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09-11 投稿


introrse 发音

英:[[ɪn'trɔ:s]]  美:[[ɪn'trɔ:s]]

英:  美:

introrse 中文意思翻译



introrse 短语词组

1、introrse definition ─── 内向定义

introrse 相似词语短语

1、antrorsely ─── adv.向上地;向前地

2、introrsely ─── 内向地

3、intros ─── 介绍(intro的名词复数)

4、indorse ─── vt.背书(限指收款人自己背书);承认;赞成

5、introns ─── n.[生化][遗]内含子;基因内区(intron的复数)

6、retrorse ─── adj.逆向的;[生物]向下弯的

7、extrorse ─── adj.(花药)向外的;向轴外的

8、antrorse ─── adj.向上的;向前的

9、sinistrorse ─── adj.[生物]左旋的

introrse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、anther borne below apex of filament or at apex with a connective crest, introrse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. ─── 花药着生在花丝先端下面或者先端,具有波状药隔,花药内向,纵裂开裂。

2、anther dorsifixed or basifixed, mostly introrse. ─── 花药背着或者基着,大多为内向。

3、anthers 10, oblong, basifixed, alternate with tube teeth, introrse. ─── 花药10,长圆形,基着,与筒部牙齿互生,内向。

4、Keywords polymer dispersed liquid crystal;nematic droplet;Monte Carlo method;random boundary condition;introrse intensity; ─── 关键词聚合物分散液晶;向列相液滴;蒙特卡罗方法;随机边界条件;内禀强度;

5、anthers small, thecae indistinct, introrse; ─── 小的花药,不清楚的囊,内向;

6、anthers dorsifixed or basifixed, erect, linear, introrse; ─── 花药背着或者基着,直立,线形,内向;

7、apex blunt-rounded with small and introrse curved sharp point; ─── 先端钝圆形具小和内向的弄弯锐尖;

8、anthers tetrasporangiate, introrse. ─── 花药带孢子囊,内向。

9、anthers on back with a pair of spurs at anther-filament junction, dehiscing by introrse-terminal and elliptic pores. ─── 花药在背面在花药和花丝连接点具上一对距,通过内向顶生和椭圆形的孔开裂。

10、introrse current maximum value ─── 内向电流最大值

11、anthers introrse, dehiscent lengthwise. ─── 花药向内,纵长开裂。

12、introrse current ─── 内向电流

13、anthers introrse, 2-locular, locules parallel and opening by longitudinal slits. ─── 花丝多数扁平,基部部分或全部合生成管;

14、introrse anther ─── 内向药

15、anthers lanceolate to ovate, introrse. ─── 花药披针形到卵形,内向。

16、anthers basifixed, tetrasporangiate and dithecal, introrse, opening by longitudinal slits. ─── 基着的花药,四孢子囊和二室,内向,在纵裂裂缝上打开。

17、anthers longitudinally dehiscent, introrse. ─── 花药纵向开裂,内向。

18、anthers didymous, dorsifixed in proximal 1/2, introrse, short, dehiscing longitudinally. ─── 花药成双,在近端1/2背着,向内,短,纵向开裂。

19、introrse balkground current ─── 内向背景电流

20、connective thickened, triangular-ovate, apex obtuse and apiculate, thecae divergent, introrse; ─── 药隔加厚,三角状心形,先端钝和具细尖,分叉的囊,内向;

21、anthers usually 2-loculed, basifixed or dorsifixed and versatile, introrse, latrorse, or extrorse, dehiscing usually by vertical slits. ─── 花药通常2室,基着或者背着和丁字着,内向,侧向,或者外向纵裂,通常以垂直裂缝开裂。

22、anthers latrorse, introrse, or extrorse; ─── 花药侧向纵裂的,向内,或者外向;

23、anthers ovate, basifixed or subdorsifixed, introrse to latrorse. ─── 花药卵形,基着或近背着,内向到侧向纵裂。

24、anthers introrse, 2-loculed, usually dorsifixed at base, less often medifixed, dehiscence longitudinal. ─── 花药内向,2室,通常基部背着,较少是中部着生,纵向开裂。

25、anthers nearly basifixed, introrse. ─── 近基着的花药,内向。

26、anthers rotund, ca. 0.4 mm wide, introrse. ─── 花药圆形,宽约0.4毫米,内向。

27、anthers longitudinally or obliquely dehiscent, introrse. ─── 纵向的花药或者间接开裂,内向。

28、anthers dorsifixed, 1-loculed, introrse, apex apiculate; ─── 花药背着,1室,内向,先端具细尖;

29、anthers minute, versatile or not, 2( or 4)-celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, usually introrse. ─── 花药小,有丁字着或无,2(或者4)室,通常向内纵向开裂。

30、filaments filiform;anthers dorsifixed, introrse, dehiscing longitudinally. ─── 花丝丝状花药背着,内向,纵向开裂。

31、Anthers 6, opposite perianth segments, attached at lobe sinus, lobelet sinus, or lobe apex of corona, dorsifixed, introrse. ─── 花药6,对生于花被片,附着在裂片凹缺,小裂片凹缺,或副花冠裂片先端的,背着,内向。

32、anthers lanceolate, dorsifixed, extrorse to introrse, sometimes with locules confluent at apex. ─── 花药披针形,背着,外向到侧向纵裂,有时先端药室愈合。

33、anthers introrse;gynoecium reduced. ─── 花药向内雌蕊群退化。

34、thecae with tubules opening by a terminal pore or introrse slit. ─── 有细管的囊通过一个末端毛孔或者内向裂缝打开。

35、anthers larger, thecae 2, parallel, introrse, dehiscence longitudinal; ─── 花药大,囊2,平行,内向,纵裂;

36、filaments longer than calyx lobes, incurved with extrorse anthers in bud, erect with introrse anthers at anthesis; ─── 花丝长于萼裂片,弯曲具花药在芽中,直立具花药在花期;

37、filaments free;anthers 2-locular, introrse or extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; ─── 花丝离生花药2室,内向或外向,纵向开裂;

38、anthers dorsifixed, introrse. ─── 花药背着,内向。

39、anthers introrse, usually piliferous at base. ─── 花药向内,通常在基部。

40、anthers introrse, 2-celled, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花药向内,2室,纵向开裂。

41、Styles 3, rather short, with introrse stigmas. ─── 花柱3,相当短,具内向柱头。

42、Anthers sessile, circular, 2-loculed, introrse, connate into a synandrium, dehiscence longitudinal. ─── 花药无梗,圆,2室,内向,合生的成为聚药,开裂纵向。

43、anther (1 or)2-celled, basifixed to dorsifixed, dehiscing longitudinally or obliquely, introrse, extrorse, or latrorse. ─── 花药(1-)2室,基着或背着,纵向或者斜向开裂,内向、外向或者侧向纵裂。

44、anthers longitudinally dehiscent, introrse, rarely extrorse. ─── 花药纵向开裂,内向,很少外向。

45、anthers introrse, locules many, dehiscing by an adaxial valve. ─── 花药向内,子房室很多,通过一正面的裂爿开裂。

46、Petals 5, spatulate, free, valvate, outside puberulent, apex introrse. ─── 花瓣5,匙形,离生,镊合状,外面被微柔毛,先端内向。

47、filaments linear;anthers 2-loculed, introrse, dehiscence longitudinal. ─── 花丝线形花药2室,向内,纵向开裂。

48、stamens 6, inserted at base of perianth lobes or in throat of tube, anthers dorsifixed, introrse. ─── 雄蕊6,着生的在花被基部裂片或在筒部的喉,花药背着,内向。

49、anthers functionally introrse (due to curvature).Ovary half-inferior; ─── 花药功能上内向(由于弯曲)。

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