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09-11 投稿


dangle 发音

英:[ˈdæŋɡ(ə)l]  美:[ˈdæŋɡ(ə)l]

英:  美:

dangle 中文意思翻译




dangle 网络释义

vi. 摇晃地悬挂着vt. 使摇晃地悬挂n. (Dangle)人名;(法)当格勒

dangle 短语词组

keep someone dangling (around)

1. 使某人悬望; 使某人不放心地等待

Don't keep me dangling; tell me if I passed the test.

别吊我的胃口了, 告诉我考试及格没有。

1、dangle-berry n. ─── 蓝越橘; ─── 蓝越橘的果实

2、dangle earrings ─── 垂坠耳饰

3、dangle bros ─── 将~a移到球杆王牌上。

4、dangle supply ─── 悬挂式供给

5、dangle cross earring ─── 悬挂式十字耳环

6、dangle plugs ─── 悬挂式插头

7、dangle stick ─── 悬挂枝条

8、dangle after ─── 追求, 尾随

9、dangle nose rings ─── 悬挂鼻环

10、dangle-dolly n. ( ─── 装饰用的)小娃娃

11、dangle foot ─── [医] 下垂足

dangle 词性/词形变化,dangle变形


dangle 习惯用语

1、dangle before (in front of) ─── 在...面前摇晃地摆动着; (希望等)眩惑着

2、dangle round ─── 追求(某人); 希望得到(某东西)

3、dangle about ─── 追求(某人); 希望得到(某东西)

4、dangle after ─── 追求(某人); 希望得到(某东西)

dangle 相似词语短语

1、dangler ─── n.耳环;追逐女人的男人;吊着晃来晃去的东西;n.(Dangler)人名;(英)丹格勒

2、dangly ─── adj.摆晃的,悬摆的

3、angle ─── n.角,角度;视角;立场;角铁;(古)鱼钩;v.斜移;从……角度提供信息;钓鱼;谋取

4、dingle ─── n.幽谷;峡谷;vi.发抖;发叮当声;n.(Dingle)人名;(英、葡)丁格尔

5、dangles ─── v.摇晃地悬挂着(dangle的第三人称单数)

6、dangled ─── adj.悬挂着的;v.挂;悬荡;吊着(dangle的过去分词)

7、dandle ─── v.摇逗(放在膝上的孩子);上下轻摇;宠溺,纵容

8、cangle ─── 弹出一个儿童开关

9、bangle ─── n.手镯;脚镯

dangle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He sit on the edge of the table dangle his leg ─── 他坐在桌子边上,摆动著双腿

2、In the process of construction of multi-media classroom, many schools dangle after the construction of hardware equipments inappropriately. ─── 提出了多媒体综合电教室不宜片面地追求硬件设备的建设问题,探讨了多媒体综合电教室设计的原则及多媒体计算机、影机、频展示台、音系统等媒体应具备的功能指标。

3、The boss is insisting.Verizon Wireless, Microsoft and Dow Chemical dangle cash bonuses for workers who lose weight or stop smoking. ─── 最近的革新可能会掀起一次极大的冲击:遏制员工恶劣的健康习惯,其中包括蜜糖加大棒政策。

4、polyester lanterns dangle across Shanghai's store-fronts while office lobbies are a riot of scarlet and gold. ─── 灯笼摇曳在上海各家商店门前,写字楼大堂里随处可见大红色与金色的装饰。

5、dangle bright prospects before a person ─── 用光明的远景引诱某人

6、It may need to dangle some of its cash before investors in order for others to see it as cheap. ─── 也许谷歌得拿出一部分现金来鼓励一下投资者,才能让他们感觉到公司的股价还算便宜。

7、Electrical cords and a clothesline dangle overhead.They pull out a small table for meals they cook on a burner. ─── 电线和晾衣绳就在头顶晃荡,他们用炉子做饭,吃饭的时候就支起一张小桌子。

8、A feature of these is the Filipino variation on the Mexican pinata: a bamboo frame from which dangle packages of sweets, fruit, and toys on strings. ─── 其中一个特色是菲律宾版的墨西哥皮纳塔:一个竹制的架子,上面用绳子挂着一包包的糖、水果和玩具。

9、dangle earring ─── 垂耳饰

10、"He thinks I'm a child," thought Scarlett, grief and anger choking utterance, "and he's only got to dangle a new toy and I'll forget my bumps." ─── "他还把我当孩子看,"思嘉心里想,悲伤和愤怒憋得她说不出话来,"以为只要拿着新玩具在我面前晃两下,我就会把伤痛全忘了呢。

11、My sister has several boys to dangle about(around, round) ─── 有几个男孩在追我妹妹。

12、He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth. ─── 他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。

13、She likes to dangle her men around her. ─── 她喜欢让男人们围着她。

14、to follow; to tread behind; to pursue after; to dangle after ─── 追随

15、arc dangle ─── 弧垂

16、That's an enticement the federal government shouldn't allow states to dangle before these women. ─── 而实际上,州政府根本就不应该把这样的诱惑摆在这些妇女眼前。

17、9.Once the Prince gets a good lay of his land, he can climb, swing, run, vault, roll, scurry, shimmy, and dangle his way into a position that grants him an advantage over his opponents. ─── 一旦王子到达了合适的地点,他就可以通过攀爬,悬摆,助跑,跳跃,疾走,摇动,悬荡等各种动作让自己处于一个好位置,占据主动。

18、"Go ahead, attack me," Dooku said, holding his lightsaber at his side, letting it dangle casually. "Show me how much you've forgotten." ─── “来呀,来攻击我啊!”杜库说着,手持光剑,随意地晃动着。“让我看看你究竟忘了多少。”

19、The ultimate in portable makeup. Two jeweled, smoky-crystal lockets dangle from an adjustable burnished silver chain. One contains a dusty pink lip color, and the other a shimmering gloss. ─── 可爱的银色吊饰项鍊,那两个可爱圆形吊饰其实是唇蜜伪装的呢!一个是粉红色的唇蜜,一个是透明的唇蜜,出去玩的时候戴这个项鍊,漂亮又实用喔!

20、Other products include: luck, goggles, Mustache, bathed ball, mirrors, fimbriatum Hook, all kinds of gems to dangle, Chinese knot and mining products such as plate junction. ─── 其它产品有:香包、眼罩、抱枕、沐浴球、香包、流苏、各种吊饰、中国结和蝴碟结等产品。

21、Meanwhile, China has worked through Thailand, its closest ally in Asean, to dangle the fruits of market access before Southeast Asia. ─── 与此同时,中国已与在东盟的最密切伙伴泰国达成先于东南亚其他国家的市场准入协议。

22、AP - It's one thing to dangle fuzzy dice from a rear view mirror, but decorating a trailer hitch with a large pair of rubber testicles might be a bit much in Virginia. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

23、His great arms dangle loosely at his sides, the palms of his hands open. ─── 他的一双粗大的胳膊软绵绵地垂在身子两旁,手张开着。

24、The prospect of joining the EU is a carrot to dangle in front of Serbia as some compensation for the eventual loss of Kosovo. ─── 加入欧盟的前景就是在塞尔维亚面前晃来晃去的胡萝卜,以作为该国万一失去科索沃的某种补偿。

25、MRFCleaner Takes features as input and processes them based on the specified modules, tolerance, dangle factor, filter factor, and specific attribute data. ─── 根据指定的模块、容差、悬挂参数、过滤参数、以及属性数据,进行处理。

26、Don't dangle the lights before me. It will do harm to my eyes. ─── 别把灯在我面前晃来晃去,对我眼不好。

27、You know, dangle a hotel key in front of their faces. ─── 比如在他们面前晃动房间的钥匙。

28、"The babies ornament her ankles, dangle from her pant legs"(Carolyn Chute) ─── “孩子们简直就是她脚踝的饰物,随着她的裤腿摆荡”(卡罗琳·丘特)语源

29、Dangle from ─── 悬挂在某处

30、Levicorpus Description: This charm will raise the victim up by its ankle and dangle them in mid air. ─── 一个能让被害者脚朝天在空中乱晃的咒语。

31、dangle about [ after ] a woman ─── 追逐女人

32、At Christmas, we dangle colored lights around the room. ─── 圣诞节时,我们在房间里挂上彩灯。

33、Dangle sth in front of ─── 以某物吸引

34、It's bait she'll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude. ─── 她会挂出诱饵看你是不是会上当,通常会以软磨硬泡的方式。

35、Indeed, one study even suggests that a shift from tight-fitting jockeys, which can press the scrotum against the body, to boxers, which allow it to dangle, can improve some factors of sperm quality. ─── 的确,曾经有研究建议,男性由紧身内裤改穿平口内裤,让阴囊不受挤压而自然垂吊于体外时,可让精子的品质提升。

36、The location middle string, increases the innumerable short strings to dangle to the ground, the ball passes through from the string time, may detect obviously. ─── 场地中间的绳子,增加无数短绳子向地面垂下,球从绳子下面经过时,可以明显地发觉。

37、Jut xianb ax hneb hlat,njout lol sheit ax peax,dangl end ghab xongb nex yad yad lol doux ndeud xongb! ─── 新年头一天,上来发一贴,欢迎所有的苗族朋友们都来学习苗文!

38、"What do they have to do, dangle his body in front of our men?" ─── 他们会怎么做?把他的尸体摆在我们人面前?

39、Certainly we know what happened once he was assassinated: Reconstruction was administered punitively and then abandoned, leaving the issue of racial equality to dangle for another century. ─── 一旦他被暗杀,我们无疑地是知道会发生什么的:南方各州的重建会被惩罚性地执行,然后重建被抛弃,使得创建种族平等的问题被推到另一个世纪。

40、Perhaps fromDanish dangle. ─── 可能源自丹麦语dangle。

41、Dangle about/around/round ─── 悬挂,摇摆不定

42、Aye-ayes have pointed claws on all their fingers and toes except for their opposable big toes, which enable them to dangle from branches. ─── 他们的趾头很大,还可以灵活旋转,除此以外,狐猴手脚上的爪子非常锋利,这他们可以在枝丫上摇摆。

43、dangle foot ─── [医] 下垂足

44、Dad is trying to persuade jim by dangle the carrot of higher allowance. ─── 爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆。

45、Paul sat down on the edge of the swimming pool to dangle his feet in the water. ─── 保罗坐在游泳池边沿上,把双脚放在水中摆动。

46、Historically, Many plays referred to a poor young man who always had a dream to be in the money, and then, the dream came true and he tried his best to dangle after a beautiful woman. ─── (以前,许多剧本总是提到一个穷人总想一天暴富起来,并且他的梦想实现了,于是他尽力的追求一个美丽的女子。

47、"The babies ornament her ankles, dangle from her pant legs" (Carolyn Chute) ─── “孩子们简直就是她脚踝的饰物,随着她的裤腿摆荡”(卡罗琳·丘特)

48、Dangl mait diangd diub jid , ─── 等妹回家去,

49、dangle after ─── v. 追求, 尾随

50、Manchester City may dangle Micah Richards under Chelsea's nose in a bid to lure winger Shaun Wright-Phillips back to Eastlands. ─── 曼城可能会以米卡.理查兹做诱饵,向切尔西换回边前卫小赖特。

51、For Key dangle some keys for them to see ─── 钥匙:拿出一把钥匙给孩子看

52、She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again. ─── 她吸引了你的注意,就像晃动的门闩,当你撞开门时它会一下跳起来。

53、At no time should the celebrant or any other person officiating or assisting allow hands to swing at the sides or dangle. ─── 主礼者或任何人士,在主礼或协助礼仪的时候,不论任何时侯都不可以让双手在身旁前后摇动或悬摆。

54、He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth. ─── 他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。

55、I showed her how to dangle. ─── 我教她怎么摇摆。

56、In the Jingle Temple, a famous temple in Luoyang, "upon the six fasts, there were always Jiyue performers whose songs seemed to dangle among the roof beams. ─── 北魏洛阳名刹景乐寺至于六斋,常设女乐,歌声绕梁,

57、Squirrels have astonishing agility.They can run wires, hop branches and dangle from swinging tree limbs without a second thought. ─── 松鼠的机敏和灵活令人赞叹,它们能在金属丝上奔跑,能在树枝上跳跃,还能不加思索地在树上荡秋千。

58、Dad be trying to persuade jim by dangle the carrot of higher allowance ─── 爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆

59、You should do the thing what the manager should do. Just dangle in the factory,not only annoyed us much ,but makes us have no good mood to work. ─── 你应该做一个老板所要做的事,来厂里面晃,只会添烦恼给我们,搞得我们没心情工作。

60、The blind fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle. ─── 这里的盲目暴怒是指神话人物阿特洛波斯;这是命运剪断了生命悬线的细线。

61、Do not swing it backwards or let it dangle. ─── 不要将腿向后摇摆或者悬吊空中。

62、Bend over and let your arms dangle,relaxing all your muscles. ─── 弓腰垂臂,让手臂垂下摆动,松驰筋肉。

63、The babies ornament her ankles,dangle from her pant legs(Carolyn Chute) ─── 孩子们简直就是她脚踝的饰物,随着她的裤腿摆荡(卡罗琳·丘特)

64、The momentum of his stride is enough to pick up two grown men off their feet and dangle them through the air. ─── 他大步前进的势头足以使两名成年男子不由自主的在空中摇摆不定。

65、The babies ornament her ankles, dangle from her pant legs(Carolyn Chute) ─── 孩子们简直就是她脚踝的饰物,随着她的裤腿摆荡(卡罗琳 丘特)

66、with the wristwatch you could say something mushy like, "Time for a little lovin", or dangle a picture of you at the end of the fishing rod with the message, "You got me - hook, line and sinker!" ─── 在以后每次进行性生活时,小琼的丈夫总会不自觉地想起小琼曾说过的那句话,久而久之,他这个项目经理干起这个“项目”来真的有些力不从心了。

67、Or bend over and let your arms dangle, relaxing all your muscles. ─── 或者弓腰垂臂,让手臂垂下摆动,松驰筋肉。

68、looked so familiar candlelight, which was flooded the day time and into my eyes, remove the cover for a long time indeed harbor memory, clear the shadow of childhood lovely dangle in the candlelight. ─── 看着如此熟悉的烛光,那些被岁月淹没的日子,又挤进了我的眼前,擦去遮盖记忆已久的尘沙,童年的影子鲜明可爱的在烛光下晃动着。

69、(I showed her how to dangle. ─── 福:(我教她怎么从树上倒吊。

70、Escape baskets slung from them dangle beside the building for people to climb into. ─── 从直升机中抛出的救生篮在大楼旁摇摆,人们可以爬到里面去。

71、Nale:Right, my minion, and it's how we're going to dangle our lovely bait. ─── 没错,我的小跟班,这就是我们放下可爱诱饵的方法。

72、Broken ceiling pieces dangle over deserted pews in a church on Rongelap Atoll, which was contaminated by fallout from the U. ─── 朗格拉普岛上一座教堂里,残破的天花板在废弃以久的长凳上飘荡。

73、Afraid to retreatfrom this vantaged position, you dangle your arm until it is numbed andtingles painfully and your date snickers as you massage blood back intyour atrophied appendage. ─── 生怕从这一有利地位退却,你就让手臂悬着,直到他发麻刺痛,当你揉着手臂让血液回流到这“萎缩“的上肢时,你那位对象却在盈盈窃笑。

74、He sits on the edge of the table dangle his leg. ─── 他坐在桌子边上,摆动著双腿。

75、dangle before ─── 在…面前摇晃地摆动着

76、Jessika laid her back flat against Mac's, letting her arms dangle at his sides. ─── 接着,杰西卡平躺在麦克的背上,两只胳膊在麦克的两侧晃来晃去。

77、It's very interesting to dangle the ball on a string before the cat. ─── 在小猫眼前晃线球很有意思。

78、Imagine shrinking the beakers, eyedroppers, chemicals and heaters of a chemistry lab onto a little microchip that could dangle from a key chain. ─── 想像一下,把实验室中的烧杯、滴管、化学药剂和加热器等,缩小成可挂在钥匙圈上的微晶片会是什麽状况?

79、And as the dollar continues to dangle below the 100-yen mark, Fukao says that officials have their eyes on just how low it will go. ─── 深尾三硕说,在美元兑换日圆的汇率继续徘徊在低于1比100以下之际,官方正在关注最终能够低到多少。

80、This is a hammock station. You can dangle to wait for the arrival of public transportation. ─── 吊床车站,你可以晃晃悠悠地等待公交的到来。

81、Several young men dangle after the pretty girl. ─── 好几个青年男子追随那漂亮女孩。

82、The BaBies ornament her ankles, dangle from her pant legs ─── 孩子们简直就是她脚踝的饰物,随着她的裤腿摆荡

83、The rope should be tied so it doesn't dangle low enough to be stepped over but not be so high or tight that the horse's head is restricted. ─── 绳应该栓紧才不会往下掉让马踏在绳上,也不应该栓得太高或太紧让马头受到限制。

84、dangle about ─── 追求(某人)希望得到(某东西)

85、In the west, whenever a mule driver has a mule that refuses to move and won't respond to the whip, he will dangle a carrot on a string in front of the mule just above its lips. ─── 西洋赶驴子的人,每逢驴子不肯走,鞭子没有用,就把一串胡萝卜挂在驴子眼睛之前、唇吻之上。

86、Paul sat down on the edge of the swimming pool to dangle his feet in the water. ─── 保罗坐在游泳池边沿上,把双脚放在水中摆动。

87、They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch it clear away. ─── 他们在我们眼前炫示希望,然后将它一把夺走。

88、the coarsest and commonest articles of wearing apparel dangle at the salesman's door, and stream from the house-parapet and windows. ─── 最蹩脚、最不值钱的衣装服饰悬挂在商家门前,在住房栏杆、窗口迎风招展。

89、Electrical cords and a clothesline dangle overhead. They pull out a small table for meals they cook on a burner. ─── 电线和晾衣绳就在头顶晃荡,他们用炉子做饭,吃饭的时候就支起一张小桌子。

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