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09-11 投稿


inosculate 发音

英:[[ɪn'ɒskjʊleɪt]]  美:[[ɪn'ɒskjəˌleɪt]]

英:  美:

inosculate 中文意思翻译




inosculate 短语词组

1、inosculate as a whole ─── 合二为一

inosculate 词性/词形变化,inosculate变形


inosculate 相似词语短语

1、osculate ─── v.(曲线或面)与(另一曲线或面)互成密切;亲吻

2、interosculate ─── vi.接合;结合;具有共同性

3、inoculates ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

4、inoculated ─── adj.接种过的;注射过预防针的;v.给…做注射预防针;给…接种;灌输(inoculate的过去分词形式)

5、insulate ─── vt.隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

6、to inosculate ─── 融合

7、inosculated ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

8、inosculates ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

9、inoculate ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

inosculate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、10.The airtight-combined hydro cylinder makes the rubber inosculate with soles firmly and the shape of the sides to reach an average pressure, firm joint and no space effect. ─── 本机采用密排式组合油缸设计,使橡胶块能很好地吻合鞋底,鞋边之曲线形状,产生压力均等、贴合好,不留间隙死角之理想效果。

2、But there"s no discussion about the symphony"s self characteristics and how to inosculate to the national music. ─── 但对于交响音乐自身的特点及与民族音乐相通、相接、相融的诸多问题还没有谈到。

3、To inosculate the traditional agriculture the high and new technology promotes technical innovation; ─── 制度创新可以形成稳定高效的农业产业化价值链,促进公司农业的发展,技术创新则可以提升和延伸农业产业化价值链。

4、to inosculate veins with arteries ─── 使静脉与动脉结合

5、Keywords Biological degradable inosculate ring Ultralow dody position rectal cancer auns protection Nursing for operation; ─── 关键词生物可降解吻合环;超低位直肠癌保肛手术;手术中护理;

6、Control the radius and position and improvement the status of inosculate and stress ─── 控制套圈的滚道曲率和位置,改善接触面的应力状态

7、research of applied librarianship should be strengthened to inosculate theories with practices. ─── 加强应用图书馆学研究 ,密切图书馆学理论与实践的关系 ;

8、Finally, we can draw a conclusion after compared the experiment value and fitting value that the fitting value of experience formula and experiment data inosculate well, the error is about 4.2%. ─── 最终通过拟合值和实验值的对比分析得出结论,经验公式拟合值与实验数据吻合良好,误差在4.2%左右。

9、2.It will be an innovative consciousness for this graduate invent to how to inosculate the diversiform material into the fresco. ─── 如何把多种材料融合到壁画创作中也将是本次毕业创作所要做出的创新理念。

10、In addition, utilizing the space relativity of the volume sufficiently, we inosculate both the image order algorithms and object order algorithms in the visualization. ─── 同时,充分利用体数据场的空间相关性,将物体空间序法和图像空间序法融合应用。

11、Finally, in order to exert the encouragement function of the comprehensive budgeting, the thesis try to explore the methods that how to inosculate the budget assessing and feedback on performance. ─── 最后,为充分发挥预算的激励作用,就企业如何实现预算考评与经营业绩考核的有机融合进行了探讨和研究。

12、For adult, rubber. Mask inosculate with mouth and nose. Tube. ─── 成人使用,硅橡胶材料,面罩能与口鼻紧密吻合,输氧管,呼吸软管。

13、On the other hand, the relationship between marking mixture and marketing localization of outlets in Beijing is low.That means the marketing mixture can’t inosculate the marketing localization. ─── 另一方面北京品牌折扣店营销组合与市场定位之间关联度低,营销组合不能很好的与市场定位相吻合。

14、Application analytical hierarchy process in refloating plan evaluating, the result was inosculate to Engineering experience. ─── 应用了层次分析法进行脱浅方案评估,计算结果与工程实际相吻合。

15、It's called pleaching, or grafting trees together, or grafting inosculate matter into one contiguous, vascular system. ─── 它叫“编织法”,或者说是将树木移植嫁接到一起,将可以融合的物质嫁接到一起,形成一个血脉相连的系统。

16、It will be an innovative consciousness for this graduate invent to how to inosculate the diversiform material into the fresco. ─── 如何把多种材料融合到壁画创作中也将是本次毕业创作所要做出的创新理念。

17、It's an important way to help students understanding the nature of science roundly and improve their scientific humanity by inosculate history of science with science teaching. ─── 科学史融入科学教学是帮助学生全面地理解科学本质,提高科学素养的一种重要途径。

18、The research of applied librarianship should be strengthened to inosculate theories with practices. ─── 加强应用图书馆学研究,密切图书馆学理论与实践的关系;

19、Remarkably, the equipment operational conditions, estimated by the two examples results, very inosculate the equipment optimal operational guideline proposed. ─── 而且两个算例优化出来的设备运行状况与总结得出的设备优先运行规则相一致。

20、Classification DNS, VPN, and firewall technology have been applied on net framework, inosculate encrypt, transaction process, query optimize into software. ─── 将分级DNS、VPN以及防火墙技术应用到了系统网络的架构,同时把加密、事务处理、查询优化等技术融入到了软件系统。

21、2.The airtight-combined hydro cylinder makes the rubber inosculate with soles firmly and the shape of the sides to reach an average pressure, firm joint and no space effect. ─── 2.本机采用密排式组合油缸设计,使橡胶块能很好地吻合鞋底,鞋边之曲线形状,产生压力均等、贴合好,不留间隙死角之理想效果。

22、Huacai its secret bright black color matches with heartthrob ponceau color and classical dignity design inosculate to its fashionable style, it comes into being unique modern times style. ─── “华彩”神秘的亮黑镶上激情的鲜红,古典的高贵与时尚的简洁相融合,形成了“华彩”独有的后现代风格。

23、Keywords obstructive carcinoma of colon;radical operation;one-stage inosculate; ─── 关键词梗阻性结肠癌;根治性切除;一期吻合;

24、Communication port is crucial for the development of Embedded Computing System,and it becomes the main trend that Embedded Computing System will inosculate with Internet. ─── 在嵌入式系统开发过程中,通信端口起着至关重要的作用,同时通信端口的编程也是嵌入式系统面向网络、面向信息的必然趋势。

25、After comparing several popular WLAN technologies nowadays, this paper presents these technologies will inosculate and points out a good future of Bluetooth. ─── 本文在比较了当前较为流行的几种无线局域网技术之后,提出各种技术终将趋于融合的观点,并指出蓝牙技术具有良好的发展前景。

26、If epiphysis cartilage is ossification and forms an inosculate epiphysis line between skeleton and epiphysis, bone will stop growing, people are no longer growing. ─── 骺软骨全部骨化,骨干、骺之间融合形成一条骺线,骨的长度停止增长,人的个子也就不再长高了。

27、Result:Under electronic microscope, the OT group appeared glomerulus mesangium hyperplasia, glomerular basement membrane increased, podocyte swelled, inosculate, and the slit pore was not clearly. ─── 结果:电镜下,OT组大鼠肾组织出现毛细血管球系膜增生,基膜基质增多,足细胞肿胀、融合,裂孔不清晰等变化;

28、The experiment proved that the displacement sensor hasupper sensing precision and it is comparatively inosculate with theory analysis. ─── 实验结果表明该位移传感器有较高的测量精度,与理论分析比较吻合。

29、He is the best to inosculate the speed and skill. ─── 他是把速度与技术结合得最好的人

30、Different human civilizations will conflict or inosculate with one another? This has become the focus concerned by the world. ─── 人类不同的文明之间是大冲突还是大融合?这已成为世人关注的焦点。

31、Based on this we calculate every year's water volume, the result shows it inosculate basically with the actual observations. ─── 据此立式算得的近40年历年水量值与实际观测值基本吻合。

32、Control the radius and position and improvement the status of inosculate and stress ─── 控制套圈的滚道曲率和位置,改善接触面的应力状态

33、The application of genetic algorithms(GA) inosculate with ant algorithms(AA) algorithms in the optimization of the parameter of the linear pulse motors(LPMs) PID control system is studied. ─── 本文主要研究了直线步进电机的高精度控制和仿生优化算法在数字PID控制系统中的应用。

34、In the process of practical analysis, it 's difficult to educe the advantages and disadvantages of two techniques and inosculate them. ─── 在实际分析的过程中得出两种技术的优缺点,并将两种技术融合起来,各取所长是一个难点。

35、Bapazhi disease is chronic endemic which manifested ache,and pain of the anklebone at early stages,and it will end with the necrobiosis of the h ead of thighbone and coax articular c avity inosculate. ─── 子病初期为踝关节酸、软、痛,继而疼痛逐渐上移至膝、髋关节,最终以股骨头坏死并与髋关节腔融合为主要病变的慢性地方性疾病。

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