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09-11 投稿



eviction 发音

英:[ɪˈvɪkʃn]  美:[ɪˈvɪkʃn]

英:  美:

eviction 中文意思翻译



eviction 短语词组

1、actual eviction ─── [网络] 实际驱逐

2、retaliatory eviction ─── [网络] 报复驱逐

3、order for eviction ─── [法] 搬迁令

4、eviction notice ─── 驱逐通知搬迁通知

5、total eviction ─── [法] 全部逐出

6、eviction moratorium ─── 暂缓驱逐

7、tenant eviction ─── 租户驱逐

8、landlords eviction ban ─── 房东驱逐令

9、constructive eviction ─── 推定收回租地或房屋

eviction 词性/词形变化,eviction变形


eviction 相似词语短语

1、evection ─── n.出差(一种月球运动)

2、eduction ─── n.引出,排出;引出物;推断

3、ejection ─── n.喷出;排出物

4、diction ─── n.用语;措词

5、reliction ─── n.新生地;水位渐消退

6、emiction ─── n.尿,小便;排尿

7、depiction ─── n.描写,叙述

8、evictions ─── n.逐出;赶出;收回

9、evitation ─── 回避

eviction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the same time, it shows that al-Qaeda has regenerated itself despite its eviction from Afghanistan and the killing or arrest of several key figures. ─── 同时说明,尽管被从阿富汗驱逐并且数个关键人物或被杀或被擒,基地组织已经重建。

2、To evict; ─── expel:赶出;

3、The eviction followed an Israeli High Court ruling in November to leave the house. ─── 以色列最高法院已经下令犹太殖民必须在十一月撤出霸占的房屋后,展开驱离行动。

4、If the IandIord has not kept up proper maintenance, he cannot evict you. ─── 如果你的房东不能保证起码的维修,他就不能强制你搬家。

5、"an authorized officer who may use such force as may be reasonably necessary to evict such trespasser and, for that purpose, may request the assistance of a police officer or any other authorized officer." ─── 则获授权人员可使用合理而必需之强制性行动及要求警务人员或其他获授权人员协助,将其逐出屋村。

6、He rent the eviction notice into pieces and threw it at the officer. ─── 他把搬离通知撕得粉碎,扔到了工作人员身上。

7、- And who shall I evict?- Your enemies. ─── |- 我应该驱逐谁?

8、Used a soft reference to cache a single object and let the JVM handle the details of when to evict the object from the cache. ─── 使用一个软引用来缓存单个对象,并让JVM处理从缓存中取走对象时的细节。

9、"The women of My people you evict, Each one from her pleasant house. From her children you take My splendor forever. ─── 弥2:9你们将我民中的妇人、从安乐家中赶出、又将我的荣耀从他们的小孩子尽行夺去。

10、He believed that a successful eviction required a skilled salesman (himself), who could negotiate, unofficially, between banks and evictees, possibly avoiding a forcible removal. ─── 他相信一次成功的清房需要有手段的办事人员(如他自己),能在银行和欠贷者之间进行非正式的谈判,方可避免武力逼迁。

11、A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to evict this node from the sponsor cluster. ─── 向导试图从发起群集退出此节点时出错。

12、The dramatization of this massive eviction seems to be making Chinese censors nervous. ─── 电影里庞大驱逐的剧情,似乎让中国的审查单位感到很紧张。

13、Introduction: Walking in the jungle and found a lovely ground quail egg, but not the mother quail, Many small animals want to eat the eggs, oh, pick up branches evict them! ─── 在丛林散步,发现地上有可爱的鹌鹑蛋,但鹌鹑妈妈却不在,有许多小动物都想吃掉这个蛋哦,拿起树枝赶走它们吧!

14、The Libyan leader said he supported the eviction of white farmers, and said Zimbabwe's whites should return to their countries of origin. ─── 这位利比亚领导人说,他支持把白人农场主赶走,并且说,津巴布韦的白人应该返回他们的祖国。

15、Russia offered $2bn of assistance in February after Kyrgyzstan agreed to evict the US from a military base. ─── 今年2月,吉尔吉斯斯坦同意将美军驱逐出其军事基地,此后俄罗斯向该国提供了20亿美元的援助。

16、Earlier this year Iran threatened to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and evict all inspectors if it felt it was under too much pressure from the West. ─── 伊朗今年初威胁如果它感觉它是在许多压力下从西方,将从核不扩散条约退出并且赶出所有核查人员。

17、as regards forcible eviction from a house or forcible return of land, the president of the people's court shall sign and issue a public notice to order the person concerned to carry it out within a designated time limit. ─── 强制迁出房屋或者强制退出土地,由院长签发公告,责令被执行人在指定期间履行。。

18、He threaten to take the tenant to court or to have the tenant evict. ─── 他威胁将租户送上法庭或逐出。

19、He's had nowhere to live since his eviction. ─── 他自从被驱逐出住所以来,就一直无处栖身。

20、After the eviction Thursday in Hebron, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told reporters the ability of the state to impose law and order upon its citizens was put to the test. ─── 在星期四希伯伦的强制撤离之后,以色列国防部长巴拉克对记者说,国家对公民执行法律和维持秩序的能力受到考验。

21、evict from ─── v. 驱逐出

22、Tensions over the eviction orders sparked clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the town in the last few days. ─── 强制撤离令在过去的几天里导致犹太人和巴勒斯坦人之间在该城镇发生冲突。

23、Nine months after her family resettled as refugees, Jaber, 41, said she worries constantly about eviction. ─── 41岁的嘉芭和家人作为难民在美国定居已经有九个月了,她说她总是在害怕被人赶出家门。

24、Landlord George Sessler shields his face from cameras during an April eviction proceeding. ─── 业主乔治sessler盾牌,他的脸上从相机在四月驱逐程序。

25、total eviction ─── [法] 全部逐出

26、The household saw off attempts by Britain's Royal Navy to evict them and too an attempt in 1978 by a assemble of German and Dutch businessmen to seize Seaearth by force. ─── 但英国Britain海军却多次试图将贝茨家族从“海国”驱逐出去。1978年,一群来自德国Germany和荷兰Netherlands的商人曾试图经过武力占领这块“领土”。

27、The landlord will evict him or raise his rent ─── 地主就会收回租地或抬高地租。

28、Family faces eviction for loud night prayers ─── 德国基督教家庭大声祈祷面临被赶出户

29、Palestinian officials on Thursday welcomed the eviction in Hebron, but called on Israel to do more and remove all Jewish residents from the city. ─── 巴勒斯坦官员周四表示欢迎在希伯伦的驱逐行动,但是他们呼吁以色列采取更多措施,把这个城市的所有犹太人撤走。

30、an eviction in reprisal for the tenant's good-faith complaints against the landlord; illegal in many states. ─── 以报复房东的信誉来反对房东的驱逐;在很多国家不合法。

31、BERLIN (Reuters) - A seven-member family faces eviction from an east Berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night, a German newspaper said Thursday. ─── 德国《图片报》周四(8月17日)报道说,在东柏林的一座公寓里,一家7口正面临着被赶出户的遭遇,因为邻居抱怨他们夜间大声祈祷的声音扰得整栋楼的居民都睡不着。

32、Most people followed Fatheree’s advice and removed themselves before their final eviction date arrived. ─── 大多数都听从法德里的劝告,在最后清房日期之前自己就搬走了。

33、In Feb. 2002, Beijing police threatened to evict over a dozen elderly Christians, including 3 in their 90 s, for holding a prayer meeting. Pray for the needs of China s elderly. Is. 46:4 ─── 2002年2月有十几位老人聚会祷告,北京警察威胁赶走他们,其中三位已90多岁。为中国老人的需要祷告。赛46:4

34、How to Evict a Node from a Windows Server 2003 Failover Cluster ─── 如何将节点从群集中删除

35、A loan officer (Lohman) ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, who turns her life into a living hell. ─── 一位法院执行人接到任务,要收回一个老妇人的房子,他发现这个老妇人深陷于一个超自然的诅咒中,她就像活在地狱中一样。

36、whether they can avoid eviction; ─── 他们是否可以避免驱逐;

37、Soon, the Center received the owner’s eviction notice. ─── 不久,又接到业主要求搬迁的通知。

38、Instead, he'll evict you.See you later! ─── |相反他要把你们赶出去。

39、One day she sent my mom over to drop off an eviction notice because he kept parking his truck and motorcycle on the front lawn. ─── 有一天她叫我妈去通知他让他搬走,因为他把卡车和摩托车停在前面的草坪上,把草压坏了,隔壁的老人也气坏了。

40、Angry and displeased, evict a bhikkhu from a dwelling belonging to the Community -- or have him evicted -- it is to be confessed. ─── 任何比丘在愤怒和不平的情况下,驱逐一位比丘离开一个属于僧团的住宅。

41、Penang Lantern Maker facing eviction! ─── 12-18 大吉祥面对逼迁!

42、But now lawyers acting for 300 people fighting eviction argue that the city must provide alternative accommodation, preferably in the same area. ─── 但现在有律师为300人代理,反对驱逐行为,要求城市必须提供替代住所,而且最好是在同一地区。

43、A new report says the Chinese government continues to forcefully evict people from their homes as preparations expand for next year's Summer Olympics in Beijing. ─── 一份新的报告说,随著明年北京夏季奥运会准备工作的扩大,中国政府继续强制居民搬家。

44、Soft references, like weak references, can help applications prevent object loitering by enlisting the aid of the garbage collector in making cache eviction decisions. ─── 与弱引用一样,软引用通过利用垃圾收集器在作出缓存回收决策方面的帮助,有助于防止应用程序出现对象游离。

45、The government always says it's for the greater good when they evict farmers from their land. ─── 当政府把农民从他们的土地赶出去的时候,总是号称是为了更大众的利益。

46、He claimed damages for unlawful eviction. ─── 他要求对非法驱逐作出赔偿。

47、The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent. ─── 出租人可驱逐不付租金的租户。

48、Just this year I saw my landlord evict the woman from the house next to mine (also an escaped battered woman,also with small children) for the offense of having her utilities disconnected for non-payment. ─── 就在今年,我看见我的房东将与我相邻的那位女房客赶走了(她也是挨打后离家出走的妇女,也带着小孩),因为她为了不交费而把房内电器插头拔掉了。

49、Either way I shall keep the faith, carrying on until the eviction order comes. ─── 不管怎样我都将保持自己的信念,继续努力直到驱逐的命令传来。

50、For those persons who violate the court rules, the people's courts may reprimand them, evict them from the courts, or impose a fine or detention on them. ─── 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

51、Both parties to a housing-contract are forbidden to evict the current occupant of the house. ─── 买卖房屋的任何一方不得轰撵住户搬家。

52、04 The Housing Authority has issued its first eviction notice to a public housing tenant for accumulating sixteen penalty points under a cleanliness scheme. ─── 公屋清洁扣分制推行以来,有一公屋租户扣满十六分,被房署发出终止租约通知。

53、Soon government bailiffs will come to evict the family. ─── 不久,政府官员就会把贝尔加耶夫一家逐出家门了。

54、Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML. ─── 今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。

55、The family saw off attempts by Britain's Royal Navy to evict them and also an attempt in 1978 by a group of German and Dutch businessmen to seize Sealand by force. ─── 但英国海军却多次试图将贝茨家族从“海国”驱逐出去。1978年,一群来自德国和荷兰的商人曾试图通过武力占领这块“领土”。

56、Nobody but a dog would evict his own mother. ─── 只有禽兽一般的人才会把生母赶出门。

57、We had to fork up money for our rent or face eviction. ─── 我们得付租金了,不然会被赶出去。

58、Only some subsets of information can be stored in memory.The most common data pruning strategy is to evict items that are least recently used (LRU). ─── 仅有部分信息子集能存进内存中,最常用的数据清洗策略是LRU,将最近最少使用的数据清除出去。

59、can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent. ─── 出租人可驱逐不付租金的承租人。

60、They received a notice threatening them with eviction if they did not immediately pay the back monthly rent of $1, 025. ─── 他们接到通知威胁他们说,如果不能立即支付1025美元的月租,他们将被驱逐。

61、Work evict three devils:boring,corruption and poverty. ─── 2工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

62、Profane language is not permitted in any of the Club premises;offenders may face suspension of membership or shall be liable to eviction. ─── 在本会范围内不得使用粗言秽语,违例者会被暂时吊销会籍或被逐离开。

63、When he announced he was running for the top job after Labour's eviction from power in May, he was the second-favourite in a field of five. ─── 五月,当他从工党卸职并宣布即将竞选首相时,他的受欢迎程度在五名候选人中仅次于首位。

64、2. He's had nowhere to live since his eviction. ─── 他自从被驱逐出住所以来,就一直无处栖身.

65、When stressed by such things as temperature change or pollution, coral polyps will evict their colorful algae boarders, which can lead to coral bleaching and death. ─── 当加压力的如温度变化或污染的时候,珊瑚虫将驱逐它们的华丽的海藻寄宿者,能导致珊瑚漂白和死亡。

66、From Node2, use Cluster Administrator to stop the Cluster service on Node1 and then evict Node1 from the cluster. ─── 在节点2上使用群集管理器停止节点1上的群集服务,然后从群集中退出节点1。

67、The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent . ─── 出租人可驱逐不付租金的承租人.

68、The paper also presents case studies from Johannesburg, Bangkok and Accra, to explore what underlies eviction pressures. ─── 另外叙述了发生在约翰内斯堡、曼谷、阿克拉的案例分析,该论文努力从中探寻是什么造成了被迫离家。

69、In Kelo v New London, a town in Connecticut wanted to evict some homeowners and replace them with wealthier people and businesses who might pay higher taxes. ─── 在凯洛诉新伦敦市案中,康涅狄格州的一座城市(新伦敦市)的市政当局企图驱逐一些住房所有者并以更富有的人和商业机构取而代之,因为这些人可能带来更高的税收。

70、They is evict from their flat for not pay the rent. ─── 他们因不付房租而被赶出公寓。

71、Property to determine what managed memory resource to evict from video memory. ─── 属性确定要从视频内存剔除什么托管内存资源。

72、He' s had nowhere to live since his eviction. ─── 他自从被驱逐出住所以来, 就一直无处栖身.

73、He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family. ─── 他及其妻儿正面临着被驱逐。

74、gene eviction ─── 基因回收

75、But as a bulldozer rakes what remains of his neighbours' homes, Sun continues to watch and wait for the first glimpse of an eviction party. ─── 但当一座推土机下仍保留他邻居的房子,孙继续留下来观望动迁(求高手:这句怎么翻译?)

76、The first time she had come face to face with Reconstruction was when she learned that Jonas Wilkerson with the aid of the Yankees could evict her from Tara. ─── 她首次与重建时期直接地接触是她听说乔纳斯 - 威尔克森在北方佬支持下要将她从塔拉撵出去的时候。

77、any authorized officer may evict any person who fails to quit forthwith the building or part thereof when required to do so by an authorized officer. ─── 及如任何人士遭获授权人员饬令迁出有关楼宇或其部分而不立即迁出者,则任何获授权人员均可将其逐出。

78、Tensions over the eviction orders sparked clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the town in the last few days. ─── 强制撤离令在过去的几天里导致犹太人和巴勒斯坦人之间在该城镇发生冲突。

79、A woman tries to resist police eviction of squatters on private land near the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas in Brazil. ─── 在巴西亚马逊州首府马瑙斯市附近,一名非法佔用私人土地的女子试图抵抗警方的驱离。

80、He is fighting an eviction order in court. ─── 他正通过法庭对驱逐令表示反对。

81、Because, while you may find yourself caught in the crossfire of an embattled economy, no one can evict you from your experiences or repossess your memories. ─── 因为,虽然你也许发现自己身处麻烦经济的活力交叉点上,但谁也不能拿走你的体验,不能没收你的记忆。

82、Geils, Aerosmith struggled to forge ahead while living in a cramped Boston apartment, dodging eviction notices and stealing food from supermarkets to survive. ─── 乐队住在波士顿一个拥挤的公寓里,拖欠房租,为了生存而从超市里偷食物。

83、Fight an eviction notice ─── 努力与驱逐房客通知一事周旋

84、fighting an eviction order in court. ─── 法庭对驱逐令表示反对。

85、Non payment of rent can mean eviction. ─── 不交租金就可能被赶出去.

86、they may use such force as is reasonably necessary to evict any person who fails to quit the building or part thereof when required to do so by an authorized officer. ─── 他们可使用合理而必需之强制性行动,将任何遭获授权人员饬令迁出有关楼宇或其部分而不立即迁出之人士逐出。

87、William is in deep water; apparently the bank has threatened to evict him unless he pays his mortgage arrears by the end of the month. ─── 威廉处境困难,显而易见,银行威胁要驱逐他,除非他在月底前归还抵押的欠款。

88、However there are things that you can do to stop repossession in its tracks, even hours before the eviction may take place. ─── 北京汇丰鑫通投资顾问中心是依托银行(银团、财团)风险投资公司合作的一家为企业和个人提供融资贷款、投资理财服务的专业性金融公司。

89、They be evict from their flat for not pay the rent ─── 他们因不付房租而被赶出公寓

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