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09-12 投稿



enactive 发音

英:[[ɪ'næktɪv]]  美:[[ɪn'æktɪv]]

英:  美:

enactive 中文意思翻译



enactive 短语词组

1、enactive replresentation ─── 启用ReplResentation

2、enactive mastery ─── 活跃的掌握

3、enactive representation ─── 动作表象

4、enactive mode ─── 活动模式

enactive 相似词语短语

1、nonactive ─── 不活跃

2、ejective ─── adj.喷出的;驱逐的;放出的;n.外爆音

3、coactive ─── adj.强制的;限制性的;相互作用的

4、unactive ─── 被动

5、active ─── adj.积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的;n.主动语态;积极分子

6、eductive ─── 教育的

7、unactived ─── 未激活

8、unactives ─── 未激活

9、inactive ─── adj.不活跃的;不活动的;怠惰的;闲置的

enactive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So, the article suggest that the future civil code ordainthe the retent of title of corporation credit, the specific regulation enact the retent of consumer credit. ─── 因此,本文建议将来制定民法典时对企业信用的所有权保留作出规定,对消费信用的所有权保留以单行法加以规范。

2、To order by virtue of superior authority; decree or enact. ─── 命令以至高的权威身份来下命令;命令或指定(法令)

3、Politically, Obama has earned a reputation for bypassing the bi-partisan gap, working with both Democrats and Republicans alike to enact important legislation. ─── 从政治上来看,奥巴马已经因跨过两党联立的沟壑并同时与民主党和共和党制定重要法规而声名大震。

4、enactive representation mode ─── 动作表征方式

5、Children at a young age produce more enactive metaphors and as they grow older more perceptual metaphors are produced. ─── 但随着年龄的增长基于知觉的隐喻数量会明显增加以至超过基于佯装扮演的隐喻。

6、Last December Bhutan became the first country in the world to 4)enact an 5)outright 6)ban on all public use of tobacco. ─── 去年十二月不丹通过立法,成为世界上第一个完全禁止在公众场所吸烟的国家。

7、States are free to enact stricter regulations. ─── 各州可自由制定更严格的规则。

8、Several bill be enact at the end of this session of parliament ─── 几项法案在这届国会的会议结束时被颁布

9、To enact a number of important laws; ─── 制定几个重要的法律;

10、It's critic to set up such legal system to foster the enterprises to enact all activities concerning reverse logistics. ─── 加速循环经济的立法,并以相应立法来推动企业尽快实施物流活动是至关重要的。

11、Thus,if Congress and the President enact a law that violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court can strike it down. ─── 如果国会和总统颁布的某项法律违背了宪法, 最高法院就可以把它撤消。

12、Similarly DAP's leadership has been consistently urging the government to enact an anti-hopping law even before the Perak crisis, and we have expressed support of our 28 MPs. ─── 同样地,民主行动党一直以来都在促请政府制定反跳槽法,在霹雳州危机前也是如此,我们表达了28名国会议员的支持。

13、Some states, however, are having difficulty deciding how and when to enact it. ─── 不过,有一些州在决定何时和如何执行上还有困难。

14、Whatever it is called, however, it typically involves two willing partners who have agreed to enact a sadomasochistic “scene”. ─── 但是,不管它被称作什麽,其典型特徵是牵涉到两个自愿参与的性伴,他们同意演出一出施虐受虐“小品”。

15、Watchfully, dark-eyed teenage girls and uncertain boys circling on motorbikes enact mating rituals at once shy and bold. ─── 人生的起点和终点在此处完美地相交于一点,也暗示着生命的旋律将循环往复、永不停歇。

16、If any one use the Olympic Symbols to enact defraud and other illegal acts, if the offense constitutes a crime, they shall be invested for criminal responsibility according to the law. ─── 利用奥林匹克标志进行诈骗等活动,触犯刑律的,依照刑法关于诈骗罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任。

17、However the potential loss of the lower house to DPJ will create uncertainly for LPD to enact fiscal stimulus. ─── 对民主党而言,房地产行业的低迷将会给自民党制定推行财政刺激政策带来不确定性。

18、For example, a country can enact laws and economic policies to attract foreign investment fairly quickly. ─── 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸 引外资的法令和经济政策。

19、Enactive cognitive science is an important part of the "second generation cognitive sciences" . ─── 生成认知科学是“第二代认知科学”的一个重要组成部分。

20、Beijing Yuyuexinbao director of the exhibition organizers that the event remains Albright summed up as : "not bad for business, not greedy officials, to enact cause integrity mind between. ─── 北京娱乐信报社长崔恩卿代表主办方把这次活动总结为:“为商不能奸,为官不能贪,要想立事业,诚信在心间。”

21、In the case of Thanksgiving Day the president proclaims the calendar date and requests national observance, and the states then usually enact the necessary legislation. ─── 关于感恩节,总统宣布它在日历上的日期,要求全国庆祝。这样各个州通常制定相应的立法。

22、For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial. ─── 例如,如果华盛顿政府公然制定一项敌对政策,谋求进一步削弱中国的贸易依赖型经济,将会引起强烈的反弹。

23、The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in its Article 11 mandates that countries should enact effective measures to ensure appropriate health warnings on tobacco products packages. ─── 世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约(烟草控制框架公约)在其第11条的任务,各国应制定有效的措施,以确保适当的健康警告,对烟草产品的软件包。

24、Of course, we should learn the merits of educational theory in the west and enactive the essence of educational theory in China. ─── 中国教育理论获得新生的关键是重塑其自身的主体性,这离不开吸收现代西方教育理论的长处并激活中国传统教育理论中的精华部分。

25、They enact the roles of hero and heroine in the play ─── 他们在这出戏中担任男、女主角

26、The United States, despite optimistic words from the White House and Congress, has yet to enact any binding targets on greenhouse gas emissions. ─── 尽管来自白宫和国会的消息令人乐观,但是对于温室气体排放这一问题,美国仍需制定任何有约束力的指标。

27、In order to cope with the challenges faced by large cities, designated cities have more powers than ordinary cities to enact special measures or regulations. ─── 为了对应大都市问题,指定都市拥有比普通城市更多的权力来制定特殊的措施或规则。

28、President Lula waited until the last minute to release another Provisional Measure, (the third one during his administration) because he was expecting Congress to enact the new Biosafety Bill. ─── 卢拉总统一直等到最后一分钟才公布新的临时措施(这是他执政期间的第三次临时措施),他原以为国会会通过新的生物安全提案。

29、In order to improve the air quality in the street area,it is necessary to enact lows that drivers should turn of the engine after parking. ─── 为了改善路边的空气质量,须立法规定司机停车后必须关掉引擎。

30、To enact(a law or regulation). ─── 制定制订颁布(法律或规章)

31、They also plan to enact a series of stricter ethical guidelines for lawmakers, including a ban on accepting gifts and overseas tri from lo yists. ─── 他们还计划针对国会议员制定一系列更加严格的道德规范,包括禁止接受游说人的礼物以及国外旅行的安排等。

32、to order by virtue of superior authority; decree or enact ─── 以至高的权威身份来下命令;命令或制定(法令)

33、The IWF just presently has the power to enact its decisions, while The Family Foundation does not. ─── 只是IWF目前有权利把它的决定付诸实践,而家庭基金会没有。

34、But shall we enact a law stipulating that no counter-revolutionary in Party and government organs is to be executed? ─── 但是,要不要立条法律,讲机关里的反革命一个不杀呢?

35、And if they do present a concrete case, help them see how they can enact change by wooing allies rather than adopting an attack mode. ─── 如果他们真的举出了具体的事例,就要帮他们明白通过合作可以改进,而采取攻击的方式是行不通的。

36、But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it. ─── 可是为了要完成这项立法,他必须付出代价。

37、Key words : cognition, situatedness/embeddedness, enactive, embodiment, dynamics. ─── 关键词:认知|情境性|生成|具身化|动力学。

38、But precisely because Deleuze privileges body with the absolute power to enact the heterogeneous relation, he overlooks the already presupposed complexity among body, language and thinking. ─── 但正是因为德勒兹赋予身体以主导异质关系的绝对能力,他也就忽视了异象关系早已预设的身体、语言和思考之间的复杂性。

39、They're trying to enact a "nationality" bill. ─── 他们正试图通过一项“国籍”法案。

40、Furthermore, it is argued, delegation makes it all too easy for Congress to enact, or allow continuation of, regulatory schemes that work against the public interest. ─── 另外,有人争论说,授权理论使得国会轻而易举地制定法规或准允有悖于公共利益的管理计划继续下去。

41、To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures; ─── (一)根据《基本法》规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律;

42、If Mr. Pataki were to sign the bill, New York would become the seventh state in the nation to enact a light-pollution law intended to allow people to see the stars better. ─── 如果帕塔基签字批准此项议案,纽约州将成为美国第7个制定法律禁止光线污染以帮助人们更好地观察星星的州。

43、In the United States, the process of name in (naming) a school often involves parents and community, as well as enactive (elected) school leaders. ─── 在美国,学校的命名通常由父母和社团,还有当选的校领导决定。

44、re - enact a character in a play ─── 再次扮演剧中一角色

45、Mentors may choose to enact specific guidelines for their forum, which are to be taken as an extension to the global guidelines when posting and visiting that specific forum. ─── 对于子论坛,管理员可以选择为其论坛制定被我们认为是全局规定的扩展的针对某个子论坛的规则。

46、You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact. ─── 你必须履行法律规定的这些义务。

47、The ability to enact and revoke laws depends on the ruler in monarchies and the governing faction in republics. ─── 如果是君主政体,制定和废除法律的能力决定于王国的统治者;

48、In order to guide actively the investment of foreign businessman and the participation of folk capital in the West Development, it is very important to enact the related decrees and laws. ─── 为了积极引导外商投资和国内民间资本参与西部开发,制定相应的法律、法规非常重要。

49、For example,a country can enact laws and economic policies of Asia,some countries are even known to copy Singapore's investment and economies policies. ─── 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸引外资的法令和经济政策。亚洲一些国家,甚至是拿新加坡的投资和经济政策依样画葫芦出了名。

50、Aymara leaders enact a spiritual ritual after the promulgation of the new Constitu-tion in El Alto, Bolivia, on Feb. 7, 2009. ─── 2月7日,在玻利维亚的埃尔阿尔托,艾马拉印第安人在新宪法颁布仪式结束后举行传统仪式。

51、"If we can't contain the CO2 problem and enact strong coral reef conservation measures, we will lose them," says Carpenter. ─── “如果人类不能解决CO2含量升高的问题并加强保护珊瑚的措施,人类将会失去它们,”卡彭特说。

52、At the N.P.A. camp, a group of guerrillas enact a revolutionary play in which peasants stand up to their military oppressors. ─── 在新人民军的军营里,一组有机队员演一部革命剧,表达农民勇敢的抵抗政府军队的镇压。

53、On Mother's Day on May 14, 2000, women from nearly 70 cities in the United States staged a "Million Moms Mother's Day March," demanding that the US Congress enact a strict gun control law. ─── 2000年5月14日母亲节这天,美国近70个城市的妇女举行了声势浩大的“百万母亲大游行”,要求国会通过严格的枪支管理法律。

54、Life is a drama. Enact it. ─── 人生是戏剧,上演吧。

55、For example, a country can enact laws and economic policies of Asia, some countries are even known to copy Singapore's investment and economies policies. ─── 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸引外资的法令和经济政策。 亚洲一些国家,甚至是拿新加坡的投资和经济政策依样画葫芦出了名。

56、Thus there is a certain perversity to suggestions that the proper reaction to a potential recession is to enact protectionist measures. ─── 但是,还是有一种固执的建议,说对付潜在衰退的方法应该是采取贸易保护措施。

57、She will score points for leadership if she can enact the few reforms that muster agreement from both main parties.For style, she is likely to put on Mr Wulff's clothing. ─── 但是与典型保守政策共同公然反抗社会民主党将会违反民众的意愿并造成政府解体的危机。

58、To enact national economy development planning and correlative industrial policy,first of all ascertain each industry interdepartmental substance and technology incidence relation. ─── 制定国民经济发展规划及相关的产业政策,首先要确定各产业部门之间的物质关联关系和技术关联关系。

59、Some worry that within less than twenty years, the lumi may have enough soldiers to enact their envisioned cleansing. ─── 一些人担心在二十年内,光民就能积攒足够的兵力在执行它们所构想的大清洗。

60、On the other hand, the Congress government has passed legislation more offensive to Hindu traditional prejudices than anything that any British Indian government would have dared to enact. ─── 另一方面,议会政府已经通过了更为反对印度教传统偏见的立法,比任何英国在印度的政府更具挑战性。

61、They enact the role of hero and heroine in the play. ─── 他们在这出戏中担任男、女主角。

62、And, as I noted in an earlier column, Congress had at least one good reason to enact the current copyright term. ─── 同时,国会至少还有一个说的通的理由去颁布这样的法案。

63、The ruling party is also moving to enact a new law allowing prosecutors to press online-libel charges without the consent of victims. ─── 大国家党的另一歩棋是制定新法,使检举人无须受害者的同意,便能以“网上诽谤”的罪名指控上诉。

64、stage of enactive representation ─── 动作再现表象阶段

65、Analysis medical dispute and enact countermeasures ─── 分析医疗纠纷拟定防范对策

66、If information is to be learned effectively, it must be translated into learner's ways of thinking and must be presented in proper sequences, that is from enactive to iconic and then to symbolic. ─── 为避免在测验中产生学习起见,测验实施时,每一试题的三个子题均先呈现符号表徵材料,再呈现图片材料,最后再呈现实际操作性材料。

67、Congress and my Administration need to work together to enact an economic growth package as soon as possible. ─── 国会和政府必须通力合作,尽快颁布相关的经济发展政策。

68、And meanwhile, Democrats have to do whatever it takes to enact a health care bill. ─── 与此同时,无论付出什么代价,民主党人必须制定出医疗保健法案。

69、Urgent need for China to enact the protection act of textile appearance design ─── 中国亟待建立纺织品外观设计保护制度

70、After realizing the goal, we ought to enact certain operating room for the judicial popularization and build a suit of effective juror system. ─── 在基本实现这一目标之后,则应该为司法的大众化设定一定的运作空间,建立一套行之有效的陪审团制度。

71、You also enact a part in life . ─── 你也在人生的舞台上扮演一个角色。

72、enactive mode of representation ─── 动作表达方式

73、Lawmakers will likely consider public opinion before discussing the draft bylaw with the local government and seeking to enact it. ─── 在与地方政府讨论法规草案并且颁布法案之前,立法者可能要考虑公众的意见。

74、You are torn apart at first, but soon a grin spreads across your face. You relish the chance to enact a cruel revenge... ─── 一开始你会感到心碎,不过很快你的脸上就会出现笑容。你将珍惜这次扮演残酷复仇者的机会...

75、It is the circle that motivated enactive cognitive science. ─── 生成认知科学正是面对这样一个基本的循环发展起来的。

76、enactive representation stage ─── 动作表象阶段

77、Sima Qian cited this concept to criticize the Emperor Hanwu and his officials abusing their power to enact new economic policies to deprive the people. ─── 司马迁意在批判汉武帝君臣滥用权力与民争利而导致“国病”不治的经济政策。

78、And, as I noted in an earlier column, Congress had at least one good reason to enact the current copyright term: It harmonizes United States law with that of the European Union. ─── 同时,国会至少还有一个说的通的理由去颁布这样的法案,那就是,使美国法和欧盟的法律相协调。

79、Carbon-based molecules needed protection and assistance to enact this drama. ─── 为使生命戏码顺利上演,就必须保护含碳分子,并给予协助。

80、Active coact enact agile agitate ─── 共同行动制定,扮演

81、There had been that moment last month when Reagan proposed that instead of going to war with Britain, the Colonies should enact immense tax loopholes for kings so that King George would move out of England and settle peaceably in Delaware. ─── 上个月里根曾建议不要跟英国打仗,殖民地应该为国王们颁布一项有许多漏洞的税收法,以使乔治国王离开英国,在特拉华过平静的生活。

82、Without a sales-tax increase, many districts would lose state aid under the new formula, and most of them would have to enact large local property-tax increases to meet the standards. ─── 依照新方案,如果不增加销售税的话,许多学区将失去州政府的资助,而它们中的大多数必须大幅度提高当地的财产税,来达到这个标准。

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