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09-11 投稿



divined 发音

英:[dɪˈvaɪnd]  美:[dɪˈvaɪnd]

英:  美:

divined 中文意思翻译






divined 词性/词形变化,divined变形

动词过去式: divined |形容词最高级: divinest |名词: divineness |形容词比较级: diviner |动词第三人称单数: divines |副词: divinely |动词过去分词: divined |动词现在分词: divining |

divined 短语词组

1、divined def ─── 占卜师

2、divined company inc west bloomfield mi ─── 迪维德公司密歇根州西布卢姆菲尔德

3、divined mean ─── 中庸

4、divined company ─── 占卜公司

5、divined home health care southfield mi ─── 神之家医疗保健南菲尔德密苏里州

6、divined home health care ─── 神家养生

7、divined company west bloomfield ─── 西布卢姆菲尔德占卜公司

divined 同义词

elysian | almighty | Creator | blessed | perceive | guess | marvelous | ecclesiastic | Jehovah | forecast |heavenly | celestial | sacred | pleasing | pure | hallowed | delightful | providential | Maker | great | terrific | tremendous | excellent | read | godlike | discover | foretell | omnipotent | presume | godly | deific | discern | holy | deduce | superb | exquisite | God Almighty | lovely | lord | predict | adorable | anticipate | inspired | beautiful | churchman | prophesy | cleric

divined 反义词

animal |human

divined 相似词语短语

1、divine ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

2、divinely ─── adv.凭神的力量;象神一样地;庄严地;极好地

3、divinized ─── v.将(某人)奉若神明;(使)神化(divinize的过去式及过去分词)

4、divinised ─── 神化

5、diviner ─── n.预言者;占卜者;推测者

6、divided ─── adj.分裂的;分开的;有分歧的;v.分开(divide的过去分词);分离

7、dividend ─── n.红利;股息;[数]被除数;奖金

8、divines ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

9、deveined ─── v.除去(虾)背部的黑色静脉

divined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He did not know he was doing it at first, though later he divined it. ─── 起初他并不知道,虽来明白过来了。

2、He divined my plans. ─── 他看穿了我的计画。

3、Divined by astrology the scientist saying:“if isn't I discovers princess in where, your ability is useless, therefore, princess should belong to me. ─── 占星学家说:“如果不是我找出公主在哪里,你们的本领都毫无用处,因此,公主应该属于我。”

4、She made no reply, but sat, gazing straight before her, dry-eyed and motionless, but with an ache in the throat which Martin divined so strongly that it made his own throat ache. ─── 她坐着,默不作声,眼睛直勾勾地望着前面,没有眼泪,一动不动,喉头却疼痛起来,那便咽的声音能够听见,马丁猜到了,动了感情,喉头也不禁疼痛起来。

5、In short, I am enamored of that flawless beauty of which all poets have perturbedly divined the existence somewhere, and which life as men know it simply does not afford nor anywhere foresee. ─── 简而言之,我所迷恋的是无暇的、诗人悸动地在某个“存在”中察觉到的、凡俗生命无法提供也无法预见的那种美。

6、” Xiao Ai divined. ─── 小艾断定。

7、The Master said,"The Southern Man had a saying that goes,’If a man is inconstant,he should not have his fortune divined. ─── 子曰,“南人有言曰,‘人而无恒,不可以作巫医。’

8、At last I divined what he meant. ─── 我终于猜出了他的意思。

9、Cosette allowed nothing to be divined. ─── 珂赛特丝毫不动声色。

10、He was puzzled for a moment.Then he divined the cause of her agitation and handed her the Meredith-Lowell letter which had accompanied the check. ─── 马丁一时很觉莫名其妙,然后明白了她难过的原因,便把梅瑞迪思一罗威尔公司防支票寄来的信递给了她。

11、How had she divined the secret Chris had carefully guarded since he was eighteen? ─── 她到底怎么发觉到那自从18岁起就被克里斯小心翼翼地埋藏起来的秘密?

12、He did not know he was doing it at first, though later he divined it. ─── 起初他并不知道,虽然后来明白过来了。

13、2. At last I divined the truth. ─── 我终于看穿了事情的真相。

14、He had not divined that what had fallen from heaven had come from Gavroche. ─── 他更不会想到从天上掉下来的东西来自伽弗洛什。

15、8. Once, he divined for himself, the result made him nearly jump out of his skin: the day after tomorrow, when the phosphor disappeared, he would die. ─── 一次,他给自己算了一卦,卦底让他大吃一惊:后天凌晨启明星消失时将是他的死期!收藏指正

16、Not only were oracles noted, which were divined from the shapes of cracks in tortoise shells, but commentaries on celestial phenomena were noted and remarked upon. ─── 来源于龟骨裂痕形状的神谕和基于星体现象的解注都有记载,还附有评论。

17、Flip the seats back up load up four adults and despite its diminutive size the car still doesn't feel small as if Honda somehow divined the perfect threshold of proportions. ─── 将后座的靠背立起来后车内可以容纳4名成年人,尽管车身很小但并不会使人感到拥挤,好像本田神奇地找到了最佳的车内空间比例布局。

18、This is the land that gave us the wheel,writing and mathematics,where the people first divided time into units of 60 and where they first divined the God of the Old Testament. ─── 这就是那片给我们带来轮子、文字和数学的土地,那片人们最早把时间分成个单位的地方,也是人们最早预言《旧约》中上帝的地方。

19、and, from the glances of terror and distrust cast by the group, he might have divined that his arrival would speedily become an event for the whole town. ─── 并且从那一堆人的惊疑的目光里,他还可以猜想到他的出现不久就要搞得满城风雨。

20、Rename and move operations also cannot be reliably divined by mere observation of the result. ─── 重命名和移动操作通过只观察结果也同样不可信。

21、He had no money left now, a fact that the observant and experienced landlord had divined some time ago ─── 他现在一个铜子也不剩了。善于观察而又非常老练的店老板早就看出了这一点。

22、last I divined the truth. ─── 我终于看穿了事情的真相。

23、Lydgate divined some delicacy of feeling here, but did not half understand it. ─── 这里包含的微妙情绪,利德盖特有些察觉,但一点也不理解。

24、Nikolay caught that look too, and as though he divined its significance, flushed with delight, and fell to kissing the child with simple-hearted gaiety. ─── 尼古拉发现了投来的目光,对它的含意似有所悟,高兴得红了脸,并温和地愉快地吻那小孩。

25、How could I have divined that he would wish to retire so soon? ─── 我怎能猜到他会愿意这么快就退休呢?

26、Now you are dead I come to bury you; None has divined the day when I shall die; ─── 未若锦囊收艳骨,一抔净土掩风流。质本洁来还洁去,强于污淖陷渠沟。

27、The flood in the river, divined rather than perceived, the tragic whispering of the waves, ─── 能想象而看不到的河流的上涨,波涛凄凉的呜咽声,

28、“DIVIN” a table wine made of majority of Merlot.A careful vinification results in a continuity of style. ─── “金帝王”干红葡萄酒主要以梅洛酿成细致的工艺使酒质上乘稳定。

29、She had not yet divined. ─── 她还没有猜出来呢。

30、That was the man, Buck divined, the next tormentor, and he hurled himself savagely against the bars. The man smiled grimly, and brought a hatchet and a club. ─── 巴克心想,这人就是下一个迫害他的人,于是便猛扑到栅栏上。那人冷冷一笑,拿过来一把斧头和一根棍子。

31、None has divined the day when I shall die; ─── 尔今死去侬收葬,未卜侬身何日丧?

32、Yet he now divined that he was suspected of theft. ─── 但是,他察觉到对方怀疑他是窃贼。

33、Mrs. Higginbotham divined from the grip on her arm as he helped her on, that he was not going to follow her. ─── 希金波坦太太从他扶着她的胳膊帮她上车的握法感到马丁不打算跟她一起走。

34、Her hands were, as her mother had divined, "ruined with chilblains. ─── 她的手,正如她母亲猜想过的那样,已经“断送在冻疮里了”。

35、Once, he divined for himself, the result made him nearly jump out of his skin: the day after tomorrow, when the phosphor disappeared, he would die. ─── 一次,他给自己算了一卦,卦底让他大吃一惊:后天凌晨启明星消失时将是他的死期!

36、Her hands were, as her mother had divined , "ruined with chilblains. " ─── 她的手,正如她母亲猜想过的那样,已经“断送在冻疮里了”。

37、9. Paul divined that his master's bark was worse than his bite . ─── 保罗暗想,看来老板是个嘴硬心软的老头儿。

38、She divined that they were passing through a crisis. ─── 她领会到他们正在过一个难关。

39、The reader has, no doubt, already divined that M. Madeleine is no other than Jean Valjean. ─── 读者一定已经猜到马德兰先生便是冉阿让。

40、In the faint light, these men were to be divined rather than seen. ─── 每辆车上二十四个,每边十二个,背靠背,脸对着路旁,腿悬在空中。

41、The reader has, no doubt, already divined. ─── 读者想必早已猜到了。

42、Who was this goodman? The reader has, no doubt, already divined. ─── 那老人是谁?读者想必早已猜到了。

43、And yet each, in her own way, has divined truths about the marketplace that academics and industry are still trying to comprehend. ─── 而两个人都以自己的方式领悟学术界和产业界仍在努力摸索的市场真理。

44、As soon as he heard her voice, however, the gap was filled up and the missing link supplied, the slight irony he divined in her attitude lost its advantage. ─── 然而,他一听到她的声音,记忆中的空白就填满了,失去的那一环也补足了,他觉察到她态度中带有的轻微的嘲弄成分也不起作用了。

45、He divined that one of his enemy's purposes was to secure the personal property, as well as the estate. ─── 他推测他的敌人目的之一就是取得他私人的财产以及田地。

46、If any light had illuminated that man, it might have been divined from the thorough manner in which he was soaked that he had passed the night in the rain. ─── 假使有任何一种光照在这人身上,从他那浑身湿透的情况来看,我们便不难看出他这一整夜是在雨里度过的。

47、Divined by astrology the scientist second child saying:“where could I very quick discover her to be. ─── 占星学家老二说:“我很快就能找出她在哪儿了。”

48、He had divined, from a dull noise, that they were crossing the bridge of Austerlitz. ─── 在一阵空廓的声音里,他猜想那是在过奥斯特里茨桥。

49、late he divined her "drift". ─── 他明白她的用意时,为时已晚。

50、Believers in Fibonacci numbers are part of a school known as technical analysis, or chartism, which believes the future movement of asset prices can be divined from past data. ─── 斐波纳契数列的拥护者是技术分析中的一群,或信奉图表分析(Chartism)。他们相信资产价格未来的走势冥冥之中由过去的数据决定。

51、It would have required the penetration of Oedipus or the Sphinx to have divined the irony the count concealed beneath these words, apparently uttered with the greatest politeness. ─── 伯爵这一番话显然说得非常客气,要想猜透他话里所隐藏的讽刺意味,得具有身狄波斯或斯芬克斯的洞察力才行。

52、On the other hand, possibly because he divined in Buck a dangerous rival, Spitz never lost an opportunity of showing his teeth. ─── 而另一方面,斯帕斯大概断定巴克是个危险的敌人,从不放过咬他的机会。

53、In contrast, in a few cases, people have divined extremely complex phenomena through a great leap of insight, allowing quantum information science to proceed from the top down. ─── 不过在少数例子中,人们也会出现思想的大跳跃,一下子看穿极端复杂的现象,由上而下推展量子资讯科学。

54、He divined water on my farm. ─── 他用卜杖在我的农场中探测水源。

55、My sister, throwing the door wide open, and finding an obstruction behind the door, immediately divined the cause. ─── 我姐姐猛的一下推得屋门大开,发觉有个什么东西挡在门后,立即知道其中定有蹊跷。

56、They divined metal on the mountain. ─── 他们用占卜杖在山上探测金属。

57、Francois was surprised, too, when they shot out in a tangle from the disrupted nest and he divined the cause of the trouble."A-a-ah!" ─── 当他们扭打成一团从毁坏的窝里冲出来时,福楼沙也很吃惊,然后便推测出纠纷的原因。

58、"Your divin g suits perfect for capturing honey."Said Poohs muffled voice.Doesnt he look funny? ─── “用你的潜水服来战胜蜜蜂最合适不过了!”维尼瓮声瓮气地说。他穿上罗宾的潜水服,戴上潜水帽,看起来是不是很奇怪?

59、A stronger people.A divined people, enhanced for the Tiberium world. ─── 每一个强大的子民,每一个神圣的子民,都会使泰伯利亚世界更加强大。

60、A piece can sometimes be divined on the enunciation of the personages;in the same manner a band can almost be judged from the list of ruffians composing it. ─── 我们有时能从一张出场人物表去猜测一个剧本,同样,我们也几乎可以从一张匪徒的名单去估计这匪帮。

61、And yet each, in her own way, has divined truths about the marketplace that academics and industry are still trying to comprehend. ─── 而两个人都以自己的方式领悟学术界和产业界仍在努力摸索的市场真理。

62、And Laban said to him, If you please, I have divined that Jehovah has blessed me on account of you. ─── 27拉班对他说,我若在你眼前蒙恩,请你仍与我同住,因为我已算定,耶和华赐福与我是因你的缘故;

63、My sister, throwing the door wide open , and finding an obstruction behind the door, immediately divined the cause . ─── 我姐姐猛的一下推得屋门大开,发觉有个什么东西挡在门后,立即知道其中定有蹊跷。

64、Too late he divined her "drift." The handle of the telltale teaspoon was visible under the bed-valance. ─── 当他看出老太太的用意时,为时已晚,因为说明问题的那把汤匙已暴露在床帷下。

65、What augmented Father Gillenormand's secret suffering was, that he locked it all up within his breast, and did not allow its existence to be divined. ─── 加深吉诺曼公公的内心痛苦的是他把痛苦全部闷在心里,绝不让人猜到。

66、He divined water on my farm. ─── 他用卜杖在我的农场中探测水源。

67、I divined from this account, that utter lack of sympathy had rendered young Heathcliff selfish and disagreeable. ─── 从这一段叙述,我推想小希刺克厉夫已经完全没人同情,变得自私而讨人嫌了。

68、At this moment Carlini heard a woman's cry; he divined the truth, seized the glass, broke it across the face of him who presented it, and rushed towards the spot whence the cry came. ─── 正在这个时候,卡烈尼听到了一个女人的叫喊声,他立刻明白了是怎么回事,他夺过酒杯,向那个献酒的人劈头盖脸扔过去,然后向那发出喊声的地方冲了过去。

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