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09-12 投稿



ducat 发音

英:['dʌkət]  美:['dʌkət]

英:  美:

ducat 中文意思翻译



ducat 网络释义

n. 硬币;达克特(从前流通于欧洲各国的钱币)

ducat 短语词组

1、liggett ducat ─── 床打

ducat 词性/词形变化,ducat变形

副词: ducally |

ducat 相似词语短语

1、ducaton ─── 杜卡顿

2、Lucan ─── n.卢坎(人名)

3、Lucas ─── n.卢卡斯(男子名,等于Luke)

4、ductal ─── adj.管的;导管的

5、duct ─── n.输送管,导管;vt.用导管输送;以导管封住

6、-cat ─── n.猫,猫科动物

7、ducatoon ─── n.达克图

8、ducats ─── n.硬币;达克特(从前流通于欧洲各国的钱币)

9、ducal ─── adj.公爵的;公爵领地的;象公爵的;n.(Ducal)人名;(法)迪卡尔

ducat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to 1913 Webster the ducat was worth the equivalent of "nine shillings and four pence sterling, or somewhat more than two dollars.The silver ducat is of about half this value. ─── "一(大概是金)杜卡特大概等于九先令四便士,比两美元要多点,银杜卡特是这个价值的一半。

2、Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes. ─── 坎特是费城的一个家庭妇女,1965年,她的一个孩子被确诊为得了糖尿病。

3、When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths, "says Lee Ducat. " ─── “当人们认识到工作的重要性,他们能建立起心理优势,”杜卡·李说。

4、Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk. ─── 杜坎特想和其他有糖尿病孩子的母亲交往。但一开始没有人愿意和她深入交谈。

5、Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research.Lee Ducat's secret?Being a role model. ─── ”现在该基金会在全世界已有150个分会.杜坎特还建立并领导了“全国疾病研究交流中心”,核中心设法获得供生命研究用的人体组织.杜坎特成功的秘密是什么?身体力行.

6、Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. ─── 杜坎特还建立并领导了“全国疾病研究交流中心”,核中心设法获得供生命研究用的人体组织。

7、Ducat also formed and now heads the National Disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. Lee Ducat's secret? ─── 杜凯特还组建并领导了以获得人体器官来进行生命研究的国家疾病研究交流会,李·杜凯特的秘诀是什么呢?

8、Lee Ducat's secret Being a role model. ─── 杜坎特成功的秘密是什么?身体力行。

9、In 1965,Lee Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes. ─── 1965年,李·杜凯特是费城的一个家庭主妇,她的孩子刚刚被发现患有糖尿病。

10、Ducat , who claimed to have food for two days, refused to take the phone, saying he was afraid it would explode. ─── 杜凯特试图与其他患有糖尿病孩子的母亲取得联系,但是一开始没人顾意和她交谈。

11、Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk. ─── 杜坎特想和有糖尿病孩子的母亲交往。但一开始人愿意和她深入交谈。

12、Finally Ducat managed to find three other mothers willing to share their experience, and from that beginning she went on to found and lead the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, which currently has 150 chapters worldwide. ─── 最后,杜凯特设法找到了愿意与她分享经验的三位母亲。以此为起点,她后来创办并领导了目前在全球已有150个分会的青少年糖尿病基金会。

13、Show the way. In 1965, Lee Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes. ─── 指引方向在1965年,李·杜凯特是费城的一个家庭主妇,她的孩子刚刚被发现患有糖尿

14、Ducat is any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries. ─── 达克特是旧时用于某些欧洲国家的各类金币。

15、Ducat is any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries. ─── 达克特是旧时用于某些欧洲国家的各类金币。

16、The stake is 1 Ducat and you can double it by winning. ─── 赌注是一个金币,你可以赢双倍。

17、Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk. ─── 杜坎特想和其他有糖尿病孩子的母亲交往。但一开始没有人愿意和她深入交谈。

18、Social Welfare Secretary Esperanza Cabral talked with Ducat and offered assurances that the children would get a good education. ─── 社会福利部长EsperanzaCabral向Ducat保证将给予孩子们更好的教育。

19、Ducat, who claimed to have food for two days, refused to take the phone, saying he was afraid it would explode. ─── Ducat说他准备了两天的食物,拒绝使用电话,说担心会爆炸。

20、Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. ─── 杜坎特还成立并率领了“全国疾病研究交流中心”,核中心设法获得供生命研究用的人体组织。

21、Great buyer! Love to doing business with them! Visit Ducat Direct again! ─── 信用指数经双方同意撤回:买卖双方皆同意撤回此次交易的信用评价。进一步了解。2007-09-14

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