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09-12 投稿



eventuality 发音

英:[ɪˌventʃuˈæləti]  美:[ɪˌventʃuˈæləti]

英:  美:

eventuality 中文意思翻译



eventuality 网络释义

n. 可能性;可能发生的事;不测的事

eventuality 词性/词形变化,eventuality变形


eventuality 相似词语短语

1、eventualize ─── 终于引起

2、eventualised ─── 事件

3、eventually ─── adv.最后,终于

4、effectuality ─── 有效性

5、eventualities ─── n.可能性;可能发生的事;不测的事

6、eventualises ─── 可能性

7、accentuality ─── 强调

8、essentiality ─── n.重要性;本质;真髓;根本性

9、eventualise ─── 可能性;

eventuality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We should provide for every eventuality in the budget. ─── 我们应该在预算中为可能出现的一切情况做好准备。

2、"There are still many matches before the end of the season, a host of battles to fight, and we have to be ready for every eventuality. ─── "那里还有很多比赛,一连串的战斗,我要准备好迎战."

3、He stressed that the risks of such an eventuality were too great to ignore and that countries needed to prepare an "emergency plan" . ─── 他强调这些风险太大不能不考虑,国家需要预备“应急方案”。

4、A villain allows for every eventuality including deliberately being caught in the act using an assumed name. ─── 对付小人,必须以智谋击败他每个奸计,包括避开他设下的误导和圈套。

5、If I were assured of an eventuality I would, in the interests of the public,cheerfully accept the death. ─── 我同意二楼的观点:这是福尔摩斯中一句经典.但是在没有上下文的前提下,应该这样翻译,才能清晰.

6、I would prefer to put off that eventuality on both sides for as long as possible. ─── 不过这种可能性,我可宁愿到死都不去想。

7、More often than not, some piece of prototype or experimental code will make its way into a finished product, so you should anticipate this eventuality. ─── 通常,一些原型或试验性质的代码被写入最终产品,因此,你必须预先处理这些可能发生的情况。

8、It is clear that there are no grounds for believing that the simplest eventuality will in fact be realized. ─── 很清楚,相信实际上只会发生最简单的可能事件是没有根据的。

9、He had not foreseen this eventuality. ─── 他从未预见这一结局。

10、As the days went by, 14, 000 reservists were recalled to fly transport planes in the eventuality of airborne operations ─── 随着时间的推移,有一万四千名后备人员重新应召,以备有空降行动时驾驶运输机。

11、There are still many matches before the end of the season, a host of battles to fight, and we have to be ready for every eventuality. ─── 那里还有很多比赛,一连串的战斗,我要准备好迎战。

12、vital to prepare for any eventuality ─── 作好准备以防万一极其重要

13、If I were assured of the former eventuality I would, in the interests of the public, cheerfully accept the latter. ─── 如果能确实的让你毁灭,为了公众的利益我很乐意迎接死亡!

14、When the transfer market opens, I cannot exclude any eventuality. ─── 但是当转会市场的大门开启后,我不能排除一切的可能。

15、Emergency; contingency; eventuality ─── 突发事件

16、If you remain in communion with the Source or with ME, you will be in no doubt as to the certainty of this eventuality when it occurs. ─── 如果你保持与【源头】或【我】(CM)的连接融合,你将对(大转变)事件的发生毫不质疑。

17、We must consider every eventuality. ─── 我们什麽事情都要考虑到。

18、Benitez, though, claims that plans have already been put in place to deal with any eventuality and he is adamant that Liverpool remain a side in good shape. ─── 然而贝尼特斯则表示,球队已经为接下来有可能出现的各种情况准备了应对方案,并告诫利物浦现在仍有能力去完成既定目标。

19、We have to be ready for any eventuality. ─── 我们必须准备好以防万一的后果。

20、As the spate of natural disasters continues to plague America, volunteers in Taipei are preparing for any eventuality. ─── 美国天灾、洪水不断,台北的慈济志工为了以备不时之需,正在赶工当中。

21、Dragon Rising's gameworld is a dynamic, fluid place where every soldier, both alliedand enemy, is governed by a complex "playbook" of tactical options for every eventuality. ─── 龙舞行动的世界是一个动态的世界,每一个士兵及敌人的身体受伤流血处,都是由一套复杂的战术剧本选择器进行操控。

22、In the Taihang area, we are guarding against such an eventuality and we are paying particular attention to the economic front. ─── 太行区就在这样的警惕下,加强了对于经济战线的注意。

23、Insurance schemes are sole arrangement between insurance company and student, EASB will not be responsible for any un-towards eventuality if students choose to opt out of the insurance scheme. ─── 保险计划只是在于学生和保险公司之间进行.EASB不参与其中.EASB不会负责或参与有关方面的纠纷.

24、"We must prepare to deal with the worst eventuality," said Chen Lei, minister of water resources, at a meeting in Sichuan. ─── 我们必须做好最坏的打算.”水利救援部长陈雷在一次会议上说.

25、they will occur as soon as that eventuality becomes widely anticipated. ─── 一旦该可能性成为广泛期待的事情,寿命选择的变化马上就会发生。

26、Every eventuality is covered, from running out of gas to needing water. ─── 从耗尽汽油到缺水,所有可能的后果都考虑到了。

27、Understanding the Tunguska event could help us prepare for such an eventuality and maybe even take steps to avoid its occurrence altogether. ─── 了解通古斯卡事件可帮助我们做好准备,或许还可设法避免类似事件发生。

28、I believed that the safest way to live was to take the least amount of chance and prepare for every eventuality. ─── 我相信,最安全的生活方式,就是降低意外发生的机率,并准备好面对所有可能发生的事。

29、In the last eventuality, the prime minister is likely to be Mayawati, the present chief minister of India's largest state, Uttar Pradesh. ─── 参照在过去的情况,总理很可能是玛雅瓦提,目前印度最大的地区北方邦的首席部长,。

30、However, in the unfortunate eventuality of non-receipt of payment, the title of the cargo will revert back to Seller. ─── 在运输方面,由卖方背书,但如果卖方货款没有收到,货物的所有权将重新转回给卖方。

31、He opened his treasury and paid the troops a year's salary, ordering them to be prepared for any eventuality. ─── 打开库房,给军队发了一年的军饷,且嘱咐他们准备应变。

32、Dressed in their astronaut-like safety gear, these mechanics have to be ready to cope with any eventuality. ─── 这些身穿类似于宇航员安全服的技师们必须要准备好应对随时可能发生的情况。

33、Talking all things together, one would say that this is the most likely eventuality. ─── 把这些总在一起看,可以说这是最可能发生之事。

34、The wily Mr Zuma will, of course, do his utmost to avoid such an eventuality. ─── 聪明的祖马当然会尽全力避免这一情况的发生。

35、Counterplan on Outburst of Public Eventuality System Forms in China ─── 我国应对突发公共事件预案体系基本形成

36、be prepared for all contingencies; be ready of any eventuality ─── 以防万一

37、Arranged local lawyer providing for eventuality ─── 为防万一,已请妥当地律师。

38、Planning for every single eventuality is time-consuming and, frankly, unnecessary. ─── 策划每一件事的最终结果都是耗费时间的差事,说实话也并不总是最主要的。

39、We must be prepared for any eventuality. ─── 我们必须有所准备以防万一。

40、But to prevent the eventuality, before the final outcome comes out, I should better anything not do. ─── 但为了预防万一,最终结果出来之前我最好还是什么都不做。”

41、Keywords clausal-object constructions;blending features;weak eventuality;blending degree;multi-layered blending;tolerance;anti-blending; ─── 小句宾语句;整合特征;弱事件化;整合度;多层整合;包容性;反整合;

42、We should avoid the necessity of major revision of the command structure in the midst of battle and should adopt one whose basic soundness and flexibility would meet any problem eventuality in combat. ─── 避免在战争中期临时来修正主要指挥机构,而采纳-基础健全又具有普遍适应性的组织,以应付任何战争中可能发生的情势。

43、We were prepared for every eventuality. ─── 我们准备应付任何可能出现的情况。

44、If I were assured of the former eventuality I would,in the interests of the public,cheerfully accept the latter. ─── 讨厌。。。年轻人有逆反心理可以原谅。。。但是老爸只有一个,失去了就不会再来了。。。要珍惜。。。

45、You are the eventuality of an anomaly which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. ─── 你只是一个异常现象,我尽一切努力,都无法从完美的数学公式中,完全消除你的存在。

46、More important, they are able to accept the eventuality of reunification. ─── 最重要的是,他们都能接受将来两岸终究要统一的现实。

47、DISCUS members recognize that it is not possible to cover every eventuality and, therefore, agree to observe the spirit, as well as the letter, of this Code. ─── 美国蒸馏酒理事会会员了解到不可能将所有的状况全部列入,同意不但遵从守则的规定而且是守则的精神。

48、When Handling the eventuality of a train on fire and stalled in a tunnel, the mass transit railway in Hongkong originally adopted a conventional singal-end detrainment approach to ensure passengers detain in the unpward direction. ─── 摘要在撤离被困在地铁隧道中著火列车乘客时,香港地铁公司原来采用传统从上风口单方向撤离的办法。

49、Outburst of Public Eventuality and Personal Protective Equipment ─── 突发公共事件与个体防护装备

50、Both these features make writing and enforcing contracts which take every possible eventuality into consideration difficult, or even impossible. ─── 由于上述的两个特点,想要在合同的订立与执行时考虑到所有的可能性就变得非常困难,甚至是不可能的。

51、Provide for every eventuality in the budget ─── 在预算中为可能出现的一切情况作好准备

52、Acorn Community will attempt to keep our society rules and habits flexible.We will try not to pre-plan for every eventuality, but instead to deal with situations as we feel the necessity. ─── 橡子公社尽力做到社区规则和习惯保持灵活,我们不会对任何不确定事件做预先计划,而是凭我们的感觉处理这些情况。

53、He equips with arms with the axe being ready for any eventuality. ─── 他用斧子武装起来以防万一。

54、What that means is that banks have to hold more capital to cover the eventuality that the events of 2008 may occur again tomorrow. ─── 这意味着银行必须保有更多的资金,以防2008年一系列不测明日再度发生。

55、It was just an eventuality for me, you know? ─── 对我来说这只是种可能发生的事,你知道?

56、You know you're a God in the making; even if your present path in life is at odds with that eventuality. ─── 你知道你是神在做,即使现在你的人生道路可能发生的是,在与赔率。

57、Hence the urgent task of the whole nation now is to watch developments with the utmost vigilance and prepare itself against any sinister eventuality that the reactionaries may precipitate; there must not be the slightest negligence. ─── 故目前全国人民的紧急任务,在于以最大的警惕性,注视事变的发展,准备着对付任何黑暗的反动局面,绝对不能粗心大意。

58、The eventuality of geological processes, the CW_pTt and CCW_pTt paths of geological events and their dynamic significance are discussed in this paper. ─── 本文讨论了地质过程的事件性(或突发性)以及与热模拟 pTt轨迹的异同、地质事件顺时针(CW)和反时针(CCW)pTt轨迹的实例及其动力学意义。

59、For both of them, it was an irremediable tragedy which could not be simply wrapped by the word Eventuality. ─── 对他们来说,这是一场无法挽回的悲剧,而这场悲剧终究不是“偶然”这个词就可以简单概括的。

60、Knowing this eventuality can prepare and encourage you to control risk and not abandon your trading system when “Draw-Down” occurs. ─── 知道这种情况可以准备和鼓励您控制风险,而不是放弃您的交易系统时,“削减”发生。

61、Every foreseeable eventuality had been taken care of, or so the organisers thought.Sadly, however, there were a couple of unfortunate incidents that marred the occasion. ─── 任何可能发生的事情都照顾到了,至少组织者是这么认为的,然而,遗憾的是,一些不幸的事件破坏了仪式。

62、Part of Haig's responsibility during this time included the construction of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) for deployment in the eventuality of war with Germany. ─── 此期间他的部分职责是为和德国之间可能即将展开的战争建设一支英国远征军。

63、Because he and his wife have always been conservative with money, they were prepared for such an eventuality. ─── 他说,因为他和妻子在花钱上很有节制,所以已对这事失业做好了准备。

64、"We have beefed up security in (and around) all Olympic venues and in the Olympic Village. We are well-prepared to deal with any eventuality." ─── 我们已经加强了所有奥运会场和奥运村的安全警戒。我们已经准备好了处理任何突发事件。

65、Your team can have up to 10 players on the roster. Every team should have enough players available to cover any eventuality. ─── 队伍名单可包括10名选手。所有的队伍都应有足够的选手来参加所有的比赛。

66、We were prepared for every eventuality. ─── 我们准备应付任何可能出现的情况。

67、The process made a business manager a 'pehelwan' or a strong wrestler able to deal with any eventuality, he said. ─── 他说,这个过程使得业务管理者像是一个能够解决任何突发情况的强壮摔跤手。

68、The good captain understands this, prepares for every eventuality and does not bemoan the changes that come along. ─── 好船长明白这一点,为每一种不测作好准备,真的变故出现时并不哀叹。

69、money had been saved for just such an eventuality. ─── 钱积攒下来就是为应付这样的意外。

70、expected from the general international view of the expectations of a revaluation of the renminbi was far more than 7%, so that the latter eventuality is even greater. ─── 从普遍的国际预期来看,人民币被期望的升值幅度远远不止7%,既然如此,后一种情况发生的可能性显然更大。

71、But eventuality can b e cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radically different from today and unrecognizable compared with yesterday. ─── 但是在一个明天同今天根本不同并且根本无法与昨天相比的时代,最终结果只是一种冷冰冰的安慰罢了。

72、The money had been saved for just such an eventuality. ─── 钱积攒下来就是为应付这样的意外。

73、...but if we're to be prepared for any eventuality...|... ─── 不过如果我们想要为 所有可能性做好准备的话...

74、As the days went by, 14, 000 reservists were recalled to fly transport planes in the eventuality of airborne operations. ─── 随着时间的推移,有一万四千名后备人员重新应召,以备有空降行动时驾驶运输机。

75、Provide for every eventuality in the budget. ─── 在预算中为可能出现的一切情况作好准备。

76、However, as she seems to be in the pink of health we must assume that this would be an unlikely eventuality. ─── 但是,因为她看起来如此健康,我们肯定会去猜测这是不可能的。

77、The government,cheap world of warcraft gold, which never foresaw such an eventuality, seems unsure. ─── 政府从来没有预料到这种可能发生的情况,对此似乎也没有把握。

78、You are som eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of masommasical precision. ─── 你是一个偏差的偶然性,是尽管我竭尽全力,仍不能消除的影响数学精度和谐的一个偏差。

79、Technology Progress is the Key of Improving the Ability of Solving Outburst of Public Eventuality ─── 技术进步是提高突发公共事件处置能力的关键

80、We saw this morning that we are also competitive in the wet, so we are ready for any eventuality. ─── 看看今天早上,我们在湿道上也很有竞争力,所以我们已经为各种未知做好了准备。

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