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09-12 投稿



yeomanry 发音

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英:  美:

yeomanry 中文意思翻译



yeomanry 网络释义

n. 自由民;自耕农;(英)义勇骑兵队

yeomanry 词性/词形变化,yeomanry变形

名词复数: yeomanries |

yeomanry 相似词语短语

1、oenomancy ─── 正常

2、belomancy ─── n.箭卜

3、aeromancy ─── n.[气象]天气预测;气候占卜学

4、yeomanly ─── adj.勇敢的;忠实的;adv.勇敢地;刚毅地

5、ceromancy ─── 神经官能症

6、pyromancy ─── n.火焰占卜;火卜

7、yeoman ─── n.自耕农;自由民;仆人;n.(Yeoman)人名;(英)约曼

8、gyromancy ─── 陀螺仪

9、geomancy ─── n.泥土占卜;撒泥占卜

yeomanry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guangzhou Yeomanry Printing Equipment Co Ltd ─── 单位名称:广州市越迦印刷器材有限公司

2、To explore deeper, we may find that the big amount of slaves was resulted from the common bankruptcy brought about by the instability of yeomanry economy. ─── 从更深层的原因看,奴婢之多,更在于自耕农经济的不稳定性所带来破产的普遍性;奴婢一般作为财产被登入主人户籍或赀产簿,从国家的户籍控制中脱离出去。

3、Plantation Economy and White Yeomanry Economy are the two main kinds of economic form of Ante-bellum Rural South in the United States. ─── 内战前美国南部农业经济包括黑人奴隶种植园经济和白人约曼经济两种经济形态。

4、First Aid Nursing Yeomanry ─── 急救护士队

5、"After the charge, the Yeomanry reassembled and burst into cheering as for a famous victory", he wrote ─── “冲杀之后地主们重又聚合大声欢呼,像是庆祝伟大胜利,”他写道。

6、The Northamptonshire Yeomanry was now launched forward again to exploit this success, only to run into Peiper's Panthers and more StuG IIIs in hull-down firing positions. ─── 北安普顿自耕农团再一次向前扩大战果,但是却陷入了佩普的豹式坦克和更多的III型突击炮的埋伏阵地。

7、Better be the head of yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. ─── 宁做平民之首,不为贵族之尾。

8、County of London Yeomanry ─── 伦敦自耕农郡

9、A further 20 British tanks were destroyed and the 29th Brigade began to waver;however, it did rally for just long enough to enable the Northamptonshire Yeomanry to attempt another move forward. ─── 又有29梁英军坦克被击毁,第29旅开始动摇了,但是他们在被北安普顿郡自耕农的支援下重整旗鼓,准备再次向前。

10、Cape Mounted Yeomanry ─── 海角马背上的自耕农

11、City of London's Yeomanry ─── 伦敦城义勇骑兵

12、East Riding Yeomanry ─── 东部义勇骑兵

13、yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do. ─── 自耕农正是我感到与我无关的那种人。

14、Essentially, the White Yeomanry Economy is a kind of particular transition between the Petty Peasant Economy and the Agricultural Commodity Economy. ─── 从根本上而言,白人约曼经济是一种介于传统的自给自足的小农经济与农业商品经济之间的特殊的过渡形态。

15、Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry . ─── 宁作自由民之首,不为贵族之尾。

16、Plantation Economy and White Yeomanry Economy are the two main kinds of economic form of Ante-bellum Rural South in the United States. ─── 摘要内战前美国南部农业经济包括黑人奴隶种植园经济和白人约曼经济两种经济形态。

17、"I joined the Imperial Yeomanry today, Granny," and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act. ─── “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。

18、Prince Albert's Own Leicestershire Yeomanry ─── 阿伯特王子莱斯特郡义勇骑兵队

19、i joined the imperial yeomanry today , granny , " and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act" . ─── “今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。

20、ancestors of the present lords of the soil, its tombstones, recording successive generations of sturdy yeomanry, whose progeny still plough the same fields, and kneel at the same altar; ─── 今日农夫之先辈,其墓碑犹存,足以见证英格兰自耕农百折不回、生生不息之历史,而今日农夫犹耕作于同一片土地,祭拜于同一方圣坛;

21、He had been Lord Marchmain's servant in the yeomanry. ─── 他原来在义勇骑兵队给马奇梅因勋爵当随从。

22、North Somerset and Bristol Yeomanry ─── 北萨默塞特和布里斯托尔义勇骑兵

23、The remnants of the 21st Panzer's assault gun battalion had already started to engage the 29th Brigade's lead regiment, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, destroying more than 20 Shermans. ─── 第21装甲师残余的突击炮大队开始与英军第29旅的先头团--横笛和弗伐尔自耕农团展开战斗,摧毁了超过20辆的谢尔曼坦克。

24、English: Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. ─── 中文:宁作自由民之首,不为贵族之尾。

25、the Glamorgan Yeomanry ─── 格拉摩根义勇骑兵队

26、The 102nd SS Battalion's Tigers were in the forefront of the action around Vire, and conducted an ambush against the regimental headquarters of the Northamptonshire Yeomanry. ─── 党卫队第102大队的老虎进入了维尔附近的前线,对北安普顿自耕农团部展开埋伏。

27、City of London Yeomanry ─── 伦敦市义勇骑兵队

28、First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Service ─── 急救护士队勤务

29、In the space of a few minutes, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry lost 29 tanks. ─── 在几分钟内,横笛和弗法尔自耕农团损失了29辆坦克。

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