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09-12 投稿



generalize 发音

英:[ 'dʒɛnrəlaɪz]  美:[ˈdʒen(ə)rəlaɪz]

英:  美:

generalize 中文意思翻译



generalize 反义词

specify | specialize

generalize 短语词组

1、generalize for ─── 泛指

2、generalize from ─── 从(一定实例)中归纳[推演]出(某种规律或结论)

generalize 同义词

vague | oversimplify | popularize | sweeping | generality | pigeonhole | be | universalize | think | a | hypothesize | popularise | terms | extend | make | vulgarize | infer | speak | generalise | generalities | speculate | general |simplify | in | popular | diversify | imprecise | categorize | draw | common | broaden | extrapolate | statement | vulgarise

generalize 词性/词形变化,generalize变形

动词过去式: generalized |动词第三人称单数: generalizes |动词过去分词: generalized |动词现在分词: generalizing |

generalize 相似词语短语

1、federalize ─── vt.使同盟;使成联邦

2、generaliser ─── 总则

3、generalises ─── 概括

4、centralize ─── vt.使集中;使成为…的中心;使集权;vi.集中;实行中央集权

5、generalizer ─── 推广者

6、generalized ─── adj.广义的,普遍的;无显著特点的;v.推广(generalize的过去分词);对…进行概括;使…一般化

7、generalizes ─── vt.概括;推广;使...一般化;vi.形成概念

8、generalise ─── vt.概括;归纳;普及;vi.推广;笼统地讲;概括(等于generalize)

9、generalised ─── 概括;推广;形成概念(generalise的过去分词)

generalize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Europeans, if I may generalize , are all... ─── 倘若我可以大致说说的话,欧洲人都...

2、It is unfair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers. ─── 从这两起车祸中就得出结论说所有的年轻人驾车都不行, 那是不公平的。

3、Let's conditionally generalize principle of transfinite recursion from ordinal numberclass to class with well-founded relation. ─── 借助一阶逻辑演算有条件地把超限递归原理从序数类推广到具有良基关系的类上。

4、If you have seen cat., lions, leopards and tigers eat meat, you can generalize and say, The cat.family eats meat. ─── 如果你看见过猫、狮、豹、虎吃肉,你便可下结论说:“猫科动物吃肉。”

5、It's far too risky to generalize from one set of results. ─── 仅根据一组结果进行概括是十分不可靠的。

6、It's dangerous to generalize about the economy of an entire province on the basis of an overnight field trip. ─── 对一个省的经济在一次两天的行程就做出结论是不准确的。


8、The authors have described the tasks and geochemical significance of different stages(reconnaissance,gener... ─── 应用典型探例说明油气化探方法的有效性。

9、Regrettably, people of that age were not aware of its value, nor did they generalize or popularize their experience. ─── 可惜,当时的人们并不意识到它的价值,也未做经验总结和推广。

10、be foolish to generalize from a single example. ─── 从一个事例进行归纳的做法是愚蠢的。

11、When we use "he", we generalize for both sex. ─── 当我们用he时, 我们泛指男女。

12、The purpose is to establish the relation between the Aitken transformation and a class of polynomial sequences defined by Horadam,and to generalize the results of some papers. ─── 建立了Horadam定义的一类多项式与Aitken变换的联系,推广了一些文献中的结果。

13、In this paper the authors generalize 1-independentvariable the integral inequalities by Gronwall and establish the integral inequalities in the n-dimensional Euclidean space R~n. ─── 将一维函数的Gronwall不等式推广到了n维欧几里得空间.

14、If you have seen cats, lions, leopards and tigers eat meat, you can generalize and say, The cat family eats meat. ─── 如果你看见过猫、狮、豹、虎吃肉,你便可下结论说:“猫科动物吃肉。”

15、Responsibilities:-To support and coach the Teams learning aspects of their activities in order to maximize gener...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京创想空间商务通信服务有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-10

16、Europeans, if I may generalize, are all ... ─── 倘若我可以大致说说的话,欧洲人都 ...

17、On the contract, as the case may be different between different provisions must not generalize, copy mechanically and apply slavishly. ─── 关于签订合同,可以视情况不同签订不同的条款,切不可一概而论,生搬硬套。

18、Conference's Content: Discuss the theory of herbal cuisine diet, discuss the clinical application of the herbal cuisine diet, popularize and generalize the herbal cuisine diet. ─── 会议内容:营养药膳食疗的理论研讨;营养药膳食疗在临床的应用;营养药膳食疗的普及推广等。

19、Ulrich: Learning how to generalize or share ideas. We know more than we do. ─── 您认为企业知识管理中最重要的因素是什么?

20、It is gener all yaccepted that smoking is harmful to ourhealth. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。

21、It is usually nonconstructive, inelegant, hard to generalize. ─── 它通常是非构造性的,不优美的,难于一般化的。

22、Experimental results shows that this approach is effective to segment medium-high resolution multispectral remote sensing image and worthy to generalize. ─── 实验结果表明此方法对中高分辨率多光谱遥感图像的分割效果较好,有一定的推广价值。

23、Develop the students' ability to observe, conclude and generalize. ─── 培养学生的观察、归纳、概括等能力。

24、Based on theoretical analysis and application made separately by Peters and Hoppe, an algorithm to generalize smooth surface of arbitrary topology type was given. ─── Peters和Hoppe分别对曲面样条进行了理论分析和应用,在对Peters和Hoppe的工作研究和实践中发现可以对算法进行局部改进,并介绍了新算法。

25、Understand and grasp the law of the nature of quotients. Develop the students' ability to generalize conclusions about abstract concepts. ─── 使学生理解和掌握被除数和除数同时扩大(或缩小)相同的倍数,商不变的规律;培养学生初步的抽象概括能力。

26、Europeans, if I may generalize, are all... ─── 倘若我可以大致说说的话, 欧洲人都...

27、Once more, generalize the common types of media"s media event planning and elabrate the value standard and operating rules which the media"s media event planning should persist. ─── 再次,对当前媒体新闻事件策划的类型进行列举式归纳,同时对媒体策划新闻事件时应坚持的价值底线和操作规范进行阐述;

28、Do you know enough about today's youth to generalize about them? ─── 对于今天的年轻人,你是否已了解到对他们足以下结论的程度?

29、In Chap. 6 we shall generalize the discussion and take up angular momentum. ─── 在第六章中我们将推广这一讨论,而且还将考虑角动量。

30、The eavesdropping analysis shows explicitly that the scheme is secure. It is proper to generalize the triple-party QSS protocol to the multiparty situation. ─── 安全分析表明,该方案是安全的,适合将三方秘密共享协议推广到多方的情形.

31、In this paper, some inequalities which generalize the results of our predecessors are established in real or complex inner product spaces. ─── 在实或复的内积空间中建立了几个不等式,推广了前人的工作.

32、One can not generalize from a few examples. ─── 人们不能仅从几个实例就得出一般性结论。

33、In order to generalize relativity, it is necessary to think about observations in noninertial. ─── 为了推广相对论,有必要考虑在非惯性参照系中的观测。

34、Critics love to generalize, to formulate trends into which all new work must be fitted, however contradictory. ─── 评论家喜欢概括,归纳出所有新作品都必须符合的趋势,不管它们是如何地不符。

35、To support this effectively, I need to generalize my performance monitoring information and allow for tracking performance nested within an operation. ─── 为了有效地支持这个要求,我需要归纳性能监视信息,并允许跟踪嵌套在一个操作中的性能。

36、For this reason , this study focus on the cause and effect of “Hyper-archy competition”, and to generalize some suggestions to the future. ─── 因此,本研究主要针对超层级现象产生之前因后果做一探讨,并对此做出一些未来走向之建议。

37、The ECMO supportive technique is quite convenient for operation, easy to generalize and involves in many clinical departments. ─── ECMO支持技术便捷易行,涉及多临床学科,易推广。

38、It is more difficult to generalize about this subject in the period after 1940. ─── 1940年以后,对这个问题进行概括是比较困难的。

39、One cannot generalize from a few examples . ─── 人们不能从这几个例子里归纳出结论。

40、Generalize from given information and draw conclusions, gain new information, or make predictions. ─── 从所供信息归纳结论,获得新信息或做预测。

41、To make universal; generalize. ─── 使一般化;使普遍化

42、One cannot generalize from a few examples. ─── 不能从几个事例中得出一般性概念。

43、's far too risky to generalize from one set of results. ─── 根据一组结果进行概括是十分不可靠的。

44、But nearly everyone refuses to generalize this observation, for it means that he will have to pay more for the products of others. ─── 但是,几乎每个人都不愿将观察到的这个事实推己及人,因为这意味着他会付更更高的的价钱去买别人的产品。

45、In this paper, We generalize the results of Yan et al results on the growth optimal portfolio in a market driven by jump-diffusion processes with multi-risky assets. ─── 作者将严加安等的带一个跳过程的整体最优策略的结果,推广到一个广义的市场,该市场具有多个跳过程、个风险资产。

46、It is dangerous to generalize about the poor. ─── 对穷人一概而论是危险的。

47、It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West. ─── 对西方的就业趋势做一个归纳概括并非易事。

48、Certainly we have the mental machinery to generalize and rank across social categories, she says, but culture fills in the necessary information. ─── 她说,当然我们的心智机制对社会上的各种事物有喜恶排名,但文化提供了必要的资讯,而且人类很早就开始吸收关于种族地位的概念。

49、However, to generalize them, the interface should be simple, neat, and, most of all, user-friendly. ─── 但是,总的来说界面应该简单、整洁,最重要的一点是用户友好性。

50、With the same test system, the effect of generalize inversion is much better than that of conventional SIRT method. ─── 在同等测试条件下,广义逆方法的反演效果比传统的SIRT方法好。

51、Multiple dispatch does not merely generalize polymorphism, it also provides a more flexible alternative to inheritance in many contexts. ─── 多分派不仅仅泛化了多态性,它还在许多上下文中提供了更加灵活的继承方式。

52、The objective of this paper is to generalize the concept of fuzzy sets from a real space to a topological space. ─── 本文目的是将模糊集概念从实数空间推广至拓朴空间。

53、It is dangerous to generalize about people. ─── 以偏概全地谈论人是危险的。

54、This study tries to generalize the mechanism of the shift and development of ditransitive constructions and other constructions by piecing together the four synchronic states. ─── 并透过四个共时面的历时讨论,以对双宾式相关句式的演变与转换机制作进一步的探究。

55、We can generalize that the fanner-laborers hardly have social security. ─── 农民工社会保障的状况,可以用“近乎缺失”来概括。

56、In charpter 2, we will discuss some normal principles of meromorphic functions,which improve and generalize the related results of Gu. ─── 具体是对顾永兴正规定则作了进一步推广与改进。

57、If we went under, our workers could have found positions with Ford and Gener al Motors. ─── 如果我们倒闭了,我们的工人可以在福特汽车公司和通用汽车公司找到工作。

58、It frequently happens that infantrymen, asked in an interview what they remembered most vividly about the war, will recall a specific incident, while an airman will generalize. ─── 对访谈提问,步兵经常出现情况是,对战争回忆更为生动,会想起个性故事,而空勤人员回忆则呈现宏大叙事状。

59、Metaphysics is essentially metaphysics of subjectivity,which generalize the world as the picture of Man. Man places himself in rootlessness. ─── 形而上学本质上就是主体形而上学,它使世界成为主体的图象,使人处于无根状态。

60、It is wrong to generalize about people. ─── 以偏概全地谈论人是不对的。

61、You can't generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases. ─── 不能根据一两个病例就得出该药是否有效的结论。

62、The study is the same as other bedroom space same, the style is varied, try very hard to generalize with unified mode. ─── 书房同其他居室空间一样,风格是多种多样的,很难用统一的模式加以概括。

63、One of the characters of self-converse generalize inverse and the expression of generalize inverse are obtained by matrix product in this paper. ─── 以矩阵的直积和矩阵的行展开、展开为工具,推导出了自反广义逆的一个性质,并且得出了广义逆的一种新的表示形式.

64、So it is impossible to generalize about the extent of the provision. ─── 因此,要对这项条款的外延进行概括是不可能的。

65、It would be foolish to generalize from a single example. ─── 仅从一个事例进行归纳的做法是愚蠢的。

66、You may not have time to generalize something fully at first, but it pays off when you get to keep using the utility. ─── 您也许没有时间在最初就完全通用化一个实用程序,但是当您一直使用该实用程序就会获得相应的回报。

67、Now if you are much of a mathematician you know that the effort to generalize often means that the solution is simple. ─── 你会明白,可扩展性通常意味着解很简单。

68、To generalize, the lower the selling price, the more we can sell. ─── 一以贯之,卖价愈低,销量愈高。

69、You will need to be able to generalize knowledge and transfer it between circumstances to succeed. ─── 您需要具有归纳知识并将其转用到其它情况的能力,这样才能成功。

70、And seeing what happens, it was OK to generalize, and say, I'm sure that this will happen anytime we make one of these things. ─── 归纳总结是允许的。你也可以说,我保证任何一次我做这样的事情,这个现象都会发生。

71、It's hard to generalize about this situation, as it really depends on your relationship with particular users and how they approach you. ─── 这些情况很难归纳出通用的建议,一切都取决于你跟用户的特定关系,以及他们是如何接触你的。

72、Don't generalize a conclusion from a few examples. ─── 不要从几个事例中归纳出结论。

73、They hope to generalize the use of this new soap. ─── 他们希望推广这种新型香皂的应用。

74、The ECMO supportie technique is quite conenient for operation, easy to generalize and inoles in many clinical departments. ─── ECMO支持技术便捷易行,涉及多临床学科,易推广.

75、It can issue shares, or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the gener al public. ─── 它可以面向金融机构投资者或者广大公众发行股票或单位股权资本。

76、Since these results only pertain to the manufacturing sector, they cannot be used to generalize about the entire economy. ─── 实际操作上,本文使用了近二十年来的台湾人力运用调查资料及各相关的官方统计报告,以产业别为单位,分析了制造业劳工之教育成就与其平均生产力的关系。

77、The best way to store your resources is to generalize them as much as possible. ─── 存储资源的最佳方式是尽可能对这些资源进行归纳。

78、A backpropagation neural network is adopted to generalize the large input state space to reduce memory requirement. ─── 为降低存储需求,算法引入了反向传播神经网络用于泛化其输入状态空间。

79、In this dissertation we generalize some of the recent results on multiple ergodic averages and correlation sequences. ─── 多序列排比是透过同时比较多个序列,以找出序列之间的相似区域,故可找出序列间的结构关系。

80、Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. ─── 不发展这些技巧会使你允许自己去概括或思想行动发生忽然旳改变,失去目标。

81、A fond deam,a kind of A realfate,a gener at ions perest I will miss you for a gentle and soft mood. ─── `````` 天使之恋 一个梦想,一种追求。一份真缘,一世挚。我将用一种温柔悳心情想你。

82、Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. ─── 不发展这些技巧会使你允许自己去概括或思想行动发生突然的改变,失去目标。

83、It's possible to generalize from all the information given to us and to make various decisions. ─── 从我们得到的资料,可以归纳起来作各种不同的决定。

84、Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter. ─── 由于我不了解细节,我只能笼统地谈一下。

85、Is it fair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers? ─── 仅从这两次事故就得出结论说,所有的年轻人都开不好车,这公平吗?

86、Using Taylor Theorem,we generalize the second sufficient conditions for extreme point and inflection point,and give the classification for a large class of stationary point. ─── 利用泰勒定理,推广了极值的第二充分条件和拐点的第二充分条件,并对某一大类驻点进行了分类。

87、The infection will generalize throughout the nervous system. ─── 感染将会遍及整个神经系统。

88、Perhaps you oughtn't to generalize about that. ─── 也许你不该对那事一概而论。

89、It is possible that thinking, the way we generalize from observations, changes after it is established how this works in nature. ─── 可能会这样认为:我们从观察中推广得到的方法在实际运用时会发生改变。

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