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09-11 投稿



drumbeat 发音

英:[ˈdrʌmbiːt]  美:[ˈdrʌmbiːt]

英:  美:

drumbeat 中文意思翻译



drumbeat 短语词组

1、drumbeat racing ─── 鼓声比赛

drumbeat 词性/词形变化,drumbeat变形


drumbeat 相似词语短语

1、drumheads ─── n.鼓膜,鼓面皮;绞盘头

2、drumbeater ─── n.作宣传的人,宣传人;担任广告的播音员

3、drumbeaters ─── n.作宣传的人,宣传人;担任广告的播音员

4、drumliest ─── 德鲁姆利斯特

5、drumbeating ─── n.广告,宣传

6、drybeat ─── 干拍

7、dumbest ─── 哑的;蠢的(dumb的最高级)

8、drumbeats ─── n.鼓声;打鼓声

9、drumhead ─── n.鼓膜,鼓面皮;绞盘头

drumbeat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But out in the African bush, progress is marching to a different drumbeat. ─── 但是,发展的进程在非洲的内外不一致。

2、But confusion about the central bank's priorities has persisted because it has coupled such statements with a continuing drumbeat of concern about inflation. ─── 央行的要事困惑持续存在的原因是:其把这些声明与不断鼓吹对通涨关切挂钩。

3、Dubbed Operation Paukenschlag or Drumbeat, Donitz's plan for the deployment of U-boats in American waters was complicated by several factors. ─── 邓尼茨的计划叫做“敲鼓计划”,在美国海域划分几个战区来布署U艇。

4、For the moment, at least, history appears to be marching to an Asian drumbeat. ─── 至少从目前来看,历史似乎在踏着亚洲的鼓点前行。

5、They stepped on the drumbeat that Chinese agriculture industrialization starts, with agriculture of coastal, inland big province develops synchronism.. ─── 他们踩住了中国农业产业化起步的鼓点,与沿海、内地农业大省发展同步...

6、Made with care, circuits perform dependably and reasonably, and then suddenly, by their own drumbeat, they veer off without notice. ─── 精心制作的线路可靠而合理地履行着自己的职责,然后,它们突然遵循自己的鼓点毫无预兆地转向。

7、Working mothers get time away from their family, to think in quiet and to focus on something other than the relentless drumbeat of children's needs. ─── 工作妈妈有时间远离家庭,安静的思考,把生活重点放在其他更有意义的事情上,而不是小孩子无休止的吵闹上。

8、a drumbeat ─── 鼓点声

9、In America today the drumbeat of protectionism is getting louder. ─── 如今的美国,保护主义呼声不绝与耳。

10、drumbeat of crisis around the world sounded elsewhere as well. ─── 全球危机的鼓声在其他地方也可听到。

11、First, the drumbeat rhythm should be used, ─── 第一,就是要用鼓拍节奏

12、Yet as ominous as the drumbeat out of Europe is, there is some reason to believe the dancing will go on for a bit. ─── 不过,虽然来自欧洲的鼓点声有些不妙,但有理由相信舞蹈还将持续一阵子。

13、The first song grounds you to the earth with a shamanic drumbeat. ─── 来自昴宿星的讯息,带来爱与光的能量。

14、The marchers timed their steps to the drumbeat ─── 列队行进的人按着鼓点调整他们的步伐。

15、It is above all to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism that American foreign policy has marched since his watershed presidency, and continues to march to this day. ─── 毕竟而言,正是自从威尔逊具有分水岭意义的总统任期以来,美国的外交政策才得以伴随着威尔逊总统理想主义的阵阵鼓点不断迈进,且时至今日依然奋进不辍。

16、The entire Gongwangfu garden spot had the lantern, the faint drumbeat and the creaking sound bright throat pass on from the early fall night wind. ─── 整个恭王府花园都点起了灯笼,隐隐的鼓声和咿呀亮嗓从初秋的夜风中传过来。

17、They timed their steps to the drumbeat. ─── 他们合着击鼓声跳舞。

18、A bugle call or drumbeat signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset, as on a military base. ─── 降旗号:落黄昏时通知降旗的号音或鼓声,如在军事基地上。

19、"We've had a constant drumbeat of bad news-durable goods orders, factory orders, auto sales at really depression levels. The economy really is quite sick," he said. ─── 他说:“各种坏消息劈头盖脸而来,耐用品订单、工厂订单、汽车销售都下滑到了萧条的水平。美国经济真是病得不轻。”

20、In fact, his explicit drumbeat of prosperity (word-faith) teaching is communicated in the terms and the ambiance that might be difficult to distinguish from most megachurches. ─── 事实上,他那种成功福音教导的显明节奏,传讲的用辞和气氛,在多数的大教会中是很难被察觉到的。

21、The longer the relentless drumbeat of higher tuition goes on, the greater their appeal. ─── 每年,高中毕业另外三百万学生,他们从来不知道这样方式运作的世界。

22、Like Albert Einstein and others gifted with genius, Darwin marched to his own drumbeat. ─── 达尔文与爱因斯坦等天赋异禀的人一样,成长、行事都自成一格。

23、The religious element, boosted by the great revival that has swept Muslim societies across the globe, adds a scriptural drumbeat to the call. ─── 大规模信仰复兴横扫全球穆斯林世界,其煽起的宗教因素给这样的号召加上了来自伊斯兰经典的鼓声。

24、Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first. ─── 人们会以赛龙舟的比赛活动来庆祝端午节,参赛小组划着龙舟朝着鼓声前进,最终达到终点。

25、Responding to this daily drumbeat is a new president about to enter his third month in office. ─── 这位妇女说:“突然有一天,他们走进来说,‘到这儿来,把你的蓝包给我们。’我们得到两个月的遣散费,这就算完了。”

26、A steady stream of Republicans are joining the drumbeat of Democrats calling for a new direction and a reduction of troop levels. ─── 不断有共和党人加入民主党的队伍,要求改变伊拉克军队的路线并减少驻扎军队。

27、There has been a steady drumbeat of gloomy economic news for months, but the mood in Britain has darkened starkly in recent days. ─── 近几个月关于经济衰退的新闻屡见不鲜,但最近几天英国的状况更是每况愈下。

28、Amid the steady drumbeat of bad news about banks, some depositors are already shifting money to institutions they consider to be better equipped to weather the storm sweeping the industry. ─── 由于银行的坏消息不断,一些储户已经将存款转移到他们认为能更好地抵御席卷银行业的这场风暴的安全之处。

29、a drumbeat of bugle call that signals the military to return to their quarters. ─── 向军人发出回到各自住处的军号声。

30、The drumbeat of concern about childhood obesity has grown louder in recent years, with much new research and more and more clinical trials and interventions. ─── 近些年来,随着新研究的发现和越来越多的临床试验和介入,关于儿童肥胖的关心的鼓声变得越发响亮。

31、The drumbeat for a repeal started last fall. ─── 去年秋季,废除按市价核算的会计准则的呼声开始响起。

32、A monotonousrhythmical drumbeat or similar sound. ─── 单调鼓声一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音。

33、Determination is the drumbeat to which you march. ─── 桔解:决心是你前进目标的士气。

34、Arias said.But a steady drumbeat of news about poison cough syrup had engraved the words in his mind. ─── 但是关于有毒咳嗽糖浆的新闻就像一记鼓响把这些词语刻在他的脑海中。

35、They have often equated the drumbeat to the beat of the heart of Earth. ─── 他们通常使鼓声与地球的心跳相等。

36、There has been a steady drumbeat of gloomy economic news for months, but the mood in Britain has darkened starkly in recent days. ─── 近几个月关于经济衰退的新闻屡见不鲜,但最近几天英国的状况更是每况愈下。

37、The Sensor is driven by the drumbeat of constant deadline; she's interested in getting things done quickly. ─── 感应者是在不变的"期限”驱使下。她对迅速把事情搞定感兴趣。

38、Yet all this has been accompanied by a steady drumbeat of optimism about the continent, and confidence in its prospects. ─── 然而,伴随所有这些而来的是对非洲大陆持有的一种坚定不移的乐观态度,以及对其美好前景的信念。

39、A drumbeat consisting of two almost simultaneous strokes of which the first is a very rapid grace note. ─── 连接两下的鼓声由两个几乎同时的击声构成的鼓声,前一个是个快速的装饰音

40、Obama's sharp words continued an insistent administration drumbeat over the past few days designed to pressure the bonus recipients to forgo them. ─── 在过去的几天里,奥巴马的尖锐言辞代表了政府不断的“鼓声”,目的是给企业高管施加压力,让他们放弃高额奖金。

41、The near-constant drumbeat of negative economic news continues to punish stock markets. ─── 连续不断的负面经济消息继续打压全球股市。

42、The drama of the year is heightened, as the drumbeat of the days rolls towards Agincourt. ─── 鼓声渐渐敲响阿金库尔,这一年的戏剧色彩得以强化。

43、the most successful U-Boat commander of the 5 boats used in Operation Drumbeat,against shipping on the American East Coast, 11th January/ 6th. February 1942. ─── 莱恩哈德哈德根,是1942年1月11日至2月6日在美国东海岸鼓声计划中最成功的U型潜艇指挥官。

44、Recent public opinion polls show continuing faith in President Barack Obama, despite a daily drumbeat of bad economic news. ─── 最近的民意调查显示人们继续对奥巴马很有信心,尽管每天都有经济方面的怀消息。

45、Yet all this has been accompanied by a steady drumbeat of optimism about the continent, and confidence in its prospects. ─── 然而,伴随所有这些而来的是对非洲大陆持有的一种坚定不移的乐观态度,以及对其美好前景的信念。

46、It would turn out that the children's bleak school reports did not forebode failure, but a refusal to march to the drumbeat of the ordinary, which should have made me proud. ─── 后来的发展证明了孩子学业成绩差并不表示他们长大后一定一事无成,而只是表示他们当时不愿按常人的步伐亦步亦趋,而这一点,理应令我引以为豪。

47、flam:a drumbeat consisting of two almost simultaneous strokes of which the first is a very rapid grace note. ─── "连接两下的鼓声:由两个几乎同时的击声构成的鼓声,前一个是个快速的装饰音."

48、This year Drumbeat focused on 'education for the open web'. ─── 今年它集中于‘关于开放式网络的教育’。

49、Our Torque Sport roadsters perform to a different kind of beat, like Japan's legendary Kodo drumbeat, an earth-trembling expression of awesome latent power produced by massive bass drums. ─── 我们称之为转矩运动,现在所有关于团结大活塞发动机与运动底盘戏剧性新的骑马经验。

50、He hears the drumbeat, and see soldiers to forward march. ─── 他听到鼓声,看到兵士们开步走。

51、They said as soon as we couldn't answer a question or produce a document, the press would return to the drumbeat for an independent counsel. ─── 他们说,只要有一个问题我们回答不上来,或是有一份文件交不出来,媒体就会继续鼓噪,要求任命一名独立检察官。

52、A steady stream of Republicans are joining the drumbeat of Democrats calling for a new direction and a reduction of troop levels. ─── 不间断的一连串共和党人加入到民主党人反对的阵营,要求往新的方向发展并减少军队规模。

53、After a Games dogged by air-quality concerns and human rights issues, the sense of accomplishment that pervaded the place throbbed like the near-constant drumbeat. ─── 此前由于空气质量及人权问题饱受争议的北京奥运会,而今在响彻耳鼓的鼓点伴奏下胜利闭幕。

54、Under operation Drumbeat, A Type IX sails to the US coast. ─── 在敲鼓作战中,一艘IX型潜艇到了美国海岸。

55、You will hear more and more about the hydrogen economy in the news in the coming months, because the drumbeat is growing louder. ─── 在不远的将来,你将听到越来越多的关于氢燃料经济的新闻,因为人们越来越关注氢燃料经济。

56、A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound ─── 单调鼓声一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音

57、This constant drumbeat of conflict ... is not helpful and not useful. I expect that there will be no war, and that is what we ought to be working for. ─── 那些不断鼓吹冲突的言论既无助亦无用。我预期不会有战争,这亦是我们该努力的方向。

58、More recently, small salary increases and the steady drumbeat of job losses have turned many consumers into value shoppers, as they tighten their belts. ─── 此外,如今工资涨幅更小,失业压力增大这些因素使得许多的消费者变成勒紧裤腰带来花钱的价值型购买者。

59、For seniors like Amanda Haimes at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, the drumbeat of bad news about the weak job market is worrying, even scary. ─── 对于马萨诸塞州伍斯特市克拉克大学的阿曼达?海默斯这样的应届毕业生来说,疲软的就业市场不断传来的坏消息令人担忧,甚至让人心生恐慌。

60、Often such cultures devised elaborate rituals to remind themselves to stay inside of the heartbeat, the drumbeat of the whole. ─── 通常这些文化设计了详尽的仪式来让自己保持停留在心跳中,停留在鼓声中。

61、By understanding these constraints, we begin to understand why some people march to a different drumbeat. ─── 了解这些限制条件后,我们明白了为什么有些人在齐步走时跟随不同的鼓点行进。

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