vague 发音
英:[veɪg] 美:[veɡ]
英: 美:
vague 中文意思翻译
vague 同义词
distracted | dreamy | scatterbrained | foggy | dim | wispy | fuzzy | undecided | misty | distant | tough | inexact | impenetrable | hazy |indistinct | gloomy | loose | lax | formless | pale | shadowy | black | ambiguous | imprecise | faint | abstruse | incomprehensible | indistinguishable | imperceptible | dark | undefined | unclear | equivocal | muddy | absent-minded | general | blurred | obscure | indefinite | grey | opaque | abstracted
vague 词性/词形变化,vague变形
形容词比较级: vaguer |副词: vaguely |名词: vagueness |形容词最高级: vaguest |
vague 反义词
clear |distinct
vague 短语词组
1、vague feeling ─── 模糊的感觉
2、vague synonym ─── 模糊同义词
3、vague terms ─── 模糊词语
4、constitutionally vague meaning ─── 宪法上的模糊含义
5、vague asl ASL ─── 波
6、vague example ─── 含糊不清的例子
7、vague pronoun ─── 模糊代词
8、vague means ─── 模糊手段
9、nouvelle vague ─── 新浪潮派
10、unconstitutionally vague ─── 不符合宪法的含糊
vague 相似词语短语
1、vagus ─── n.[解剖]迷走神经
2、vaguely ─── adv.含糊地;暧昧地;茫然地
3、Hague ─── n.海牙(荷兰一座城市)
4、value ─── n.值;价值;价格;重要性;确切涵义;vt.评价;重视;估价
5、ague ─── n.疟疾;发冷;寒颤;n.(Ague)人名;(英)埃格
6、vaguest ─── 模糊的;不明确的;茫然的;犹豫不决的(vague的最高级)
7、vogue ───;流行,时髦;adj.时髦的,流行的;n.(Vogue)人名;(葡)沃格
8、vaguer ─── 模糊的(vague的比较级)
9、Prague ─── n.布拉格(前捷克斯洛伐克首都;现捷克首都)
vague 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Hitherto I have gone on vague lines. ─── 以前我有点糊里糊涂。
2、We should in fact have preferred her activity to the vague menace she embodied. ─── 事实上,我们宁愿它出来活动,而不愿受它含有的那种隐晦的威胁。
3、Stay vague but plant the seed. ─── 保持神秘,但是要播下种子。
4、They had only a vague idea where the place was. ─── 他们只是大概知道那个地方的位置。
5、If you wanted me to go why didn't you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints? ─── 你想叫我走,为什麽拐弯抹角而不直说?
6、You who're so good with words and at keeping things vague. ─── 你向来善于文辞与暧昧不明.
7、Vague goals do not provide a solid basis for formal organizations. ─── 不过,模糊的目标不能为正式组织提供牢固的基础。
8、A vague or confused state of mind. ─── 头脑糊涂或混乱的状态
9、A vague figure is materializing. ─── 一个模糊的图形出现了。
10、He had a vague impression that he had left his house unlocked. ─── 他觉得自己出门时好像没锁门。
11、BR>Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you. ─── 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。
12、Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you. ─── 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复
13、He had a vague idea of finding Anne and explaining it all to her. ─── 他隐约觉得要去找安妮, 向她解释所发生的一切。
14、He had a vague sense of some great thing forgotten, which passed immediately. ─── 他模模糊糊地感到忘记了某些大事,不过这种感觉立即消逝了。
15、She found it difficult to set aside a vague feeling of anxiety caused by his failure to call or write. ─── 他既没打电话又没写信,这使她难以撇开由此而产生的一种隐约的担忧心情。
16、He is vague as may be; writing in what is called the "soaped-pig" fashion. ─── 他总是含糊至极,写出的东西可谓“模棱两可”。
17、Looks like, in terms of format or length, is left intentionally vague. ─── 中的文本内容,比如格式和长度,有意保持含糊。
18、Especially if you have a problem that's too vague, investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away. ─── 尤其如果你的问题太模糊,调查事实往往比立刻解决更有作用。
19、Gina's wording is vague so I don't know what she is trying to say. ─── 吉娜说话很含糊,我不知道她想说什么。
20、The phrasing of the question was vague. ─── 在这个问题上措词模糊。
21、With a vague felling of uneasiness I move to the window. ─── 一阵莫名的烦躁,我走到窗旁。
22、His dreams were always vague. ─── 他的愿望总是模模糊糊的。
23、He was a small man with vague eyes. ─── 他身材矮小,眼睛没有表情。
24、Armed with only a vague idea, no story and no contributors, there was no way I would find funding. ─── 只有一个模糊的想法,没有故事,没有投稿人,我根本不可能找到资金。
25、Therefore, to avoid a vacuous academic talk, ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance. ─── 因此,为了避免空洞的学术性议论,对科学道德规范中的明知故犯不能用含糊不清的学术议论进行对待。
26、But his statement was vague. ─── 不过他的声明很模糊。
27、He tried to put me off with vague promises. ─── 他企图以含糊的允诺来敷衍我。
28、This proved a very vague and shadowy frontier. ─── 其实这是一条极其含糊、极不明确的界限。
29、But she had the vague, distant look I mentioned before. ─── 可是她有着我以前提到过的那种茫然的捉摸不到的神气。
30、The ancient oracles were often vague and equivocal. ─── 古代的神谕常是意义模糊和模棱两可的。
31、We can see the vague outlines of the mountains from here. ─── 从这儿我们可以看到那些山脉的大体轮廓。
32、Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me. ─── 我们停靠的所有地方,虽因时间短促没有留下特别的印象,但却使我的心头蒙上了一种莫可名状的难以忍受的感觉。
33、The pictures on the wall, all of them very brown, looked vague and incoherent. ─── 墙上所有的画都灰溜溜的,显得模糊而支离破碎。
34、Because your enquiry is too vague, we can't reply you promptly. ─── 因为你们的询价不明确,我们无法及时答复。
35、The cloud-mussed sky turned a vague copper color. ─── 堆满乌云的天空现出一种混沌的紫铜色。
36、But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst of vague musings. ─── 但我仍缱绻留连,沉浸在恍惚的冥想中。
37、His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan. ─── 他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划。
38、In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church. ─── 他们在黑暗中能看到一座教堂的朦胧轮廓。
39、Yourcnquiry isoo vague to enable us to reply you. ─── 你们的盘不明确,我们无法答复。
40、His conception of this matter is rather vague. ─── 他对这事的概念很模糊。
41、The description was pretty vague. ─── 这项描述是相当含糊的。
42、A nightmare could be trying to tell you something but it might be quite vague. ─── 一场噩梦可能是向你暗示某件事,但可能只是很模糊地暗示。
43、Its thrust was vague enough to imply no precise consequences. ─── 其猛烈攻击的东西是非常含糊其词的,不会意味着有什么具体的后果。
44、He was vague on many of the details. ─── 在许多细节上他未交代清楚。
45、The charges were vague and imprecise. ─── 这些指控的内容模糊不清。
46、He returned only a vague answer. ─── 他只给了个含糊的回答。
47、I carried with me for years a vague impression that he was a cold-hearted man. ─── 多年来我有一个模糊的印象,认为他是一个寡情的人。
48、Don't be cagey or vague in headlines. ─── 不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。
49、One must not be vague on matters of principle. ─── 在原则问题上不能含糊。
50、You should not make vague promises. ─── 你不该作含糊不清的承诺。
51、His emotions became vague and shifted about like vapors . ─── 他的心情则如同一团雾气,变幻无常,捉摸不定。
52、His vague reply disconcerted us completely. ─── 他那含糊的回答弄得我们很为难。
53、The name rang a vague bell somewhere in the back of his mind. ─── 他记忆中依稀记得那个名字。
54、Meeting new people filled him with vague dread. ─── 会见陌生人使他感到莫名其妙的害怕。
55、He has some vague ideas about what to do, but nothing specific. ─── 他大概知道他要做什麼,但没有具体的计划。
56、The superior's measurments are often equally vague. ─── 上级的衡量往往是平均而笼统的。
57、His thought was too vague to be described. ─── 他的思路混混沌沌,难以理清。
58、The meaning of the word, when used in this sense, is vague. ─── 但是按这种意思来使用这个词是含糊不清的。
59、He dredged up vague memories. ─── 他模模糊糊地回忆起往事来。
60、He was accused of being deliberately vague. ─── 他被指责为故意含糊其词。
61、Vague or nonexistent strategies and policies are an invitation to unstructured, uncoordinated planning. ─── 含糊不清或空洞的策略和政策会招致计划的紊乱和不协调。
62、He gave a cagey, vague answer to my question. ─── 他小心翼翼,含糊其词地回答了我的问题。
63、His abhorrence for the vague and the general is extreme. ─── 他极其厌恶表述之模糊与概略。
64、The origin of most of our domestic animals will probably forever remain vague. ─── 大部分家养动物的来源,也许会永远暧昧不明。
65、But if it is only a vague inclination, one poor sonnet will kill it. ─── 但如果只是暧昧的表现,只要一篇差劲的十四行诗就能毁了它。
66、London seemed too large and vague a target for decisive results. ─── 伦敦这个目标似乎太大,漫无边际,因此很难收到决定性的效果。
67、She went to him for help, but he put her off with vague promises. ─── 她到他那里去要求给予帮助,可是他用含糊的诺言把她搪塞过去。
68、She had an idea rather vague one, but it was agreeable to her sense of injury. ─── 她产生了一个想法,这个想法虽然眼下还比较模糊,但与她受伤害的心理是十分合拍的。
69、In a fog everything looks vague. ─── 在雾中一切东西都显得模糊。
70、Gay Vague :Ambiguous homoerotic images in mainstream advertising. ─── 在主流广告中出现带有同性之间暧昧信息的图片;
71、His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind. ─── 他大智若愚。
72、You're making vague allegation. ─── 你们说得太笼统。
73、At the meeting, both Dilworth and Riccardo were still pretty vague. ─── 会面时,迪尔沃思和里卡多仍然是拐弯抹角的。
74、He saw the vague shape of someone coming through the mist. ─── 他看见一个模糊的身影正从雾中走来。
75、History has to be vague and is therefore very interesting. ─── 历史必然含混也因此必然有趣。
76、She liked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences. ─── 她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。
77、I didn't evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. ─── 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。
78、Some vague formula may be found to paper over the disagreements. ─── 也许能找到一些含糊不清的套语来遮掩这些分歧。
79、The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague. ─── 协议的条款故意含糊其词.
80、Bossidy says appraisals should be specific, not vague. ─── 博西迪说,评估应是精确的,而不是模糊的。
81、The majority of patients have vague abdominal pain or discomfort. ─── 多数患者有腹部的隐痛或不适。
82、Why? Because what you learn is vague and limited. ─── 为什么呢?因为你所学的都是模糊和有限的。
83、Unnecessarily pretentious or vague language. ─── 不必要的自负或模糊的语言
84、But it is often seen that when glaring advertisements makes the content of your website vague, it hurts the user's experience. ─── 但是,我们经常看到,炫丽的广告使得你网站的内容弱化,这损害了用户的体验。
85、At the back of his mind is the vague idea that he has met her before. ─── 他隐隐约约地觉得以前曾经见过她。
86、They replied in vague terms. ─── 他们的答复含糊其词。
87、The Java language specification is purposefully vague on thread scheduling. ─── Java语言规范故意没有对线程计划做严格的规定。
88、Everything looked vague in the heavy fog. ─── 在浓雾中,一切东西看上去都很模糊。
89、Around the cluster is a huge vague diffuse nebulae. ─── 围绕该星团的是一个巨大的模糊的弥漫星云。
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