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09-11 投稿


trepang 发音

英:[[trɪ'pæŋ]]  美:[[trɪ'pæŋ]]

英:  美:

trepang 中文意思翻译



trepang 短语词组

1、trepang asia ─── 亚洲海参

2、trepang game ─── 海参游戏

3、trepang 1 ─── 海参1

4、trepang food ─── 海参食品

5、trepang images ─── 海参图像

trepang 相似词语短语

1、trepanning ─── n.开孔;穿孔;v.在…上开孔(trepan的ing形式)

2、trepanned ─── n.环锯;钻孔机;vt.欺骗;诱入圈套;用环锯行手术

3、repand ─── adj.呈残波状的

4、trepan ─── n.环锯;钻孔机;vt.欺骗;诱入圈套;用环锯行手术

5、trepans ─── n.环锯;钻孔机;vt.欺骗;诱入圈套;用环锯行手术

6、treeing ─── n.树枝状组织;树枝放电

7、trepanner ─── n.环截式采煤机;穿孔机

8、trepidant ─── adj.胆怯的;不安的;战栗的

9、trepangs ─── n.海参

trepang 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are 20 kinds of trepang in our country can be supplied for eating, it is the high-grade goods in china and the trepang in Beidaihe is especially good. ─── 我国可供食用的海参有20多种,刺参为上品,而北戴河的刺参品味尤佳。

2、trepang agate ─── 海参玛瑙

3、Trepang lanes cylindrical, mouth in front of tentacles around the mouth, anus in the back-end. ─── 海参体呈圆柱形,口在前端,口周围有触手,肛门在后端。

4、Is Wen Zhou City trepang exclusive agency all in there? Can those Wen Zhou City places buy a trepang? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>地区>浙江>温州市>温州海参专卖店都在那里啊?温州那些地方可以买海参?

5、Crab, eel, trepang one all leisurely and carefree, wanders about comfortablely. ─── 螃蟹、鳗鱼、海参一个个悠闲,自在徜徉。

6、The island all around is rich in marine products and so on trepang, sea scallop, abalone, shrimp, oyster, swan egg, long standing reputation. ─── 岛四周盛产海参、扇贝、鲍鱼、对虾、牡蛎、天鹅蛋等海产品,久负盛名。

7、The sea cucumber peptide nutrient capsule is take he sea in the precious trepang as a raw meterial, uses the international advanced modern bio-engineering technology purification concentratiion to become. ─── 海参肽营养素胶囊是以海洋中名贵的刺参为原料,采用国际先进的现代生物工程技术精制浓缩而成。

8、In the trepang includes and greatly arginine. ─── 海参中含有大且精氨酸。

9、Therefore, the company has larger sales trepang uncertainties. ─── 因此,公司海参销量具有较大的不确定性。

10、The trepang nutrient content is rich, belongs to the high protein, low fat food. ─── 海参营养成分丰富,属于高蛋白、低脂肪食品。

11、Main management import domestic product wild trepang's processing retail sales. ─── 主要经营进口国产野生海参的加工零售。

12、The trepang nutritional value is high and the protein and the carbohydrate are rich but not contain the cholesterol, so it is ideal tonic goods. ─── 海参营养价值很高,蛋白质、糖类丰富,不含胆固醇,是理想的滋补佳品。

13、Food culture and overseas market: the trepang trade between China and Southeast Asia during the Qing Dynasty ─── 饮食文化与海外市场:清代中国与南洋的海参贸易

14、The company mainly deals in fresh trepang, Trepang pill and its series product. ─── 公司主营鲜海参、海参丸及其系列产品。

15、2. Trepang cheuk out with boiling water, add green onions, oil, broth, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc.ru wei burning. ─── 海参用沸水焯出,加葱、油,高汤、酱油、味精等烧入味。

16、The company mainly deals in fresh trepang, trepang pill and its series product. ─── 公司主营鲜海参、海参丸及其系列产品。

17、Fragrant Fungi Stewed with Black Chicken Trepang Stewed with Pork Kidney Oyster Cooked Cucumber Papaya and Pork Steak Soup ─── 乌骨鸡香菇汤海参烩腰花

18、Fresh trepang products has been assigned as “nutrition food for the explorers going to South Pole” by Chinese Pole Region Graduate School. ─── 鲜海参产品被中国极地研究所指定为“赴南极考察队员营养食品”。

19、Trepang in more than 600 million years ago in the Precambrian has existed until the Three Kingdoms period is officially documented. ─── 海参在6亿多年前的前寒武纪就已经存在,直到三国时期才有正式文献记载。

20、The trepang is one kind of precious nutritious high quality goods. ─── 海参是一种珍贵的滋补佳品。

21、Aquatic product: Trepang, crayfish, hairtail, silver carp, grass carp fish. ─── 水产品:海参、海虾、带鱼、鲢鱼、鲩鱼。

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