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09-11 投稿



adjoins 发音

英:[əˈdʒɔɪnz]  美:[əˈdʒɔɪnz]

英:  美:

adjoins 中文意思翻译



adjoins 同义词

butt against |connect | close | in | be | butt | touch | affix | March | come in contact with | be close to | butt on | attach | by | with | meet | abut | come | neighbor | edge | border | contact | to | side | next | link up

adjoins 反义词


adjoins 词性/词形变化,adjoins变形

动词现在分词: adjoining |动词过去分词: adjoined |动词过去式: adjoined |动词第三人称单数: adjoins |

adjoins 相似词语短语

1、abjoints ─── ABJ接头

2、cojoins ─── 科约因

3、adjoints ─── n.伴随矩阵;adj.伴随的

4、adjoint ─── n.伴随矩阵;adj.伴随的

5、adjoined ─── v.与……邻接,毗邻;增加;连接(adjoin的过去式及过去分词)

6、enjoins ─── vt.命令;吩咐;嘱咐;禁止

7、abjoint ─── 分离的;分隔;分节的

8、adjourns ─── 休庭(adjourn的第三人称单数);休会(adjourn的第三人称单数);延期(adjourn的第三人称单数)

9、adjoin ─── vi.毗连,邻接;vt.毗连,邻接

adjoins 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Property that adjoins ours. ─── 与我们的地产相毗连的地产

2、The tribal area adjoins the country's lawless North-Western Frontier Province, where a previous offensive is in its final stage. ─── 这个部落地区毗连没有法律制约的西北边界省份,上次的攻势就是在这些省份里结束的。

3、xi ma kou the geography superiority is unique, adjoins to Wuhan(From town center 40 km); ─── 古镇系马口地理优势独特,毗邻武汉市(距离市中心40公里);

4、I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned the court, “You'll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to living in the prison that adjoins this courthouse. ─── 我还记得法官在休庭前对汤姆说的话:“你要么就要适应没有止痛药的生涯,要么就得适应与法庭相邻的监牢生涯。”

5、The hospital adjoins the park. ─── 医院邻接公园。

6、repose Ningbo cixi development zone,beautiful Hangzhou bay south bank,adjoin 329 road,near Ningbo airport、steamboat dock、hangyong railway,traffic convenience,geography place very preponderance. ─── 公司座落在宁波慈溪开发区,美丽的杭州湾南岸,毗连329国道,紧临宁波飞机场、轮船码头、杭甬铁路、交通便捷,地理位置十分优越。

7、A barn adjoins the farmhouse. ─── 一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。

8、I do adjoin a copy of the letter that I have received ─── 我确实在收到的信中加了一副本

9、"In Bangladesh, which adjoins West Bengal, the virus has spread to nearly half of the country," said Pawar. "The government has been struggling to contain the disease since last March." ─── 在与西孟加拉邦相邻的孟加拉国,禽流感病毒已蔓延到全国近一半地区。政府从去年三月以来一直在努力抗击并控制禽流感。

10、"I do adjoin a copy of the letter that I have received" (John Fowles) ─── “我确实在收到的信中加了一副本”(约翰·福尔斯)

11、Border on Changzhou airport, the east in the north and adjoin the railway station of Changzhou, the traffic is convenient. ─── 北靠常州机场、东邻常州火车站,交通便捷。

12、The north by Turkey, the east by Iran, the West adjoin Syria, Jordan, south of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Persian Gulf near the southeast. ─── 北接土耳其,东邻伊朗,西毗叙利亚、约旦,南连沙特阿拉伯、科威特,东南濒波斯湾。

13、Her parents, who live in Hong Kong, came to New Zealand during Christmas and signed a contract to buy a large section which adjoins a beautiful reserve. ─── 她父母圣诞节期间来了,并签了合同买一大片可开发地,紧挨着这块地的是一片漂亮的保留地。

14、I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned the court, "You‘ll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to living in the prison that adjoins this courthouse。" ─── 我还记得法官在休庭前对汤姆说的话:“你要么就要适应没有止痛药的生活,要么就得适应与法庭相邻的监狱生活。”

15、The Nanjing Koller electric appliance limited company, is located tothe scenery beautiful Nanjing Nanjiao adjoins Yuhautai Memorial andChinagchunshan. ─── 南京科勒电器有限公司,位于风景秀丽的南京南郊,毗邻雨花台和将军山。

16、Mexico adjoins the United States. ─── 墨西哥与美国界临。

17、field adjoins to the highway. ─── 田紧靠着公路。

18、Adjoin variegate ─── 小十三星瓢虫

19、Situated in the south city area, where is the politic, economic, cultural and scientific center, the company leans against the Peace Mountain and adjoins the Pacific Ocean in the south. ─── 中国唯一的以海洋为特色的综合性大学“中国海洋大学”坐落在青岛;

20、Canada adjoins the United States. ─── 加拿大与美国毗邻。

21、Canada and United States adjoin . ─── 加拿大与美国邻界。

22、2 Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America. ─── 加拿大和墨西哥毗连美国。

23、Adjoin Distance-Based Attribute Dynamic Clustering Algorithm ─── 基于邻接距离的属性动态聚类算法

24、An outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often paved. ─── 室外就餐处与住宅相连的常常铺以石板等的门外空地,用来进餐或娱乐

25、The waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean teem with fish, while the sub-tropical regions that adjoin them yield abundant fruit. ─── 塔可钟将墨西哥这个以阳光和热情著称的文明古国的美好风情带到您的身边,为您奉上各种色彩鲜艳,口感丰富的墨西哥美食。

26、adjoin system ─── 伴随系统

27、5.Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America. ─── 加拿大与墨西哥临近美国。

28、The first area to be created is Ougoue-Lekiti National Park in the southwestern part of the country . The park will adjoin Gabon's Bateke National Park, which WCS helped establish in 2002. ─── 即将建成的第一块区域是噢格-来克提国家公园,位于刚果西南部。这个国家公园毗邻加篷的巴提克国家公园,巴提克是在WCS的协助下于2002年建成的。

29、Adjoin or share a common boundary, or share even a small portion of a boundary. ─── 共享或部分共享地界。

30、Canada (CANADA) is situated at north NorthAmerica, adjoins with US, vast in territory, the national territoryarea 997 million square kilometers, occupy the world second. ─── 加拿大(CANADA)地处北美洲北部,与美国毗邻,幅员辽阔,国土面积997万平方公里,居世界第二。

31、It adjoins Sichuan province and Chongqing Municipality to the north,Yunnan procivince to the west,Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region to the south and Hunan province to the east. ─── 它北临四川和重庆直辖市,西临云南,南面广西壮族自治区,东靠湖南省。

32、Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America. ─── 加拿大和墨西哥临近美国。

33、Fanshi east west Yuanping, five south, adjoin Shanyin North, Northeast and phase should be the county, adjacent to the northwest and Shuozhou. ─── 东邻繁峙,西接原平,南界五台,北毗山阴,东北与应县相接,西北与朔州毗邻。

34、Adjoin equivalence ─── 伴随等价

35、1.close to; close on 2.on the horizon3.to draw on; to adjoin ─── 临近

36、(2) The universe includes the particle of the unending kind, between the adjoin kind particles is other space, so the universe includes the innumerable space. ─── (2)宇宙包含无穷尽种类的粒子,相邻种类粒子之间即为另外空间,所以宇宙包含无穷无尽的空间。

37、Canada adjoins the U. S. ─── 加拿大邻接美国。

38、6. Our house adjoins theirs . ─── 我们的房屋与他们的毗连。

39、adjoin two new vertices X and Y to N ─── 在N中添加两个新顶点X和Y。

40、The tree is traversed to check if the node adjoins any other node in the tree with respect to the address. ─── 在树中移动,检查此节点是否与树中的任何节点地址相邻。

41、Adjoin polynomials ─── 伴随多项式

42、The great Temple of Confucius immediately adjoins the palace. ─── 伟大的孔庙和孔文化府毗连。

43、6.China is a land-sea power, it lines in the Rimland between Eurasia and Pacific Ocean, adjoin with United States and Russia. ─── 中国是海陆兼备型的国家,位处欧亚大陆地缘战略区域与太平洋地缘战略区域交汇的边缘地带,夹在美国和俄罗斯两大势力范围之内。

44、At this point the Chinese stopped the Japanese penetration of Yunnan, the Chinese province which adjoins Burma. ─── 就是在这里,中国人经过努力终于阻止了日本人向云南的渗透,云南连接著缅甸。

45、In fact, the deformation control goal of deep excavation not only includes retaining system, but also includes the adjoin environment. ─── 实际上,深基坑变形控制目标不仅包括支护体系,而且包括相邻环境。

46、More often than not, the residence nestles snugly in the embrace of a mountain and adjoins a river. ─── 徽派建筑追求的是“天人合一”的意境,民居多依山傍水而建,与大自然融为一体。

47、Tubo period (7-9 century AD), Qamdo area is the famous “East female country” and Su adjoin the location of the Kingdom. ─── 吐蕃时期(公元7-9世纪),昌都地区是著名的“东女国”和苏毗王国的所在地。

48、It not only extracts the information marked by these tags, but it also pulls out the class name or method name that adjoins the comment. ─── 它不仅提取由这些标记指示的信息,也将毗邻注释的类名或方法名提取出来。

49、Words are formed from letters that adjoin IN SEQUENCE to the immediate left,right,top or bottom. ─── 在游戏中,字母被杂乱地固定排列在表中,在限定的时间?

50、(6)the liver function and the organs adjoin the liver was monitored. ─── (6 )密切观察肝功能及邻近肝脏脏器的损伤情况。

51、It is certain that virtue adjoins pride on one side. ─── 好的品德常会引人走向骄傲自满的一面,那是不假的。

52、located in Jitang Community, Dasha Street, Huangpu District, Jitang Park, near Guang Petrochemistry Factory at Fengle Road N., adjoins Jitang mall, Jitang Primary school and Jitang Kindergarten ─── 姬堂公园位于黄埔区大沙街姬堂社区,地处丰乐北路广州石化厂附近,毗邻姬堂商业街、姬堂小学和姬堂幼儿园。

53、adjoin clinopodium herb ─── 剪刀草

54、It is forbidden to adjoin to a postcard any sample of merchandise ─── 在明信片上附贴商品的样品不是许可的。

55、North her receives provincial capital Fuzhou, south meets the Xiamen special economic zone, east looks at the Taiwan Taiwan, west adjoins Zhangzhou, Longyan, Sanming. ─── 她北承省会福州,南接厦门经济特区,东望宝岛台湾,西毗漳州、龙岩、三明。

56、Their property adjoins the lake. ─── 他们的房地产紧靠着湖泊。

57、However, Guangxi adjoin with Vietnam that one of the ASEAN countries, it seems to be slow that the merger of resources and the development of tourist products. ─── 但是,广西与东盟国家之一的越南毗邻,双方对资源的整合和旅游产品的开发尚显缓慢。

58、On the nearly all temple wall all has the fine carving, narrated one of Hindu Lord adjoins the Chinese zither, Indian monkey god as well as other Zhu Shen fable. ─── 几乎所有的寺庙墙壁上都带有精美的雕刻,讲述了印度教主神之一的毗瑟挐,印度猴神以及其他诸神的传说。

59、Wujiang, which located in the southeast of Jiangsu Province, adjoins Suzhou, Shanghai and Zhejiang. ─── 吴江位于江苏省东南部,与苏州、上海和浙江毗邻。

60、7. It is forbidden to adjoin to a postcard any sample of merchandise. ─── 在明信片上附贴商品的样品是不许可的。

61、adjoin matrix ─── 伴随矩阵

62、Adjoin in the south Suzhou、Wuxi、Changzhou, border on Shanghai in the east , bounded Nantong , look at Yangzhou , Taizhou in the west. ─── 南邻苏锡常,东靠上海市,交界南通,西望扬州、泰州。

63、double adjoin addressing ─── 双重毗连型寻址

64、A barn adjoins the farmhouse. ─── 一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。

65、His land adjoins the sea . ─── 他的土地靠近大海。

66、Because the trachea and thyroid gland adjoin to the subglottic area, the tumor invades them along with the superior mediastinum and lung by the way of paratracheal lymph drainage. ─── 以其和气管及甲状腺密接的解剖相关,常使肿瘤向下及向外侵犯,并藉由气管旁淋巴组织转移到上纵膈腔及肺部。

67、Line 324 in the neighbouring country that the company adjoins , close to the railway , expressway , port and airport, the geographical position is superior , the traffic is convenient. ─── 公司毗邻国道324线,靠近铁路、高速公路、港口和机场,地理位置优越、交通方便。

68、I do adjoin a copy of the letter that I have received(John Fowles) ─── 我确实在收到的信中加了一副本(约翰 福尔斯)

69、The great Temple of Confucius immediately adjoins the palace ─── 伟大的孔庙和孔文化府毗连。

70、It adjoins Henan Province to the west and north, Fuyang city to the southwest, Huaibei city and Bengbu city to the east, and Huainan city to the southeast. ─── 其西部、北部与河南省接壤,西南部与阜阳市比邻,东部与淮北市、蚌埠市相倚,东南部与淮南市为邻。

71、Method: According to the area of placenta implantation or placenta adjoin, MTX is injected into placenta through belly with the help of B ultrasonic or into muscle . ─── 方法:根据胎盘植入或胎盘粘连面积的大小,在B超引导下经腹胎盘穿刺注射MTX或肌肉注射MTX,同时口服米非司酮及中药生化汤(加减)。

72、Our two houses adjoin. ─── 我们俩的房屋邻接着。

73、Paktika province adjoins North Waziristan, a hub of militant activity.Several westerners kidnapped in Afghanistan have been held in Pakistan. ─── 几名在阿富汗被绑架的西方人都被囚禁在巴基斯坦。

74、Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (GNPS) and Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station (LNPS) adjoin each other. ─── 大亚湾核电站 (GNPS)和岭澳核电站 (LNPS)毗邻而建。

75、Their houses adjoin the players', which make them proud and happy. ─── 他们的房子毗连,使他们感到骄傲和高兴。

76、3.Elastic intermediate supports enable to improve the motion stability,widen frequency range between main resonance of the adjoin orders. ─── 弹性中间支点有提高传动轴的运动稳定性、增大相邻阶主共振之间的频率范围及限幅器的功用。

77、Mexico adjoins United states. ─── 墨西哥与美国毗邻。

78、It adjoins near the Ring Road, Xiamen University and Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center. ─── 它接近环形公路毗邻,厦门大学和厦门国际会议展览中心。

79、At this point the Chinese stopped the Japanese penetration of Yunnan, the Chinese province which adjoins Burma. ─── 就是在这里,中国人经过努力终于阻止了日本人向云南的渗透,云南连接著缅甸。

80、the point where the estates adjoin ─── 多个种植园毗连的点

81、I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned the court, "You'll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to living in the prison that adjoins this courthouse. ─── 我还记得法官在休庭前对汤姆说的话:“你要么就要适应没有止痛药的生活,要么就得适应与法庭相邻的监狱生活。”

82、21 2 So they went up and reconnoitered the land from the desert of Zin as far as where Rehob adjoins Labo of Hamath. ─── 他们遂上去,窥探了那地方,从亲旷野直到勒曷布,哈玛特关口。

83、This adjoins the lower part of the governor's apartments, and were we to work our way through, we should only get into some lock-up cellars, where we must necessarily be recaptured. ─── 另外这一面和监狱长住处的下部相联,假如我们挖过去,只钻进一间锁了门的地牢里,在那儿又会被人捉住的。

84、The playing field adjoins the school. ─── 体育场紧靠着学校。

85、The first area to be created is Ougoue-Lekiti National Park in the southwestern part of the country. The park will adjoin Gabon's Bateke National Park, which WCS helped establish in2002. ─── 即将建成的第一块区域是噢格-克提国家公园,位于刚果西南部。这个国家公园毗邻加篷的巴提克国家公园,巴提克是在WCS的协助下于2002年建成的。

86、E. If the enclosing sides adjoin each other, the area should be properly vented. ─── 如果封闭的侧面彼此邻接,该区域要有适当的通风。

87、Keywords compression bending;layered roof;the rate of thickness and span;adjoin stress; ─── 压曲;层状顶板;厚垮比;临界应力;

88、three kinds of boundary conditions are defined to consider the effect of adjoin domains to the grain growth of simulation domain. ─── 定义了三种边界条件,考虑了相邻区域对模拟区域晶粒生长的影响。 根据建立的三维MC模型,确定了焊接热影响区晶粒生长的模拟流程。

89、Method: According to the area of placenta implantation or placenta adjoin,MTX is injected into placenta through belly with the help of B ultrasonic or into muscle. ─── 方法:根据胎盘植入或胎盘粘连面积的大小,在B超引导下经腹胎盘穿刺注射MTX或肌肉注射MTX,同时口服米非司酮及中药生化汤(加减)。

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