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09-12 投稿



forgoing 发音

英:[fɔːˈɡəʊɪŋ]  美:[fɔːrˈɡoʊɪŋ]

英:  美:

forgoing 中文意思翻译



forgoing 短语词组

1、forgoing foregoing ─── 前述放弃

2、forgoing salary ─── 放弃工资

3、forgoing dialysis ─── 放弃透析

4、forgoing food ─── 放弃食物

5、forgoing spelling ─── 放弃拼写

6、forgoing discount ─── 放弃折扣

forgoing 词性/词形变化,forgoing变形

名词: forgoer |

forgoing 同义词

forgoing 反义词


forgoing 相似词语短语

1、forboding ─── v.预示

2、forthgoing ─── 继续

3、forgiving ─── adj.宽恕的;宽容的;宽大的;v.原谅;豁免(forgive的ing形式)

4、fordoing ─── v.毁灭,杀死(同foredo)

5、foredoing ─── 杀;毁;毁坏;使疲乏

6、foregoing ─── adj.前述的;前面的;在前的;v.发生在…之前;走在…之前(forego的ing形式)

7、forhooing ─── 治疗

8、forging ─── n.锻造;锻件;伪造;v.伪造,假冒;锻造,制作;努力加强;稳步前进(forge的现在分词)

9、folioing ─── n.一页,页码;对开纸;对开本的书;adj.对开的,对折的;vt.编页码;n.(Folio)人名;(西)福利奥

forgoing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Former Chelsea manager Gianluca Vialli once claimed he would happily forgo the chance to sign another top international player if it meant the club could have a world class training facility. ─── 前任切尔西教练詹卢卡.维亚利曾经宣称过,他很乐意放弃签下顶级国际球星的机会,而假如这意味着俱乐部能够拥有世界级的练习设施。

2、His families, lawyers and social service officials reached an agreement allowing him forgo chemotherapy and continue a controversial alternative herbal treatment. ─── 他的家属、师及社会服务的官员达成协议,让他放弃了继续化疗,用中草药替代治疗。

3、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ─── 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

4、In his view, to engage with one book is to forgo the acquaintance of many others. ─── 他认为,沉缅于一本书意味着放弃其他多本书。

5、Once an investigator and prosecutor overcome all the forgoing pitfalls,a tax case is extremely difficult to defend for the following reasons. ─── 一旦调查官和检察官克服了上文中的困难,一个税务案件就很难辩护,这是由于以下原因:

6、Forgoing principle failed to produce a veto-proof majority for the spending bill the first time. ─── “放弃”,这种策略对开支提案第一次没有产生“无法否决的多数”。

7、Which means its tough to be a artist in this era, even when you are hurt, you still cannot forgo any performance/promotion opportunities. ─── 只能说这年头当艺人真辛苦,就算受伤,还是不放过任何可以宣传的机会。?

8、FOR the sake of a fairy-tale wedding, engaged American couples will take on inordinate debt or forgo buying a house. ─── 为了可以拥有一个神话故事般的婚礼,美国的新人们宁愿负债累累甚至连房子都不要。

9、The company desires to consolidate its need for the forgoing services and facilities to one vender. ─── 放弃为一家卖主提供服务和便利,公司希望通过这种方式来巩固业绩。

10、To avoid snowballing debt, people without health coverage often choose to forgo doctors' visits altogether. ─── 为避免雪球般的帐单,没有医保的人们经常放弃与医生的会面。

11、We' ll have to forgo our rest hour to gather in the wheat before the storm begins. ─── 为了在风暴来到之前收完小麦,我们就只好放弃休息的时间了。

12、Do not one repulse forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort! ─── 不要因为一次挫败就放弃你原来的决心向达到的目的!

13、After years of gluttonous shopping, forgoing our wants feels virtuous, like using up leftovers. ─── 在多年的疯狂购物后,放弃各种购买欲望似乎成了美德,比如把以前丢在一边的东西拿出来用。

14、Time to prepare was a luxuary he would have to forgo. ─── 因为时间不够,他不得不放弃做准备工作。

15、Therefore, rather than forgoing tax increases, the appropriate response to smuggling is to crack down on criminal activity. ─── 因此,放弃增加税收的政策,对走私的最合适的态度是以犯罪行为加以镇压。

16、Many Wall Street bosses, including Messrs.Lewis and Dimon, chose to forgo their bonuses related to 2008 performance. ─── 包括刘易斯和戴蒙在内的很多华尔街高管都选择放弃了2008年的奖金。

17、A more subtle approach is for the couple to explain a bit about their financial goals and why they are forgoing fine china and linens. ─── 还有一种更为巧妙的办法就是让新人简要介绍一下他们的财务目标,以及为什么他们不需要瓷器和床上用品。

18、It is always better to forgo a potential job( in case of any doubt about the client) than to go through the hassle and headaches of chasing after your money later on. ─── 十三、弃一个工作机会(你对客户心存疑虑时)事后费尽心机讨要翻译费相比,前者永远是一个更好的选择。

19、But the Mongols, being tough and mobile, were not an easy people from whom to exact tribute, and more often than not the Chinese preferred to forgo the tribute rather than try to exact it. ─── 但是,由于蒙古族人的强硬性格和流动性,他们并不是轻易纳贡的民族。 情况常常是这样:中国人宁愿放弃贡物,不愿强行索

20、He then made it clear that his case was airtight, but offered to forgive the $25,000 overpayment if the employee agreed to forgo his groundless suit as well. ─── 他强调说这件案子公司方面没有任何问题,但是如果该员工同意放弃他毫无根据的诉讼,公司愿意不追究那$25,000的超额报酬。

21、Therefore, rather than forgoing tax increases, the appropriate response to smuggling is to crack down on criminal activity. ─── 因此,放弃增加税收的政策,对走私的最合适的态度是以犯罪行为加以镇压。

22、Forgoing principle failed to produce a veto-proof majority for the spending bill the first time. ─── “放弃”,这种策略对开支提案第一次没有产生“无法否决的多数”。

23、He is the very infamous villain who deserves jail and endless animosity for even God is incapable to forgo his sin outside and to clean his evil inside. ─── 他是如此臭名昭著的小人,他就应该属于监狱和无尽的仇恨,因为连上帝也无法原谅他外在的罪孽,和内在的邪恶。

24、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.( Shakespeare) ─── 不要只因一次挫败, 就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚)  

25、You need to add the salary you will be forgoing while you study. ─── 你还要加上在学习期间所放弃的薪水。

26、China would stipulate that monies be devoted to cushioning the impact on vulnerable homeowners, so that they would not be forced into forgoing the American dream of home ownership. ─── 中国将规定,这些资金须专门用于减轻陷入困境房屋业主所受的冲击,以让他们继续拥有住房的“美国梦”。

27、Interest, too, is a price, the price paid for the use of money, and it has to be enough to make it worthwhile for the lender to forgo use of the funds. ─── 利息也是一种价格,一种支付使用金钱的价格,而且这种价格要足够支付债主不能使用资金而造成的损失。

28、of Taiwanese companies are forgoing year-end bonuses. ─── 台湾近两成的企业不发年终奖金。

29、They are likely to forgo some good business opportunities, but also to make fewer mistakes. ─── 他们可能会错失一些好的商业机会,但也会少犯不少错误。

30、His family's lawyers and social service officials reached an agreement allowing him to forgo chemotherapy and continue a controversial alternative herbal treatment. ─── 他的家人,律师以及社会服务处的官员都同意他停止化学疗法,并继续接受非传统的尚存争议的中药治疗。

31、The company desires to consolidate its need for the forgoing services and facilities to one vender. ─── 公司愿将前述的服务和设施交给一个卖方。

32、A device that uses teardrops to measure the amount of sugar in a person's blood could soon allow diabetics to forgo painful daily pinpricks. ─── 一项使用泪珠来测试一个人的血糖含量的新的装置即将用来测试糖尿病,这样可以省去每天抽血测量血糖的疼痛。

33、On the basis of forgoing analysis,some proposals and countermeasures for anti-abuse of scientific fund were put forward. ─── 在上述分析的基础上,作者提出了反科研经费滥用的对策与建议。

34、Perhaps, helping them realize how much money they might be losing every day. Or, how much possible profit they might be forgoing every day with out your product or service. ─── 你可以帮助他们认识到每天在流失多少金钱。或者,没有你的产品或服务,他们每天少赚多少金钱。

35、The capybara, nearly the size of a grown human, was not expressing telomerase, suggesting evolution was willing to forgo the benefits in order to reign in cancer. ─── 几乎和成人体重相当的水豚并不表达端粒酶,说明进化还是更乐于放弃复原的益处而到达对癌症的控制。

36、Air Tight Test of Cooling Unit of FORGO Type Air Cooler ─── FORGO型电站空冷器冷却单元气压试验泄漏分析

37、“To prevent any further inconvenience to you, we will forgo the claim process and have issued a cheque in the amount of $500 for the recovery of costs that you have incurred,” the letter noted. ─── 信件还指出:“为避免对您造成的更多不便,我们跳过了损失索赔程序,并附上金额500元支票以补偿对您造成的损失。”

38、Unwilling to forgo dessert. ─── 不愿意放弃甜点心

39、Forgo. Barrier unwilling to forgo dessert. ─── 不愿意放弃甜点。

40、Do not forgo oneself interest to go abroad. ─── 不要为出国放弃自己的志趣。

41、The scrawny young soldier, forgoing any subtleties, merely rubbed his fingers together in an age-old gesture. ─── 因为那位骨瘦如柴的年轻士兵,一点也不注意巧妙手法,仅仅只是用一种古老的方式来表达意思:把手指并在一起揉了揉。

42、With these tools at your disposal, you might decide to forgo EJB altogether or at least minimize its role. ─── 使用这些工具,您可以完全放弃EJB,或者最小化它的作用。

43、DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES:1.Serve as company day to day link to the Chinese government; forgoing and maintaining rel...... ... ─── 公司名称:超威半导体(中国)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-13

44、For instance, in the past year, nearly 6 out of every 10 drivers have abandoned a search for a parking space, forgoing their plans. ─── 在受访的驾驶中,每10人就有6人说,过去一年他们找车位找得很挫折,有时候会放弃并改变计划。

45、4.for creation is in part merely the business of forgoing the great and small distractions. ─── 4. 对于创造是部份地只没有很棒的和小娱乐就算了的生意。

46、Once people get the sense that I am going to win anyway and that their true votes will not be counted, they have even less incentive to forgo bribes and take the risk of joining the opposition. ─── 一旦人们认识到我仍然能取得胜利,他们真正的选票不被计算的话,他们就更没有热情放弃贿赂或冒险参加反对派行列了。

47、But newborn dolphins and killer whales can forgo sleeping for their entire first month. ─── 但新生的海豚和虎鲸在它们出生的第一个月可以整个月不睡觉。

48、Some large birds, like honking big geese and 30-pound swans, get around the problem by forgoing flight while they get all their molting over with in one fell swoop. ─── 一些大型鸟类,像是大雁或是体重能够达到30磅的天鹅,是以放弃飞行能力来解决换羽的难题的。

49、at a time of economic hardship, it means forgoing jobs that we desperately need. ─── 在经济困难时期,这意味着放弃我们极其需要的就业机会。

50、The staff decided that it would try, for the most part, to forgo independent, publishable research; ─── 同事们决定,尽可能别去碰那些有发表价值的独立研究;

51、"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei ─── "我不认为神给予我们感觉,理性和智慧,是为了让我们弃之不用."-伽利略奥?伽利略

52、There are often pro-competitive reasons to forgo short-term profits. ─── 企业往往会以放弃短期利润的方式来增加竞争力。

53、He was told that he could even forgo taking the Test, for such was his skill that he could teach the wizards a thing or two. ─── 他被告知甚至不用参加试炼,因为他的技艺是如此超凡脱俗甚至可以教上法师们一两手。

54、Brezhnev could not forgo extended commentary to several old acquaintances ─── 勃列日涅夫不愿停止同几位熟人没完没了的交谈。

55、The bulk of this would come from forgoing all that the sick and the dead would have produced. ─── 也许这份估计结果,大部分都应该放弃估计那些病患和病亡人士原本的产出价值。

56、They are all forgoing by plane. ─── 他们都赞成坐飞机去。

57、A company must abandon or forgo some product features, services, or activities in order to be unique at others. ─── 公司必须抛弃或取消部分的产品特色、服务、或是业务活动,这样方可与众不同。

58、But beyond joy, a hallmark of human beings is the ability to forgo immediate gratification for the sake of some deeper contentment. ─── 但在欢喜之外,人类有这么一个标志:能够为了更深的满足而放弃当前的满足。

59、"For this reason I forgo my vengeance for my dead son, for the common good. ─── “因为这个理由,为了共同的利益,我放弃为我死去的儿子报仇的权利。

60、Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort(Shakespeare) ─── 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚)

61、Glamping began when wealthy adventurers wanted to explore the world but refused to forgo the comforts of cozy beds and fine china. ─── “魅力露营”起源于,那些富裕的探险家希望探险世界,而又拒绝放弃舒适温暖的床被和上好的瓷器。

62、In any event, Mr Obama refused to accept what some Israelis suggest: that Iran must be made to forgo its nuclear programme before talks with the Palestinians can resume. ─── 任何情况下,奥巴马都拒绝认同这一点:伊朗必须在巴以和谈恢复前放弃核武器计划。

63、You will ahve to forgo alcohol. ─── 你将不得不放弃喝酒。

64、The capybara, nearly the size of a grown human, was not expressing telomerase, suggesting eolution was willing to forgo the benefits in order to reign in cancer. ─── 几乎和**体重相当的水豚并不表达端粒酶,说明进化还是更乐于放弃复原的益处而到达对癌症的控制。

65、Comrades, we must not forgo these principles under any pretexts. ─── 同志们,我们没有任何的藉口背弃这些信条。

66、You shouldn't forgo the opportunity of hearing this world-famous pianist in a live concert. ─── 你不应该放弃这个在现场演唱会听到世界有名钢琴家的机会。

67、A device that uses teardrops to measure the amount of sugar in a person钬?s blood could soon allow diabetics to forgo painful daily pinpricks. ─── ??一项使用泪珠来测试一个人的血糖含量的新的装置即将用来测试糖尿病,这样可以省去每天抽血测量血糖的疼痛。

68、The forgoing routine review shall be made at least once every three years. ─── 前项定期检讨,每三年至少应办理一次。

69、That may be harder than getting them to forgo furs or bear-bile medicines. ─── 也许对大部分人来说放弃肉食比放弃皮草和熊胆制药物要困难得多。

70、But university technology-transfer offices, Rai and Eisenberg contend, cannot be entrusted to make decisions about when to forgo patenting, given that a big part of their mission is to bring in licensing revenues. ─── 但是雷伊与艾森柏格主张,是否要放弃申请专利,也不该委由大学的技术移转单位来决定,因为他们的存在就是要替学校赚进更多授权金。

71、She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce. ─── 只要她的父母停止争吵,她愿意放弃生日宴请。

72、The varied services his company provided to his customers often meant he had to forgo his daily meditation. ─── 他的公司所提供给顾客的各项服务,常常让他无法天天打坐。

73、The bulk of this would come from forgoing all that the sick and the dead would have produced. ─── 其中大部分的损失将来自摒弃了所有病人和死者所可能制造的价值产出。

74、His team explained that, saying he had a grass-roots-based model and that while he was forgoing public money, he also was eschewing gold-plated fund-raisers. ─── 他的竞选团队解释说奥巴马正继续着他的“草根”型的筹款模式,在拒绝公共竞选资金的同时,也避开了“镀金”的捐献。

75、Others forgo animal foods out of a simple regard for life. ─── 其他人放弃动物性的食物是出于对生命的一种单纯的尊重。

76、forgoing sample ─── 前行试样

77、Jia Le teases Jia Qi, saying that she will not forgo the chance of going to Japan for training given her character. ─── 佳琪和佳乐提起到日本受训之事,佳乐笑言以佳琪的性格,是不会放弃这个大好机会的。

78、For one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ─── 不要因一次的失败就放弃你决心要到达的目的。

79、Yet Russia itself, as a major spacefaring power that has incorporated satellites into its national security structure, would be hard-pressed to forgo entering an arms race in space. ─── 俄罗斯身为主要太空强国,早就将卫星纳入其国家安全架构,但却因为受到很大的压力,被迫放弃加入太空军备竞赛。

80、Do not, for one requlse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ─── 不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。

81、You're already forgoing restaurant takeout and brown-bagging it. ─── 你想放弃从餐厅带外卖或带便当。

82、Do nor for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.-- Shakespeare ─── 不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。--莎士比亚

83、House Representative James Oberstar of Minnesota says the U.S. should forgo pilot programs and move forward with a mileage-based tax system. ─── 众议员詹姆斯Oberstar明尼苏达说,美国应放弃试点方案和推进里程为基础的税收制度.

84、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort(Shakespeare) ─── 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚)

85、But if you feel you need to save money by forgoing it, try waking up earlier and going for a walk or af run before you leave for work, or squeezing in a wto jump rope. ─── 你可以早起一点,或者在午餐时间出去走走。如果需要更大强度的锻炼,可以试试腕部、踝部负重走,或者跳跳绳。

86、Mowbray is sentenced to banishment from his country and his language: The language I have learnt these forty years, My native English, now I must forgo; ─── 今天闲下来读老沙,看到几行谈到"母语",很有意思,不知大家有什么体会,好像沙翁很理解我们移民的现状和心情.

87、I'll have to forgo my vacation in order to attend a summer Chinese course. ─── 为了参加暑期中文班我只好放弃暑假。

88、Once an investigator and prosecutor overcome all the forgoing pitfalls, a tax case is extremely difficult to defend for the following reasons. ─── 一旦调查官和检察官克服了上文中的困难,一个税务案件就很难辩护,这是由于以下原因:

89、He said people will simply have to forgo tests that are wasteful or treatments that are more expensive than alternatives that are just as good. ─── 他说,人们只不过是得放弃不必要的检测或是比效果一样的其他疗法更昂贵的疗法。




going for +名词 going to+表示目的地 的名词 She is going for a swim. She is going to the seaside.

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