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09-12 投稿



documentary 发音

英:[ˌdɑːkjuˈment(ə)ri]  美:[ˌdɒkjuˈment(ə)ri]

英:  美:

documentary 中文意思翻译




documentary 词性/词形变化,documentary变形


documentary 短语词组

1、commercial documentary letter of credit ─── [经] 商业跟单信用状, 商业押汇信用状

2、documentary evidence of medicolegal expertise ─── [法] 法医学鉴定

3、documentary credit ─── [经] 押汇信用状, 跟单信用状

4、documentary draft ─── [经] 跟单汇票, 货物押汇的汇票

5、documentary against acceptance ─── [经] 承兑交单

6、documentary bill for collection ─── [经] 跟单托收汇票

7、documentary compliance ─── [经] 文书单据的符合

8、documentary evidence ─── [经] 收据, 证明文件

9、documentary acceptance bill ─── [经] 承兑押汇票, 照票押汇票

10、documentary bill ─── [经] 跟单汇票, 押汇汇票

11、documentary against payment ─── [经] 付款后交付单据

12、collection of documentary bills ─── [经] 托(代)收跟单汇票

13、documentary bill of exchange ─── [经] 跟单汇票

14、documentary 3 months' sight ─── [经] 见票后三个月的押汇票

15、documentary collection ─── [经] 跟单托收

16、documentary credit operation ─── [经] 跟单信用状业务

17、documentary acceptance ─── [经] 跟票承兑

18、documentary audit ─── [经] 送达审计

19、documentary bills division ─── [经] 贸易科, 押汇科

documentary 常用词组

documentary film ─── 纪录片;文献片

documentary credit ─── 押汇信用证

documentary evidence ─── 证明文件;书面证明

documentary 相似词语短语

1、nondocumentary ─── 非纪录片

2、documental ─── adj.文件的,公文的

3、documentarian ─── 纪录片制片人;纪实小说作者

4、documenters ─── n.资料员

5、rockumentary ─── n.摇滚纪录片

6、documentaries ─── n.纪录片;记录片(documentary的复数)

7、documenter ─── n.资料员

8、documentarily ─── adv.在记录上;在文书上

9、mockumentary ─── n.假纪录片;纪录形式的节目

documentary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Adel, Ausama, and Saif were attending schools in Baghdad, Iraq, when the documentary was made. ─── 在记录片拍摄之时,阿德尔,奥萨玛,以及萨伊夫在伊拉克的巴格达就学。

2、Work experience has: Five-star level hotel proscenium receptionist , documentary and business of foreign trade company. ─── 工作经验有:五星级酒店的前台接待员,外贸公司的跟单及业务。

3、It was named the best documentary of the year. ─── 它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。

4、Names of people in the documentary were changed to preserve anonymity. ─── 为了不暴露真实姓名,纪实影片中的人用的都是化名。

5、Two years later, a feature documentary on the subject, 'The Devil's Triangle', was released. ─── 二年之后,以该主题放映的一部记录片,‘魔鬼三角',获得了发行权。

6、The most astonishing Chinese documentary this year! ─── 今年最令人震撼的中国纪录片!

7、A well made documentary (is it the correct way to call it? ─── 一个做得很好的纪录片(不知道这是否正确的名称?

8、It is possible to make a documentary with a simple video camera. ─── 一台简单的摄像机就可以做纪录片。

9、In case of joint accounts, each joint account holder is subject to the above documentary requirements. ─── 在联名账户的情况下,每一名账户持有人均应提交上述文件。

10、Animal world's documentary film was also such says. ─── 动物世界的记录片也是这么说的.

11、Legal nature of documentary credit is disputable in practice and theories. ─── 关于信用证的法律性质在理论和实践上存在很大争议。

12、Knowing the laws of documentary motion is directively significant to the filing operation in schools. ─── 了解文件运动规律对学校档案工作具有指导意义。

13、A documentary decision was necessary. ─── 必须做出客观的决定。

14、CNN presents an extraordinary documentary on Sierra Leone. ─── CNN为您播出震撼性的塞拉利昂纪录片。

15、documentary painted her in a bad light. ─── 纪录片的描绘对她很不利。

16、One fictional scene was added in the documentary video, which demonstrates "Mad Dog" written by Forefinger. ─── 但作者的兴趣显然不在于此,不在于诗人的人生际遇以及它可能揭示的社会意义。

17、The lawyers had cleared the documentary for broadcast. ─── 律师删除了纪录片不再播放。

18、The documentary credit between the issuing bank and the beneficiary. ─── 开证行和受益人之间的跟单信用证。

19、Mr. Zhao said he was already planning for his next documentary to be a return to his old way of filmmaking. ─── 赵亮说自己已准备好下一部纪录片,是回归旧路子的做法。

20、In most countries, such a documentary would not raise an eyebrow. ─── 在大多数国家,这样一部纪录片不会引起任何惊讶。

21、Their documentary was to air nation-wide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. ─── 他们的纪录片在1994年5月3日在探索频道向全国观众播出。

22、My belief in tolerance led to a documentary film I made of Jehovah's Witnesses. ─── 乔:我相信宽容使我制作了一部关于耶和华信仰者的记录片。

23、It took them six weeks to film the documentary. ─── 他们拍摄这部纪录片用了六个星期。

24、The film was given a documentary style by the director. ─── 导演以纪实的表现手法拍摄了这部影片。

25、What was their reaction to your documentary "The Dark Side of Chocolate" ? ─── 是什么反应纪录片“的巧克力阴暗面”?

26、Oh, why I have not asked what the name of this documentary film is. ─── 喔,粗心的来,我怎么没问这部纪录片的名字叫什么来着。

27、Gore accepted the Academy award for Best Documentary. ─── 戈尔获得了最佳纪录片奖。

28、You were involved with the Vancouver documentary festival DOXA. ─── 你加入了温哥华实录纪念会DOXA。

29、I don't like the voice-over in this documentary. ─── 我不喜欢这个纪录片里的旁白。

30、Mail Confirmation of the Documentary Credit. ─── 信用证证实书.

31、Remembrance of the past, it was a good day. Nice documentary! ─── 忠实的纪录影片,追忆过去这美好的一天!

32、Can you please record the documentary for me? ─── 你能把这份档案拷贝给我吗?

33、Could you video the documentary for me? ─── 帮我录一下这个纪录片好吗?

34、A documentary, memorial, or historical book published every year, containing information about the previous year. ─── 年鉴每年发行的文献性、纪念性或历史性的书籍,包含有关前一年的信息

35、Harbin New Culture Festival planning group members. Documentary film shooting. ─── “哈尔滨新文化艺术节”策划组成员。记录片拍摄。

36、Did you see that documentary on cosmetic surgery last night? ─── 你昨晚有没有看那部美容外科手术纪录片?

37、Origin criteria; Consignment conditions; Documentary evidence. ─── 原产地标准;运输条件;书面证明。

38、In 2001 she filmed a documentary about elephants. ─── 2001年她制作了一部有关大象的记录片。

39、Heard you are working on a documentary of yourself. When can it be released? ─── 听说您在拍摄一部关于您自己的纪录片。什么时候会发行?

40、There are two kinds of international collections, clean and documentary. ─── 国际托收有两种,即光票托收和跟单托收。

41、The American City:A Documentary History, Illiois: Dorsey,1963. ─── 北大中心馆闭架借书处,社会学系。

42、Some of his recent projects include documentary films about crocodiles. ─── 他最近一些项目包括拍摄有关鳄鱼的纪录电影。

43、Capital Verification Report at start-up or other relevant documentary evidence at its start-up. ─── 开办时的验资报告或者有关证明文件。

44、The buyer and the seller conclude a sales contract providing for payment by documentary credit. ─── 买卖双方签定销售合约,规定用跟单信用证付款。

45、Other award categories include animated short subject, documentary feature, and documentary short feature. ─── 其他奖项包括动画短片、纪录片和纪录短片。

46、He equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters. ─── 他在那部小说里插印了一幅地图,还加了一些文件式的篇章。

47、Daren: Hi, Paolo, did you see that great documentary on tv last night? ─── 嗨,昨天晚上你看电视上的纪录片了吗?很棒的!

48、Each of you will be required to plan and carryout a documentary photo project. ─── 你们每个人都需要设计并且完成一项纪实摄影专题。

49、She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School. ─── 她还为一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院的记录片作过解说。

50、All-New Documentary On Your Marx, Get Set, Go! ─── 全新纪录片你的马克斯,预备开始,去!

51、For tweaking the documentary form. ─── 也因他微调了纪录片的形式。

52、Anyhow documentary can not be completely in a popular style. ─── 但纪录片终究不是完全大众化的东西,它有它本身的观众群。

53、The use of documentary elements in novels is associated with literary naturalism. ─── 小说中采用纪实成分与文学自然主义有联系。

54、But as a documentary, in terms of clarity and content, it's more than enough to shock your wife's fragile nerves. ─── 但是,从写实的纪录片来讲无论它的清晰度还是它反映出来的内容足够震撼你老婆脆弱的神经。

55、China produced 100 feature movies and 69 scientific,educational,documentary or cartoon films. ─── 中国生产故事影片100部,科教、纪录、美术片69部。

56、And it's still under the guise of documentary. ─── 但它仍然被称为纪录片。

57、Gillian: Did you see that documentary on cosmetic surgery last night? ─── 吉莉安:你昨夜又没有看那部美容外科手术纪录片?

58、Presented by: Youth Documentary Film Studio ShaanxiTV International Department loading. ─── 出品:陕西电视台国际部青年纪录片工作室。

59、Since CCTV carried out eliminate the last system, many documentary programs have fallen into a hobble. ─── 央视实行末尾淘汰制后,许多纪录片栏目陷入了生存困境。

60、Although it's rarer these days, the one-hour radio documentary is not unheard of. ─── 尽管目前很少一个小时的纪录片,也不是没有听说过。

61、The documentary of Eggy's first nightmarish bath. ─── __可怜鸡旦仔被强逼冲凉之悲惨实录!

62、Beneath this documentary air, there lay a deep pessimism. ─── 在这种记实性的外观之下,潜伏着一种浓厚的悲观情绪。

63、In such a case, strict observance of the provisions and rules is necessary in dealing with documentary credits. ─── 在这种情况下,我们在受理跟单信用证时,有必要严格地遵守这些条款和规则。

64、Description: The documentary of Eggy's first nightmarish bath. ─── 可怜鸡旦仔被强逼冲凉之悲惨实录!

65、D/P and D/A are the two forms of documentary collection. ─── 付款交单和承兑交单是跟单托收的两种形式。

66、The first documentary evidence of Munich as a city dates back to 1214. ─── 关于慕尼黑作为城市的最早文献记载可追溯至1214年。

67、Gore accepted the canomy world Academic Award for Best Documentary. ─── 戈尔接受了最佳记录片奖。

68、His interpretation is discussed in a short interval documentary. ─── 他的解释在一个简短的记录片中进行了讨论。

69、Perhaps an account of Yang's family history, if it were ever to come to light, would be more politically threatening than his documentary. ─── 可能是基于杨伟东家庭的历史,如果杨的家史遭到曝光,可能比他的纪录片更具威胁性。

70、In such a case, strict observance of these provisions and rules is necessary in dealing with documentary credits. ─── 在这种情况下,我们在受理跟单信用证时,有必要严格地遵守这些条款和规则。

71、I am now making a documentary with a family DVD camera. ─── 周奔驰:是呀。我们最近正在用家用数字摄像机拍部纪录片吗?

72、This series, to me, was a documentary. ─── 到我,这个系列是一部记录片。

73、We saw the documentary together. ─── 我们一起看的记录片。

74、He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. " ─── 他制作了一部叫作“眼睛瞎了”的纪录片,配有生动的副标题“走出丧失视力的黑暗阴影。”

75、He is the narrator of the documentary. ─── 他是这部记录片的解说员。

76、Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment. ─── 她最近的一部纪录片是关于青年人失业问题的。

77、The documentary credit shall be issued together with the order. ─── 信用证必须与订单同时开立。

78、Documentary evidence by which one can defend a title to property or a claim to rights. ─── 契据人们能够用来保护财产所有权或权利要求的书面证据

79、This site follows an documentary team as they set out to film an avalanche. ─── 当一个纪录影片组出发去将一次雪崩拍成电影时,该网站跟随着他们。

80、Your English level should be recorded in documentary evidence, for example in the form of a test score. ─── 您的英语水平应该以文件类的材料加以证明,例如,考试成绩单。

81、You disclosed your documentary evidence to American newspapermen. ─── 你对美国新闻界人士透露了你的档案材料。

82、Her latest documentary is concerned with juvenile crime. ─── 她最近的一部记录片是关于青少年犯罪的。

83、Documentary evidence and testimony by staff that dealt with the items still appears to be needed. ─── 与之相关的文件记录证据或者人员的证词仍然显得必要。

84、How would you define a documentary collection? ─── 您如何给跟单托收下定义?

85、But only after health authorities saw a documentary on her spa this past winter was she asked to stop providing the service, she said. ─── 她说,但是卫生当局在去年冬天只是在看到她的水疗中心的一部纪录片后,就要求她停止提供服务。

86、Brandy, a Chihuahua, is measured during the filming of a documentary on the dog, in Clearwater, Fla., Dec. 7, 2006. ─── 吉娃娃狗布兰蒂7日在佛罗里达州清水市拍摄狗狗纪录片时,被丈量身长。

87、Laurie David produced An Inconvenient Truth, the global-warming movie that won the Oscar for best documentary. ─── 大地之子大卫制作不便的真相,全球变暖的电影赢得奥斯卡最佳纪录片。

88、The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival. ─── 那部记录片在耶路撒冷电影节上首映。

89、However, the guarantor, like the issuer of a documentary credit, is concerned not with the fact of default, but only with documents. ─── 但是,如同跟单信用证的开证人一样,担保人仅仅处理单据,而不考察事实上是否发生了违约。

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