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09-12 投稿



dodoes 发音

英:[ˈdəʊdəʊz]  美:[ˈdoʊdoʊz]

英:  美:

dodoes 中文意思翻译



dodoes 词性/词形变化,dodoes变形

名词复数: dodoes |

dodoes 相似词语短语

1、dodges ─── v.躲开;迅速让开;逃避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光;n.闪躲;逃避的诡计;鸣钟的变序;n.(Dodge)(美)道奇(人名)

2、doddles ─── n.轻而易举的事,不费吹灰之力的事

3、didoes ─── n.胡闹,开玩笑;淘气;恶作剧

4、dodders ─── v.(多指因年老而)颤抖,蹒跚;动作不稳;n.菟丝子;n.(Dodder)(美)多德尔(人名)

5、dildoes ─── n.人造阴茎

6、dodos ─── n.古代巨鸟;过时的东西;迟钝的人(dodo的变形)

7、dodgems ─── n.碰碰车(dodgem的复数)

8、condoes ─── n.分户出售公寓大厦(等于condominium);n.(Condo)人名;(意)孔多

9、dadoes ─── n.护墙板;台座;n.(Dado)人名;(阿拉伯)达杜;(意、塞)达多

dodoes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dodo, her expression uncertain, hovered behind O'keefe. ─── 多多带着半信半疑的表情,守在奥基夫的身后。

2、Says the moment one looks at it one sees at a glance that it "looks like a dodo. ─── 刚一瞥见那东西它就说:“那看起来像是渡渡鸟。”

3、Dodo is the best restaurant in town. ─── 渡渡可是城里最好的餐馆哟。

4、After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel. ─── 亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人。

5、As a mode of transport the sedan chair is as head as a dodo. ─── 作为一种交通工具,轿子已完全过时了。

6、And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighties. ─── 12其次是亚合人犰多的儿子以利亚撒,他是三个勇士里的一个。

7、 双语使用场景

8、and after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there to battle and the men of Israel had withdrawn. ─── 撒下23:10他起来击杀非利士人、直到手臂疲乏、手粘住刀把.那日耶和华使以色列人大获全胜.众民在以利亚撒后头专夺财物。

9、"and these were the great men of war: asahel, the brother of Joab, Elhanan, the son of Dodo of Beth-lehem," ─── 军中的勇士有约押的兄弟亚撒黑,伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难,

10、Also the valiant men of the armies were, Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem, ─── 军中的勇士有约押的兄弟亚撒黑,伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难

11、dodo moved her head slowly in assent ─── 多多慢慢地点点头表示同意。

12、Last year's fashions in clothes are dead as a dodo now. ─── 去年的时装现在早都过时了。

13、However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out `The race is over! ─── 它们跑了大约半个小时,衣服大体上都干了,渡渡鸟就突然喊道:“比赛结束了!”

14、He was aware of Dodo's innocent blue eyes regarding him. ─── 他觉察到多多天真的蓝眼睛凝视着他。

15、Why,' said the Dodo, `the best way to explain it is to do it. ─── 渡渡鸟说:“对,为了说明它,最好的办法就是咱们亲自做一做。”

16、Dodo walked out from the adjoining room ─── 多多从隔壁房间里走了出来。

17、Analysis of Improving Design in Welding Transmissions on DODO ─── DODO机焊接传动改进设计分析

18、At last the Dodo said,'everybody has won,and all must have prizes.' ─── 最后,渡渡鸟说: “每人都赢了,而且都有奖品!”

19、What I was going to say,' said the Dodo in an offended tone, `was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race. ─── 我说的是,能让我们把湿衣服弄干的最好办法,是来个会议式的赛跑。”渡渡鸟恼怒地说。

20、'What I was going to say,' said the dodo in an offended tone, 'was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race.' ─── “我说的是,能让我们把湿衣服弄干的最好办法,是来个会议式的赛跑。”渡渡鸟恼怒地说。

21、'Of course,' the dodo replied very gravely. 'What else have you got in your pocket?' he went on, turning to Alice ─── “当然啦,”渡渡鸟非常严肃地回答,“你的口袋里还有别的东西吗,”它转向爱丽丝问道。

22、"Of course," the Dodo replied very gravely. ─── “当然,”渡渡鸟非常庄严地回答道。

23、Only after a small failure he was dead as a dodo. ─── 只受到了一个小小的挫折,他就一蹶不振了。

24、In the search for food to eat and sell, the settlers plundered the island's natural resources, killing giant turtles, lizards, and the huge, flightless dodo birds with abandon. ─── 在对食物和可出售货物的搜寻中,殖民者掠夺了这座岛上的自然资源,恣意地屠杀巨海龟,巨蜥蜴,以及巨大的、不会飞的渡渡鸟。

25、"By the wayI have a large rotweiler inside named killer;he won't bother you.I also have a parrot and whatever you dodo not talk to the dird !" ─── "另外我养了一只名叫‘杀手'的在猎犬,他不会骚扰你的。我还有一鹦鹉,你做什么都好,就是不要和它说话!”

26、'Why,'said the Dodo,'the best way to explain it is to do it.' ─── 渡渡鸟说: “对,为了说明它,最好的办法就是咱们亲自做一做。”

27、Really the kakapo has a very similar life history to that iconic extinct bird the Dodo. ─── 枭鹦与绝种的渡渡鸟的生命历史十分相似。

28、as dead as a dodo ─── 毫无生气, 死气沉沉

29、The dodo was done in by sailors who not only killed the birds themselves but also brought to Mauritius animals such as dogs and pigs that plundered their nests. ─── 毛里求斯巨鸟的灭绝不仅仅是由于水手的猎杀,还因为水手带到岛上的猪、狗等动物掠夺了他们的巢穴。

30、as dead as the dodo ─── 死气沉沉

31、Last night Dodo, Eric Tsang and Yu Hoi Ming were the MC.RM members arrived at 9:00p.m. late for half an hours.The three of them had a group picture with RM members before the dinner started. ─── 昨晚慈善夜由郑裕玲(嘟嘟)、曾志伟和丘凯敏担任司仪,本来大会安排皇马球星在八时半进场,但皇马球员九时才出现,三位主持人获大会安排下率先在台上跟皇马影大合照。

32、That strange plan of yours is now as dead as a dodo; nobody is interested in it any more. ─── 你那项奇怪的计划现在已经没有指望了,谁都对它不再感兴趣了。

33、After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel.He lived in Shamir, in the hill country of Ephraim. ─── 亚比米勒以后、有以萨迦人朵多的孙子、普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起、拯救以色列人.他住在以法莲山地的沙密。

34、Other pets are dragons, which can be used to fly over the land or the dodo, a bird-like creature that can be mounted. ─── 其他的宠物如龙可以用来带你飞行;或者如多多,它是一种大型鸟类生物,可以当作坐骑。

35、dodo split ─── 余两瓶

36、PIP was established in 2007 by two young and rapidly emerging designers, Hongyao Xu and Yeli(dodo) Gu. ─── 创立于2007年,由两位年轻的设计师组合而成(许洪耀&顾叶丽)的新锐的设计力量。

37、Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? ─── 没错,要如何摆脱那白痴?

38、And the mighty men of the armies were: Asahel the brother of Joab; Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem; ─── 26军中的勇士有约押的兄弟亚撒黑;伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难;

39、The other valiant warriors were: Asahel the brother of Joab. Elhanan son of Dodo, from Bethlehem. ─── 其馀的勇士:有约阿布的兄弟阿撒耳,白冷人多多的儿子厄耳哈难,

40、That strange plan of yours is now as dead as a dodo; nobody is interested in it any more ─── 你那项奇怪的计划现在已经没有指望了, 谁都对它不再感兴趣了。

41、Among the Thirty were: Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem, ─── 三十个勇士里有约押的兄弟亚撒黑,伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难,

42、Most theories about how the dodo became extinct blame early settlers who found the plump flightless bird on the Indian Ocean island in the 16th century and hunted it relentlessly. ─── 大多数有关渡渡鸟灭绝的理论都归咎于那些早期的定居者,他们认为在16世纪,早期的定居者在印度洋岛屿上发现毫无反抗能力的肥硕大鸟,并无情猎捕。

43、And after Abimelech there arose to defend Israel Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar; and he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim. ─── 亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人。他住在以法莲山地的沙密。

44、Could I speak to Dodo? ─── 我可以和潴潴讲话吗?

45、26 Also these warriors: Asahel, the brother of Joab; Elhanan, son of Dodo, from Bethlehem; ─── 其余的勇士:有约阿布的兄弟阿撒耳,白冷人多多的儿子厄耳哈难,

46、69. I inked a deal for Dodo. ─── 我给多多签订了一份合同。

47、Dodo Birds in the sky ─── 天空中的小鸟

48、Dodo McNeill: Not one of you has the right to consign Bess to hell! ─── 你们谁都没有权利诅咒贝丝下地狱!

49、To find talent, how to retain talent and maintain a more dynamic and continue to be a problem, Dodo will not fly away, but will also disappear. ─── 找到人才以后,如何留住人才并保持活力更是一个要不断思考的问题,渡渡鸟不会飞走,但是也会消失。

50、Bill: Let's go to the Dodo's. ─── 比尔:我们去渡渡餐馆吃饭吧。

51、said the Dodo solemnly, rising to its feet, `I move that the meeting adjourn, for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies--'; ─── 渡渡鸟站后来严肃地说。

52、It was last seen in the 1600s, around the time the dodo had gone extinct. ─── 人们最后看到它是在渡渡鸟灭绝前后的1600年代。

53、The dodo is extinct) or to what is extinguished or inactive ─── 渡渡鸟绝种了)或灭绝的或不活动的

54、26 Also the valiant men of the armies were, Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem, ─── 26军中的勇士有约押的兄弟亚撒黑,伯利恒人朵多的儿子伊勒哈难,

55、However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the dodo suddenly called out 'The race is over!' ─── 它们跑了大约半个小时,衣服大体上都干了,渡渡鸟就突然喊道:“比赛结束了!”

56、The newly planted trees will be as dead as a dodo if frost hits them. ─── 新栽种的树如果被霜冻侵袭,那就死定了。

57、extinct flightless bird related to the dodo. ─── 已经灭绝的不会飞的鸟,与渡渡鸟近缘。

58、He supposed, though, he would dispense with Dodo soon. ─── 可是他觉得他不久会把多多抛弃的。

59、And after Abimelech Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, rose up to save Israel; and he dwelt in Shamir in the hill country of Ephraim. ─── 1亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人;他住在以法莲山地的沙密。

60、Beginning with today, I go to library along with DODO every day. ─── 婷婷话,后悔唔早D日日泡图书馆喔。==’’唉,你肯来先得噶。

61、None of the other birds or animals said anything, but the Dodo was waiting for a question, so Alice asked, "What is a Caucus race? ─── 别的鸟儿或走兽谁都没吭声儿,不过渡渡鸟还等着提问题呢,因此爱丽丝问:“什么是考克斯赛跑?”

62、However,when they had been running half an hour or so,and were quite dry again,the Dodo suddenly called out'The race is over!' ─── 它们跑了大约半个小时,衣服大体上都干了,渡渡鸟就突然喊道: “比赛结束了!”

63、And after him was Eleazar, the son of Dodo the Ahohite, who was one of the three great fighters. ─── 其次是亚合人、朵多的儿子以利亚撒、他是三个勇士里的一个。

64、After him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighty men. ─── 代上11:12其次是亚合人、朵多的儿子以利亚撒、他是三个勇士里的一个。

65、"and after him was Eleazar, the son of Dodo the ahohite, who was one of the three great fighters." ─── 其次是亚合人朵多的儿子以利亚撒,他是三个勇士里的一个。

66、"Now after abimelech, Tola, the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, became the saviour of Israel; he was living in Shamir in the hill-country of Ephraim." ─── 亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人。他住在以法莲山地的沙密。

67、He belongs to a world that seems to us now as dead as the dodo ─── 在我们看来,他是一个落后于时代的人。

68、At last the dodo said, 'EVERYBODY has won, and all must have prizes.' ─── 最后,渡渡鸟说:“每人都赢了,而且都有奖品!”

69、Shantou DODO series of welded cans bodymaking line ─── 汕头 DODO 系列电阻焊制罐生产线

70、After him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite; he was among the three mighty men. ─── 12其次是亚合人朵多的儿子以利亚撒,他是三个勇士里的一个。

71、After him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three valiant men that were with David when they defied the Philistines, and they were there gathered together to battle. ─── 其次为阿曷亚人多多的儿子厄肋阿匝尔,也是三杰之一。有一次他同达味在帕斯达明,当培肋舍特人正在那里集合准备交战时,以色列人退却,

72、the way of the dodo ─── 灭绝

73、either by riding a dragon or a dodo, or using a teleportation portal, you may easily join your friends in wonderful epic tales. ─── 可以乘坐龙坐骑士、古巨鸟,或者使用传输入口。玩家可以很容易的加入到朋友的队伍中,去体验精彩的神话篇章。

74、There was the slightest catch in Dodo's voice. ─── 多多的声音几乎有点哽住了。

75、Why, SHE, of course,' said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, `Prizes! Prizes!' ─── “她重当然是她啦!”渡渡鸟用一个手指头指着爱丽丝说。于是,这一大群立即围住了爱丽丝,胡乱喊叫着:“奖品!奖品!”

76、But the best of Dodo was that she did not keep angry for long together. ─── 但多多的好处是,要不了多久,她的气就消了。

77、(as) dead as the dodo ─── 死了

78、'In that case,'said the Dodo solemnly,rising to its feet,'I move that the meeting adjourn,for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies--' ─── “在这种情况下,我建议休会,并立即采取更加有效的措施。”渡渡鸟站后来严肃地说。

79、Hand it over here,' said the Dodo. ─── “把它拿来。”渡渡鸟说。

81、Here are some photos of my lovely doggy " Dodo".She is naughty and sticky, even she is three years old, I think she was spoiled very much by us.Maybe she will move to France with Robin next year. ─── 我们家豆豆的近照,已经三岁的她,仍然不改淘气,粘人的个性,我想我们太宠她了.明年她可能有机会随老妹旅居到法国去了.

82、DoDo sets off to the long and romantic fantastic journey. ─── 就酱紫,嘟嘟开始了他漫长而又浪漫的奇幻旅程。

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