─── 征兵被强迫征募服役; 征兵

42、For this, there were some pilot cities firstly to carry out medical liability insurance compulsorily, this model received good results. ─── 针对此,我国一些城市率先试点开展医疗强制责任保险,此种模式获得了很好的成效,就其中较有特色的地区及效果做一简要介绍。

43、one compulsorily enrolled for service,especially in the armed forces; a draftee ─── 被征募者;强迫加入服役的人,尤指加入军队;应征入伍者

44、Why this phenomena lasts so long time?The author thinks that no provisions on system of witness compulsorily appearing in court and no relevant safeguard is the main cause. ─── 为何这种现象长期得不到解决?笔者认为这与我国缺乏强制证人出庭作证的规定及相关保障制度密切相关。

45、compulsorily abolishing death penalty ─── 强制性死刑废除

46、Imposing discharge fee is a compulsorily economic measure in environmental management. ─── 排污收费是国家环境管理的重要经济手段,具有强制性。

47、The benefit analysis of greening slope quickly and compulsorily with hydroseeding methed ─── 坡面液压喷播快速强制绿化的效益分析

48、Whoever refuses to be summoned or avoids summons without good reasons shall be summoned compulsorily. ─── 对无正当理由不接受传唤或者逃避传唤的,公安机关可以强制传唤。

49、One compulsorily enrolled for service, especially in the armed forces; a draftee. ─── 被征募者强迫加入服役的人,尤指加入军队;应征入伍者

50、owners in property management disputes, and has been considered to be compulsorily bully the vulnerable, especially when the owner to separate identity to combat the weak is weak. ─── 业主在物业管理的争议中,一直认为是被强制和欺压的弱势群体,特别是当业主以单独身份去作战时更是弱者中的弱者了。

51、If a subject of labor can't own the five layers of property rights to the labor, it can be concluded that the rights are compulsorily cut apart. ─── 当劳动力主体不能完全拥有这五层次的产权时,即存在着对劳动力产权的强制分割,这种分割的具体差别也就构成了不同基本经济制度之间的本质区别。

52、To enroll compulsorily into service;draft. ─── 被征募入伍的被迫登记的;

53、Another special characteristic of GDPZ is that all the freshmen are compulsorily required to have a whole year intensive English training. ─── 而且新生入学第一年,都必须进行强化英语训练。

54、While the state exercises powers to compulsorily acquire lands for public interest, some of these acquisitions have not been demonstrably public. ─── 尽管国家行使权力强制征用土地以服务公众利益,但是,以这征用土地中有些显然并不是公用土地。

55、The housing accumulation fund, as a long-term reserved fund, should be compulsorily paid by both employees and employing units. ─── 摘要住房公积金是单位和职工必须缴纳的长期住房储备金,具有保障性、强制性、专属性、互助性的特点。

56、Where the vessel sinks in the harbour or the waterway with cargo on board, the wreck should be removed compulsorily by the harbor authority according to the relevant law of P. ─── 当沉船货物随船被强制打捞起浮后,会涉及到打捞费用承担主体及货物保险人地位的问题。

57、workers were made compulsorily redundant. ─── 名工人遭到强制性裁员。

58、All the partner's share of property in the partnership is compulsorily executed by a people's court. ─── 合伙人在合伙企业中的全部财产份额被人民法院强制执行。

59、Abstract The DSB has virtually jurisdicted the trade disputes between the WTO members compulsorily because of the adoption of the decision-making method negative consensus in DSU. ─── 摘要:由于“反向协商一致”决策方式的采用,DSB事实上获得了对WTO成员方贸易争端的强制管辖权;

60、insure compulsorily and guide the voluntary participation of farmers ─── 强制投保与引导自愿

61、Hence, digital driver’s licences should not be legally compulsorily. ─── 因此,技术执照不会被迫合法化 。

62、The DSB has virtually jurisdicted the trade disputes between the WTO members compulsorily because of the adoption of the decision-making method negative consensus in DSU. ─── 由于WTO争端解决机制中“反向协商一致”决策方式的采用,从而使WTO争端解决机构(DSB)事实上获得了对WTO成员方贸易争议的强制管辖权;

63、compulsorily retire ─── 强迫退休

64、For this reason we return and we will not compulsorily limit foreign players. ─── 为此,我们回报,我们不会强制限制外籍球员。

65、Drug standards and quality standards for some medical devices are compulsorily applied nationwide. ─── 药品标准和部分医疗器械质量标准属于国家强制性标准。

66、the protected person was in custody, detained, sheltered, observed and abstained, compulsorily abstained or was removed to prison or penitentiary. ─── 四受保护人因案经羁押、鑑定留置、收容、观察勒戒、强制戒治或移送监狱或保安处分处所执行者。

67、“Er, well, luck, I suppose,” is my compulsorily self- effacing answer. ─── “嗯,噢,我想是运气,”我故作自谦地答道。

68、For equipment of inspection levels 1, 2 and 3, the Supplier SQCP will have to be submitted compulsorily to CONTRACTOR for comments before the pre-manufacturing meeting is held . ─── 有关用于第1、2和3检测级别的所有仪器,供货商必须在生产准备会议召开前向承包商递交“供货商质量控制计划书”,以供承包商评核。

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