iniquitous 发音
英:[ɪˈnɪkwɪtəs] 美:[ɪˈnɪkwɪtəs]
英: 美:
iniquitous 中文意思翻译
iniquitous 网络释义
adj. 邪恶的;不公正的
iniquitous 词性/词形变化,iniquitous变形
名词: iniquitousness |副词: iniquitously |
iniquitous 反义词
iniquitous 同义词
evil | wicked | bad | immoral | criminal |cursed | black | heinous | sinful | unjust | ungodly | naughty | accursed
iniquitous 相似词语短语
1、iniquities ─── n.邪恶;不公正
2、iniquitousness ─── 不公正,不法,不义
3、iniquitously ─── adv.非法地;极不公正地
4、iniquity ─── n.邪恶;不公正
5、inimicitious ─── 有害的
6、ubiquitously ─── adv.无所不在地
7、obliquitous ─── adj.倾斜的;倾角的;转弯抹角的
8、ubiquitous ─── adj.普遍存在的;无所不在的
9、antiquities ─── n.古代史(书名);古文明之战(游戏名)
iniquitous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"It certainly is a most iniquitous affair," said Mr.Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr.Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn. ─── “这的确是一最不公道的事,”班纳特先生说,“柯林斯先生要继承浪博恩的产业,他这桩罪过是洗也洗不清的。
2、and everywhere American prejudice, helped often by iniquitous laws, is making it more difficult for Negro-Americans to earn a decent living. ─── 在各地,往往在不公正的法律支援下,美国人的偏见使美国黑人要想获得像样的生活水平更为困难。
3、an iniquitous system/practice ─── 很不公正的制度/做法
4、One can't be a person with upright facial features if filled with envy in his heart, if unhonest, or iniquitous saying. ─── 六八、内心充满忌妒,心中不坦白,言语不正的人,不能算是一位五官端正的人。
5、iniquitous deeds; he said it was sinful to wear lipstick; ungodly acts. ─── 不公正的行为;他说抹口红是罪恶的;不虔诚的行为。
6、The Americans do not know this iniquitous division of duties and rights; ─── 而且按照舆论,同一种行为在妇女身上是犯罪,而在男人身上则是小小的过错。
7、Greed is iniquitous, a sin before God and man. ─── 贪婪是邪恶的,它是一种先于上帝与人类的原罪。
8、his punishment was not, in truth, unjust, but that it most assuredly was iniquitous . ─── 他最后的结论是他所受的处罚实际上并不是不公允,而肯定是不平等的。
9、Men of feeling may at any moment be killed outright by the iniquitous and the callous. ─── 多愁善感的人会立即被罪恶的人和无情的人彻底消灭。
10、an iniquitous bargain ─── 不公平的交易
11、And in fact they use words (both) iniquitous and false: but truly Allah is one that blots out (sins), and forgives (again and again). ─── 他们的确说出恶言和谎话;真主确是至宥的,确是至赦的。
12、Because I have done something disloyal and iniquitous. ─── 网友解答: I am unhappy at this moment.
13、The system is iniquitous. ─── 体制不公正。
14、What, then, is bankruptcy, but the most cruel, the most iniquitous, most unequal and disastrous of imposts? ─── 总破产还不就是最厉害,最不公平,最不合理,带来大灾大难的征税吗?
15、It always appeared a most iniquitous scheme to me to fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have. ─── 本应和我们一样享有自由权力的人们,每天却饱受强强豪夺的煎熬,这在我看来是一种极其卑劣的行经;因此,我们应为这些人们享有自由地权利而战斗。
16、you seen this bill? It's iniquitous! ─── 你看见这份帐单了吗?简直是漫天要价!
17、Among the iniquitous doctrines with which they poisoned the minds of the masses, he argued, were representative democracy, the division of state powers and alternating government. ─── 他辩称,这些毒害群众头脑的邪恶学说包括代议制民主,国家权力划分和交替的政府。
18、In the time of wrath the iniquitous perished, but the ark became the shelter for the righteous man. ─── 在上帝义怒的时期里,不义者丧亡了,而方舟却成了义人的庇护所。
19、an iniquitous system, regime, etc ─── 罪恶的制度、 政权等.
20、and everywhere American prejudice, helped often by iniquitous laws, is making it more difficult for Negro-Americans to earn a decent living. ─── 在各地,往往在不公正的法律支持下,美国人的偏见使美国黑人要想获得象样的生活水平更为困难。
21、When temptation overtakes the iniquitous man, he has no confidence wherewith to call upon God, nor to expect salvation from Him, since in the days of his ease he stood aloof from God's will. ─── 当诱惑临于不义者时,他没有信心呼求上帝的助佑,也不希望上帝的拯救,因为当他身处安乐时,离弃了上帝的旨意。
22、Although export subsidies are a potent symbol of the rich world's iniquitous farm policies, they have little impact on global commerce. ─── 根据世界银行的数据,理论上,撤消农业补贴,接受农业自由贸易,只能给全球经济带来2%的增长。
23、iniquitous deeds ─── 不公正的行为
24、Many historians, of course, regard this as iniquitous. ─── 当然,许多历史学家认为这是极不公正的。
25、While students in Iran clamor for an American-style life, many in the West oppose globalization as the symbol of iniquitous free market capitalism. ─── 在伊朗的学生在竭力争取美国生活方式的同时,西方世界的许多人却在反对全球化,将它视为是不公正的自由市场式资本主义经济的象征。
26、iniquitous a. ─── 不正当的;
27、iniquitous deeds; ─── 不公正的行为;
28、The Americans do not know this iniquitous division of duties and rights; among them the seducer is as much dishonored as his victim. ─── 美国男人决不会理解权利和义务的这种不公平分配,在他们看来,诱奸者和受害者是同样不光采的。
29、his punishment was not, in truth, unjust, but that it most assuredly was iniquitous. ─── 他最后的结论是他所受的处罚实际上并不是不公允,而肯定是不平等的。
30、In the time of wrath the iniquitous perished, but the ark became the shelter for the righteous man. ─── 在上帝义怒的时期里,不义者丧亡了,而方舟却成了义人的庇护所。
31、We can use the word, "infamous" or "iniquitous" to describe this kind of fame. ─── 我们可以用“声名狼藉”或“臭名昭著”去形容这类“名誉”。
32、Have you seen this bill? It's iniquitous! ─── 你看见这份帐单了吗? 简直是漫天要价!
33、That iniquitous plot of the king's ─── 国王的那个罪恶阴谋
34、Although export subsidies are a potent symbol of the rich world's iniquitous farm policies, they have little impact on global commerce. ─── 尽管出口补贴是发达国家不公正农业政策的有力证据,但是它们对全球贸易影响不大。
35、iniquitous deeds; he said it was sinful to wear lipstick; ungodly acts. ─── 不公正的行为;他说抹口红是罪恶的;不虔诚的行为。
36、The Americans do not know this iniquitous division of duties and rights; among them the seducer is as much dishonored as his victim. ─── 美国男人决不会理解权利和义务的这种不公平分配,在他们看来,诱奸者和受害者是同样不光采的。
37、Have you seen this bill? Its iniquitous! ─── 中文:你看见这份帐单了吗?简直是漫天要价!
38、“It's iniquitous,” they say,“that this entirely unproductive industry(if we can call it that)should absorb millions of pounds each year. ─── 那些人感叹:“一个完全不创造价值的产业(如果还能把它称作产业的话)每年竟要花费数百万英镑。
39、He proved that although he was driven by a divine purpose to rid the world of this iniquitous slave trade, to execute this mission he needed to be strong, worldly, smart and political. ─── 他明白到,虽然他是出于宗教信念去推动废奴,但要达到目的,除了信仰外他还需要强悍、圆滑、聪敏及权力。
40、War is iniquitous. ─── 战争是邪恶的。
41、Only the violation of these rights transforms an inherently harmless movement into the iniquitous act of stealing. ─── 但是正因为对于这些权利的侵犯,才使得一个一直以来无害的行为转变成盗窃这么一个非正义的行为。
42、1. Have you seen this bill? It's iniquitous ! ─── 你看见这份帐单了吗?简直是漫天要价!
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