disproving 发音
英:[ˌdɪsˈpruːvɪŋ] 美:[ˌdɪsˈpruːvɪŋ]
英: 美:
disproving 中文意思翻译
disproving 反义词
disproving 词性/词形变化,disproving变形
动词现在分词: disproving |动词过去式: disproved |名词: disproval |动词过去分词: disproved |动词第三人称单数: disproves |形容词: disprovable |
disproving 同义词
negative | controvert |refute | invalidate | rebut | challenge | confute | negate | contradict
disproving 短语词组
1、disproving islam ─── 驳斥伊斯兰教
2、disproving def ─── 否定定义
3、disproving god ─── 反驳上帝
4、disproving qanon ─── 驳斥卡农
5、disproving jesus ─── 反驳耶稣
6、disproving esp ─── 否定esp
7、disproving mean ─── 反证平均数
8、disproving deism ─── 否定自然神论
disproving 相似词语短语
1、disimproving ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.使恶化,使变得更坏
2、disapproving ─── adj.反对的;不赞成的;v.不赞成;不同意(disapprove的ing形式)
3、disploding ─── 置换
4、disproviding ─── 反证
5、disprooving ─── 心怀疑虑
6、disponing ─── 未指定
7、disposing ─── 排列;安排;处理(dispose的现在分词)
8、disproven ─── 反证
9、disprizing ─── vt.轻视;低估
disproving 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、We have no way of proving or disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research. ─── 我们还没有方法来证实或反驳这些结论,因此我们在此为大家列出以激励进一步的研究。
2、Above all, he will have to work much harder at disproving Nixon's “dumb” jibe if he is to beat Hillary Clinton. ─── 如果他要打败希拉里,最重要的是汤普森得更加努力证明尼克松对他的嘲笑说他太笨是错的。
3、The Origin of Law of Nations for Tokyo Trail--Disproving the Paralogism of the Right Wing in Japan ─── 东京审判法理溯源--兼驳日本右翼的翻案谬论
4、Lack of Association of Infectious Agents With Risk of Future Myocardial Infarction and Stroke : Definitive Evidence Disproving the Infection/Coronary Artery Disease Hypothesis? ─── (感染性物质与日后的心肌梗死及脑卒中危险之间的关联缺乏论据:反证感染/冠心病假说的肯定论据?)
5、Two eyes are better than one, especially when it comes to visualising dark matter and disproving certain tenets of the theory of relativity. ─── 两只眼睛比一只眼睛管用,尤其是在研究暗物质以及想要证明相对论中的某些观点有误时。
6、Evidence against evolution is thus evidence for creationism; disproving evolution thus proves creationism. ─── 只要是反对演化论的证据,就是支持创造论的证据;驳斥了演化论,就等于证明了创造论。
7、Disproof:The act of refuting or disproving. ─── 反驳:拒绝或不同意的行为。
8、We choose our experiment with the objective of proving or disproving some assumption about how the final system will look. ─── 我们根据证明或反对一些关于最终系统的样子的假设的目标选择我们的实验。
9、Chinese-born American physicist. He shared a 1957 Nobel Prize for disproving the principle of conservation of parity. ─── 李政道生于1926,美籍华人,物理学家。因其证明等量守恒定律的不正确性而获1957年诺贝尔物理学奖。
10、disproving evolution thus proves creationism.The judge in McLean v. ─── 驳斥了演化论,就等于证明了创造论。
11、This is thought to indicate that there is no grand mathematical system capable of proving or disproving all statements. ─── 这表明了世界上不存在能够证明或证伪所有命题的终极数学体系。
12、So disproving it's her pancreas proves it's her brain? ─── 所以排除了胰腺问题等于证明了大脑问题?
13、By disproving those new laws, the old view of history might have been retained. ─── 推翻了这些新法则,就可以保持旧的历史观;
14、The act of refuting or disproving. ─── 反证,反驳拒绝或不同意的行为
15、When a woman goes missing, Devalos and Scanlon call in Allison for help in disproving the husband's alibi. ─── 爱丽调查的一宗失踪案原来与一飞机坠毁案有关,原来该失踪案的女人正是飞机坠毁案机师的妻子。
16、At the same time humanity has carried their investigation of natural phenomena to the point where it is disproving all it seemed to prove in the beginning. ─── 同时,人类对自然现象的调查已到了它正在反证它一开始所证明的一切的地步。
17、I don't want to waste time disproving the statement in your email because they are from subjective and even evil-minded presupposition. ─── 因为他们是从主观和甚而心地邪恶预想,不想要浪费时间反驳在您的电子邮件的我声明。
18、I think what's so wonderful about the Arab Spring is that it's disproving that assumption. ─── 我认为有关阿拉伯春天的美妙的是,它的驳斥这种假设。
19、But the funny thing about reality is that it's always disproving the most logical theories. ─── 但是滑稽的事关于现实是它总是反驳最逻辑的理论。
20、We have no way of proving or disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research. ─── 我们还没有方法来证实或反驳这些结论,因此我们在此为大家列出以激励进一步的研究。
21、By disproving those new laws, the old view of history might have been retained. ─── 推翻了这些新法则,就可以保持旧的历史观;
22、Fortunately, I happen to be rebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions made about me. ─── 幸好,我生性叛逆,乐于证明人们对我的看法是错误的,我喜欢这种挑战。
23、Much evidence disproving the massacre was presented; ─── 大部分证据否认了“南京大屠杀”的存在。
24、He is somewhat disproving of Pope, ─── 还是什么?
25、How's that fit with disproving miracles? ─── |这怎么能跟否定奇迹对上勾?
26、But without disproving them, it would seem impossible to continue studying historical events, merely as the arbitrary product of the free will of individual men. ─── 但是,不推翻它们,似乎就不能研究作为人们自由意志产物的历史事件。
27、Two eyes are better than one, especially when it comes to visualising dark matter and disproving certain tenets of the theory of relativity. ─── 两只眼睛比一只眼睛管用,尤其是在研究暗物质以及想要证明相对论中的某些观点有误时。
28、So disproving it's her pancreas proves it's her brain? ─── |所以排除了胰腺问题 等于证明了大脑问题?
29、Above all, he will have to work much harder at disproving Nixon's "dumb" jibe if he is to beat Hillary Clinton. ─── 如果他要打败希拉里,最重要的是汤普森得更加努力证明尼克松对他的嘲笑说他太笨是错的。
30、Accepting the case against the authoritarianism is easier than Mr Law's second main task, which is disproving the accusation that being a liberal is tantamount to supporting moral relativism. ─── 对绝对权力主义者的批判仅仅是劳先生这本书的一部分内容,更重要的内容是他对“自由主义就是支持道德中庸主义”这个批判的反击。
31、There was, of course, no way of proving or disproving Einstein's equation- until Rutherford showed how to split the atom. ─── 人们根本没有办法来证明爱因斯坦的方程式正确与否,直到卢瑟福演示了原子分裂实验。
32、Either proving or disproving cosmic censorship would create a mini explosion of its own within physics, because naked singularities touch on so many deep aspects of current theories. ─── 无论证实或驳斥宇宙审查假说,都能激发一些物理上的火花,因为裸奇点触及了当前理论的许多深层观念。
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