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09-12 投稿


vitiate 发音

英:[ˈvɪʃieɪt]  美:[ˈvɪʃieɪt]

英:  美:

vitiate 中文意思翻译



vitiate 词性/词形变化,vitiate变形


vitiate 短语词组

1、vitiate kids ─── 使孩子发炎

2、vitiate define ─── 无效定义

3、vitiate wiki ─── 恶意维基

4、vitiate definition ─── 无效定义

5、vitiate defined ─── 无效定义

vitiate 相似词语短语

1、tritiate ─── vt.使氚化

2、initiate ─── vt.开始,创始;发起;使初步了解;n.开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者;adj.新加入的;接受初步知识的

3、vitiates ─── vt.损害,弄坏;使无效;污染

4、vitiated ─── v.损害,削弱;使变质,使效率降低;使失去法律效力;使失效(vitiate的过去式和过去分词)

5、novitiate ─── n.见习;修道士(或修女)的见习期

6、ciliate ─── n.纤毛虫;adj.有纤毛的,(边缘)有缘毛的;有睫毛的,与睫毛有关的

7、vitiator ─── n.损害的人;使失效的人

8、vitiable ─── adj.可使无效的;能损坏的;能使腐败的

9、vittate ─── adj.有纵向脊纹的

vitiate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This may vitiate a literal translation. ─── 这就会损害直译的价值。

2、In Easterlin's word: "As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too,the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income. ─── 用伊斯特林的话:“收入增加了,人们的期望值也相应提高了,期望值的提高会抵消收入提高所带来的预期有所增加的幸福感。

3、But this does not vitiate his scholarship. ─── 但这不会威胁到他的奖学金。

4、In Easterlin's word: "Asincomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of thisincrease in aspirations is to vitiate the expected growth in Happinessdue to higher income. ─── 用伊斯特林的话来说:“收入增加了,人们的期望值也相应提高了,期望值的提高会抵消收入提高所带来的预期有所增加的幸福感。

5、Bad grammar does not vitiate a contract ─── 语法不通不影响合同效力

6、vitiate a will ─── 使遗嘱无效

7、vitiate a contract ─── 使契约失效

8、No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract. ─── 任何该等变更都不会影响本合同或造成本合同失效。

9、As can be seen, a brilliant benchmarking study might be able to determine the various sorts of matrices for payouts, but it might vitiate the notion of a fulsome inspirational exercise. ─── 可以看出,悠久的基础研究也许能够确定各种人力资源流程及模块,但也可能损及概念使其成为一个令人作呕的启发性练习。

10、enfeeble enervate debilitate weaken vitiate ─── 使衰弱,使衰老

11、No such variation shall, in any way, vitiate or invalidate the contract, and all such variations shall be valued in accordance with Clause 84. ─── 上述变更不应以任何方式使合同作废或失效,所有上述变更应按第84条估价。

12、and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract, but the value, if any, of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract Price. ─── 并且这种变更不应当在任何意义上使合同无效,但是这种变更的价值,如果有的话,应当在确定合同价款总额中计人。

13、A misdescription of the bill shall not vitiate the notice unless the party to whom the notice is given is in fact misled thereby; ─── 凡误述汇票,并不使通知失效,但如接受通知人事实上因而有误解者,则作别论;

14、and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract, but the value, if any, of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract Price. ─── 但此种变更不得以任何方式使合同失效,此种变更所需的一切费用(如果有)应在确定合同价格时予以考虑。

15、No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract. ─── 任何该等变更不得部份撤销或完全撤销本合同。

16、7.No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract. ─── 任何该等变更都不会影响本合同或造成本合同失效。

17、Vitiate a claim,contract,theory ─── 使权利要求、合同、理论无效.

18、vitiate the air ─── 使空气混浊

19、In Easterlin's word: "As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income. ─── 这是否意味着我们人类的日子有望越过越幸福呢?

20、49.In Easterlin's word: "As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate the expected growth in happiness due to higher income. ─── 用伊斯特林的话来说:“收入增加了,人们的期望值也相应提高了,期望值的提高会抵消收入提高所带来的预期有所增加的幸福感。”

21、Limitations imposed must be established by law and must not be applied in a manner that would vitiate the rights guaranteed in article 18. ─── 所施加的限制必须以法律作出规定,其实施方式不得损害第十八条中所保证的权利。

22、vitiate this Contract. ─── 这就会损害直译的价值。

23、vitiate v. ─── 使污浊;

24、But even the instance of the inordinate will does not really vitiate the conclusion, since in this case we are not dealing with the primary cause of the effect. ─── 即使是精神紊乱者的例子也不可能对我们的结论有所削弱,因为在这种情况下,我们处理的并非结果的原初因。

25、A single word may vitiate a contract. ─── 一字之差即可使合同作废。

26、The Manager shall have power as he think fit to vary the frequency specified in the work schedule and no variation shall vitiate this Contract. ─── 大厦经理有权按需要更改工作时间表上之服务次数。有关之改动将不会使合约无效。

27、But the inability of the Vendor to comply with any such requirement by such Purchaser shall not vitiate or delay the completion of the purchase. ─── 买主不得因卖主未能遵照其要求而取消或拖延完成买卖交易。

28、A misdescription of the bill shall not vitiate the notice unless the party to whom the notice is given is in fact misled thereby ─── 凡误述汇票,并不使通知失效,但如接受通知人事实上因而有误解者,则作别论

29、vitiate a claim, contract, theory ─── 使权利要求、 合同、 理论无效.

30、deflower, impair, mar, spoil, vitiate. ─── 损坏,损坏,毁坏,毁坏。

31、That will largely vitiate any notion of the EU at last speaking with one voice, or of answering the famously mythical Kissinger question about whom to call when an outsider wants to talk to Europe. ─── 这种现象将很大程度上破坏欧盟用一个声音对外的理念,同时也无法回答基辛格著名的假设问题:当局外人想通欧洲对话的时候,到底应该联系谁?

32、with due diligence carry out such Variation as so ordered. No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract. ─── 以勤勉的态度按照指令执行该等变更。任何该等变更都不会影响本合同或造成本合同失效。

33、fraus omnia vitiat ─── 诈骗使一切都失效

34、The least expansion of the bar, or the unequal expansion or contraction of the balls, caused by a change of temperature, would vitiate the result ; ─── 温度变化引起的精钢块的微小膨胀,或球体的不对等的膨胀或收缩,使结果失效;

35、A false cause does not vitiate a contract ─── 虚伪原因不影响合同效力

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