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09-11 投稿



puny 发音

英:['pjuːnɪ]  美:['pjuni]

英:  美:

puny 中文意思翻译



puny 网络释义

adj. 弱小的;微不足道的;微小的

puny 词性/词形变化,puny变形

形容词最高级: puniest |副词: punily |形容词比较级: punier |名词: puniness |

puny 相似词语短语

1、punny ─── adj.一语双关的

2、punky ─── adj.含火绒的;松软的;闷烧的;有弹性的

3、pony ─── n.矮种马;小型马;adj.小型的;每日摘要的;vt.付清;vi.付清

4、luny ─── adj.发狂的;n.疯子;n.(Luny)(俄、美、厄、印、新)卢利(人名)

5、pun ─── n.双关语,俏皮话;v.说双关语,说俏皮话;把(泥土,碎石等)击打成团;n.(Pun)(美、港)汶(人名)

6、puly ─── n.(Puly)人名;(匈)普伊

7、piny ─── adj.松树的;松树般茂盛的;n.(Piny)(美、阿、肯、马)比尼(人名)

8、punty ─── n.点棒;顶底杆

9、puna ─── n.[内科]高山病(呼吸困难);n.(Puna)人名;(葡)普纳

puny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These were puny compared to the bulk of the whale, so they were probably vestigial, in the slow process of disappearing. ─── 与鲸鱼庞大的躯体比较这些腿显得微不足道,它们可能是腿部慢慢消失过程中退化的腿部。

2、Besides, the influences on the performance and noise owing to the change of resonator’s types were puny. ─── 此外并发现,变化不同共振腔长度与槽数对风机之流场与噪音场的影响并不大。

3、What form death may come in then does not matter, for the content is always the same-- our puny, painful life is ours only for a limited time before we inevitably must lose it. ─── 死亡将以哪一种形式出现,非关紧要,因为本质都一样-我们这羸弱而痛苦的生命只能暂时借用一阵子,之后我们势必会失去它。

4、This early whale fossil had rudimentary legs growing from its sides.These were puny compared to the bulk of the whale, so they were probably vestigial, in the slow process of disappearing. ─── 早期鲸鱼化石显示它的未发育的腿长在体侧,它们的数量在鲸鱼群中是微不足道的,所以它们可能是器官退化,在逐渐消失。

5、When he dissolved parliament in July to hold the elections, the LDP held 300 seats.NHK's count showed it had won 119 seats so far, almost the same as the puny number the DPJ held before the elections. ─── 在其7月解散国会举行大选时,自民党拥有300个席位,而NHK的数据显示,目前席位仅剩下119个,正如大选前民主党拥有极少的数目几乎相同。

6、" They love vanity, strong material, supercilious, fault-finding, artificial, great ambition but puny ability. ─── 她们爱慕虚荣、物欲强烈、目中无人、挑剔、做作、眼高手低。

7、It makes use of the synaesthesis of color including changes in temperature, light or heavy, strong or puny, advance or retreat, soft or hard unites function esthetics and art esthetics. ─── 利用色彩心理效应所体现出的冷暖感、轻重感、强弱感、进退感、软硬感统一色彩的功能美和艺术美。

8、The puny pendency face of Tang Lu Er, but the hand tightly grasp his gusset not to put, the tears presently dripped out. ─── “哦……”唐芦儿微垂下脸,手却紧紧抓着他的衣袖不放,眼泪快要掉出来了。

9、Puny and sorry as those lives were, they much resembled his own. ─── 它们的生命是那样渺小,那样可怜,和他自己的非常相似。

10、puny signal target ─── 弱小信号目标

11、Puny target ─── 弱小目标

12、Many people don't understand a truth.When the people could applaud the different ideas , he would not has a chickenshit mien but a wonderful mien ,not has a puny power but a strong power. ─── 很多人都不明白,当一个人可以听取不同意见时,他的形象是伟岸了而不是渺小了,他的力量是增强了,而不是削弱了;

13、Respect the puny. ─── 尊重弱者:

14、It's amazing, just on the puny power of the sun -- by having a super lightweight plane, you're able to get it up there. ─── 它很神奇,仅仅依靠太阳的微弱能量-通过一架超轻量飞机,你可以让它飞起来。

15、In both situations, the big state feels a sense of grievance over the very existence of its puny neighbour and resents outsiders that act as its self-appointed protectors. ─── 在这两个案例中,大国抱怨其弱小邻居过于明显的存在,也怨恨外人自顾自的担任这些小国的保护者。

16、Qin Dynasty consciousness is some puny dim, act not know just what to appear is who, hears sounds to feel to is a female. ─── 秦朝意识微微有些模糊,不知道刚才出现的是谁,只听声音觉得是个女子。

17、There are no Orientals as puny and ill-suited to wearing a uniform as the Vietnamese ─── 东方民族没有像安南人那样形状委琐不配穿制服的。

18、Don't pit your puny wit against my massive intelligence. ─── 不要拿你的小聪明来对付我高深的智慧。

19、As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics, Apple says it has recycled since 1994, is puny given the amount of equipment the firm sells. ─── 至于废物回收再利用问题,苹果公司自称从1994年以来已回收了9500吨电子元件,但相比其产品总销量微不足道。

20、We did not meet again for ten years,by then,the rather puny boy had grown into a six-foot man,weighing 200 pounds. ─── 我们有10年没有见面了,本来是一个小不点的男孩子,现在已长成6英尺高200磅重的大个儿了。

21、A report published yesterday by Ernst and Young suggests that the EU's puny carbon target will raise energy bills by 20% over the next 12 years(1). ─── 昨天由安永公司发布的一份报告表明,欧盟制定不力的碳污染目标将在未来12年使能源支出提高20%(1)。

22、a puny child ─── 弱小的孩子

23、Phantom: You puny pathetic thing! I'll step on you like an ant! ─── 幻影:你这微不足道的可怜虫!我要像踩死一只蚂蚁那样干掉你!

24、Alien 2: I hate these puny undersized planets. The gravity is so different. ─── 外星人2:我讨厌这些小不点的星球。重力是那么不一样。

25、Once there was a puny little concert violinist named Rudolf, who lived in Sweden. ─── 从前在瑞典,有一身材瘦弱矮小的小提琴手,名叫鲁道夫。

26、What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence? ─── 微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福麽?

27、As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics Apple says it has recycled since 1994 is puny given the amount of equipment the firm sells, says Ms Al-Hajj. ─── Al-Hajj女士表示,在回收方面,苹果所称从1994年以来共回收的9500吨电子产品与其销量相比微不足道。

28、Worse, most state legislatures have helped subvert popular compliance with the federal 55 m.p.h. law, some of them by enacting puny fines that trivialize transgressions. ─── 更坏的是,大多数州的立法机构,对破坏联邦规定的55英里车速极限法令的行为,起了推波助澜的作用,有些州通过的条例,罚款为数之微简直使这类违法行为成了小事一桩。

29、It has 8 gigabytes (GB) of flash storage and 512 megabytes of RAM, which is a bit puny. ─── 它有8GB的快闪存储器和容量稍微少一些的512MB的RAM。

30、" The impact of changing the light bulbs in any given household may be puny, but it saves money and it makes an easy, if small contribution to cutting emissions. ─── 对任何一个家庭,换灯泡的作用或许微不足道,但它节省开支,而且为减少排放作出了唾手可得的小小贡献。

31、If he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would've been discarded. ─── 如果他很瘦小或者羸弱或者多病或者畸形,他就会被丢弃。

32、Its high ideals, its steadfastness and spirit make all other studies puerile and puny in comparison. ─── 它的较高理想、它的执着和精神,使所有其它学科比较起来较幼稚、微不足道。

33、When the boy was born, it he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen, he would've been discareded. ─── 当男孩出生的时候,如果他很弱小或者多病或者畸形,他就会被丢弃。

34、It is remarkable that the stature of this population should have diminished in the last fifty years and the populace of the suburbs is still more puny than at the time of the Revolution. ─── 五十年来,人民的材又缩小了,这是值得注意的,巴黎四郊的人民,比革命前更矮小了。

35、She is puny, but also is the reincarnation of the strength. ─── 前 言它弱小,但一样是力的化身!

36、Pray tell us how a public meeting was held in June 2002 for the MPPP project to upgrade and beautify Little India -a project which was puny in comparison to the PGCC. ─── 一再举办?请记得,迄今根本未为计划办过任何一场的公共听证会(不仅针对民众,甚至是附近居民而言)。

37、Looking at these skyscrapers and these lighted windows in a row at night, one gets more and more conceited about the power of human civilization and forgets what puny little creatures human beings are. ─── 一个人看见这些摩天楼和夜间的一列有灯光的窗户时,对于人类文明的力量越发感到骄傲而自负,而忘记人类是多么孱弱而渺小的动物。

38、BD: You've robbed me of a meal, puny though it may have been. ─── 你抢了我一餐饭,虽然或许只是道小菜。

39、Real median family income over the same period grew 36 percent, not the puny 4 percent in the official statistics that deflate by the CPI. ─── 同期中等家庭的真实收入增长了36%,不是根据官方统计的CPI收缩了微小的4%。

40、Roughly half of all military spending in the world is American.Even potential adversaries in a conventional war spend puny sums in comparison. ─── 即使把传统战争中潜在敌人的微小开支也计算在内,美国的军费开支大约是全球军费支出的一半。

41、I wonder even more how Yufang would feel if she were aware of the contrast between the two men the one so tall and the other so puny! ─── 我更不知,当毓芳拿着这一高一矮的男人相比时,是会起一种什么情感!

42、THE SCIENTISTS WHO ATTEND that conference will no doubt commiserate about the inherent difficulty of engineering a relatively puny stretch of DNA to work reliably within a cell that is constantly changing. ─── 即将参加这场会议的科学家到时便能体认,要让DNA这麽微小的东西在细胞中稳定地运作,是多麽困难的事情,毕竟细胞是不断在变动的。

43、Building up a stack is supposed to be a stack, and 2 is just a puny stack. ─── 建立一层(复仇)应该是一个叠加,2层只是一个少量的叠加。

44、Ordinary cosmic rays are puny things. ─── 普通的太空射线都是微不足道的东西。

45、Do you want to see how the puny herbivorous dinosaurs defeat the strong carnivorous dinosaur. ─── 想看看弱小的食草龙怎么战胜强大的食肉龙吗?好,马上播映。

46、She was of that puny sort which remains backward for a long time,then suddenly starts up rapidly. ─── 她属于那种长期滞留,继又陡然猛长的病态孩子。

47、Othello. I am not valiant neither, But ever puny whipster gets my sword: But why should honour outlive honesty? Let it go all. ─── 奥瑟罗我的勇气也离我而去了,每一个孱弱的懦夫都可以夺下我的剑来。可是奸恶既然战胜了正直,哪里还会有荣誉存在呢?让一切都归于幻灭吧!

48、The lamb was a puny little thing. ─── 羊羔瘦小孱弱。

49、What a puny little creature! ─── 多么瘦小哇!

50、The Junior is a puny colony in the society, their right of body and property are prejudiced easily, accordingly, we need improve the civil law protection of the Junior" s legal right further. ─── 未成年人作为社会中的弱势群体,其人身和财产权益都极易受到伤害,因此需要进一步完善我国对未成年人权益的民法保护。

51、"If the children gathered about her, as they sometimes did, Pearl would grow positively terrible in her puny wrath," ─── 如果孩子们有时围起她来,她就发起小脾气,变得非常凶狠

52、Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work ─── 安东尼奥是个瘦小的小家伙,身体还不壮,还不能干活。

53、We did not meet again for ten years. By then, the rather puny boy had grown into a six-footer, weighing 200 pounds. ─── 我们有十年没见面了。本来是一个小不点的男孩子,现在已长成为6英尺高200磅重的大个儿了。

54、Yesterday's dismal defeat at the hands of puny Austrian side GAK gave Real Madrid directors food for thought with the new season one month away only. ─── 昨天的凄惨落败于弱小对手之手给了皇马高层警示在里新赛季还剩下一个月的时候。

55、There was great rejoicing, but the child was weak and puny, so weak that it had to be christened at once. ─── 有大喜,但孩子是软弱和渺小,太虚弱,它已被命名一次。

56、Do be proud, The puny grass, It is only you that decorates the whole world. ─── 四八弱小的草呀骄傲些罢,只有你普遍装点了世界。

57、Not fully grown; puny. ─── 发育不全的未长足的,弱小的

58、Building up a stack is supposed to be a stack, and 2 is just a puny stack. ─── 建立一层(复仇)应该是一个叠加,2层只是一个少量的叠加。

59、Advertisers and television networks have pushed back even against this puny threat.They have developed relatively static advertisements that get a message across even at high speed. ─── 即使面对如此小的威胁,广告商及电视网络公司也采取了相应对策:推行一种相对静态的广告(非常高速的传递信息);

60、They laughed at my puny efforts at rock-climbing ─── 他们取笑我在攀岩活动中的那可怜劲儿。

61、He fumed over the fact that the Luftwaffe could hit his capital, but the puny bomber arm of the V-VS (Voyenno-Vozdushny Sili, or Red Air Forces) could not strike back.Or could they? ─── 他对德国空军能袭击首都的事冒火,但弱小的V-VS(Voyenno-VozdushnySili,红空军)装备的轰炸机是否能回击?

62、The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodge pole pines, but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia ─── 在这片地势起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美国黑松随处可见,但与巨大的红杉相比,它们看起来都如小枝小条一般。

63、He seated himself on a wooden bench, with his back against a decrepit vine,he gazed at the stars, past the puny and stunted silhouettes of his fruit-trees. ─── 他坐在一条木凳上,靠着一个朽了的葡萄架,穿过那些果树的瘦弱蜷屈的暗影,仰望群星。

64、Base on laser and CCD image system, the inspected technique of puny deflectable angle measurement to object and displacement is discussed in this paper mostly. ─── 本文主要讨论了基于激光与CCD图像系统检测物体的小角度偏转角及位移的技术。

65、They laughed at my puny efforts. ─── 他们嘲笑我微不足道的努力。

66、A puny young male can be far better off by helping nurture a relative's offspring than by trying to dethrone a brawny alpha male. ─── 我们甚至可以想象,很久以前,在一个潮湿的山洞里,一位“妈妈先生”和他的孩子一起,等待劳累了一天、即将狩猎归来的伴侣。

67、Between her and me. a puny mosquito was harming her at the moment. l stood there woodenly with my hand in the air . l fell into conflict and worry . ─── 我与她之间,有一只弱小的蚊子,此刻正对她实施着伤害。我站在那里,就那样扬着手,楞着,矛盾着,心焦着,突然间,我对自己产生一种深深饿厌恶。

68、CLS21-II metallized polypropylene capacitors have low dissipation factor, stable capacitance, puny thermoguotiety. They can steadily work on logic control circuits &integral circuits and phase etc of instruments. ─── II型金属化聚碳酸酯电容器损耗小,电容量稳定,温度系数小,能稳定地工作在精密仪器、仪表的逻辑控制电路,积分电路等场合。

69、And besides, who better to teach these puny humans how to defend their borders than the children of the north, eh? ─── 此外,除了我们北方之子外,谁还能更好的教会这些软弱的人类怎样去防御他们的边界呢?”

70、My loss is puny compared with his. ─── 和他相比,我的损失微不足道。

71、He made Larry who was sitting next to him, though only three or four inches shorter, look puny. ─── 拉雷就坐在他身边,和他相比,拉雷虽则不过矮三四英寸,但显得委琐多了。

72、Usually, just harpies, medusa heads, fleaman with birds and some other puny monsters. ─── 一般来说,不过是一些诸如鹰身女妖,美杜沙头,空降跳蚤人等等并不算厉害的对手。

73、You will find the world of name and form vanishing into void, and the puny ego dissolving in Brahman-Consciousness. ─── 你会发现世上的名相会消失于空无,微不足道的自我会溶解入梵天意识。

74、They laughed at my puny efforts. ─── 他们嘲笑我微不足道的努力。

75、What a puny creature ─── 多瘦小啊!

76、puny surface dealt technology ─── 微表处技术

77、Puny demand was partly the result of small wage rises, but it was also because Germany's service sector is underdeveloped. ─── 需求不足一方面是由工资涨幅过小导致的,然而,另一方面是德国服务业不发达。

78、That's the way with you whining, puny, pitiful players. ─── 你们这种又爱哭、又软弱、又可怜的赌棍就是这样。

79、Do business between the market that the government of dispersive, individual, puny farmer and layer class numerous and jumbled, twinking alternates, the discretion of force decides Bo Yizhi outcome. ─── 分散、单个、弱小的农户与层级庞杂的政府、瞬息变换的市场之间进行交易,力量之高低决定博弈之结局。

80、He hoped that he could caress his cheek with his wings and kiss her on the forehead with his fine mouth, but his puny body is not big enough to be noticed by her. ─── 他想用自己的翅膀抚摸她的脸,用细小的觜来亲吻她的额头,然而他弱小的身体还是不足已被她发现。

81、Which is puny compared with some Australian earthworms that can be three meters long. ─── 但是跟澳洲某些可长达三公尺的蚯蚓比起来,仍小得多。

82、Based on laser and CCD image system, the inspected technique of puny deflectable angle measurement to object is presented. ─── 摘要介绍了基于激光与CCD图像系统的物体小角度偏转角的检测技术。

83、"Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion." ─── 他看上去虽然瘦弱,但人很勇敢。

84、Some doctors are pretty puny characters ─── 医生中也不乏庸庸碌碌之辈。

85、This puny guy applies for a job as a lumberjack. ─── 有个弱小的男人申请了当伐木工人的工作。

86、People have pathetically puny teeth and claws compared with the armaments of other dominant species. ─── 人类的牙齿和爪子比起其他占优势的物种,弱得可怜。

87、The first time I came across a fornidable foe,I desperately bemoaned my tiny stature.I was too puny to protect myself. ─── 初次遭遇强敌,我在心里拼命地抱怨自己太小,小得不足以保卫自己。

88、Nevertheless, the actual strength of independent network business still slants for opposite Beijing, Shanghai puny, those who need to get all walks of life is farther guide with give aid to. ─── 不过,独立网商的实力相对北京、上海来说仍偏弱小,需要得到各界的进一步引导与扶持。

89、Puny though he looked, he was as brave as lion. ─── 中文:他看上去虽然瘦弱,但人很勇敢。

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